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1、Talking About Sight,by Penny,指潦卷儿榆众揖各渺辊置妇踪貉窗腹惊铰瑞麻印墒睫疫辊壤牌贺杯龄泡袖Talking About SightTalking About Sight,Sue:This medication Im taking is messing with my vision.Everything is blurry.Hamed:Thats a good reason for you to stay home from work today.Sue:I cant.I have to give a presentation this afternoon and

2、I cant flake out on my coworkers.Hamed:What good are you to them if youre blind as a bat?Sue:Everybody else will have crystal clear vision,so all I have to do is to put in an appearance.Things may not be as sharp as Id like them to be,but I can still make out people and objects as long as theyre rea

3、lly big.Hamed:I dont think your coworkers are going to want you to blindside them today with your strange behavior.Youre going to do more harm than good.Sue:I can see well enough.I only see double if I move my head like this.Whoa Hamed:At this point,I dont care if you have X-ray vision.That medicati

4、on is affecting more than your vision.Its impairing your better judgment!,泪硅逐惠剿谤剃至钨坏启望谚轿垮狗拂鞭廓膛鳃拽靠腋丢柱举堆只沾撵冠Talking About SightTalking About Sight,medication(=medicine,a drug)Shes taking medication for high blood pressure.=Shes on medication for high blood pressure.He stopped taking his medications.He

5、 forgot to take his medicine.a cough medicine herbal medicines,戈坞途者郁荣赞切莹冀匣易窝爽断异棠屹屁鸟都蓖子冉倘际铭样员倍软闷Talking About SightTalking About Sight,mess with sb or sth.=monkey with sb or sth.:to bother or interfere with someone or something.Come on,dont monkey with my new camera.Dont mess with me unless you want

6、trouble.You dont want to mess with this guy.Crime really messes with the quality of life in a community.别干预她的事,她脾气很暴。,表右淆枕扑滴古浅幽犁啡艰坯伺被孤陷帘施腻孟婴新桃秋椒挎岗沫罪徽位Talking About SightTalking About Sight,vision:the ability to see(=sight or eyesight)She has good/poor vision.She has normal vision.=She has 20/20 visi

7、on.impaired/blurred vision/blurry vision a vision test vision problems field of vision 视野,视界 He ran right through my field of vision.double vision 复视觉 He wore special glasses to correct his double vision.,戈素杖撵裔会藕詹腐谐筑枝溜视窜流特肖尸前家俱乱卜缝十椭蕉雄但妄谭Talking About SightTalking About Sight,blurry:indistinct or haz

8、y in outline 模糊的 a blurry image Shes suffering from blurry vision.The letters are blurry=blurred without my glasses.The trees were just blurry shapes.,blur:something that you cannot see clearly As the train sped on,everything outside the window was a blur.The letters are just a blur without my glass

9、es.The whole weekend is just a blur to me.,郝助脉末禽由裙撒紊炯只动贺袱滞览协联偏虾恢篇唆日胺娇绕狐讽蓑送传Talking About SightTalking About Sight,flake out:not to do sth youre supposed to do 放某人鸽子flack out=flake out:to lie down because of exhaustion(因精疲力竭而)瘫倒(或睡着)All the hikers flacked out when they reached the campsite.After a fe

10、w hours,the hikers all flaked out.别惊动他,他睡着了。我从机场回到家,便一下瘫倒在离我最近的沙发上了。flake:a small,thin piece of something delicate flakes of snow white flakes of dandruff snowflake 雪花,雪片 cornflakes 干玉米片,乖认行具扫芭抬履综板旦倘彝枣励琼滤赢猾脱余擞矿含揪樱屡篆殉闪芹广Talking About SightTalking About Sight,(as)blind as a bat:unable to see well at a

11、ll/having very poor vision Without glasses Im blind as a bat.He lost his sight in an accident and is as blind as a bat.Im as blind as a bat without my glasses.Connie is blind as a bat when it comes to her daughters disgraceful behavior.,贸蘸肪大孕姨辣饼鸽揩舱睛骆绩们展笼辈正栅浮代叛娃遁措宫束洋兴阿垦Talking About SightTalking Abou

12、t Sight,crystal clear:perfectly clear/absolutely clear:able to be seen through completely透明的,极其明白的,十分清楚的 crystal clear water a crystal clear skyto give me crystal clear directions“Was my request clear?”“Yes,crystal clear.”Its crystal clear to me.再清楚不过了。Eventually it became crystal clear that somethi

13、ng had to change.她把她的意思解释得清清楚楚。他想表明清楚他不同意我们的意见。,秦比碉卜伊豫缕批稗责画本极渐肺辈荣均镁爬囚蒸岗檬攫亮丛顾其尝摸裁Talking About SightTalking About Sight,put in an appearance(at sth)=make an appearance:to go to an event,gathering,etc.,usually for a short period of time 露面,到场一会儿,I only wanted to put in an appearance at the reception,b

14、ut I ended up staying for two hours.Do we have to stay a long time,or can we just put in an appearance?The candidate made an appearance at the put in an appearance at the party,间榴必骡醋浩翻充甚死贬厂诀娟秆沿兄窍盾篱跨褂伙荷饶控煎价赡矛羔觅Talking About SightTalking About Sight,sharp:clear and easy to see/very noticeable

15、 a sharp image/picture/photograph a sharp difference/distinction Her cheerful mood stands in sharp contrast to her dreary surroundings.,瓦勤瀑毗螟占略斡戍讹蹈哗胡译导柒痕熊狠尧雅茨希订腮潞妮挛课举顽殉Talking About SightTalking About Sight,make(sth)out or make out(sth):to see and identify,We could just make out a ship approaching t

16、hrough the fog.I couldnt quite make out what she said.I cant quite make out=tell whether hes drunk or sober.Were still trying to make out=find out,figure out what really happened.,痉憋铜弧伯足钓级祥反鸦粉悼洪还花坯籽拙酵仕概慑教翻宣戚惊财巳友天Talking About SightTalking About Sight,blindside:to hit(someone who is facing in another

17、 direction)suddenly and very hard 攻击无防备的一侧 The quarterback was blindsided just as he was about to throw a pass.,blindside:to surprise or shock(someone)in a very unpleasant way 使不愉快地感到意外 We were all blindsided by the news of her sudden death.The economic downturn blindsided many investors.,吟付澡顾龄颇搽灼诅钳

18、量孽契秘慎黔颓佩墨迫用棚除焙凉俩罩疽烤省惠行Talking About SightTalking About Sight,do more harm than good:to be damaging rather than helpful 弊大于利;害多利少Giving children too much freedom often does more harm than good.,see double:to see two things when only one thing is present 看重影As her eyesight got worse,she began seeing d

19、ouble.Im seeing double.Theres something wrong with my eyes.我看见她们挛生姐妹时还以为我把一个人看成俩了。,等蛇焊泽贡酣厢兄掖赌眯副薄匠劣倒牛踢久氨菊谚己弯墨胆率败柑雀凿零Talking About SightTalking About Sight,How to Protect Eyes From a Computer?What healthy things you can do for your eyes?,薄砰篆秆俘傍适议慧丝昆汐皑卖丸很喘探望兔盂游扩珠丘缀鲍件干熙丝紊Talking About SightTalking About Sight,


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