1、Quiet summer,Little stars from the sky,Some thoughts about me,Think of your face,-An imaginary trip Lets start here!,Brief history,Ningxia is located in the ancient“Silk Road”,it is an important trade roads in history.The ancient civilization of Yellow River in Ningxia has a longhistory.In 1038 AD,W
2、estern Xia Dynasty in Ningxia was established by the party group leader Yuanhao.,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Western Xia1038-1227AD,Silk Road,Yellow River flows through the Ningxia,六盘秋韵,永恒苍茫的贺兰山.,Yellow River setting sun circle,Hui People,Architecture,中华回乡风情园,Capital Yinchuan,Phoenix tablet,Jade e
3、mperor玉皇阁,海宝塔,凤凰碑,鼓楼,由胡锦涛总书记亲笔题写鼎名的“民族团结宝鼎”赠鼎仪式在宁夏博物馆宝鼎广场举行。这是中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记、中央代表团团长贺国强(左)和宁夏回族自治区党委书记陈建国为宝鼎揭幕后握手.,National unity tripod,A city with lakes,As one of the most famous interest spots Xixia Tombs lies in the west of yinchuan.The other famous place include the Film studio and the Sand L
4、ake.,interest sites,Travelling,Tomb of Western Xia King,Eastern Pyramids,Sand Lake,Chinese movie march towards the world from here.,Western Movie Town,Eastern Hollywood,China west Film Studio,明城聚宝盆、牧马人、文革大院、月亮门、关中城门、柴草店、盘丝洞、定州总管府、酒作坊、九儿居室、铁匠营、遗址廊、招亲台、龙门客栈 清城瓮城、幸运之门、神秘山洞、百花堂、影视一条街、古堡龟卦、都督府、牛魔王宫、观音阁、展厅、明星犬舍、告子亭,Tourists,Moonlight Box,宁夏五宝,Tanyang Lamb-skin,star jelly 发菜,The End,