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1、2023/6/4,1,BUSINESS WRITING商务英语写作,2023/6/4,2,Chapter 10 Invitation and Thank-you Letters,邀请函与感谢信,2023/6/4,3,Cases for writing invitations,:OpeningsPreviewsDemonstrationsReceptionsPartiesOpen houseFormal social gatherings,2023/6/4,4,Invitation,Invitations are very common in business and our daily lif

2、e.They can be divided into two categories:invitation card invitation letter.orInformal invitationFormal invitation,2023/6/4,5,Informal invitation vs.formal invitations,An informal invitation resembles a business letter.When sent from a business office,the letter is sometimes keyboarded on executive

3、stationery(公司办公信笺),which is smaller than the regular business letterhead.Although many formal invitations are handwritten,especially for smaller groups,formal invitations generally are printed and follow formats found in etiquette books(礼仪手册).,2023/6/4,6,Wording of invitations,Wording of invitations

4、 should be conversational,as though the writer were extending the invitation orally.A general invitation should be cordial and sincere,while a formal invitation should be less personal,written in the third person.,2023/6/4,7,Often formal invitations include“RSVP”and a telephone number.The RSVP notat

5、ion means“Please let us know if you plan to attend.”It informs invited guests that the host is expecting an immediate telephone reply to facilitate plans for the event.If an invitation includes“Regrets only”,it will require a reply only if the invited guest cannot attend.,2023/6/4,8,Deductive patter

6、n,Invitations are written in the deductive pattern and are relatively short.Either kind of invitation,however,must do three things:Invite the reader to the gathering.Offer a reason for the gathering.Give the date,time,and place of the gathering.,2023/6/4,9,Main Contents of Invitation,1.Invite the re

7、ader to the gathering.2.Offer a reason for the gathering.3.Give the date,time,and place of the gathering.(R.S.V.P.or Regrets Only),2023/6/4,10,Useful Expressions,R.S.V.P.=rpondez sil vous plait.It means“Please let us know if you plan to attend.”“Regrets Only”is used asking those who CANNOT attend to

8、 notify the host in advance.,2023/6/4,11,Samples of invitation card(请柬),Mr.Robert ShenstoneDirector of the Beijing Institute of Atomic Energy requests the pleasure of the company of Mr.and Mrs.Dickenson at a dinner party in honor of Mr.Liu Wenling senior engineer of Beijing Energy Institute on Satur

9、day,July 7,2004 at seven oclock p.m.at Bridges Restaurant,Willow AvenueRegrets Only Tel:84104650 Dress:formal,2023/6/4,12,2023/6/4,13,Sample:Formal Acceptance,Mr.William Gregoryaccepts with pleasurethe kind invitation of The Local Bank Tellers ClubSaturday,May 6that four oclockSuite 13 of the Howard

10、 Building,2023/6/4,14,Accepting an invitation,Were very glad/happy/pleased/delighted to accept/come/arrive/attendMr.xx accepts with pleasure the kind invitation for(some occasion)to be held at(some place)at(time).Its very nice/kind of you to invite usThank you very much for your kind invitation to W

11、e would be pleased/delighted/happy/glad to come.,2023/6/4,15,Sample:Formal Refusal,Mr.and Mrs.Barry Greenregret that a previous engagementprevents their acceptingthe kind invitation to dinnerat the home ofMr.and Mrs.John Smithon Monday,the fourth of April.,2023/6/4,16,Sample:Informal Refusal,Dear Mr

12、.Hudson,I regret very much that,owing to a previous engagement,I cannot have the pleasure of accepting your kind invitation for Sunday next.Very sincerely yours,Tom Huber,2023/6/4,17,Declining an invitation,Im sorry that I cant dine with you onMuch to my regret,Im unable to accept your kind invitati

13、on.Thank you very much for your kind invitation,but unfortunately I have another engagement on that day.I am very sorry I cannot join you becausePlease accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join you in,2023/6/4,18,Work in pairs on the following:,谨订于2004年7月16日(星期六)上午11点在富丽华大酒店二楼综合厅为小女南西和王强先

