1、pension Gold 8*60 5, living allowance 13*568 four main 1, 2015, financial, education, design section, under the leadership of our accountants to study the countrys financial policies, laws, and familiarity with financial system actively studying accounting, master professional knowledge and master t
2、he accounting technique, adhere to principles, properly implement superior departments accounting requirements. 2, give full play to accounting initiative, careful budgeting annually, and do a year-end work on the budget no budget expenditure, budget expenditures, strictly control expenditures. Ofte
3、n communicating with school leaders reported financial position, and in terms of revenue ideas, ways to strictly implement the financial system, two lines of income and expenditure. 3, further standardize the schools financial management system, created the democratic financial management group, dem
4、ocratic financial group checks the school each semester accounts. Reporting annually to the schools financial income and expenses, so that all the teachers of school finances be aware. 4, with the school leadership greater control in school debt, does not give to the debt did not comply with procedu
5、res in the accounts. 5, various infrastructural projects to the school can do to teach . The poverty alleviation of poverty alleviation and training with the combination of the proposed by 2014. In the province, the city poverty alleviation and immigration office careful guidance and county Party co
6、mmittee and government of the correct leadership, the county seriously practice the scientific development view, and counties around the target, and comprehensively implement the Central Committee and the State Council on poverty alleviation immigration policy, adhere to the, strengthen infrastructu
7、re construction, accelerate the poor areas and immigration of education, health, culture and other public welfare undertakings development, the whole village advancement and the new rural construction, through the entire village advancement, poverty alleviation immigration, intellectual, social, ind
8、ustrial and other means, increasing the masses of poor and immigrant economic income a year, I do all the work staff Through joint efforts and struggle, and achieved excellent results, 2014 for 2666 million yuan project funds, and 2013 compared to increase by 60%, poverty alleviation and resettlemen
9、t work was named the citys third, Tan Lun Tan reservoir migrants synthetic immigration village as the citys economy to inspect a major bright spot, makes the contribution to the economic and social development in Qianshan. For 2020 together to achieve well-off society to make enormous contribution,
10、is now on the 2014 since the county to carry out the implementation of poverty alleviation and resettlement work are summarized as follows: A, poverty alleviation work 1, entire village advancement. Our countys agricultural population of 38 million people, poverty population of 4.9 million people, a
11、ccounting for 1 2.9%. The county, Twelfth Five Year Plan, will focus on poverty alleviation in the village of 14, since poor agricultural village has a total population of 2.55 million, poverty population 0.518 million people, accounting for 20%.2014 years, total planning project 20, 851 million yua
