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1、 短肢剪力墙的配筋要求近年来我国人民生活水平不断提高,人们对房屋的使用功能、面积和房间组合型式等提出较高要求,在这种背景下短肢剪力墙体系在我国发展比较迅速,混凝土结构设计规范和高层建筑结构设计规范都没有关于短肢剪力墙设计的具体条文,理论落后于实际应用,阻碍了这种新型体系的发展。作者根据近几年来施工经验的总结,对短肢剪力墙的配筋方面进行系统的概括。 1.墙肢的设计 1.1墙肢厚度200 ,且按抗震等级为一、二级时短肢剪力墙的截面厚度,底部加强部位1/ 16 层高,其它部位1/ 20层高,当为无端柱或翼墙的一字形剪力墙时,底部加强部位的截面厚度1/ 12 层高,其它部位1/ 15 层高;按抗震等级

2、为三、四级时短肢剪力墙的截面厚度,底部加强部位1/ 20层高,其它部位1/ 25 层高。 1.2短肢剪力墙应进行剪压比、轴压比验算,正截面、斜截面的计算,计算过程和计算公式与普通剪力墙一致。 1.3短肢剪力墙结构的一般构造 1、短肢剪力墙的轴压比限值短肢剪力墙各层的轴压比限值应满足:一级为0.5;二级为0.6;三级为0.7 ,当短肢剪力墙为一字墙时应减0.1。 2、短肢剪力墙纵筋的配筋率有抗震设计要求时,短肢剪力墙纵筋的配筋率应符合底部加强部位为1.2 % ,其它部位为1 %。底部加墙部位的高度可取墙肢总高度的1/8 及底部两层层高的较大值。 1.4对于墙肢厚度较厚, 墙长较长的剪力墙, 虽然

3、按墙肢高厚比判别为短肢剪力墙, 但由于其自身刚度大, 变形接近弯曲型, 具有良好延性, 也可不必完全按短肢剪力墙要求执行, 可适当放宽要求, 当刚度很大时, 甚至可按一般剪力墙要求设计。 1.5短肢剪力墙结构的截面设计及构造措施,应遵循建筑抗震设计规范( GB5001122001) 中有关章节的规定进行设计. 剪力墙截面的设计,应通过正截面偏心受压、偏心受拉的计算,在满足最小配筋率要求的前提下,确定墙肢端部的受力钢筋,即约束边缘构件或构边缘构件的纵筋,由斜截面抗剪计算出墙肢腹板水平分布钢筋.在抗震设计的双肢剪力墙中,墙肢不宜出现小偏心受拉,如果双肢剪力墙中一个墙肢出现小偏心受拉,该墙肢会出现水

4、平通缝而失去抗剪能力,且由荷载产生的剪力将全部转移到另一个墙肢而导致其抗剪承载力不足,因此,应当避免墙肢出现小偏心受拉。在一个墙肢出现大偏心受拉时,因水平裂缝较大,它承受的部分剪力也会向另一墙肢转移,这时可将另一墙肢的剪力及弯矩设计值乘以增大系数1.25,以提高其抗剪承载力。 1.6为了保证结构有足够的抗侧刚度,可加入适当数量的长墙(相对短肢而言),或利用电梯间形成刚度较大的内筒,但应注意避免个别长墙刚度相对过大,使受力过于集中。应保证在强震作用下,即使个别长墙或筒体出现刚度退化时,其余的短肢墙仍具有足够的刚度以保证“大震不倒”的设防要求。 1.7短肢剪力墙结构的薄弱环节是建筑外边缘的构件以及