14、生举行婚礼。敬请 威廉斯先生和夫人 光临 格林教授和夫人鞠躬 敬请赐复,2023/6/4,19,Sample Version,Professor and Mrs.Greenrequest the pleasure of the company ofMr.and Mrs.Williamson the occasion of the marriage of their daughterNancyToMr.Wang Qiangon Saturday 16th July 2004at 11 oclock a.m.at Smart Hall 2nd floor Furama HotelR.S.V.P.8

15、2523331,2023/6/4,20,Dear Ms.Meng:On behalf of Meredith College,it is my pleasure to extend a formal invitation to one of Dongbei Universitys professors,Ms.Li,to join us at Meredith College in Raleigh,North Carolina USA as a visiting professor during the spring semester 2006(January 8 through mid-Jun

16、e).Not only would this arrangement be an enriching experience for our students and faculty,it would further enhance Ms.Lis growth and development for her teaching when she returns to Dongbei.,2023/6/4,21,We look forward to the continuing relationship between Dongbei University and Meredith College.I

17、f I may be of further assistance,please feel free to contact me.My warm regards to you and your colleagues at Dongbei.Sincerely yours,Rosalind Reichard Vice President for Academic Affairs,2023/6/4,22,Thank-you Letter,Businessmen have a lot of opportunity for writing“thank-you”letters to express appr

18、eciation and good will.Following the receipt of a gift,attendance as a guest,an interview,or any of the great varieties of circumstances,a thoughtful person will take a few minutes to express his/her appreciation.,2023/6/4,23,When to write a thank-you letter,A letter of appreciation should always be

19、 sent after receiving:1)gifts;2)attendance as a guest;3)an interview;4)any of the great varieties of circumstances,2023/6/4,24,Guidelines,A thank-you letter covering a business situation must be sent promptly.It also must sound sincere.A proper thank-you letter will:Begin with a statement of thanks.

20、Be specific about which is appreciated,which reflects a sincere feeling of gratitude.End with a positive and genuine statement.,2023/6/4,25,Letter A An Invitation Card,The Sales Department of the New York B&G Wine Co.,LtdCordially invites youtoa tea receptionmarkingthe opening of the branch in Shang

21、haiat 10 a.m.in Hilton HotelonFriday,May 15th,2012Tel:021-43267522,2023/6/4,26,Letter B An Invitation to a Dinner Party,Dear Mr.Black:To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Shenzhen Trading Co.,Ltd,we are holding a dinner party at Hilton Hotel in Shenzhen from 7:00 p.m.to 9:30 p.m.on Saturday,June 6th

22、.You are cordially welcome to the party so that we can express our sincere appreciation for your generous support.For your information,the party will be attended by other business elites such as Mr.Zhang Hong and Li Ping from Beijing International.We believe that this may offer many of us an excelle

23、nt opportunity to get acquainted with each other.We do hope that you will be able to join us on this occasion,and look forward to meeting you at the party.Sincerely yours,2023/6/4,27,Letter C Thanks for Suggestions from an Employee,Dear Mr.Harrison:Many thanks for submitting your splendid suggestion

24、 that we should hold a meeting every week so that all the staff are able to freely take part in the discussion about the management of our firm.We have carefully looked into the suggestion.This will be helpful in smoothing the procedures of communication and giving employees a feeling of belonging a

25、nd responsibility.In this way,we can solve many problems quickly.,2023/6/4,28,Please keep on giving such good suggestions.Having such help,we have made great strides in the past ten years.Well place a copy of this letter in your personnel file as a formal record of our appreciation.And your year-end

26、 bonus will grow by$1,000 for the suggestion.Best regards,Bill General Manager,2023/6/4,29,Questions for Comprehension,1.According to letter A,do you know how to write invitation cards?2.What a general invitation should be like?3.What should a formal invitation include?4.What kind of specific inform

27、ation does letter B give?5.Explain some situations in a business environment that may call for a thank-you letter.6.How does letter C express sincere appreciation?7.How can you make sure that a thank-you letter definitely expresses your goodwill with warmth and sincerity?8.List the outlines recommen

