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1、插头插座温升测试说明智能生活产品线劳常委版本历史版本/状态责任人起止日期备注VI.O/草稿劳常委2016-10-17创建文档。目录1. 本文概述i2. 问题分析1II!:n1.本文概述本文主要根据SGS测试温升拓扑进行记录。2.问题分析目前我司对于插头、插座的温升测试并没有真正的测试拓扑,通常使用两种形式进行验证:1)使 用安规综测仪进行DC测试;2)使用RLC负载箱实际测试。两种拓扑里面前者由于是输出8V和对应设 定电流,DUT并没有在正常状态下工作,所以会有较大的误差,但是可以测出整个回路的接触电阻大 小作为参考。后一种测试更为准确,但是问题在于该拓扑的使用形式及测试条件并没有明确,所以也

2、 只能作为一个参考的形式。原拓扑参考SGS拓扑关注点:1. Socket至U DUT供电线长度大于1.5M,DUT的输出线Plug至U Socket长度大于2M。线径为1.5mm-2.0mm.2. Socket到DUT的供电线连接方式使用金属连接端子,并带有紧固螺丝,需使用扭力为0.8- 1.0N.M力矩的螺丝刀进行固定。3. 环境温度测量,由于DUT为一个发热体,距离与位置都有影响。测试拓扑里面将温度探头防止 在金属杯中,离样机5mm空气间隙。Australian/New Zealang Standard1. 智能插座主要相关标准1.1 测试 方法: AS/NZS3100 Approval

3、and test Specification - General requirements for electrical equipment1.2 插头、插座标准:AS/NZS3112 Approval and test specification - Plugs and socket-outlets1.3 插头转换器标准:AS/NZS3122 Approval and test specification - Socket-outlet adaptors1.4 移动插座标准:AS/NZS3105 Approval and test specification - Electrical por

4、table outlet devices1.5 开关标准:AS/NZS3133 Approval and test specification - Air-break switches智能插座的形态为带有开关的插头转换器,由于AS/NZS3122没有对应开关部分要求,智能插座使 用可移动插座AS/NZS3105标准,开关部分引用AS/NZS3133部分标准,插头、插座引用AS/NZS3112标 准,测试方法参考AS/NZS3100O2. 温升测试2.1插头、插座部分AS/NZS3112对插头插座部分温升测试条款为Clause3.14.5,对插座温升测试电流为额定的1.1 倍,直到温度稳定。陪测

5、插头要求为参考图2.1尺寸的黄铜端子插头;线缆为拔出Rated Current of accessory ANominal cross-section area mi2Flexible conductors for portable accessoriesRigid conductors (solid or stranded) for fixed accessoriesW1011.510W161.52.516W202.52.520W254425W3256线长:要求插头端至少1m,插座端至少2.5m;环境温度要求:要求测试中环境温度维持在205C;插座应安装在无通风位置的金属壁盒中,连接插座线缆

6、应封闭在墙壁管道血。端子紧固螺钉或螺母拧紧力矩等于AS/NZS3100中对应螺钉值得2/3扭力。(AS/NZS3100 Table 8.7)Table 0,7 Tsst values for screw torque testNominal diameter of EcrBw, mmTorque*. Hm0.20.42.K QOi025D.510 3.20.4O.Ky& s4.i0.7124.1 4.7O.K1*4.7 S3 A 6.02.5* Column 2 applies ta screws withoul heads where the- screw does not protrude

7、 above in fixing when (tightened; Column 3 applies Io ollher screws.MOTE 1 For tapered screwsh thfs maximum diameter over the Ihread Is deemed the nominal diameter.NOTE 2 In Column 2, If screws greater lhan 5.3 mm are used t Is considered thst a tesE of 0.8 Nlm is sufficiBrit. unlsss varied in the i

8、ndividual Approval and rest spBcification.NOTE 3 In Column 3, if screws greaCer then 6 mm are ussd il is considered th st b tesl of 2.5 Nm Is sufficient! unless vahed In the mdlvlduali Approval and test spehclfiGatlon,温升要求:所有端子和插头温升不超过45K;整机温升测试:1. EPOD在标准的电压、占空比下运行至稳定状态;2. 负载类型要与标贴一致或者缺省状态下使用功率因数为0

9、.750.83. 先将负载调整到240V, 50Hz状态下达到额定功率后接到EPOD,负载转移测试过程中不改变配 置。4. 温升测试过程中,所有绝缘材料的温升要求不能超过AS/NZS3100 Table5.7中的温升要求。5. 所有过载或过流保护部件不能工作。样品测试顺序:TABLE 2 TESTS TO BE APPLIED AND ORDER OF APPLICATIONTestNo.ncscriprion nf fcsClause reference for 邸t prated “re and criteriaSample ideniriflciirion1ln?huilinn rexi