5、转角处的构件,由于连梁对其的约束不队成,有时存在弯扭复杂受力状态,在设计时对这类构件须有足够的加强措施。 1.8对短肢剪力墙- 筒体这种结构体系,“ 高规”要求筒体和一般剪力墙承受的基本振型下的底部地震倾覆力矩不宜小于结构总底部地震倾覆力矩的50 %。 1.9受力性能接近于普通剪力墙的短肢剪力墙,为满足其变形要求,不宜将其设计成壁式框架。同时,短肢剪力墙结构因建筑功能要求和受力性能而需开设较大洞口,故也不宜将短肢剪力墙设计成整体小开口墙;比较而言,应设计成满足条件a10,I的联肢墙In/I(至少应为双肢墙)。2.连梁的设计 2.1短肢剪力墙之间的连梁应进行剪压比验算,正截面,斜截面的计算,计算

6、过程和计算公式与普通连梁一致。 2.2在设计中, 经常会遇到连梁超限的情况,“高规”第712125 条提出了三种处理方法: (1) 减小连梁高度,降低连梁的刚度。对于高度很大的连梁,可以双连梁的办法来解决。双连梁可近似折算为一根梁,梁宽等于两墙厚,梁高取实际梁高,计算所得配筋均分给上下两根连梁。在构造上应注意两根连梁应采用轻质材料填缝。(2) 对连梁弯矩及剪力进行调幅,但在整体计算时已将连梁刚度进行折减的,不应再考虑调幅。无论用什么方法,连梁调幅后的弯矩及剪力设计值不应低于正常使用状态下的值,也不宜低于比设防烈度低一度的地震作用组合所得的弯矩设计值。因此“高规”建议在一般情况下,可掌握调幅后的

7、弯矩不小于调幅前弯矩的0.8 倍(67 度) 和0.5 倍(89 度) 。同时,当部分连梁降低弯矩设计值后,其余部位的连梁和墙肢的弯矩设计值应相应提高。(3) 当连梁破坏对承受竖向荷载无明显影响时(如跨度较小的洞口连梁) ,可考虑在大震作用下该连梁不参与工作按独立墙肢进行第二次多遇地震作用下的结构内力分析,墙肢应按两次计算所得的较大内力进行配筋设计,连梁则可根据实际截面按构造配筋,做到“强剪弱弯”即可。以上三种方法在不同软件中,实现的方式是不同的,在具体设计过程中,还应参照软件说明书进行调整。 2.3连梁的配筋构造 连梁分为弱连梁和强连梁, 弱连梁的内力及变形与框架梁类似, 它的配筋构造可参相

8、应抗震等级的框架梁来执行。而强连梁以剪切变形为主, 竖向荷载引起的内力和变形所占的比例很小。对这类构件, 应严格按“高规”(JGJ3 - 2002) 和“抗震规范”(GB50011 - 2001) 执行。 2.4个别地区就要求200 厚的墙肢连梁净跨5.5m ,250 厚的墙肢连梁净跨6.5m ,否则,梁的配筋很多,结点钢筋密集,对施工造成很大的难,也不利于抗震. 2.5连梁设计短肢剪力墙结构中的连梁有2种形式,如图.所示。连梁1 跨度较小,承受的竖向荷载也较小,配筋由水平力引起的剪力和弯矩控制,其梁端弯矩上下左右均对称,跨中弯矩很小,剪力沿梁长均匀分布。在设计中一般都将梁面与梁底纵筋配成一样

9、,箍筋沿全长加密,可根据高规对连梁弯矩进行调整。连梁2则相反,跨度较大,承受的竖向荷载(包括外砖墙重、楼板、次梁等)也较大,由于其线刚度较小,在水平力作用下所分配到的内力较小,所以其配筋由竖向荷载控制,内力分布与一般框架梁有些类似,由于两端嵌固,在竖向荷载作用下梁端负弯矩大于跨中正弯矩,剪力分布也是两端大、中间小。对于这类连梁的配筋:a、当弯矩设计值超过其最大受弯承载力时,不能按高规第5.3.6 条对连梁弯矩进行调整,因该条文实际上是将水平力所引起的弯矩在楼层间进行重分配,而连梁2 的弯矩主要来自本层的竖向荷载,当然不能调整到其它楼层。b、可按高规第4.4.5条对梁端负矩进行调幅,但应注意将梁