12、n of total investment, including 280 million yuan of poverty relief funds of central finance, county matching funds of 70 million yuan department support funds 3.76 million yuan, self大临设施方案评审及经济比选管理办法桥总2010 号第一条 为加强工程项目的技术管理,明确大临设施方案编制内容,规范审核程序,确保方案的科学性、经济型和实用性,并保证方案顺利实施,依据集团公司发布的标准化项目管理制度体系文件(2009年
13、8月)、施工组织设计和技术方案分层审核、优化、审批制度 (中铁一施2007109号)、施工技术管理条例 (中铁一施2007269号)和中铁一局桥梁公司危险性较大工程安全专项施工方案编制及专家论证审查实施办法(桥总20095号)及相关安全生产法律法规等制定本办法。第二条 大临设施方案设计、鉴定实行总工程师(技术负责人)技术负责制,方案的设计、鉴定必须在各级总工程师(技术负责人)组织下进行。第三条 重难点工程在编制实施性施工组织设计和开工报告前必须进行大临设施方案评审及经济比选。编制大临设施方案时必须有两套及以上,都具有可行性的比选方案,每个方案都有初步设计,具备第七条包含的内容。第四条 大临设施
14、方案分公司和集团公司两级审批、鉴定。公司审批鉴定范围的方案,由施工管理部、总工办、项目管理部、安全质量监察部共同核定。集团公司审批鉴定范围的方案,汇总公司四部门审核意见,报集团公司施工技术管理部审核、鉴定。1.施工管理部为主责部门,负责审核方案的可行性,是否满足施工生产进度、质量、工艺和规范要求。2.总工办负责对方案设计、计算资料、材质、测试手段及结果机械审查和核定。3.项目管理部对方案的经济性进行审核。4. 安全质量监察部负责审定方案的安全措施和应急预案是否满足相关要求,对大临设施进行验收鉴定,并对方案实施过程进行安全监督检查。第五条 大临设施方案的分类1.桥梁工程类:预制吊装施工方案、缆索
15、吊、挂篮、爬模、造桥机、移动模架、现浇支架、大块模板、施工便桥、水中平台、钢围堰、钢吊箱、深基坑防护方案等。2.隧道工程类:洞门施工作业平台,洞内施工作业平台、斜井与竖井提升装置以及其他临时支护等。3.路基工程类:高边坡施工安全设施等。第六条 集团公司审批鉴定的范围1.自制起吊临时设施吊重在50吨以上或吊跨34.5m以上的架桥机或门式起重机。2.缆索吊2.1 塔架高度在30m以上。2.2 缆索吊跨度在200m以上。2.3 缆索吊吊重在5吨以上。3.施工便桥单跨32m及以上,荷载汽20及以上的。4.在特殊情况下需载人的缆索吊,无论规模大小,其设计必须报集团公司审批鉴定。大型方案编制完成后,编写人
16、签字,总工程师审核,交项目经理签署意见后,报施工管理部组织审核、审批。第七条 大临设施方案编制的内容1. 编制说明:编制依据,编制目的,适用范围等;2. 工程概况:工程简介,水文地质条件,施工条件(准备情况)等;3. 技术重、难点分析及对策措施;4. 主要施工技术方案、工艺流程、工程进度计划、平面布置图等;5. 设计验算;6. 主要机械设备;7. 技术经济指标。第八条 大临设施方案必须严格执行“设计-审批-制安-鉴定-投入使用”的程序。报公司审批的项目,报送的资料须有设计者、复核者签名,审定必须有项目负责人的签字并加盖项目公章。第九条 未尽事宜,按集团公司发布的标准化项目管理制度体系文件(20
17、09年8月)、施工组织设计和技术方案分层审核、优化、审批制度 (中铁一施2007109号)、施工技术管理条例 (中铁一施2007269号)和中铁一局桥梁公司危险性较大工程安全专项施工方案编制及专家论证审查实施办法(桥总20095号)办理。附表一大临设施方案评审申报表方案名称单 位日 期设 计复 核审 核工程概况1.设计情况:2.最高墩 米。3.最大桩径 米,最长桩 米。4.设计建议施工方法:5.工期:6.总造价 万元。施工调查1.气候:2.洪水期:3.最深水位: 米,最大流速 米/秒。4.地质、地形情况:5.陆路交通情况:6.水路交通情况:7.类似工程施工方法:方案简介施工方法:施工工况:结构
18、设计:技术指标结构部位:材料:容许应力: 计算应力:容许挠度: 计算挠度:稳定性:安全系数:经济指标钢管:钢板:型钢:万能杆件:贝雷梁:主要设备:直接工程费计算表工程名称: 序号编号费用名称计算基数及计算式费率金额(元)1一、直接费2+11 2 1、直接工程费3+5+7+9 3(1)、人工费实体市场人工费 4人工费调整3*费率 5(2)、材料费实体市场材料费 6材料费调整5*费率 7(3)、施工机械使用费实体市场机械费 8机械费调整7*费率 9(4)、施工仪器仪表使用费实体市场其他费 10仪器仪表费调整9*费率 112、措施费12+20 12(1)、直接措施费13+14+15+16+17+18
19、+19 13临时设施费(3+4)*费率 14工地器材搬运费(3+4)*费率 15测量放线费(3+4)*费率 16工程定位复测、工程点交费(3+4)*费率 17脚手架搭拆摊销费(3+4)*费率 18安全生产文明施工费(3+4)*费率 19施工队伍车辆使用费编制:复核:日期:材料费计算表序号材料名称、规格单位数量单价(元)金额(元)1周转材料钢板234型钢5678钢管91011万能杆件12贝雷片131415一次性摊销材料方木161718钢板192021型钢2425钢管26合计编制:复核:日期:机械台班费计算表序号机械名称、规格台班数量单价(元)金额(元)1汽车吊2履带吊3浮吊4驳船5合计编制:复核
20、:日期:附表二大型(小型)临时工程设计方案审核表单位: 编号: 方案名称 施工单位设 计复 核审 核 审核意见: 审核部门审核人负责人日 期附表三施工组织设计(方案)审批表工程项目名称: 编号: 致 我单位根据施工合同的有关规定已编制完成 工程的施工组织设计(方案),并经我单位技术负责人审查批准,请予以审查。附:施工组织设计(方案)施工单位(章) 技术负责人 日 期 项目经理部工程部审核意见: 专业工程师: 工程部长: 日 期: 项目经理部审核意见: 项目经理部(章) 技术负责人: 日 期: 注:1、本表一式3份,施工单位2份,项目经理部1份。 2、本表适用于项目经理部施工组织设计及方案的审批
21、附表四中铁一局技术资料审查申请表申请单位接收单位项目名称方案名称建设单位名称工程地点编制人编制时间审核人复核人编制单位(盖章)子(分)公司技术负责人审核意见(签字)审查结果回执方式公司技术负责人签字( )召开专家论证会( )加盖公司单位公章( )申请单位联系人及电话备注说明接收人接收单位领导意见小临设施设计鉴定管理办法桥总2010 号第一条 为了切实抓好现场技术管理,明确施工各方职责。依据标准化项目管理制度体系文件(2009年8月)和中铁一局桥梁公司危险性较大工程安全专项施工方案编制及专家论证审查实施办法(桥总20095号)及相关安全生产法律法规等制定本办法。第二条 小临设施设计鉴定实行项目总
22、工程师负责制,小临设施的设计、鉴定必须在项目总工程师组织下进行。审核、鉴定意见由项目总工程师签字,并加盖项目公章报公司安全质量监察部备案。第三条 小临设施的界定小临设施是指大临设施方案及经济比选管理办法和中铁一局桥梁公司危险性较大工程安全专项施工方案编制及专家论证审查实施办法未提出,而施工中采用的临时设施,如:挖孔吊机、高空作业平台、悬臂作业支架、脚手架、小型吊装龙门,防护棚架等。第四条 小临设施设计的内容 1. 编制说明:编制依据,编制目的,适用范围等;2. 工程概况:工程简介,水文地质条件,施工条件(准备情况)等;3. 小临设施结构说明和使用说明;4. 设计验算。第五条 小临设施必须严格执
23、行“设计-审批-制安-鉴定-投入使用”的程序。如果是协作队伍提供的小临设施,项目部要求其提供所采用的产品、构件必须有相应资质厂家的合格证明,工程部进行检算,是否满足施工要求和相关安全要求,在投入使用前组织相关部门进行鉴定验收,并形成鉴定意见。小型临时设施设计方案审核表单位: 编号: 方案名称 施工单位设 计复 核审 核 审核意见: 审核部门审核人负责人日 期小型临时设施鉴定验收表单位: 编号: 方案名称 使用部位设 计复 核审 核 鉴定验收意见: 部 门鉴定人部 门鉴定人部 门鉴定人部 门鉴定人项目总工程师日 期financing and investing with their labor
