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1、高分作文的捷径,第一、结构,专升本作文绝大多数是书信体。通过学习掌握写作模板,多阅读、仔细琢磨范文,并且加以练习,就能达到目的。,第二、词和词组,1、词汇的掌握决定一个写作的功力。活用词汇是关键。2、表示观点的词:think,hold,argue,maintain,take it for grant。3、论证观点的词:表示三点时 1)first,second,third 2)begin with,moreover,whats the most important,3)in the first place,in the second place,last but not least;,表示两点时

2、:1)On the one hand,on the other hand 2)for one thing,for another。,第三、句型,1、要极力避免出现破句、断句、连写句等明显错误。2、尽量使用并列句和复合句,减少简单句。3、多个短句连续使用效果不好。4、比如说:可以使用while引导的状语从句;Only开关的倒装句;Only 后面紧跟一个条件或时间状语从句。,第四、例子,1、举例是一个很好的说明、论述办法,原则是典型、精练。典型就是举出的例子要非常形象生动地证明自己的观点。精练,就是言简意赅地描述例子。2、常见的句型构是:Take as an exampleLets take as

3、 an exampleA good case in point is that Just think of which(who),第五、谚语与名言,1、使用谚语与名言一定要与上下文相切合,而且不宜过多,一般一篇文章使用一至两处即可。2、谚语常用的句型是:As famous saying goes3、名人名言常用的句型是:XXX once said:“People grow old by deserting their ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up wrinkles the soul.,或者如:Justas John Vance

4、 Cheney once said,“The soul wound have no rainbow had the eyes not ears”眼睛中没有眼泪,灵魂也不会拥有彩虹有时还可以将名言放在文章最后,如:Only if we get prepared can we seize the opportunities instead of letting them slip by,just as the saying goes,“opportunities are only for the prepared minds”.,第六、修辞,1、比喻包括明喻和暗喻常用暗喻:If life is a

5、 journey,we have nothing to regret so long as we put meaning into it.Knowledge and experience accumulated can help me reap harvest in English learning,and confidence and courage gained along the route can help me succeed in my future career.,2、排比排比是一种特殊的平行结构,通常出现在句子层次,并达到三处才称为排比。例如:Students cheat in

6、 examinations to obtain high scores.Accountants make up false data to win trust and respect from stockholders.Even scientists copy others articles or inventions to seize money or fame.,3、拟人拟人是把人类的特点加在事物之上,使之人性化的修辞手法。例如:The past twenty years witnessed the fast development of the automobile industry a

7、long with national economy.,第七、插入语,插入语看似不经意的表意手段,却能直接显示写作者的功底。如:Other people,however,hold that it is untimely for us to do so because the overall college education has stayed at a relatively low level on this occasion.To put such a serious problem to an end,in my mind,calls for the effort from all s

8、ides.,有时插入语可起进一步说明、调节语气的作用。如:Many people,especially the parents,think it will certainly do good to their children because the independent life will make them learn confidence and perseverance.插入语放在从句中是更高级的技巧。如:Second,great men in history can always be modest,which,in my mind,is vital to their succes

9、s.,插入语很多时候可用作同位语,起解释说明的作用。如:First of all,the university authority should make it clear that any cheating behaviors in the examinations,from whispering and copying,receiving answers via mobile phones to asking ringers for help,will be severely punished with no exception.,有时非限定性定语从句可以用作插入语。如:On the ot

10、her hand,the specialist himself,who makes this his career,takes on the responsibility of letting off the firecrackers on ceremonies and parties.,第八、标点符号,错误的标点符号会给改卷老师不良印象,影响分数的评判。,作文常用关键词及词组,一、增强语气的词,1.most 和 more thanMost 可用在形容词前面加强语气,表示非常,比very语气强得多。如:When we talk about whether college students ar

11、e diligent or not,we will be most surprised to find that the present situation is so complex.As far as I am concerned,I am most happy to attend such a test of oral English ability.,More than 也可以放在形容词前面,达到非常强烈的效果。如:After careful consideration,I have to say the above view is more than biased.The solut

