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1、MAIN,Objectives,Part I Video Starter,Part II Text A,Part III Text B,Part IV Additional Theme-Related Activities,Unit-main,Objectives,objectives1,From studying this unit,the students are expected to,know from the Text A what the author experienced in a hospital,understand the serious effects of sleep

2、 deprivation,and get familiar with the Supplementary Readings tips for getting a good nights sleep;master certain useful sentence structures(e.g.see to it that,and before one knows it)as well as the words and expressions that the exercises following Text A focus on;,1)2),objectives2,understand how t

3、o combine two nouns into a compound noun and how to build words using the suffix-ant;and discuss health tips they know.,3)4),Video StarterTo begin,well watch a video clip and try to grasp its message.Getting to know the words and expressions in the box below first may be helpful.,Part I-2,言归正传批评的,批判

4、的否认使命阐述观点,发表意见不利的,有害的,get to the pointcritical/krItIkl/a.deny/dInaI/vt.mission/mISn/n.speak ones mindunfavorable/nfeIvrbl/a.,Part I-3,仇恨邪恶追求关爱讽刺幽默的风趣的讽刺的,hatred/heItrId/n.evil/ivl/n.reach out for care aboutsatire/sQtaI(r)/n.humorous/hjumrs/a.amusing/mjuzIN/a.satirical/stIrIkl/a.,Part I-1,Video scrip

5、t:,Hi Class,Here we are now at the last unit of the textbook.For sure,though,this isnt the last stop of your English-learning journey.Theres quite a way beyond this Book One,with lots of interesting ground to cover.But lets leave that trek for later and get to the point here.Since were now in out la

6、st unit together(for now!)lets touch on a vital question relating to study in general:What would you say is one of the most important objectives of a persons education?Wouldnt you agree that being trained to look at the world with a critical eye is crucial?Anyone want to deny the importance of that?

7、Probably not.,Video script1,Yet with that“critical eye”comes responsibility for what one sees and learns.So perhaps we can say,then,that the ultimate mission of your education is to develop your ability to build a better,safer and healthier world.To be specific:an education,in all,should encourage a

8、nd empower you to speak your mind,criticize unfavorable elements of society,both express your rejection of contemporary evils and act to change them,care about people,and lastly,reach for excellence in all you do.Necessary skills to train include critical thinking and objectivity;qualities to cultiv

9、ate include insight,sensitivity and compassion.,Video script2,Sure,all this sounds a tall order right now!But its the best way to build the foundation for a lifetime of meaning and value.You will find that the following text is both humorous and has a sharp“edge”it“cuts”a little too,purposefully,to

10、cause change in people.Thats the aim of satire,a tool often used in effective criticism.Al though usually amusing,its underlying purpose is to critique an event,individual or group in such a way as to invite positive change.Author Art Buchwald tells us a satirical story.What is the author critical o

11、f?What do you think he hopes will change for the better?Lets take a look now and see.,Video script3,get to the point:to talk about the most important thing 言归正传,e.g.,He chatted about the weather for a while before getting to the point.他闲聊了一会儿天气,然后进入正题。,Video script1-note1,critical:to criticize sb.or

12、 sth.对批评的,批判的,e.g.,Miller was highly critical of the way the company was managed.米勒对公司的管理大加批评。,Video script1-note2,deny:to say sth.is not true 否认,e.g.,He said that I had stolen his bicycle,but I denied it.他说我偷了他的自行车,可是我否认了。,Video script1-note3,mission:a strongly felt aim 使命,e.g.,She believed that he

13、r mission in life was helping the old and the sick.她认为她一生的天职就是帮助老人和病人。,speak your mind:to tell people exactly what one thinks,even if itoffends them 阐述观点,发表意见,e.g.,He was a tough politician who wasnt afraid to speak his mind.他是一位性格强硬的政治家,敢于直抒己见。,Video script1-note4,unfavorable:not good 不利的,有害的,e.g.,

14、Unfavorable weather has had damaging effects on this years harvest.坏天气对今年的收成产生了破坏性的影响。,rejection:a strong refusal or turning away from sth.or sb.反感,厌恶,e.g.,The long cold winter could only increase his rejection for this place.漫长的寒冬只会增加他对这个地方的厌恶。,Video script2-note5,evils:sth.that is very bad or harm