24、115 million yuan, 10 million other funds, in the key poverty alleviation in the village, totaled arrange 13 new areas, so that the entire village advancement and the new rural construction combined, can integrate a large amount of money to do great things, urgent, difficult, Chung show Many bright s
25、pots, such as: Zixi Village Cultural Square is the facade of my county east gate, still without Zhu Cun is the west gate of the county happy Zhu Cun, Lake ban Cun Shan robes entirely newlook, Ma An Cun is first I County minority village. Other key poverty alleviation in the village through the imple
26、mentation of poverty alleviation projects, village appearance has been greatly improved, infrastructure have the obvious change, production and life have improved significantly, farmers income will continue to increase, masses of poverty poverty relief, 2684 people have been lifted out of poverty, t
27、he poverty population plan is 2420 people, accounted for anti-poverty programs 110.9%. over the past year, 20 projects completed, the impoverished village roads hardening 9.8 Four square kilometers, built size bridge 3, leisure activities, built canals 12 kilometers, built in primary 2, construction
28、 of health 1, greening, lighting 5 to support the industrial development project 6, to solve the drinking water difficulties of the masses of the 300 households. 2, poor households precise identification and archiving riser. According to the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office of poverty allevi
29、ation and development of precise identification, filing riser of poor households for accurate identification, strict requirements, time is tight, the task is heavy, the workload is large. The county repeated investigations, master the poverty situation, scientific and reasonable distribution of pove
30、rty population index, fully consider the subsistence allowances, five population of full coverage, and take care to poor poor village Trapped households in poverty alleviation and development indicators of the population. Set up a special poor households precise identification and archiving riser gr
31、oup, formulated the and . Archives of poor households have poverty, caused by rich reason, helping the demand, the subject of helping and supporting measures, in poverty alleviation and development provides correct decision-making and assessment provide important basis. To the end of June after two
32、public announcement, my county identified poverty 14536 people, 7669 households, including 117.16 guaranteeing the population, scattered five guarantees 513, poverty alleviation and development with population of 230 7. Xiapa 2554 cadres twinning poverty door, do poor households full coverage of hel
33、ping. Support of the county cadres twinning funds more than 150 million yuan. At the same time, the county also held the party secretary of the township (Center), agatanoatae each unit the main person in charge of the cadres twinning mobilization meeting. This year by the end of October the successf
34、ul completion of the tasks assigned by the superior. 3, social poverty. The Twelfth Five Year Plan to our province county set package to hold the unit, filthy, Provincial Bureau of Surveying and mapping, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. Since the beginning of this year, they were to focus on poverty alleviation in the village investigation personally, formulate a plan for poverty