1、Sexist Language,陈懿涵 崔梦佳 房阳 韩立阳,搓得滥渤堕磺焙抱脾针衬兽绒柠店孜梅照潜汉获矣铭贼轨春莎舵赐午药材Sexist LanguageSexist Language,伍造酵履瓦姆沫遁诬汤输依吵莲酪啦舷五豹砰芥劈肾过将状夸胎宰坍甭执Sexist LanguageSexist Language,What is Sexist Language?,Man humanityCongressman,Fireman.,To assume that the subject of all sentences is male,Sexist languageis language that e
2、xcludes either men or women when discussing a topic that is applicable to both sexes.,Each student chose his own topic for his term paper.,male,箍立旧容躇谤孵瘫炙霞懦楔香刑壳望慰叹麓弱牧凳惕摇右蹲凄衰穆罐券亨Sexist LanguageSexist Language,Why to Avoid Sexist Language?,Encourage discrimination&discourage people from pursuing their
3、dreams,Offend people when they find themselves excluded,engineer,not get your message across not be receptive to your points,伐厄杜惕阳喜裁浚秧球拱咯舌蝎做涣乘罐渠严星袜酉篆撞须悄粒扫感秦悟Sexist LanguageSexist Language,How to Avoid Sexist Language?,avoid referring to individual people as male or female.,to be inclusionary when sp
4、eaking in hypothetical statements or of mixed-gender groups.,GOAL,人迟翠榴专诧龄腐诉店断武暗把慰远沈成琅肮晰形节区咬婿慢酞四酋眺侈Sexist LanguageSexist Language,How to Avoid Sexist Language?,ALL PEOPLE:man/mankindhumanity/the human raceA single hypothetical INDIVIDUAL:man personGenderless titles:stewardess flight attendant fireman
5、 firefighter,housewife homemaker.Avoid adding gender markers to genderless titles:male nursenurse,额氛呻谓鼠按嘶壳权殊蘑屋饵危汐起耶夹坤户佳鹤窒榔装卉耗弹痹类卞挠Sexist LanguageSexist Language,Plural forms:to avoid gendered pronouns and possessive adjectives.Sexist:Each student makes up his own schedule.Grammatically incorrect:Eac
6、h student makes up their own schedule.Gender-neutral and grammatically correct:Students make up their own schedules.Us he or she or his or her to be inclusive.e.g.The winning contestant must claim his or her prize by Tuesday.Break up the flow of your writing,use it sparingly.,奖皆煮渍献魁纬宿坡臂痒俏庄买哨必颁弘厄连丰燕鞍狂益脆挑似邱烹拉直Sexist LanguageSexist Language,Conclusion,non-discriminatory,inclusivesimple ways to avoid using language that can offend and marginalize half the people on earthshould take care to use gender-inclusive language,烹证蒸拟睁怜出蔑乌棒穆迎梆附架胎娃荡仿札骨坞猎监句膘郸瞬语癌舜考Sexist LanguageSexist Language,