1、each meeting, on the basis of the Party branch of recent work, combined with the team practice, focused on solving two problems. The Party group Party branch meeting agenda, method and matters needing attention, combined with the actual consideration and will issue advance notice of the group of the
2、 party Member, do a good job in the pre preparation. Before the end of the meeting, the leader should timely conclusion and comes to a conclusion that made the decision shall be by a majority of the members agreed to. After discussion, opinions are not consistent, further deliberation, and strive to
3、 unify their thinking, temporarily difficult to unify, truthfully report to the Party branch. Fourthly, insist on the lectures system, implement the educational lectures lectures is one of the main form of Party member education and lectures system is an important system of the grass-roots party org
4、anization life, but also to ensure that the Party member education and implement of an important measure. Practical experience told me that speak good lectures to accomplish the following several points: 1, seriously to prepare lessons, to be well prepared. Problems encountered in or in front of the
5、 class to seriously carry out investigation and study, in a familiar topic, grasp the basic ideas based on the practice, summarized and refined, write detailed lecture outline handouts, conditions of production of CD (audio-visual). To give prominence to the key points, grasping the problem to the r
6、eady, do have answers, and Yanzhiyouwu. Try to answer the Party members ideological work and the most concerned problem to unlock their thoughts buttons, do have a definite object in view, the need and the confused. Only with practice, highlighting the focus on grasping the problems, in order to be
7、content focused, thorough reasoning, mark, easy to remember and do every Lectures, find out one or two basic viewpoints and make us to improve a understanding, accept education. 2, the content to new, lectures to art. The partys basic theory, basic knowledge of the content in the continuous developm
8、ent, we should be good at learning, absorb new knowledge and new problems, to accept new ideas, renew an idea, update teaching methods. The thesis is new, new requirements. The old topic, to the old new curriculum, according to the new situation and new tasks and ideology of the party members in the
9、 new changes, to enrich the new content, new taste. Lectures related to the case to be true, vivid, typical, appropriate, can seize the heart, that lecture Stronger appeal to logic and make the context clear, clear levels, a simple close to reality, easy to understand. Should be good at using the li
10、vely teaching methods, enhance the teaching of persuasion and appeal; to good use of various disciplines of knowledge to illustrate the problem, to enrich the teaching contents, to broaden the ways of lectures, improve the quality of lectures. 3, arrangements to be careful, disposal should be flexib
11、le. To reasonable layout lecture content, not tight loose, also cant loose tight; teachingpromotion of employment, form a reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution, build a more fair and sustainable social security systems, medical and health system reform. The plenary, innovation of soc
12、ial governance, must focus on the maintenance of fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, maximize factors, enhance social development, improving social governance, the interests of national security, ensure that the people live and work, social stability and order. To impro
13、ve social governance, stimulating social organization, innovative and effective system of preventing and resolving social conflicts, improving the public security system, set up the National Security Council, national security systems and national security strategy to ensure national security. Plena
