1、en marxa, inspecci ha de fer i requereix lacceptaci del mecanisme segons la norma, desprs de lacceptaci de projecte noms pot ser s normal. (3) abans del seu s per a la seguretat dels aparells que usar per fer la divulgaci tcnica necessria i treballar 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strengthenin
2、g cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of three-violation has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary of assessors: 1-12-6 comment by Labour Council safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minute co
3、nscientiously implement the labor law and company management systems, assist the project manager to better off. 15 to prepare the employment roster to ensure that documents is complete, check the employment situation, identify problems and correct reports to the project manager. 15 assistance projec
4、t manager solve the workers personal protective equipment, protective equipment, and check the usage. 15 assistance in dealing with special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 151 items 40 to assist project managers and foremen admission of workers ed
5、ucation, stressed the importance of labor safety protection and compliance, discipline. 20 assist with site of special types of personnel training, examination and forensic work, ensuring that certified. 20 safety summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for
6、evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the scoring method for JGJ59-99 implementation of construction safety inspection standards. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-7 comment by production team le
7、ader Council time safety responsibility assessment standard Gross project 60 minute organization of the class (Group) for safe operation activities. 15 per day using 15-20 minutes before work to organize the class (Group) to conduct pre-shift safety activities, and make a record. 15 conscientious wo
8、rkers proper safety education and safety technology gives the low-down. 15 organizations of the class (Group) to conduct work safety inspections, to eliminate hidden perils. 40 151 projects implementing the safety management system, the technical specifications for various types of security. 10 chec
9、k the class (Group) of personnel the use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. 5 arrange the class (Group) of work, strength
10、ening cross-job security. The class (Group) of personnel responsible for safety and health. 5 stop of three-violation has the right to refuse illegal orders. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up forcontent from several generations of leaders of
11、 the party constitution and party, especially the important exposition of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and reference to some embody the Chinese nations outstanding traditional culture essence of epigrams. have what innovation and features? Revised adhere to in accordance with rules governing the pa
12、rty and party with morals in combination, for at the present stage, the leadership of the party members and cadres and Party members in existing main problems of self-discipline, put forward principles, requirements and specifications, showing Communists noble moral pursuit, Five is higher than it i
13、s proposed that the focus on the expanded to moved to the provisions of the present at all times and in all over the world ethics from high from low common requirements. One is closely linked to the honest self-discipline, removal and no direct relationship. Second is to insist on a positive advocat
