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1、Chapter 1,Introducing Economic Development:A Global Perspective,痈希墒睛宇孔展呐泅摘藏畜左级损新昂撅披滴止汞新筛豁磅斧墙流扁串骏Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,1.1 How the Other Half Live,When one is poor,she has no say in public,she feels inferior.S

2、he has no food,so there is famine in her house;no clothing,and no progress in her family.A poor woman from Uganda For a poor person everything is terribleillness,humiliation,shame.We are cripples;we are afraid of everything;we depend on everyone.No one needs us.We are like garbage that everyone want

3、s to get rid of.A blind woman from Tiraspol,Moldova Life in the area is so precarious that the youth and every able person have to migrate to the towns or join the army at the war front in order to escape the hazards of hunger escalating over here.Participant in a discussion group in rural Ethiopia,

4、挨妻舆衍嗡奠睫草花镇仰吊甩扣允绢硬佃宵节置佃蛛蛛哑昆沸釜余纂憾汤Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,1.1 How the Other Half Live,When food was in abundance,relatives used to share it.These days of hunger,however not even relatives would help you by giving

5、 you some food.Young man in Nichimishi,ZambiaWe have to line up for hours before it is our turn to draw water.Mbwadzulu Village(Mangochi),MalawiPoverty is.low salaries and lack of jobs.And its also not having medicine,food,and clothes.-Discussion group,BrazilDont ask me what poverty is because you h

6、ave met it outside my house.Look at the house and count the number of holes.Look at the utensils and the clothes I am wearing.Look at everything and write what you see.What you see is poverty.Poor man in KenyaA universal theme reflected in these seven quotes is that poverty is more than lack of inco

7、me it is inherently multidimensional,as is economic development.,尘园慕铱屠油夏泽迟我笨赡驻要孜界孰蔬屿挥脓捡儒家为瓦卤昏擞吠灵降Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,1.2 Economics and Development Studies,The Nature of Development EconomicsGreater scope th

8、an traditional neoclassical economics and political economy.Why Study Development Economics?Some Critical QuestionsThe Important Role of Values in Development Economics,桩旋坦敖蕉胞伴喂塘锦梧幌闽卓褥宠酮宜岳形呈降独析西为朗戮铱秒晦艘Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Glob

9、al Perspective,Figure 1.1 World Income Distribution,捣个跃侥篷峡建集锭倾炳郊烧琴眩甘戊躇瘩八桥侵森株袄傻滁卯峪毫嚏判Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,1.2 Economics and Development Studies,Economies as Social Systems:The Need to Go Beyond Simple Economi

10、csSocial SystemsInterdependent relationships between economic and non-economic factorsSuccess or failure of development policy Importance of taking account of institutional and structural variables along with more traditional economic variables,事朴茁苯铂递篱恃琼茄魁倦践辈沁惋咬约粕羡涣耳疡态绘析盯颠卒弗津唐Economics DevelopmentM0

11、1_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,1.3 What Do We Mean by Development?,Traditional Economic MeasuresGross National Income(GNI)Income per capitaUtility of that income?The New Economic View of DevelopmentLeads to improvement in wellbeing,more bro

12、adly understoodAmartya Sens“Capability”ApproachFunctionings as an achievementCapabilities as freedoms enjoyed in terms of functioningsDevelopment and happinessWell being in terms of being well and having freedoms of choice“Beings and Doings”:,考狭衣寨胞福讶账个择燥孙崭柬告蝗社普材瑚腺硬溪阎虚焉逐迷腮磊箔栈Economics DevelopmentM01_

13、TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,Some Key“Capabilities”,Some Important“Beings”and“Doings”in Capability to Function:Being able to live longBeing well-nourishedBeing healthyBeing literateBeing well-clothedBeing mobileBeing able to take part in th

14、e life of the communityBeing happy as a state of being-may be valued as a functioning,遂卡雅筐升步障别厘兹择码孩窄洲疫寿宁惕躺魁宵铣痊诱咐迪撅劫酗粮誉Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,1.3 What Do We Mean by Development?(contd),Three Core Values of Deve

15、lopment Sustenance:The Ability to Meet Basic Needs Self-Esteem:To Be a PersonFreedom from Servitude:To Be Able to Choose,灯闪抓递罢缠蚕唉理谷烈陌惯诗蒸赚搓雅乒叼勒截潦勿晴凛疤瀑游纯浚态Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,Figure 1.2 Income and Happiness:C

16、omparing Countries,气鸭授寞逝尊给屉造某铝摧苟魔淀屡掖靶韧俘购周逻历慰镭男实胁踩成榜Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,1.3 What Do We Mean by Development?(contd),The Central Role of WomenTo make the biggest impact on development,societies must empower an

17、d invest in womenThe Three Objectives of DevelopmentIncrease availability of life-sustaining goodsRaise levels of livingExpand range of economic and social choices,遮炳缘肥扔植课分阎碱莉恿烹松狸屿韩笋汕庇迭贮铺牙拔怯床搂提连喷憋Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Pe

18、rspective,1.4 The Millennium Development Goals,Millennium Development goals(MDGs)Eight goals adopted by the United Nations in 2000Eradicate extreme poverty and hungerAchieve universal primary educationPromote gender equality and empower womenReduce child mortalityImprove maternal healthCombat HIV/AI

19、DS,malaria,and other diseasesEnsure environmental sustainabilityDevelop a global partnership for development,僧蘸峡杖抨巳喻熄致励仿帅邵爹嘱芭债记胖培疟拙膜缝用侗姜杉买劝贰论Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,Table 1.1 Millennium Development Goals and Ta

20、rgets for 2015,辖苗桥排戌竣韭期量操皖拆茫诌张糜棠拼粕感嘘孔誊摘肌万振淫观褐馏寥Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,Table 1.1 Millennium Development Goals and Targets for 2015(contd),吼稽下病凑宵峦凋仇绝授球内著遁铲禁简近贱珍闻蝉瞄闷秘男无荷虏凯烟Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith0139

21、34_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,1.5 Conclusions,The importance of Development EconomicsInclusion of non-economic variables in designing development strategiesAchieving the Millennium Development Goals“One future-or none at all”,灭上逗奴徘佐页馅闯灵段李忿弱默祈蛹远湖榷夷豹捻啸绅渤甩肌领恍

22、受侨Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,Concepts for Review,Absolute PovertyAttitudes CapabilitiesDeveloping countriesDevelopmentDevelopment economicsFreedomFunctionings Globalization Gross domestic product,Gross national in

23、come(GNI)Income per capitaInstitutionsLess developed countries(LDCs)Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)More developed countries(MDCs)Political economy,冶仓恢粳谴躁辆寄艺哼猜搭尊纤泰品羡沽畏围鸣任笛偏闽施绝鞠倍乔熙佬Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,Concepts for Review(contd),Self-esteemSocial systemSubsistence economySustenance Traditional economicsValues,舌绊阐融谐帆诬颂结蛛廖茵虹加柿回弄彝溺庇护话透颓奴畅哲帛习瓶狮痔Economics DevelopmentM01_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C01Economics,Institutions,and Development:A Global Perspective,


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