12、ions to this problem seem more than clear on this occasion.,2.Undoubtedly,unquestionably,undeniably 和Beyond doubt,out of question这一组词语气果断。前三个是副词,既可在句首单独使用,也可用在句子中间。如:Undoubtedly,fake diplomas are extremely harmful to our society,in that they deprive the job market of fairness.,Some people argue that

13、 it is unquestionably beneficial to the students in that it can enlarge their horizon and enrich their experience,while others firmly hold that part-time jobs of all kinds are harmful so as to hinder the students normal college study.,Beyond doubt 和 out of question不能放在句子的开头。如:It is beyond doubt that

14、 poverty is a serious problem to any nation at any time.As long as I am sure of making sufficient preparations and distinguishing myself during interviews,it is out of question for me to get the ideal job which I have been dreaming of.,3.All,any,no,never 和 every表示完全肯定与否定的词单独使用或与其他词连用,也可以达到加强的效果。如nev

15、er 与 until 连用。,二、调节观点的词,为了使得在说理中显得客观,避免过于偏激,应该使用一些调节观点的词,如:1、to some extentIn my mind,however,I do not agree with it to some extent,generally for three reasons.2、generallyGenerally speaking,the positive aspects can be listed as follows.,3.On the whole通常用来引出本方观点On the whole,I should say remedial exam

16、inations are necessary for our educational system.Although we cannot say that it brings no unfavorable consequences,we can be sure to conclude that this practice is favorable on the whole.,作文常用优秀句型,1.由while 引导的状语从句,它能突显两种观点的对比,又使句子显得非常精练。While 常用在逗号之后。Different people have different views on opportu

17、nity.Some people think that there are few opportunities in the world,while others argue that everybody will have some kind of opportunity along his life route.When it comes to traveling,some of people will choose to go on a self-tour while others want to go on a package tour.,2.Those who句型,用于引出观点。Th

18、ose who are in favor of the Internet claim that it has a lot of advantages.Those who are opposed to the Internet hold that disadvantages are many.,3.倒装句,倒装句可由only引起,也可由一组否定词引起。这样的句子力度非常强。Only后常接时间状语从句,如:Only when all of us join in the efforts of eliminating cheating at all levels can we expect to ha

19、ve a cleaner society and a more beautiful future.Only 后有时接条件状语从句,如:,Those in favor of this research believe that it could help cure many diseases,such as cancer,Parkinsons disease and diabetes,and this research uses only embryos(晶胚)that otherwise would be discarded.Those opposed to this type of rese

20、arch argue that it goes against ethics by using cells from human embryos,when this research can be done on animals or by using other types of cells.,Only if we get prepared can we seize the opportunities instead of letting them slip by,just as the saying goes,“Opportunities are only for the prepared

21、 minds”.Only 有时后面还可以跟一个介词词组。如:Only by planning his time carefully can he improve efficiency and make achievements.Only in this way can we master the writing skills step by step.,4.条件状语从句,If 引导的条件状语从句非常多。如:He will make the right choice if he knows his goal in life and how to make decisions according

22、to the goal.So long as 也可以引导条件状语从句。语气比if强。So long as we can make use of it properly,it can be most helpful for us in many respects.,5.强调句,First of allFirst of all,the main financial support comes from parents and other family members.For all the years it is they who give the student courage and dete

23、rmination to hold on and excel.Not butIt is not the years in your life,but the life in your years that counts.,6.反问句,起到加强语气的效果Now that we can draw the conclusion that daydreaming is most beneficial,why not make good use of it to make life rich and rewarding?反问句还可以连用加强效果If you have only had wonderful

24、 things happen to you,how can you become brave?If you can only embrace success and will never accept failure,how can you become mature?,7.结果状语从句,结果状语从句是由so that、so that、或such that 引导的,可以译为“如此。以至于。”如:First and foremost,the overall planners have to come up with an overall development scheme so that al