15、ful 邪恶,e.g.,Poverty is one of the greatest social evils of our time.贫穷是我们这个时代最大的社会弊端。,care about:to be concerned about what happens to sb.关爱,e.g.,I care about him and hate to see him hurt like this.我关爱他,不愿意看见他受到这样的伤害。,Video script2-note6,reach for:to aim for sth.追求,e.g.,Everyone is free to reach out

16、 for happiness.人人都有自由追求幸福。,Video script2-note7,humorous:amusing,especially in a clever or witty way 幽默的,e.g.,He was quite humorous,and I liked that about him.他很幽默,我喜欢的就是这一点。,Video script2-note8,satire:a way of criticizing sth.such as a group of people or a system,in which one deliberately makes them

17、 seem funny so that people will see their faults 讽刺,e.g.,Chaplin was attacked by the authorities for his satire of Hitler in The Great Dictator.卓别林因在大独裁者中讽刺希特勒而受到当局的抨击。,Video script2-note9,amusing:making people laugh or smile 风趣的,e.g.,He had a good sense of humour and could be very amusing.他很有幽默感,可能

18、会很风趣。,satirical:containing or using satire 讽刺的,e.g.,This is a satirical novel about London life in the late 80s.这是一部关于80年代后期伦敦生活的讽刺小说。,Ask the students the following questions after watching and listening,if theres enough time:,What is the question the speaker begins with?,What is one of the most im

19、portant objectives of a persons education?,2)What are students trained to be as an important part of their education?,To be critical.,3)What is the students ultimate mission?,To build a better,safer and healthier world.,Part I-question1,4)What skills and qualities does that mission require of the st

20、udents?,To be critical and objective,and to have insight,sensitivity and compassion.,Part I-question2,5)How can students build the foundation for a life of value and meaning,as indicated by the speaker?,They need to learn to speak their mind,criticize unfavorable elements of society,both express the

21、ir rejection of contemporary evils and act to change them,care about people and,lastly,reach for excellence in all they do.,6)What is your understanding of the word“satire”?,While usually humorous,the underlying purpose of satire is to be critical of an event,an individual or a group,despite its amu

22、sing tone and manner.,Part I-question3,7)What do you already expect of the Text?,That it is a satirical story inviting change in some areas.,Now that the students have fully understood the Video Starter,you can ask some of them to dub(配音)the video,if time permits.Correct their errors in pronunciatio

23、n and intonation.,Part I-2,Part II main,Too Many Hospital Beds,Notes,Text A,Reading Aloud,Understanding the Text,New Words and Phrases to Learn,Structure,Word Building,Para.1 of Text A Too Many Hospital BedsArt Buchwald Hospitals are getting more efficient these days and have cut down the time it ta

24、kes to get a bed for you.The reason for this s that there is a surplus of beds,and in order to survive a hospital must keep them full.This is good and its bad.,Para.1 of Text A,That seems odd a hospital with too many beds.How can that be so?Shouldnt sick people be treated?,Of course sick people shou

25、ld be treated.Its hard to anticipate why the author thinks hospitals may have too many beds.But,as they say,bigger isnt necessarily better.Maybe the author is thinking that hospital care might be better,more humane,if it were not in the business of being“big,”i.e.making big money.,Question About the

26、 Title,Questions About the Title,2)Why do hospitals want to keep all their beds full?,1)Why are hospitals getting more efficient these days?,Because they have a surplus of beds to fill.,Because they want to survive financially,Questions About This Paragraph,Questions1,Chinese Version医院床位过剩 阿特布赫瓦尔德 近

27、来,医院的工作效率提高了,病人等待床位的时间缩短了。造成这种变化的原因是床位过剩。医院为了生存,不得不保持床位满额。这既有利亦有弊。,Para.1 of Text A,Chinese Version1,Art Buchwald(October 20,1925 January 17,2007)was an American humorist(幽默作家)best known for his long-running column(专栏)that he wrote in The Washington Post.His column focused on political satire and co

