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1、Lets review!,Unit 2 Topic 2,一.单词.二.短语.三.句子.四.语法.,1./blk/n.adj.2./blnd/n.3./blu:/4./pik/adj.5./red/6./p:(r)pl/n.7./braun/n.8./grei/n.,New words A,black,blond,red,purple,brown,gray,pink,blue,7./jelu/n.8./gri:n/n.9./wait/n.10./k/l/n.11./let/n.12./mn/mn/n.13./wumn/n./wumin/14./snumn/n.,yellow,green,whit

2、e,color,letter,man/men,womanwomen,snowman,15./l:/;/l/adj.16./waid/adj.,long,wide,1./feivrit/adj.n.2./kt(r)/n.3./taini:z/adj.n.4./du:/v./d/z/5./a:(r)m/n.6./hnd/n.,New words B,favorite,actor,do,does,arm,hand,Chinese,an actor,7./leg/n.8./fud/n./fi:t/n.9./:(r)t/adj.,leg,food,feet,short,1./bi/n.2./k/m/v.

3、3./sist(r)/n.4./difrnt/adj.5./naif/n./nvz/n.,New words C,boy,come,different,the same,knife,knives,sister,come from,white,black,单词:名词,color,skirt,T-shirt,coat,pants,shoes,dress,cap,gloves,1.v.给;想要;买;将,会 2.n.信,字母;男人,女人,雪人(单复数);照片;一对,一双 3.adj.所有的颜色名词也有形容词词性 难过的;高的;年轻的;强壮的;幸福的;酷的,凉爽的;下一个的 4.others:像,跟一样

4、;给,因为,对于;的(表示所属、数量、其中);向,在(几点钟,某处),二.短语,1.在近旁,紧邻2.一双/副,两双3.一双鞋/手套 一条裤子 一副眼镜4.给某人某物 把某物给某人 把它给我5.想要做某事,next to,a pair of/two pairs of,a pair of pants(trousers),a pair of shoes/gloves,a pair of glasses,want to do sth.,give it to me,give sth.to sb.,give sb.sth.,look 短语,动词短语:“看起来”,看着看起来像看起来一样看起来不同看,look

5、 at,look like,look the same,look different,look,the same look,different looks,2.名词短语:“样子”,相同的样子不同的样子,三.句子,1.但是你们看起来一样。2.我们看起来不一样,但是我们是好朋友。3.请把这封信给Maria。4.我想买一件T恤,一个帽子和一双鞋子。,But you look the same.,We dont look the same,but we are good friends.,Please give this letter to M.Please give M this letter.,I

6、 want to buy a T-shirt,a cap and a pair of shoes.,三.句子,1.对不起,我不认识她。2.她很高,长着棕色的短发。3.请把这封信给Maria。4.他戴着一顶黑色的帽子。,Sorry,I dont know her.,She is tall and she has short brown hair.,Please give this letter to M.Please give M this letter.,He is in a black cap.,5.我身边的男孩是我的好朋友。,The boy next to me is my good fr

7、iend.,-What color is it?,-Its,What color are they?,They are.,yellow,purple,blond,pink,brown,1.What color is it?它是什么颜色?What color 是用来询问颜色时常用的特殊疑问句,该句型的结构是“What color+一般疑问句+其 他?”回答语为“Its 或Theyre+颜色”。What 是疑问代词,可放在名词前修饰说明名词。若句中的主语是单数,所以动词用单数is。若主语是复数,则动词用are。,Language points,-What does she look like?-S

8、he has long red hair.,-What does he look like?-He has short black hair.,红色的长头发long red hair黑色的短头发 short black hair褐色的短头发 short brown hair金黄色的短发 short blond hair,数量+大小(长短)+形状+颜色+名词,三.语法 in短语,The girl in yellow is Maria.那个穿黄色衣服的是Maria。,in 这里是个介词,表示“穿着”、“戴着”的意思,指“穿”的状态,可用于穿鞋、戴帽、穿衣服等。如:The boy in a whit

9、e shirt is my brother.那个穿白色衬衣的男孩是我的哥哥。,The girl in white is Alice.The girl in a white skirt is Alice.,in+颜色:穿着.颜色的衣服。in:意为“穿着,戴着”。,in+a/an/the+颜色+名词单数,表示(穿着.)颜色(服装的)状态。介词短语,句子做表语或后置定语。,Michael is in _.,The boy in _ is Michael.,in+颜色,red,red,Maria is _.,The girl _ is Maria.,in yellow,in yellow,in+颜色,

10、表示(穿着.)颜色(服装的)状态。介词短语。,Jane is _.,The girl _ is Jane.,in purple,in purple,in+颜色,表示(穿着.)颜色(服装的)状态。介词短语。,K.k.is _.,The boy _ is K.K.,in white,in white,in+颜色,表示(穿着.)颜色的(衣服的)状态。介词短语。,()1._ orange is _ orange.A.An;/B./;an C.An;an D./;/()2.Whats red and white?Its _.A.orangeB.greyC.greenD.pink()3._ is his

11、hair?Its black.A.What class B.What grade C.What color D.Where()4.Does Lucy look like Lily?Yes,she _.They _ the same.A.does;looks B.does;look C.do;looks D.do;look()5.What does Yang Ping look like?_He is a student.B.He is in China.C.He is twelve.D.He has a big head.,()6.Do you know Alice?_,I dont know

12、 her.A.Sorry B.YesC.OK D.Thanks()7.What color _ her shoes?Black.A.am B.is C.are D.be()8.Excuse me,is Michael in black pants now?No.Hes in _ coat and _ pants now.black;a whiteB.a black;whiteC.black;whiteD.a black;a white()9.Lucy,do you _ your sister,Lily?No,we have different looks.A.look B.look at C.

13、look the same D.look like()10.Thats my bag.Please _.OK.give it to me B.give me to itC.give it me D.give me it,()11.Do Lucy and Lily look _?A.like B.the sameC.at D.same()12.I have a round face.His face is long.We_ look the different B.not look the same C.look not the same D.dont look the sameThese shoes are green.(划线提问)_are these shoes?2.John is tall and strong._ _ John _ _?3.Please give Li Ping the book.Please _ the book _Li Ping.4.-What color are these pants?(blue)-_ _ _5.She is wearing(戴着)a white cap.She _ _a white cap.,


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