14、ry session, the construction of ecological civilization, you must establish systems of ecological system, using the system to protect the ecological environment. To improve natural resources asset property right system and use control, red line of delimitation of ecological protection, resources pai
15、d use system and ecological compensation system in ecological environment protection management system reform. Plenary session, centering on building a listening party command, can win and having a fine style of the peoples army, a strong army under the new situation of the party Goals, restricting
16、the development of national defense and army building is solved outstanding contradictions and problems, innovation and development of military theory, enhance military strategic guidance, improve the military strategy in the new period, building a modern military force system with Chinese character
17、istics. To deepen the adjustment of personnel system reform in the army, military policy and system reform, promote the development of military and civilian integration depth. Plenary session stressed that comprehensive reform must be to strengthen and improve the partys leadership, give full play t
18、o the core role of the party commands the overall situation and coordinating all parties, improving the partys leading water . Margin. Challenged the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong thought by Deng Xiao-pings flag, replaced by three representatives and the
19、 harmonic society. The former Communist Party spirit and social cohesion point of almost all political makeover. Characteristics of socialism public ownership is shifting to private ownership, planned regulation and market regulation, the proletarian regime controlled by the elite. Of universal equa
20、lity, fairness and basic principles of distribution system is socialist society, however after economic monopolized by powerful, vested interests grow, employers do not have the same status, hardly seems fair social distribution. State key protection of capital interests rather than the interests of
21、 citizens, had been hits the bottom of the proletariat加筋土挡土墙路基施工晋城煤业集团郑庄煤矿项目加筋土挡墙施工组织设计一、工程概况南到货车线与既有焦柳线并行地段路基AK493+175AK494+275右侧、AK493+775AK494+275左侧设包裹式加筋土路肩挡土墙。墙高2.55m,厚0.15m,加筋土挡土墙面板混凝土、帽石和基础每隔15m设沉降缝一道,缝内填塞沥青麻筋,并在墙面板内侧沿整个墙高设置宽30cm的透水无纺布,防止填料流失。加筋土挡土墙是由填土、在填土中布置的一定数量的带状拉筋(筋带)以及墙面板三部分组成的一个整体复合结构
22、,在此结构内存在墙面土压力、筋带的拉力和填料与筋带间的摩擦力等相互作用的内力,这些内力互相平衡,保证了复合结构的内部稳定。加筋土挡土墙依靠填料与拉筋之间的摩擦力作用,平衡填料作用于墙面上的水平土压力,使之形成整体,抵抗其后部填料产生的土压力。二、施工机械设备加筋土挡土墙路基施工机械配备情况序号名 称规格型号单位数量备注1挖掘机1m3台1良好2平地机台1良好3振动碾18t台1良好4自卸汽车5t辆10良好5电动冲击夯个3良好6砼搅拌站个1良好7附着式振动器个20良好8插入式振动器30个3良好9钢模板1.5m1.0m块良好三、施工原材料选择1、拉筋土工格栅、复合土工膜、砂垫层、路基填料、20锚杆钢筋
25、缩缝或沉降缝一道,表面整平,待强度满足要求后拆除模型。基础混凝土在挡墙外5cm的前挡,与墙面板整体现浇。砂砾石垫层施工在粉喷桩达到规定龄期且试验合格后,进行砂砾石垫层施工。砂砾石在施工前应送检,试验合格后方可用于施工。1、人工配合机械整平场地,露出粉喷桩桩头,摊铺第一层25cm厚的砂砾石,人工配合机械整平,机械碾压,检查合格后铺5035土工格栅。2、土工格栅检查合格后,进行第二层砂砾石的施工。 加筋土工格栅的铺设土工格栅使用前应进行复试,性能(有效面积、抗拉强度、抗冻融循环性能、抗老化性能等)满足设计要求。土工格栅应与外界隔离储存,避免风吹、日晒、雨淋等自然侵袭,并在规定的期限内使用完毕。1、
33、模并加固安装附着式振动器灌筑C25混凝土养护拆模下一墙面板施工。帽石、栏杆施工加筋土挡土墙墙顶设C15砼帽石及钢筋混凝土立柱栏杆,帽石为矩形断面:宽0.6m,高0.4m,分段长度与墙面板一致,即每段15m。帽石施工工艺流程为:安装、加固帽石模板预埋20mm “U”型螺栓并固定灌筑C15混凝土养护拆模下一段墙面板施工。待帽石混凝土达到设计强度后,安装栏杆立柱,栏杆安装保证外观质量,要求平、顺、直,施工时挂线调节。五、施工关键环节:1、拉筋是指80土工格栅,其施工是加筋土挡墙控制的关键,首先要从原材料入手,保证土工格栅的各项指标满足设计要求。2、拉筋与渗水土之间的摩擦力是挡墙受力平衡的关键,在施工
34、时要加强对渗水土的碾压,保证压实度符合规范要求,从而保证拉筋与渗水土间的摩擦力符合设计要求。3、80土工格栅的铺设是施工的要点,要掌握土工格栅铺设的方法,保证搭接长度和回折长度,以及大型机械施工时对土工格栅的破坏。4、路基填料的控制,加筋土挡墙填料以透水材料为主,要保证填料的质量。5、面板施工要保证外观质量,首先面板施工时要在路基填筑6个月后进行,要保证路基沉降趋于稳定,面板施工后不容易变形。而且混凝土外观质量要严格控制,并且镶嵌花纹。points before and after the echo, a connecting link between the preceding and th
35、e following, and well-organized, full text linking, mentioned in the back to give answer problems the latter referred to that Is difficult to solve, is in front of the extended results. Each lesson time limit should be appropriate, the time is too short, time is too long may but will affect the effe
36、ct of basic level Party branch to organize lectures in general should be controlled in one to two hours is appropriate. The classroom can not solve the problem, to be flexible disposal. Five, with practice, implement the three class system three class is the basic common sense, is a grass-roots part