28、mmentary(评论).He received the Pulitzer Prize(普利策奖)for Outstanding Commentary in 1982 and in 1986 was elected to the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters.He once said,“You cant make up anything anymore.The world itself is a satire.All you are doing is recording it.”,Art Buchwald,efficien

29、t,efficient:a.able to do tasks successfully without wasting time or energy 有效率的,有效的,e.g.,an efficient secretary 能干的秘书This new copy machine is more efficient than the old one.这台新复印机比那台旧的效率高。,cut down:to reduce the amount of(sth.)减少,削减,e.g.,cut down(on)smoking and drinking 少抽烟少喝酒If you cant give up sm

30、oking completely,at least try to cut down.如果你不能完全戒烟,至少要努力少抽烟。We must cut our expenses down somehow.我们得设法减少开支。,cut down,surplus:n.an amount of sth.that is more than what is needed or used 过剩,剩余,surplus1,e.g.,a budget surplus 预算结余There is a surplus of teachers at that school.这个学校教师过剩。The Gulf States p

31、roduce more oil than they need and sell the surplus to the resworld.海湾国家产油过剩,它们将剩余的石油卖给其他国家。,a.more than what is needed or used 过剩的,剩余的,surplus2,e.g.,surplus labour 剩余劳动力surplus grain 剩余谷物This country has no surplus food.这个国家没有剩余粮食。,survive:v.to continue to exist even after being in a dangerous situ

32、ation or to exist for a long time;to remain alive after the death of a particular person 活下来,幸存,继续存在;比活得长,e.g.,The man was very ill,but he survived.这个人病得很厉害,可是他活下来了。Only two people survived the fire.这场大火中只有两个人幸免于难。She survived her husband by five years.她比她丈夫多活了五年。,survive,Para.2-3 of Text A,Paras.2-

33、3 of Text A,I went to visit a sick friend at the hospital the other day.I had to go to the information booth which also handled the admitting procedure.Before I could ask what room my friend was in the lady took down my name,age,occupation,filled out a slip and rang a bell.I was just about to tell h

34、er I was only visiting a friend when two attendants arrived with a wheelchair,placed me in it and started pushing me down the hall.,2)What did the information booth also handle?,1)Why did Buchwald go to the hospital the other day?,To visit a sick friend.,It also handled the admitting procedure.,Ques

35、tions About These Paragraphs,Questions2-3,3)What did the lady do before the author could ask what room his friend was in?,She took down his name,age,occupation,filled out a slip and rang a bell.,4)What did two attendants do to the author?,They placed him in a wheelchair and started pushing him down

36、the hall.,Chinese Version,Chinese Version2-3,几天前,我去医院拜访一位友人,去问询处询问,那里也办理入院手续。未及我开口询问友人所住的病房号,一位女士已经记下了我的姓名、年龄和职业,填好一张表格,按响了铃。正当我要告诉她我只是来访友时,来了两位护工,还带着轮椅。他们把我按在轮椅上,顺着走廊推进去。,Paras.2-3 of Text A,booth:n.货摊,售货亭,booth,e.g.,a voting booth 投票站a ticket booth 售票亭a telephone booth 电话亭information booth 问询台,han

37、dle:vt.to do the things that are necessary to complete a job;to deal with a person or behave towards them in a particular way,specially in order to keep them content 处理,处置;应付,对付,e.g.,The finance department handles all the accounts.财务部门管理所有的账目。Computers can handle huge amounts of data.计算机能处理大量的数据。Som

38、e customers are quite difficult to handle.有些顾客很难对付。,handle,procedure:n.a way of doing sth.,especially the correct or usual way 程序,手续,步骤,procedure,e.g.,legal procedure 法律程序Its just a matter of procedure.那只不过是手续问题。The first step in the procedure to make a kite is to build its frame.制作风筝第一步是先做框架。,take

39、down:to write down 记下,take down,e.g.,Can I take your details down?我能把一些细节记下来吗?We must advise you that anything you say now will be taken down and may later be used as evidence.你说的都会被记下,并有可能作为证词。,occupation:n.a job or profession 职业,工作,occupation,e.g.,He is a teacher by occupation.他的职业是教师。Part-time wo

