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1、自动化专业英语,课后作业答案,1.1 Introduction to Process Control,2.Put the following into chineseperformance 性能 process plant 过程系统 process control 过程控制 reference 参考 operating conditions 运行条件 disturbance 扰动,干扰 Automatic control 自动控制Manual control 手动控制,人工控制Perfect control 完美控制Feedback control 反馈控制Set point 设定值Contr

2、olled variable 被控变量,2,3 Put the following into English带搅拌加热器 stirred-tank heater密度 density比热容 specific heat capacity热容 heat capacity热损失 heat loss负反馈 negative feedback正反馈 positive feedback前馈控制策略 feedforward control strategy控制器 controller,3,1.1 Introduction to Process Control,1.2 What is feedback and

3、what are its effects?,2.Put the following into chineseStability 稳定性 sensitivity 灵敏度Actuator 执行器 sensor 传感器 Transducer 传感器 linear quadratic regulator 线性二次调节器Linear quadratic 线性二次型 controller 控制器Simulation 仿真 temperature 温度Flow rate 流速 pressure 压力Concentration 浓度 level 液位,液面,4,1.2 What is feedback and

4、 what are its effects?,3 Put the following into English幅值 magnitude 相角 phase闭环 closed-loop 开环 open-loop可编程逻辑控制器programmable logic controller(PLC)模型 model 黑箱 black-box经验模型 empirical model 比例 proportional比例加微分 proportional plus derivative(PD)比例加积分 proportional plus integral(PI)比例加积分加微分 proportional pl

5、us integral plus derivative(PID),5,1.3 Stability of closed-loop control systems,2.Put the following into chineseOscillatory 振动的 damp 衰减Unstable 不稳定地 complex number 复数Controlled variable 被控变量Manipulated variable 操纵变量Load variable 负载变量 error 误差Process transfer function 过程传递函数Pole-zero cancellation 零极相

6、消Self-regulating 自调节,6,1.3 Stability of closed-loop control systems,3 Put the following into English判据 criteria 拉氏变换 Laplace transform零点zero-point 极点 pole-point特征方程 characteristic equation 系数 parameter/coefficient偏差变量 deviation variable 比较器 comparator伺服问题 servo problem 给定变化 given changes负载变化 load fl

7、uctuation/variation in load,7,1.4 The design process of control system,2.Put the following into chineseDesign 设计 decision 决定,决策Methodology 方法论 productivity 生产率,生产力Investment 投资 fundamental 基础的Evaluating 评价 benifit 利润,益处Distillation column 分裂蒸馏塔Overhead 在头上的,高架的 process dynamic 过程动态Manipulatable inpu

8、t 可操作输入 observable output 可观测输出Measurable disturbance 可测量扰动,8,1.4 The design process of control system,3 Put the following into English控制系统设计 control system design设计模型 design model炼油 oil refinery 化工 chemical(engineering)电力(electric)power 造纸 paper(making)水泥 cement 纺织 textile塑料 plastic 钢铁 steel(iron a

9、nd steel)航空航天 aerospace(Aeronautics and Astronautics)再沸器 reboiler,9,1.5Controller tunning,2.Put the following into chineseSetting 设置 tunning 整定,调节Trial and error 试差法 guideline 方针,指南Averaging control 平均控制 residence time 滞留时间Eliminate 消除 ultimate gain 临界增益Time-consuming 耗时的continuous cycling method 连续

10、周期法Decay ratio 衰减比率Process reaction curve method 过程响应曲线法Ziegler-Nichols tunning 齐格勒尼柯尔斯整定法,10,1.5Controller tunning,3 Put the following into English流量控制 flow control 液面控制 level control压力控制 pressure control 温度控制 temperature control成分控制 composition control 临界增益法 ultimate gain method临界周期 ultimate cycli

