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1、Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear,五镑也太贵,Pounds,1英镑等于20先令(Shiling),1先令等于12便士(Penny),1971年2月15日,英格兰银行实行新的货币进位制,辅币单位改为新便士(New Penny),1英镑等于100新便士。目前,流通中的纸币有5、10、20和50面额的英镑,另有1、2、5、10、20、50新便士及1英镑的铸币。,wares n.货物,货品ware n.器皿,陶器,物品(总称,常用于复合词)silverware 银器 铁器 ironware陶器 chinaware 玻璃器皿 glasswaresoftware 软件 hard

2、ware(电脑)硬件,五金器具a popular ware 热门货 small wares 小百货,同:goods n.商品,货物(商店里出售的物品)half-done good 半成品 home made goods=native goods 国货leather goods 皮件frozen goods 冻结货物consumer goods 日用消费品,Bargain n.交易,合同交易,协议-a good bargain 赚钱的生意/make a bargain 成交,达成协议-drive a hard bargain with sb 极力和某人讨价还价-bargain with sb f

3、or sth.和某人就某事讨价还价,anchor v.停航下锚at anchor 停泊着,抛了锚-Several boats lay at anchor in the harbor.n.新闻节目主播-My favorite anchors are Liu Xin,Ji Xiaojun and Rui Chenggang.,deck n.甲板-They stood on the deck and waved hands to their families.-All hands on deck.-全体船员集合。,tempt v.吸引,引诱(=attract)tempt sb.to do sth.吸

4、引某人做某事-He tried to tempt me to play game with him.temptation n.诱惑,引诱,勾引-The temptation to steal is greater than ever before.tempting adj.诱惑人的,引诱人=attractive,assail v.纠缠-He was assailed with worries.-他被担忧缠身。(忧心忡忡)同:afflict vt.使痛苦,折磨be afflicted with-She was afflicted with disease.,inscribe v.刻写,雕-He

5、inscribed words on the banana.vt.题写-She inscribed a book to a friend.-她把一本书题赠给了朋友。inscript n.题字,碑文scribe v.记下,写下 script n.脚本,笔迹,thrust v.硬塞给thrust sth.into 塞进.-He thrust the pen into my hand.thrust aside 推开-He thrust the girl aside.,favor n.好处,优惠in favor of 赞成,支持-I am in favor of stopping working no

6、w.in sbs favor 得某人欢心,对某人有利-The situation,both at home and abroad,is in our favor.out of favor 失宠,不利-The goods is now out of favor with customer.-这些货品现在已不受顾客喜欢了。,Do sb a favor 给某人恩惠,帮助某人(=help sb.)-Can you do me a favor?2个adj.favorite 心爱的,受宠的 n.受宠的人或物favorable adj.赞成的,讨人喜欢的-The book met with a favora

7、ble reception.-此书收到好评。,gesticulate v.(讲话时)打手势gesture n.手势v.打手势make a gesture 做手势-He was gesticulating wildly at me,but I could not understand what he was trying to tell me.,outrageous adj.出人意料的,令人不悦的-He played an outrageous joke.outrage n.暴行,侮辱v.凌辱,虐待,伤害rage n.愤怒,情绪激动,狂暴,精神错乱-My father was in a rage

8、 last night.fly into a rage 勃然大怒,Text:(L5)It was difficult not to be tempted.Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesmen,but I decided not to buy anything until I had disembarked.,(L6)bargain with sb.讨价还价相关表达:拼命讨价还价Drive a hard bargain Its a deal.成交Take it or leave it.不容讨价还

9、价,(L14)The next man to approach me was selling expensive pens and watches.I examined one of the pens closely.It certainly looked genuine.,approach v.靠近,接近;着手处理n.靠近;途径,方法 to向靠近 at the of 接近-If you look out of the window on the right of the bus,youll see we are now approaching to the famous tower.A co

10、rrect 正确-John adopted a different approach to the problem.,(L15)genuine adj.真的,非人造的;真诚的,feather goods at a fair price 货真价实-She is a very girl.,(L17)Gesticulating wildly,the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous,but he eventually reduced the price to 10.Shrugging my shoulders,I began to walk a

11、way when,a moment later,he ran after me and thrust the pen into my hands.,(L18)shrug v./n.耸肩 ones shoulder off 对满不在乎,不屑 off the defeat 对失败不屑一顾-You cant off your responsibility for your job.,(L19)thrust into 把塞给类:.Slip sth.to sb.把某物塞给某人Hand sth.to sb.把某物交给某人Pass sth.to sb.把某物递给某人,(L21)No matter how h

12、ard I tried,it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink and to this day it has never written a single word!,(L21-22)“no matter+疑问词”表让步非正式英语中“no matter+疑问词”相当于“疑问词+ever”,只是后者更正式-No matter how hard I tried=However hard I tried,No matter who you are=Whoever you areNo matter where you are from=Wherever you are fromNo matter what you did=Whatever you did-Dont change your plans no matter what happens(=whatever happens),-I will go there no matter whether/if it rains or not.=-I will go there whether it rains or not.,(L22)to this day 到现在为止,迄今(完成时)同:up to now/until now/till nowso far,Thanks!,


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