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1、,课前准备,请拿出试卷、课本、双色笔,还有你的激情。,We are the best!,Unit1过关检测反馈,过 关 分 析,一、试题分析 单词、短语、单选考查基础,阅读较简单。二、成绩分析,三、问题反馈 1.基础知识掌握不牢固,单词、短语部 分会写但不会灵活应用(时态、人 称、单复数)。2.缺乏细心思考意识,分析不认真,不动 脑;阅读失分严重。,Learning aims,1.Master the important words,phrases and related knowledge,improve your ability to do multiple choice question

2、s and reading comprehension.2.Summarize the related knowledge in the paper through self-directed study and cooperation.3.Build up your strong willingness of learning English and enjoy learning.,I:用红笔订正答案(5分钟)1.loose 2.curtains;dusty 3.grateful 4.concerned 5.recovered 6.outdoors 7.teenagers 8.ignored

3、 9.partner(s)10.upset 11.disagreed 12.settle 13.dislikes 14.exactlyII:1.added/adds to 2.too much 3.happened to 4.gone through 5.hid away 6.stayed awake;in order to/so as to 7.a series of 8.have trouble/difficulty/a hard time in 9.pack up 10.getting along well with 11.got/been tired of 12.suffered fr

4、om 13.no longer 14.As far as I am concerned 15.calm down,III.1.there was a time when 2.I had seen the night face to face 3.no pleasure looking any longer 4.I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature 5.It was Tom who/thatIV.1-5 C B/A ACB6-10 DBBACV.BDCCC,Self-directed study,要求:1.疯狂背诵试卷上

5、的单词、短语 和句型,准备二次过关。2.动手,动脑,动口。3.全身心投入,扎实高效!,Discussion and Cooperation 讨论内容:基础知识过关的疑难。重点讨论:选择题和阅读理解一题和四题讨论要求:1.小组内先一对一讨论,然后组内合作讨论,动口动脑动笔!2.组长调控好,确保每一层次的学生都能最大限度解决问题,以备展示、点评和质疑。3.组长安排成员做好对弱科同学的帮助,并安排好展示点评的人员。评价:讨论状态:0-3分,争做高效讨论小组目标:A层:研究透所有问题并能延伸拓展。B层:研究解决95%问题。C层:研究解决85%问题。,Presentation,要求:1.口头展示(Ora

6、l show)同学声音洪亮,吐字清晰,语言简练,结构条理。单选题错题书面展示2.非展示同学认真倾听,用红笔做好笔记,及时补充拓展,如有问题随时提出质疑。,A little quiz,add up;added to;added to;add up to,(1)如果要强调除谓语以外的部分,我们经常用以下句型:It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)(2)强调句的形式:陈述式:“It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)”一般疑问式:“Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who”特殊疑问式:“特殊疑问词(Who/What/When/Where/Why/How)+is/wa

7、s it that”(3)强调谓语动词时,用“do/does/did+动词原形”结构。Eg:Do be careful!请务必小心谨慎!Do tell me all about it.Ill keep it a dead secret.请告诉我吧,我一定严守秘密。,知识点拓展之强调句,活学活用,将该句子变为强调句:He came back home at ten oclock.1.(强调时间状语)It was at ten oclock that he came back home.2.将该强调句变为一般疑问形式。Was it at ten oclock that he came back h

8、ome.3.An awful accident _,however,occur the other day.A.does B.did C.has to D.had to 4.It was_ back home after the experiment.A.not until midnight did he go B.until midnight that he didnt go C.not until midnight that he went D.until midnight when he didnt go,方法点拨:判断句子是否是强调句的依据是“将it is/was和that去掉,剩余部分仍然完整,那么该句子就是强调句。”,Homework,把错题认真整理到典型题目本上。生单词整理到词汇积累本上,


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