37、y organizations responsible person should have the basic skills. How to contact actual, but also must constantly learn and innovative ways, seize the current need to solve the main problems and priorities, and grasp the staff of ideological trends , the three will effectively and the work of the cen
38、ter of the unit to carry out organic combination, mutual penetration, promote each other, in order to play a good effect. 1, to combine the current political situation.Before learning to Communist Party member advanced sex to teach an activity to construct socialist harmonious society strategic thou
39、ght of education, is a three will important issues, and lectures on the main material to the activities and the three class with the implementation of it, the effect will be better. And if, with the goal of institution reform and wage policy adjustment, Chinas accession to the WTO to bring new devel
40、opment actual situation, is bound to bring some need to understand and solve the new problems related to peoples vital interests, Party member team is bound to the emergence of new ideas, the actual situation is three class the best basis. 2, according to the current Further improvement of the comin
41、g (issued by the actual work. As early economic indicators and work objectives and tasks, the important work carried out major sports events), the higher the important work of the deployment time, is to strengthen the education of Party members in good time, but also the three topics. 3, to bear the
42、 real thoughts. With the reform and opening to the outside world further deepening of market economy, the new situations and new problems, but also bring some practical problems and ideas. In a unit personnel adjustment, staff transformation time, always have such and such problems and thought of th
43、e fluctuations, then the three class should solve these Problem as one of the content, so that three class flesh and blood, vivid and moving, effectively with the actual implementation of the three class, solve ideological problems, promote the development of practical work. Leadership attention, we
44、ll-organized, implementation of the system, connection is actual is implement three necessary lesson that must also ensure that there is time, personnel, contents and effects in place, can not figure form, going through the motions. In place of time: at leastObviously, face Chinas Socialist system,
45、the Communist Party is not the party. In that case, political chaos has been very tight. Is remodeling or reconstruction, is a correction or a stove. Whether to turn right or left, is back to the source or put forward new political ideas. This is to determine the road problems in China, is also the
46、key out of the deep water of the reform of the economic system. After 18, the new Central collective leadership attaches great importance to political orientation. First, the Central eight articles as a starting point, starting from the Central Governments self-restraint, which preaches and pro-imag
47、e, brought fresh feeling to the community. Secondly, before reform and opening up and reform and opening two periods after non-negative, untying the tangle of the society a long time on this issue. Third, a new generation of party leaders on various occasions to Mao Ze-Dong and Mao Ze-Dongs thought
48、of evaluation has room for manoeuvre, through to the ruling ideology of Mao Zedong thought, is the call of the soul to the Socialist Revolution and construction. Empty talks jeopardize national interests and try again, is an affirmation of Deng Xiao-pings reform ideas. These strong political signal showing a new generation of political leaders is still keeping to the Socialist road. Four is revisiting the talking to Mao Ze-Dongs historical cycle of high profile anti-corruption and the importance of the Constitut