14、e, eight prohibition 52 allowed the negative list content synchronization amendment disciplinary punishment regulations. For all the party members, the applicable objects from the Party member cadre of leaders of all Party members to fully reflect the overall strictly. Four is to highlight the vital
15、 few , seize the leadership of the party members and cadres of ordinary Party members. Delete complicated on Jane, and strive to achieve concise, easy to understand, easy to remember. The revised is ruling party since the first adhere to a positive advocate, for all members of the self-discipline no
16、rms, moral declaration issued to all members of the party and the National Peoples solemn commitment. How to understand the show the Communists noble moral pursuit comprehensive strictly necessary according to the rules governing the party and party with morals in combination, the de is mainly the p
17、urpose of ideal and faith in the party. The traditional culture of the Chinese nation has always stressed the importance of dependent Germany and France, de treatment ritual order. Partys eighteen years, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China outstanding emphasize the construction of
18、honest politics, so that cadres honest, clean government, political pure brightness, and the party members and cadres honest self-discipline raised the a series of positive requirements. At the same time, from the perspective of the nature of the party, the Communist Party of China is the vanguard o
19、f the Chinese working class, is the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, the party as a An advanced political organization, to establish the image of clean and honest, not rot, not rot, do not want to rot in the effective mechanism must strengthen the positive lead, of its members
20、from the front clear clean fingered self-discipline code of conduct. openingManipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid de
21、velopment in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator application began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed gre
22、at use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic cont
23、roller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and suc
24、cessful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standards. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, an
25、d programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-s
26、peed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of automation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by
27、 learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opportunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulato
28、r in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm research began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial e
29、valuation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic arm spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can d
30、etect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like welding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when the mechanical ar
31、m is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand地铁大厦基坑及土石方工程技术标书第一章 公司简介深圳市第三建筑工程有限公司是经深府(1983)168号文件批准成立并经国家建设部核准的国营一级建筑企业。于1983年11月30日成立。下属独立法人企业5家,9个部室和机电设备安装、机械、土石方运输、材料机械租赁、维修、劳务等分公司及若干个项目经理部,职工2436人,其中:工程技术和经济管理人员391人,高级和中级技术人员126人,大中专以上学历350人。公司拥有净资产20563万元。业务遍布深圳、惠州、潮阳
36、信誉越来越好。在公司董事会、党委的领导下,全体员工团结奋进,必将在深圳二次创业中以更加优质的工程再创佳绩。第二章 编制说明及编制依据2.1 编制说明本施工组织设计中根据招标文件的要求,对工程质量和安全生产技术措施、文明施工组织和技术措施、现场施工管理组织架构、主要项目的施工方案及方法、投入机械设备、控制性施工进度计划、现场总平面布置等均做了详细的阐述。同时又根据本工程的特殊性提出了确保本工程为安全工地的施工总体目标。保证按期、优质、高效地完成本工程的施工任务。本项目为地铁大厦基坑及土石方工程,该工程作为深圳市地铁有限公司的重点工程,我公司将切实强化工期意识,加强质量管理,确保施工安全使该工程质