10、端负弯矩调整到跨中,是在同一条梁内进行调整;而高规第5.3.6条是将中部楼层的连梁弯矩调整到底部和顶部连梁,是对同一平面位置的连梁弯矩在不同楼层间进行调整。c、没有必要像连梁1那样将梁面与梁底纵筋配成相同。d、当梁端负筋较多时,不一定要将负筋全部拉通,可只将第1排负筋拉通,第2排在梁跨1/3处截断。e、由于剪力较小,往往是构造配箍。为了保证梁端塑性绞的产生,可参照框架梁的作法,在梁端1.5倍梁高或500mm处设置加密箍。 2.6剪力墙的连梁应进行斜截面受剪和正截面受弯承载力计算。连梁的正截面配筋,按矩形截面构件计算,取上、下配筋的较大值,按对称配筋置于梁截面上、下部位. 按斜截面抗剪计算所得的

11、箍筋沿全跨加密设置。 2.7对于个别连梁,因其跨度小,刚度很大,地震作用下允许连梁局部开裂,可将连梁的刚度予以折减,抗震设计的剪力墙的连梁弯矩及剪力也可进行塑性调幅,以降低其剪力设计值。若在内力计算时已经折减连梁的刚度,则调幅的范围应当受到限制或不再进行调幅,以避免在使用状况下连梁中裂缝开展过早、过大。当部分连梁降低弯矩设计值后,其余部位连梁和墙肢的弯矩设计值应相应提高。 2.8当底部为大空间而需设置转换梁时,因其墙肢长度比转换梁短得多且往往梁支座上没有墙肢,所以转换梁上的墙体不能形成起拱作用,即转换梁并不是拉弯构件,而是受弯构件。 2.9短肢剪力墙的连梁混凝土强度等级不得低于墙肢的混凝土强度

12、等级,以免连梁出现粘结破坏。3.边缘构件以及端柱的设计 3.1短肢剪力墙结构在底部加强部位及相邻上一层应设置约束边缘构件,其它部位应设置构造边缘构件。关于约束边缘构件和构造边缘构件的具体要求可参见规范有关条文。需要特别说明的是,由于肢长的关系,在设置边缘构件时,经常会遇到按规范设置的几个边缘构件连在一起或距离100300mm的情况。使得区分配箍率为v/ 2 的范围非常困难,在设计过程中,一般把需要设置约束边缘构件范围内的整个短肢墙设置成一个约束边构件,配筋率为v ;纵筋钢筋的总面积则可按As = iAsi + bihi(为剪力墙纵向钢筋的配筋率) 进行计算,而在需要设置构造边缘构件的部位将全截

13、面设置为一个构造边缘构件,配筋符合规范的相应要求。实践证明,这种配筋方式非常行之有效,又是便于施工的好方法。一般剪力墙和筒体的边缘构件设置则可以完全按规范要求执行。 3.2暗柱配筋率应根据短肢剪力墙数量、抗震等级、位置、轴压比、墙肢高厚比等因素综合考虑确定, 但最小配筋率不小于暗柱面积的1.2 % , 暗柱配筋率较高时, 应同时提高配箍特征值, 以保证短肢剪力墙“强剪弱弯”的要求。暗柱最小配箍特征值不宜小于0.20 , 非暗柱的墙肢中部配筋, 可按一般剪力墙墙身配筋要求适当加强, 当墙肢高厚比较小时,配筋应加强些。4.墙- 梁连接节点的处理 墙- 梁连接节点的处理,短肢剪力墙- 筒体结构一般情