40、rkers often work in low-paid occupations.兼职工人通常从事薪水很低的工作。,fill out:to write information into the blank spaces on a form or document 填写,fill out,e.g.,He filled out the job application carefully.他仔细填写工作申请。,attendant:n.a person whose job is to look after or help customers in a public place 服务员;护理者,atte

41、ndant,“Im not sick,”I yelled.“Im just looking for a friend.”“When he comes,”one attendant said,“well send him up to your room.”“Hes here already,”I protested.“Good.Once we have you in bed he can come up and see you.”,Para.4-6 of Text A,Paras.4-6 of Text A,Paras.4-6 of Text A,Chinese Version4-6,Chine

42、se Version,我没病,”我叫嚷着,“我只是来找一个朋友的。”“等他来了,”一个护工说,“我们会把他带到你的房间里。”“他已经在这里了。”我大声抗议。“好吧,等我们把你安顿到床上,他就能上来看你了。”,yell:v.to shout or scream at sth.,or speak in a very loud voice 叫喊,yell,e.g.,Im sorry I yelled at you last night.很抱歉,我昨晚冲着你大喊大叫了。,n.a loud shout 叫声,喊声,e.g.,a yell of surprise/delight/horror 惊讶的/高兴

43、的/恐怖的叫喊She let out a yell when she saw me.看见我时她叫了一声。,protest:v.to express that one strongly disagrees with or is angry about sth.because he thinks it is wrong or unfair 抗议,对提出异议,反对,protest1,e.g.,protest the war 反对战争They protested her remaining in office once shed been found to have lied.发现她撒谎后,他们反对她

44、继续留任。,protest2,e.g.,The tourists protested about the restaurants bad service.旅客们对那家饭店低劣的服务表示不满。The children protested when they were punished unfairly.当孩子们受到不公平地处罚时,他们表示抗议。,n.words or actions that show that one does not want sb.to do sth.or that one dislikes sth.very much 抗议,异议,反对,protest3,e.g.,The

45、people clearly voiced their protest about/against the rise in prices.人们对价格上涨提出抗议。,Para.7-9 of Text A,Paras.7-9 of Text A,I found myself in a small room marked“Private.Check With Nurse Before Knocking.”The attendant stripped me,gave me a weird,short nightgown that tied in the back,a water pitcher and

46、 turned on the television set hanging from the ceiling.“If you need anything,press the button.”“I want my clothes back.”“Oh,you can trust us,”the attendant said.“Even if the worst happens we will see that your widow gets everything.”,Questions about These Paragraphs,Questions7-9,2)What kind of night

47、gown did the attendant give the author?,1)Where did the author end up?,A small room marked“Private.Check With Nurse Before Knocking.”,A weird,short nightgown that tied in the back.,3)What did the author want back?,His clothes.,4)According to the attendant,what would he do if the worst happened?,He w

48、ould see that the authors widow got everything.,Chinese Version7-9,Chinese Version,我发现自己进入了一个小房间,门上写着“私人房间,敲门前请与护士联系。”护工脱光我的衣服,给我一件后面系带子的奇怪的短袍,一个水壶,并打开悬吊在天花板上的电视。“需要什么,就按按钮。”“把我的衣服还给我。”哦,请相信我们。”护工说,“即使最糟糕的情况发生了,我们保证将您的一切交还您的遗孀。”,Paras.7-9 of Text A,private:a.for use by one person or group,not shared

49、,not for everyone;not related to,owned by,or paid for by the government 私人的,个人的;私有的.,e.g.,a private car 私人小汽车a private letter 私人信件ones private opinion 个人意见 private business 私事a private door 便门a private school 私立学校He made some notes for his private use.他做了些笔记,供个人使用。,private,strip:vt.to take of sb.s c

50、lothes;to remove sth.that is covering the surface of sth.else 脱去,脱光的衣服;剥去或除去的外皮,e.g.,The prisoner was stripped and beaten.囚犯被脱光了打。Some of the villagers were stripped to the waist.一些村民光着膀子。He stripped the paper of/from the wall.他把纸从墙上撕去。The wind stripped the tree of all its leaves.风把树吹得光秃秃的。,strip,we


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