10、stanjeeNnsuldiiion 面hue stated an AS/NZS i 1 00A2High voltageHigh voltage (electric strength) test1 stated inAS tesf stared in AS-NZS 3100A】0Meehan ico 1 strength1)0.4 hereinF. C11Overload test10.5 herrinD12Over! Dad pro(ecti.on11X6 hereinA13Uver-tsriTiperalur protectionL0.7 hereinA14Abnwmal operati

11、onL0.8 bare inE15InAulalion resistancekInsulation rcKtslancr stated in AS/NZS 3100E.16HighJliuh vQkage (tlcuiriu MretELh) WH staLd in ASfNZS 3100E17uddiLionel tests for inltrgrdilly jnuLided EPODi mliI EPODs provided witha jujiclionL0.9 hereinF, G,吐 1(sec Note 1)18Test of card entry (for EPODs incor

12、poraiing a reeling nr coilingLOJO tiETcinA191 esL afrc-coiling deviceHequLrcnicnts andfor julumlLc: cord.reels stated in AS/NZS 60335 JA20l)ctermination of i卸血hility and combustion propagHtion10JI hereinAny(see Note 2jZlTest of electronic c-omponcnr 切 EPODs inco-rporating clcctrojiic compon-enLs) Ab

13、normal operaticn Glared in fS/NZS 31,0(sec Nate 3NOTES:1 The odditionial saniples fbr Test Na 17 are required nnly for integrally moulded EPODs. An unmoTilded sample will he required for these tests.2 Tesi No. 20 may rtiHre an addiiionjl 弓制】中卜 in. new amd clean condjiion-3 Test Mo. 21 may reqtiirc s

14、everal samples.A Sajnple A uiul bt usii to veril1 iJjc gtderiil 臾quireiiumL% uillI dimmsiujiii】 rtiquiireccLenlSiuuidurd.AS/NZS3133 Clause 13.6测试线缆需按照 AS/NZS3100 中“Temperature and fire risk test的要求;The Temperature rise of terminals for insulated conductors shall not exceed 40K.测试环境温度为25CTemperature

15、Rise Result RecordChannelLocationTemperature(K)TemperatureRise (K)Limit (K)PASS/FAILAmbient_20+/-5Plug L ter45Plug N ter45Contact L45Contact N45Earthing ter-Socket L ter45Socket N ter45Relay SurfaceREFRelay Ambient30Relay1 PIN140Relay1 PIN240Relay2 PIN140Relay2 PIN240Enclosure60而AS/NZS333对开关要求进行耐久测试

16、,12K次行程动作后(次数要求参见 AS/NZS3133 Clause13.5.3.1 figure2),再进行温升测试。TABLE 1TESTS TO BE APPLIED AND ORDER OF APPUCAT1ON1234Tesc nmDescription of testChuse rererenef for te&t |nrutdLirc durJ criteriaSampk i Jr nLili c h lionA lu be c-iFiLdillulird in uccordancc wllti Cly use 13.1 (j)1Uisulahon rEifcsimee tes

17、iU.3 hereinA219iph VAltiie t占 na 3.4 hereinA.1 JEndurance lest13.5 hereinA |1 4T巴】iperMurm Le引13.6 herein浅 15High voltagt test no. 23.7 hereinA6Earthing facility13 .E hereinAT riiispcetio-Ji af switch13.9 hereinADetermimatian of ignitability and13.10 hereinBcombuslion propagalionRl苫返l田KC tO DCJt止笛l1

18、3. 1 hereinCAddltiotial cest For IF ratlin if IFZX and marked101 estof JP railing13.12 hereinLJ11voltagt test eio.】13.4 hereinDAddliiitioihal testa for switches markeds-uilablt fin niotor D:a-d12Mdiqi cdjiltdI yt13.13 hereinEHigh valtagt test no. 2I 3t7 hereinE14Isispection of switch13.9 hereinEAddi

19、tion a I fetsts for switches mtrked X or AX as suitable for nu-orcscenf limp lA15Fluorescent lamp load enduraunce test13.14 hereinF16Teinperalure tesi13.6 hereinF17IHgli voltage test eio. 213.7 hereinFIBIsispectiD ii of switch3.9 hereinFAdditional tests roir switches marked as suiljblt rr isolation1

20、9Leakage currenn ietB4.2 heceinA潸Test of conuet gap by impuhe vo-ltageB4.3 heceinG21Mectiarucal strefigth of aclualing meaiberB4.4 heceinHAn extra maniple is needed if hath ax. and J.c. ralhgs are required.l he ilests specified in Clauses U JO 创id I J. U rnay require jh additial sample m a new ind c