28、ded for an invitation and a thank-you letter.,2023/6/4,30,II.Useful Sentence Patterns,Invitation 1.You are cordially welcome to You are kindly invited to We would like to invite you to We are planning/giving/having.at.on.My wife and I are now planning a small cocktail and dinner party at our home fr

29、om 4 to around 9 p.m.on July 6th.我和妻子计划于7月6日下午4点至9点左右在家里举行一个小型的鸡尾酒晚宴。,2023/6/4,31,2.We would/should be(very)pleased/glad/delighted/happy if you could.We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your presence.如若光临,我们将非常高兴。We would be delighted if you could find the time to join us for a smal

30、l party we are having at our office in London to celebrate the end of the financial year.为了庆祝财政年度的结束,我们将在位于伦敦的办公室举行小型宴会,如果你有时间,欢迎前来参加。,2023/6/4,32,4.We(sincerely)hope.We sincerely hope you can attend.我们期待您的光临。We hope you are not too busy to come.我们期望您会在百忙中光临。,2023/6/4,33,5.Please let me know/confirm

31、.Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so.如能来的话,请早日告知,何时为宜。Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.是否参加,请早日告知。,2023/6/4,34,6.Thank you for.Thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments.谢谢你对我的好意和夸奖。Thank you

32、for hospitality that made us feel as comfortable as we do in our own home.谢谢你的盛情款待,我们感到就像在家里一样。Thank you for inviting me and some of my colleagues to dine with you last night.It was an enjoyable occasion and an excellent dinner.非常感谢昨晚你邀请我和我的同事与你共进晚餐,晚餐非常丰盛,我们过得很愉快。Thank you for considering our compa

33、ny.谢谢你选择我们的公司。,2023/6/4,35,7.Many thanks for your.Many thanks for your support.对你的支持表示万分感谢。Many thanks for your generous cooperation.谢谢贵方的慷慨合作。,2023/6/4,36,8.Please accept/extend my(sincere)thanks.Please accept my sincere thanks for showing me such warm hospitality when I visited your office.我到贵公司访问

34、时,承蒙您盛情款待,在此请接受我诚挚的谢意。Please accept my profound appreciation for your help.我对你热情的帮助致以诚挚的谢意。Please extend my thanks,on behalf of all the attendees,to each of your employees.请允许我代表全体与会者向你方所有员工表示感谢。,2023/6/4,37,9.Im grateful to you for.Im particularly grateful to you for having taken time out of your b

35、usy schedules to meet me.十分感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间会见我。Im grateful to you for the time and effort you put to ensure my trip was a successful and satisfying one.谢谢你付出了那么多的时间和精力使我的行程如此成功和令人满意。,2023/6/4,38,10.I very much appreciate.I very much appreciate your taking the time to help me with the training program at

36、 your factory and look forward to an opportunity to return the favor.非常感谢你抽空帮忙安排我到你们工厂进行培训,期待有机会为你效劳。I sincerely appreciate your warm congratulatory message on the completion of our new office building.本公司新建的办公大楼竣工时,承蒙您道贺,深表谢意。,2023/6/4,39,Languages in use,General appreciationIt was very kind of you

37、 to doYour managements combination of enthusiasm,competence and flair is very impressive.(贵公司管理层的热情、能力和资质给人留下深刻印象。)We were deeply impressed byPlease accept my sincere appreciation forIm writing to thank you forThank you very much for,2023/6/4,40,Languages in use,A sincere personal commentIt was part

38、icularly helpful for us to learnI hope one day I can have the opportunity toI sincerely trust an opportunity will present itself to meet you at later timeI enjoyed the short stay at your home which is both delightful and memorable.Our trip to Canada was very much enhanced by your kind arrangements a

39、nd hospitality.,2023/6/4,41,Languages in use,Positive and genuine endingYou should be very proud of your I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with youWish you every success.Let work together for our ever greater success.Thank you both for your hospitality and kindness.,2023/6/4,42,Invitat