37、量评定等级达到优良工程。我公司有足够的实力、充分的信心、可靠的保证措施,可以完全使业主放心,确保按时按质交出令业主满意的工程。如果中标,我公司将把该工程列为本公司特殊工程,将从人员、设备等方面予以充分的保证。在施工中我公司将从整体利益出发,积极与质量监督部门、监理单位配合,协调好内外关系及地盘管理,以雄厚的企业实力,良好的ISO9002质量管理体系为依托,绝不辜负业主的厚望和期待,以“一流质量、一流服务、一流信誉”交出让业主满意的、用户放心的信得过工程。2.2 编制依据1.地铁大厦基坑及土石方工程招标文件。2.设计图纸。3.有关国家现行施工验收规范、标准及广东省、深圳市有关施工规定。4.本工程
38、特点、现场实际条件、自然环境。5.我公司ISO9002国际标准化质量管理体系有关文件。6.我公司多年来土石方施工经验和施工管理能力及技术装备水平。2.3 施工总体目标1.工程质量目标:技术保证资料齐全,确保优良工程。2.工程进度目标:工期4个日历月以内,确保4月30日前竣工并提交给地铁大厦开始基础工程、地下结构工程施工,满足招标文件要求。3.施工安全目标:杜绝死亡和重伤事故,轻伤事故控制在3以内,按“一标三规范”达标,施工现场安全检查综合评分达到80分以上。4.文明施工目标:执行深圳市建设工程现场文明施工管理办法,认真作好现场文明施工,施工现场文明施工评分达到85分以上,让业主满意。2.4 工
39、程承包范围2.4.1 承包范围1.基坑土石方工程。2.基坑支护工程。3.基坑降(排)水工程。4.基坑土石方爆破的施工设计及实施。5.监测(包括但不限于周边建筑物、构筑物、管线、基坑等的监测)。6.专用规范描述的或图纸中出现的其它永久或临时工程,包括管线保护等工程。2.4.2 不包括的工程地铁大厦的基础工程、地下室结构工程等由其它合同承包商完成,不包括在本工程范围之中。 第三章 工程概况深圳市中心区是深圳城市商务和行政中心,是深圳二十一世纪现代化城市的标志。拟建的深圳地铁大厦地处深圳市中心区的北侧,用地面积5509.6 m2,地块编号27-1-1,位于金田路与福中一路交汇处,北面是莲花山公园,西
40、面是少年宫,地块北侧为市供电局110千伏变电站。深圳地铁大厦为高度153m的超高层建筑,总建筑面积88334.68平方米,设有四层地下室,埋深17米。地上16层为裙房,735层为写字楼。结构体系采用钢筋混凝土框架筒体结构。建筑污抗震等级为一级,重要性类别为乙类。本次招标工程为:地铁大厦基坑及土石方工程。3.1 工程概况本工程属地铁大厦基坑及土石方工程,位于深圳市中心区27-1-1地块,南临福中一路,西临金田路,东临鹏程五路,北临少年宫变电站。主要工程为基坑土市方开挖、基坑支护、基坑浆(排)水、基坑土石方爆破的施工设计及实施、监测及管线保护等工程。本工程基坑开挖土方量92万m3,弃土外运92万m
42、以改善填土力学性质。基岩爆破后若岩体较破碎、破碎时用随即岩石锚杆,锚固段长35m、短锚杆(用于挂网)长2m和C20网喷砼100厚进行支护,爆破后岩体完整、较完整时采用C20素砼80厚进行护面。在基岩裂隙水出露处布设随机泄水管,长500mm,每5平方米1跟,局部加密。3.2 场地地质水文条件本场地地处低丘台地地貌,已经人工开挖整平,场地内现搭建有临时棚屋,地面标高在9.8612.99m之间。根据钻探揭露,场地内分布的土(岩)为第四系人工填石及燕山期侵入微风化粗粒花岗岩。场地内地层结构特性自上而下分为:1.人工填石层人工填石:褐黄、褐红、深灰色,主要由中等微风化粗粒花岗岩块石夹少量粘土及碎块石组成
43、,新近堆积,密实程度不均,结构松散,场地内普遍分布,块石直径0.200.30m,含量50%60%,层厚0.43.6m。2.燕山期侵入岩微风化粗粒花岗岩:场地下伏基岩,灰白,肉红夹褐黑色,粗粒花岗结构,块状构造,主要矿物成分为长石、石英,次为黑云母等暗色矿物。较硬岩,较完整,岩体质量等级为类,RQD值为1050%,结构基本未变,少量风化裂隙,岩芯呈场地地下水按性质分上、下层:赋存于第四系冲洪积地层中的上层滞水和赋存于基岩的裂隙水。场地地下水位边幅较大,埋深215.8米。3.4 现场条件1.工程所处位置交通发达,四周道路畅通,南临滨河大道,北临福华三路,东临金田路,西临益田路。2.现场不能弃土,所
44、有土方必须外运。3.施工现场内原有建筑物的地上部分已经拆除并清理完毕。4.施工现场的排水设施尚不完备。5.施工现场内临时道路尚未修建。6.施工现场内尚有其他承包商在进行搅拌桩和围墙施工。3.5 本工程的重点1.弃土场的选择.2.雨季施工措施。3.合理的施工进度计划。4.本工程工期紧张,需要组织24小时轮班作业。5.土方开挖施工顺序及方法。6.场内交通组织。7.与基坑支护队伍的协调配合。第四章 施工准备4.1 技术准备技术准备是整个工程的前期工作,技术工作的好坏直接影响到人员、机械、资金等进场计划的安排。只有对工程有了深刻、全面、透彻的了解,才能够合理组织,精心计划,按期、按质保证施工合同的完成
45、。技术准备的主要工作有以下几个方面:1.组织现场所有管理人员熟悉和审查施工图纸及有关技术措施,编制详细的作业指导书。技术人员要将工程概况、作业指导书、关键工序施工的重点及难点向全体施工人员进行交底,做到每个现场施工人员对自己要做什么,如何做,做到什么程度要心中有数。2.在开工前必须同设计院、建设单位及监理单位进行施工方案论证,并做好记录,作为施工依据的重要部分。3.对从事重要工种和特殊工种的施工人员必须进行岗前培训和交底,未经培训合格的人员不得上岗。4.编制施工预算,提供机械、劳动力、资金使用等计划。4.2 机械准备本工程拟投入以下施工机械:现场主要施工机械挖掘机20台,自卸汽车180台,推土
46、机2台,压路机2台,机械设备配备的详细情况见第八章。4.3 现场准备1.按施工平面布置图搭设临时设施,布置施工机具。维护好场内施工道路,保证水电畅通,做好各种施工机械的维护保养工作,并对进场的全体员工进行全面质量管理及安全教育。临时设施将在场外布置。2.本工程工期紧张,需要24小时轮班作业以满足合同规定的进度要求,因此现场需要准备夜间照明设备并安排电气人员负责保障夜间照明的顺利实施。3.现场文明施工按具体的实施办法,划片分区,责任到人。4.作好现场各种安全文明标语、警示牌的建立。5.对所有进场人员进行安全技术交底。4.4 劳动力准备根据要求的工期和工程特点,本项目劳动力使用相对较为集中且技术要
47、求较高,在场地进行土方开挖、回填同时砌筑围墙时,现场施工人员处于高峰期。劳动力的来源主要为本公司职工和合同工,一般辅助工招聘临时工。项目部根据工程各阶段的需要,结合机械设备情况和人员状态对本工程的劳动力实行动态管理,即保持一定数量的各专业工种人数,高峰期根据需要从公司内部调配,力求在保证进度的前提下,使劳动力的配置尽量合理。按每天工作三个台班24小时作业计算,本工程高峰时期需各类机具的操作人员、机械设备、车辆的司机700人,瓦工80人,机修工15人,普工60人。4.5 临时照明由于本工程任务重、工期紧,需要24小时连续作业。在开挖1区和2区基坑土方期间,我公司将采取以下措施组织施工现场的临时照
48、明,保证工程顺利进行。1、施工1区时,沿1区基坑两侧设置两排灯具;施工2区时,围绕2区基坑周围设置一圈灯具。2、灯具采用500W水银灯,每间隔2530米设置一个。3、现场设照明配电箱一个,配线采用BV-535mm2导线架电杆敷设,水银灯悬挂电杆上。4、2区施工时,根据现场实际,将N2回路原装于1区的灯具移至2区周边即可。5、照明配电箱系统图:照明箱MX备注:(1)漏电开关采用萧山漏电开关厂系列产品;(2)空气开关采用上海华通开关厂系列产品。6、临时照明布置见:4.5-1 现场临时照明平面布置示意图。4.6 管理准备1.建立以项目经理为主的施工管理体系和以项目总工程师为主的技术管理体系,形成完整的项目施工组织管理机构。2.按照规定程序主动向业主、驻地派出所、市公安局、城管办、环卫等部门申报办理施工中的各项报批手续,提前为施工生产创造良好的施工外部环境。3.协调与其它分承包商之间的工作关系。4.