21、lein canditiniiThis lest need only be carried out where the isolation distance ceferred to in Paragraph B3.4 is less than 4 mm.Europe/Germany Standard1. 智能插座主要相关标准1.1 测试方法: IEC60884-1 Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 1: General requirements1.2 测。试方法:IEC60884-2-5 Par

22、ticular requirements for adaptors1.3插头、插座标准:DIN VDE0620-12. 温升部分测试顺序:2.1 VDE0620标准,20A满载测试;2.2 IEC60884-1标准,插拔寿命前,温升16A满载测试;2.3 IEC60884-2标准,插拔寿命测试;2.4 IEC60884-2标准,插拔寿命后,温升16A满载测试;2.5 IEC60884-2标准,短路继电器,20A温升测试。3. 测试条件:3.1测试环境要求在不通风的环境中进行,测试长1h 3.2测试导体截面积要求参考Table20,16A,130/250V,截面积1.5mm2试验电流16A。3.

23、2插头紧固端子尺寸要求如下图,螺钉扭力要求0.8N.m。ArBeliormointing lhe thermdcoupe perniEfienHySpaw V thBEE FJWTJ 。的&口时 ir? m 侦.n祐灯朝Material: braa-s withi at 52 % of capper.Tcieramce: ts2 mm unless ottidw我 或BtedREMARKS:- The dimen5H5fi(Ej for Lii-e shadeci area islare) the: masunnum plug pin dmnBF!on(s) - D.S mm-I.Sfids

24、&- The thwmDcauple fihouid be plajcsdl wrlhin Lhn shadad araa bul nod diractly under 1he clamping Gcnaw.Figure 44 = Cilamiping unit for the temperature rise test of Clause 193.3线长要求为了保证导体正常冷却,要求线长至少1m。3.4测试端子要求为黄铜材质,标准的最小尺寸。3.5结果要求The temperature rise of the terminals, terminations and clamping unit

25、s according to Figure 44determined by means of thermocouples shall not exceed 45 K.3.6 IEC60884要求的测试顺序及样品数Clauises and subclansesNumber pf specirnemF阪d socketoutletsPortabllfl soc ker outletsPlugs6RatingsAAA7CJassificationAAASMa.rkingAAA9Cti&cking of dimonion-sABCABCABC10Protection against elecliic

26、shock*ABCABCABC11Provision far earthingABCABCABC12TerminalsABCcABCABC13Construction of fixed sacket-outlets14ConsiructiDn of plugs and porlable SDckeiDuilelsABCr- dABCC-d15Interloctod fjockot-outlatsABCABC16Resistance to ageing, to harmful ingress of water and to humidityABCABCABC17In&ulation rosist

27、anco and olsctrc strenqlhABCABCABC18Operalion ot earthing contaclsABCABCABC伯Temperalure riseABCABCABC20Bros King capaityABCABCABC21Normal operiationAGCABCABC22Force necEssary Id withdraw Ihn plugABCABC23Flexible cables 日忡日 thomr connsctionAB S1ABCL24Mechanical strengthABC19ABC1ABC,25Resislanc toABCA

28、BCABC26Sc raws, current-carrying parts and connsctjonsABCABCABC27Cire&page distanceso clearances and distances through sealing compoundABCABCABC29Resislanc Go rustingABCABCABC28.1Resistance to abnormal heat and to fireDEFDEFDEF28.2Resisilancs to iracking-DEFDEFDEF3DAdditional lests on pins provided

29、witfri insulating sleevesGHI1TOTAL66gContact 和 Terminal 的定义区分(VDE0620)VDE0620 Temperature Rise Result Record (20A)ChannelLocationTemperature(K)TemperatureRise (K)Limit (K)PASS/FAILAmbient-20+/-5Plug L ter70Plug N ter70Contact L45Contact N45Earthing ter45Socket L ter70Socket N ter70Enclosure60IEC6088

30、4-1 Temperature RiseResult Record (16A寿 命前)ChannelLocationTemperature(K)TemperatureRise (K)Limit (K)PASS/FAILAmbient-20+/-5Plug L ter45Plug N ter45Contact L45Contact N45Earthing ter45Socket L ter45Socket N ter45Enclosure60IEC60884-1 Temperature Rise Result Record (16麝命后)ChannelLocationTemperature(K)

31、TemperatureRise (K)Limit(K)PASS/FAILAmbient-20+/-5Plug L ter45Plug N ter45Contact L45Contact N45Earthing ter45Socket L ter45Socket N ter45Enclosure60IEC60884-1 Temperature Rise Result Record (20短路继电器)ChannelLocationTemperature(K)TemperatureRise (K)Limit (K)PASS/FAILAmbient-20+/-5Plug L ter45Plug N ter45Contact L45Contact N45Earthing ter45Socket L ter45Socket N ter45Enclosure60


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