40、ion to a Banquet,Dear Ms.Ainsworth:We will hold a banquet in honor of our dealers.1 The banquet will be held at GoldStone Resort at seven oclock on July 8th.2 Our president will deliver a speech.After that,awards will be presented to dealers with the largest percentage of new accounts.3 We sincerely

41、 hope that you can come4 and look forward to hearing from you.5 Sincerely yours,Wood Dale,Contrast,Poor,1.告知将举行的活动。,2.告知活动时间与地点。,3.告知活动安排。,4.发出邀请。,5.盼复。,5.盼复。,2023/6/4,43,Dear Ms.Ainsworth:You are invited to be our guest at the GoldStone Resort for our annual Dealers Convention Banquet.1 It will be

42、held at the Seashore Banquet Room on Sunday,July 8th.2The evening will begin with a reception at seven Oclock,followed by dinner,a speaker,and the awards presentation.3 For the first time this year,an award will be presented to the dealer with the largest percentage of new accounts acquired during t

43、he dealers second year with Staggers Wholesalers.4Please let us at Stagger know by the end of June whether you will attend.5I will be eager to see you at the Banquet.6 Sincerely yours,Wood Dale,Improved,1.发出活动邀请。,2.告知活动的时间与地点。,3.告知活动安排。,4.对其中一项活动加以说明。,5.希望对方回复是否参加。,6.表达希望对方参加的诚挚愿望。,2023/6/4,44,这是封邀请

44、对方参加公司组织的聚餐会的信函。第一封信采用的间接法,不如第二封信采用直接法好,请人吃饭是好事,开门见山,直截了当更好。第一封信以第一人称开始也不如第二封信以第二人称开始更让对方感到受到重视。两封信的信息都算比较完整,结尾,第二封信期望在宴会见到对方,比第一封信中的期望早复更有针对性,态度更为诚恳。,2023/6/4,45,2Thanks for Prompt Payments,Dear Customer:This is to acknowledge our appreciation for your prompt payments for the goods we supplied.1 Cu

45、stomers like you help us make profits in business.2 Please place your order again soon.3 We are looking forward to more cooperation with you.4 Cordially yours,Poor,1.表示感谢以及感谢的事项。,2.指出感谢的原因。,3.进行促销。,4.表达合作的愿望。,2023/6/4,46,Dear Mr.Jack Dong:Thank you for your prompt payments for the goods we supplied

46、under Order No.JL12/03/24.1 Customers like you who pay promptly will be benefited from favorable conditions in transactions and gain yourself trust and credit in the long run.2 Your prompt payment helps us in our cash-flow so that we can provide better service and offer more variety of products for

47、you.3 We are grateful for your cooperation and believe you will enjoy our products.4 Cordially yours,Improved,1.表示感谢以及感谢的事项。,2.指出对方的做法给他们本身带来的益处。,3.指出对方的做法与利益之间的因果关系。,4.再次表示感谢,并进行促销。,2023/6/4,47,I.Read the following letters and discuss with your classmates whether there are any problems in them.Then

48、 try to improve them,and contrast your improved letters with the original ones.,Dear Mr.Green:I was told by our mutual friend Mr.Wang that you will visit China next month.I want to invite you to come to our college to give the students some lectures on Marketing Management.Please let me know as soon

49、 as possible if you can come and tell me your exact arrival time.Yours sincerely,1.Invitation,2023/6/4,48,To whom it may concern:Being a sewing machine operator in our plant is a very demanding job.It is very easy to make mistakes during operation.However,all the products in your section met our qua

50、lity standards last month.Thank you for making such products.Yours sincerely,2.Thank-you letter,2023/6/4,49,这是封因对方付款及时表示感谢的信函。两封信都采取直接法,很好。但第一封写得过于简单,语气生硬,如“This is to acknowledge.”。另外,称呼部分写“亲爱的客户”似乎没有针对性,使对方感到不受重视。促销说得太直白,“Please place your order again。”第二封信信息具体,特别是在感谢原因这一部分,处理得十分好,从对方角度来谈及时付款的益处,体


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