14、况下梁、墙宽度相等,梁墙的连接节点过去大多参照天津市的钢筋混凝土框架异形柱设计规程上的节点大样(如右图) , 这种节点在施工中存在如下问题: 在靠近墙端的连梁由于钢筋位置内移,截面的有效宽度削弱太多, 梁侧面的保护层达4050mm ,梁侧极易出现裂缝。可对上述节点进行一些改造, 在梁的四角各加一根架立钢筋, 伸入墙竖向钢筋的外侧。 总结:短肢剪力墙是在我国近几年发展起来的一种新型结构体系,对这类结构体系的研究还在逐步深入之中,我国规范还没有出版,但从目前看已建成大量的这类建筑,研究明显滞后于实践。作者根据这几年的实践总结了以上几点关于短肢剪力墙的配筋构造要求,供大量的设计施工人员参考。参考文献

15、:1混凝土异形柱结构技术规程JGJ149-2006S2高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程JGJ3-2002S3混凝土结构设计规范GB50010-2002S4异形柱与短肢剪力墙结构设计中的几个问J.肖常安等,贵州工业大学学报.2001, 30(6):7483.作者简介:高云飞(1980-),男,本科,工程师,全国注册二级建造师。联系电话:029-83272342,029-81081456organization system and working mode, the selection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build inno

16、vation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth League Organization published and League branch of manual work, to promote the use of two manuals in the citys organizations at various levels. The county committee,

17、directly under the group (work) is under the jurisdiction of grassroots League and group (total) using branch ratio shall not be less than 70%.Three, to further strengthen the groups leadership and team building(a) to strengthen the leagues leadership at all levels of construction. Continue to do a

18、good job of municipal Party Committee Organization Department on the strengthening of the Communist Youth League cadres management opinions implementation. To promote the group counties (autonomous counties, cities) Commission and city directly under the group (workers) appointed to carry out the Fi

19、ve team building activities. Improve the League Association Department working mechanism. Conscientiously fulfill the duties of CO, combined with the city group directly under (the) Committee of the general election and the adjustment, actively jointly with the unit where the party organization depa

20、rtment good group leadership selection with the work. Do a good job in municipal Party committee assistant committee leadership and leading cadres of the annual assessment work, adhere to and improve the assistant secretary of the Communist Youth League talk system group To weave individual conversa

21、tion and collective conversation, to strengthen the committees of all levels, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, the establishment of a sound system of central group learning, the system of investigation and study, the system of important issues and the reporting system.(two) to stren

22、gthen the work of education and training of cadres to conscientiously implement the Central Committee. On the implementation of grassroots cadres training project and opinions on carrying out the mission municipal CYL Cadres training project implementation opinions, full implementation of the projec

23、t of the City Youth League cadres training education. Focus on the county grassroots cadres and workers focused on training, the new school system vocational training League cadres, for the Municipal Organization Department jointly held the third session of the Communist Youth League system training

24、 cadres in party. Focusing on the construction of new socialist countryside, strengthening village cadres and rural construction team group member of the young team, the county organizations at various levels throughout the year is expected to train 100 00 rural grassroots cadres, plans to train 100

25、0 village secretary of the village Party branch.(three) actively promote grassroots cadres election work. Under the unified leadership of the party organization, to strengthen grassroots organizations direct work, standardize the election work rules and procedures, in the designated candidate, open

26、competition to democratically elected branch secretary at the same time, actively and steadily the development of Township, streets and other grassroots organizations in the direct election of the pilot work, on the basis of summarizing the experience and gradually expand the scope of the pilot, and

27、 gradually formed a set of measures and cadres election system.(four) to strengthen the cadres testing exercise. To study the development of XX city from 2006 to 2008 cadres testing exercise planning. To select outstanding cadres to the central mission in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other centr

28、al organs and sending work in developed areas. With the Central Committee the implementation of the western region and ethnic minorities cadres training plan . To carry out the eighth batch of municipal organs attachment cadre management, selection, training work. The outstanding cadres to start the

29、 National Development Bank XX branch testing exercise.(five) to strengthen the group construction. The main position to play the role of Youth League cadre education and training as the city, in accordance with the requirements of post training, further curriculum scientifically and rationally, adop

