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1、长沙学院外语系雷志敏2011年,中学教师的学术基本功培养,例Before:Lu Hao graduated last summer.He joined the first Auto Works in Changchun soon after graduation.He received an engineering degree from his college.After:After graduating last summer with an engineering degree,Lu Hao soon joined the First Auto Works in Changchun.介词

2、结构+主语+谓语,Having graduated with an engineering degree,Lu Hao joined the First Auto Works in Changchun last summer.或:状语从句主语谓语,An engineering degree-holder,Lu Hao joined the First Auto Works in Changchun last summer soon after graduation.或:同位语+主语+谓语+状语,1.形合与意合,1)That is our policy and that is our decla

3、ration.(W.Churchill)这就是我们的国策。这就是我们的宣言。,2)If winter comes,can spring be far behind.(Shelly)冬天来了,春天还会远吗?3)The prospects are bright,while the road has twists and turns.前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。,天气寒冷,河水都结冰了。It is so cold that the river froze up.地面潮湿,一定下过雨了。It must have rained,since the ground is wet.,我只见到他的背影,认不出是

4、谁。I couldnt make out who he was as I only saw his back.眼光放远些,你就不会这样看了。If you take a wider view,you will see it differently.,父亲是一个胖子,走过去自然要费事些。我本来要去的,他不肯,只好让他去。That would be a strenuous job for my father,who was fat.I wanted to do all that myself,but he stopped me,so I could do nothing but let him go

5、.,某君昆仲,今隐其名,皆余在中学时良友;分隔多年,消息渐阙。Two brothers,whose name I need not mention here,were both good friends of mine in high school;but after a separation for many years we gradually lost touch.,2、复合与简单(complex VS.simplex)1)As we lived near the road,we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste o

6、ur gooseberry wine,for which we had great reputation,and I profess,with the veracity of a historian,that I never knew one of them to find fault with it.(O.Goldsmith),翻译,例如:1)As we lived near the road,we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine,for which we had great r

7、eputation,and I profess,with the veracity of a historian,that I never knew one of them to find fault with it.,我们就住在路边。过路人或外乡人常到我们家,尝尝我们家酿的醋栗酒。这种酒很有名气。我敢说,尝过的人,从没有挑剔过。我这话象历史学家的话一样靠得住。,翻译,2)On one of those sober and rather melancholy days,in the latter part of Autumn,when the shadows of morning and ev

8、ening almost mingle together,and throw a gloom over the decline of the year,I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey.,翻译,2)On one of those sober and rather melancholy days,in the latter part of Autumn,when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together,and throw a gloom

9、over the decline of the year,I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey.,时方晚秋,气象肃穆,略带忧伤,早晨的阴影和黄昏的阴影,几乎连接在一起,不可分别,岁将云暮,终日昏暗,我就在这么一天,到西敏大寺去散步了几个钟头。,翻译,3、具体思维与抽象思维(concrete and abstract thought)东方人与西方人之思想方式有基本分歧,我们重综合,重归纳,重暗示,重含蓄;西方人则重分析,细微曲折。,As you sow,you will reap.,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。,to fit

10、 the appetite to the dishes,看菜吃饭,guilty beyond forgiveness,a narrow escape,九死一生,Who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet,十恶不赦,不尝黄连苦,怎知蜂蜜甜。,We live and learn.,活到老,学到老。,4、物称与人称(impersonal VS.personal),1)A wave of cigar smoke accompanied Ogilvie in.(A.Hailey),奥格尔维进门时带进来一缕雪茄烟雾。,2)His name esc

11、apes me for the moment.我一时想不起他的名字。3)Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.(N.Grove)这位曾使全世界人发出笑声的人自己却饱受辛酸。,4)你只要仔细比较一下,就会发现不同之处。Careful comparison of them will show you the differences.5)曹军大惧。Fear gripped Caos army.6)他愤怒得说不出话来。Anger choked his words.,7)上个星期天,他打了羽毛球。Last Sunday saw hi

12、m playing badminton.8)范进见丈人在跟前,恐怕又要挨骂。The sight of his father-in-law made Fan Jin afraid that he was in for another cursing.,5.主动与被动active voice vs passive voice1)本文讨论了信息技术的重要性。The importance of informational technology is discussed in this paper.,2)人民日报的一篇社论提供了一个例证。An illustration is furnished by a

13、n editorial in the Peoples Daily.,3)教授们拿薪水就是干这个的。The professors are paid for this.4)她哭了,没有关掉的摄像机记录下了这一切。Then she shed tears,and this scene was recorded by the running video camera.,5)他完全把公共利益当作自己的准绳。He was completely guided by the public good.6)他没有获得机会展示他的设计。He was denied a chance to show his design

14、.,7)From childhood,Steward Leonard remembered wanting to be sb.,wanting to be noticed and appreciated.,从孩提时代起,他就立志成为一个有作为的人,成为引人注目,受人尊重的人。(斯蒂伦纳德),6.不同文化习俗的影响,如:1)Born with a silver spoon in ones mouth(英语)天生有福(汉语)梳好了头才出世的(德语)穿着衬衣生下来的(俄语),2)早饭吃好,中饭吃饱,晚饭吃少。At breakfast,we eat like a king.At lunch,we ea

15、t like a prince.At supper,we eat like a pauper.,7.中国人注重伦理(ethics),英美人注重认知(cognition)汉语的伦理型思维和英语的认知型思维造成了英汉语言的许多不同。在构词上,汉语有:,时序上的先后律 空间上的大小律 心理上的重轻律 事理上的因果律,中华人民共和国湖南常德市洞庭大道170号湖南文理学院外国语学院英语系 English Dept.of Foreign languages college,Hunan Uni.of Arts and Science,170 Dongting Rd,Changde,Hunan,P.,R.,China.,1)因为病了,所以他今天没来。Because he was ill,he didnt come today.He didnt come today,because he was ill.,2)有志者,事竟成。Where there is a will,there is a way.3)我想看这场演出,可现在没有票。I would like to see the performance,only there is no ticket available.,Thanks for listening,


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