25、l the later projects can be fitted into it under coherent consideration.Just think of Deng Xiaoping,who had three falls in life which fortune teller is so magical that he can tell such complicated life experiences?,8.让步状语从句,让步状语从句是由although或though引起的。Although we cannot say that it brings no unfavora

26、ble consequences,we can be sure to conclude that this practice is favorable on the whole.Although(it is true that),it doesnt mean(that)如:To begin with,although you may feel anxious to finish the work when the deadline is drawing near,it doesnt mean you can finish your job with high quality.,第二种让步状语从

27、句是由even或even though 引起的,可译为“即使”。如:Whats more,many students lack self-control to such an extent that they chat for long hours even if they know it is harmful to both their mental and physical health.,第三种让步状语从句是由no matter how 或 however,whatever引起的,可译为“不管”。No matter how responsible the teachers are and

28、 how friendly the classmates are,you can only depend on yourself once you step into the examination room.For another,if a person is diligent and determined,he will realize his dream no matter how poor,humble or unlucky he may be.,9.Not(never)until,直到。才。For one thing,we can never wish people to be go

29、od to us until we become thoughtful and considerate.这个句型有时也可用在末句。如:We can never wish to realize our dream of a cleaner and more beautiful environment until all of us take actions to build,protect and take care of it.,有时这个句型还可以与反问句同时使用。How can anybody expect to lead a meaning ful life until he is far

30、 from any kind of cheating behaviors?注意:until单独使用时表示主句中的动作延续到从句中的动作的发生。如:Other people view repeated failures as most natural on the way towards achievement they will keep on trying until they succeed in the end.,有时until 可以放到句子的最前面。如:Until quite recently most people hold a hostile attitude towards ta

31、king a rest at noon.有时Not until可放在句首,引起一个倒装句。And not until 84 years ago this month did American women get the right to vote.,10.There is no such thing as,表示“没有。这样的事情”Taking all these factors into consideration,we may safely come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as destined fate in our l

32、ife.,11.包含never 的句子,Never 表示完全否定,可以与too同时使用,表示“再。都不为过”。如:You can never be too good to your mother.You can never be too careful when you drive a car.还可以与否定词(如no)连用,构成双重否定,表达肯定的意义。如Though it does good to college students in many ways,the two-day weekend can never be said to bring no problems.,Never be

33、cause(since)表示“不因为。就。”Last but not least,it is for the first time in my life that I learn perseverance,and in the future I will never give up since a matter is difficult.Never until 直到。才。I never believe until now.Never unless 直到。才。Similarly,you can never write a good research paper unless you concen

34、trate on what you are doing and have a right attitude towards failure.,Never fail 总能够。On the other hand,selective courses can be informative,instructive and inspiring because different teachers,subjects,classmates and environment will never fail to sparkle new thoughts.,12.平行结构,平行结构常出现在词、词组与句子等各个层面上

35、。可以增强文章的节奏感,使行文流畅。For another,if a person is diligent and determined,he will realize his dream no matter how poor,humble or unlucky he may be.A good teacher can bring students hope,dream and determination.In the second place,the strict discipline is most helpful to me in that it molds my temperament

36、 and shapes my character-it helps me to learn confidence and perseverance.,形容词修饰名词构成名词词组的平行结构。How can you have a wide vision and broad horizon if you receive education in a small college?后接过去分词的平行的名词结构,又包含动词加宾语加宾补的平行结构。Knowledge and experience accumulated can help me reap harvest in English learning

37、,and confidence and courage gained along the route can help me succeed in my future career.,并列句中前后分句平行。Years of practice can help me improve my writing ability,and constant thinking and reflection can help me become a man of logic and reason.反问句的平行结构。If you have only had wonderful things happen to y

38、ou,how can you become brave?If you can only embrace success and will never accept failure,how can you become mature?,形容词比较级平行。Compared with a film,TV is much cheaper and more convenient you dont have to leave your house at all.同义词和近义词并列。Nevertheless,other people claim that such a belief is subjective and unreasonable even at the first sight.,书信类模版专题,事物信函.doc私人信函.doc,A letter to the university president about the canteen Service on campus假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。A letter to the university president.doc,


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