30、t arrangement menu course, basic theory includes group work, focus, hot and difficult issues, to enhance the content and practice; to strengthen the construction of teaching staff, the integration of teachers, establish a quality teacher training team, establish and implement course evaluation syste

31、m; take delivery of training to the countryside, on-site training, and increase the rural grassroots cadres training efforts.Four, efforts to strengthen the work of young talent(a) to tenth XX young 54 medal in recognition of the publicity, and actively explore the XX youth service. 54 Medal of inst

32、itutionalization, standardization and socialization mechanism. Give full play to the XX award in recognition of 54 youth medal Association, Youth Award winner in the 54 chapter, investigation activities. Who won the Youth Service medal, dedication to the society to create conditions, build the stage

33、. During the 54, named in recognition of the tenth XX young 54 medal. The association of XX editing of young talent , the exchange of information and communication platform for the XX of outstanding young talents.(two) the establishment of municipal Party committee of young talent information databa

34、se. In accordance with the feasible, effective, classification management, implement step by step principle, the establishment of municipal Party committee of youth talent database; guiding organizations at various levels generally established the young talent database, construction of city, county

35、(directly under the Communist Youth League), grassroots organizations three young talent information database the relevant information collection system, and gradually establish the citys young people, the Communist Youth League youth talent information network, provide information platform for youn

36、g talent resource development.Five, take effective measures to strengthen the mission management(a) to strengthen the mission management work. Strengthen the dues collection and management, continue to adhere to the dues collection regularly reporting system, the annual comprehensive award in recogn

37、ition of the tour and the tour one vote veto system audit system. Do statistical work in the group. The group service award in recognition of the advanced units, standardization, promoting group management work institutionalized.(two) to strengthen the organization of research and information exchan

38、ge efforts. Grassroots carry out research, efforts to form a number of theoretical results. Make full use of the network carrier, to explore the establishment of electronic group service system, promote the work of Communist Youth League information.Attachment 4:XX municipal Party Committee Propagan

39、da Department of the Communist Youth League work pointsIn 2006, the Communist Youth League propaganda ideological work XX to Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents as guidance, study and implement the partys sixteen and the spirit of the the fifth Plenary Session of the 1

40、6th CPC Central Committee implementation of the eight plenary session of the two committee, the citys cultural work conference, the Propaganda Department of the meeting and the the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee permanent mission spirit, closely around 11th Five-Year XX the

41、 goal of full implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the times, close to reality, close to life, close to the young, persevere grasp orientation, grasping deepening, grasping construction innovation, further improve the gr

42、oups propaganda and ideological work ability, unity To guide the majority of members of the youth to achieve the 11th Five-Year planning tasks, the overall construction of a well-off society, building a socialist harmonious society to make new contributions.One, adhere to the Three Represents import

43、ant thought and Scientific Outlook on Development education to guide the youth, to further strengthen the ideological and political education of youth(a) armed with youth science theory. Unremittingly with Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents armed members of youth educ

44、ation, to promote the study and implement to expand the depth and breadth. To study and implement the important thought of Three Represents with the establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development combine with the implementation of the requirements of constructing socialist har

45、monious society with Scientific Outlook on Development, carry out education as an important part of the theory of armed youth in the new period, strengthen the establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development education, educate and guide the youth to fully understand the great s

46、ignificance of establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, in-depth understanding of the Scientific Outlook on Development era back The king, the practice foundation, basic connotation, historical status, spirit and practice requirements, a profound understanding of Scient

47、ific Outlook on Development with Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, inheriting and developing relationship between Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents, to help young people establish and consciously practice Scientific Outlook on Development. Persist in learning, gr

48、asping the backbone, grasp the practice, grasp the opportunity. Catch club, effective way to grasp the network, with the group of cadres, young students and young backbone fronts as the focus, to promote the work of the armed youth theory to develop in depth, to help the youth continue to firm ideals and beliefs, to build a powerful spiritual pillar. To carry out the study and implementation of the partys sixteen session of the five Eight plenary session


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