11、ng 超调 overshoot热交换器 heat exchanger 化学反应器 chemical reactor汽化器 vaporization(carburettor),11,2.1 Pressure measurements,1.Put the following into chineseAtmospheric pressure 大气压absolute pressure 绝压Gauge pressure 表压differential pressure 差压Total vacuum 完全真空 diaphragm 膜片Capsule 膜盒 bellow 波纹管Bourdon tube 波登管

12、 silicon diaphragm 硅膜片,12,2.1 Pressure measurements,2.Put the following into English英制 British system 公制 metric system扩散硅压力传感器 diffuse silicon pressure sensor压力传感器 pressure sensor差压变送器 differential pressure transmitter压力传感器元件 pressure sensor element波登管压力表 Burdon tube piezometer(Burdon tube pressure

13、gauges),13,2.2 Level measurements,1.Put the following into chineseLevel measurement 液位测量 container 容器Interface 界面 buoyancy 浮力Immersed 浸没 radium 镭 Capacitive probe 电容电极 nonconductive 不导电的Dielectric constant 介电常数 sight glass 玻璃液面计Float 浮体,浮球,浮标 level formula 液位公式,14,2.2 Level measurements,2.Put the fo

14、llowing into English密度 density 浮力式液面计 buoyancy level meter浮球 float 标尺 scale电位计 potentiometer 导电电极 conductive probe电容电极 capacitive probe 超声波 ultrasonic wave张力式仪表 tension gauge 应变仪 strain gauge荷重传感器 load sensor,15,2.3 Flow measurements,1.Put the following into chineseFlow rate 流速 accounting 统计,计算Lamin

15、ar flow 层流 energy losses 能量损失Total flow 总体流量 pressure energy 压能Kinetic energy 动能 potential energy 势能Restriction 约束,限制 orifice plate 孔板Venturi tube 文丘里管 flow nozzle 测流嘴Elbow 肘,弯管接头 rotameter 转子流量计Mass flow 质量流,16,2.3 Flow measurements,2.Put the following into English雷诺数 Reynolds number 流型 flow patter

16、ns伯努利方程 Bernoulli equation 流速 flow rate湍流 turbulent flow 黏度 viscosity能量守恒 energy conservatism 摩擦力 friction参考点 refrence point 重力加速度 acc of gravity连续性方程 continuity equation,17,2.4 Temperature measurements,2.Put the following into chineseSphere 范围 fundamental standard 基本标准Absolute standard 绝对标准 thermoe

17、letric effect 热电势效应Resistence change 电阻变化 thermography 热像仪Thermal expansion 热膨胀 resonant frequency 谐振频率Fiber optic 光纤 acoustic thermometry 声测温技术Color change 颜色变化 expensive 贵的Ceramic beaded 陶瓷珠状 junction 连接点,18,2.4 Temperature measurements,3.Put the following into English热电偶 thermocouple 热电阻 thermal

18、resistance冰点 freezing point 沸点 boiling point固态 solid(state)液态 liquid(state)气态 gaseous(state)国际实用温标 International practical temperature scale(IPTS)物理原理 physical principle 电动势 electromotive force(e.m.f)不锈钢 stainless steel 接地的 grounded隔离 isolated,19,2.5 actuators,2.Put the following into chineseControl

19、 value 控制阀 value position 阀门定位Electric motor actuator 电动执行器 damper 阻尼器Variable speed pump 变速泵 diaphram area 膜片面积Pneumatic pressure 气压Fail-safe action 自动防护动作 air-to-open 气开式Packing box friction 压缩盒摩擦力 hysteresis 滞后现象Converters 转换器 gear ratio 齿轮比,20,2.5 actuators,3.Put the following into English控制性能 control performance最终控制元件 final control element控制器输出 controller output阀驱动器 value actuator气动 pneumatic 电动 electric液动 hydraulic 弹簧圈 spring ring不灵敏区 insensitive area 死区 dead zone电磁阀 electric solenoid operator/value阀特性 value characteristic,21,


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