1、Pelvic Nodal Consensus CTV Contours:High Risk/Locally Advanced Adenocarcinoma of the ProstateColleen A F Lawton MDMedical College of Wisconsin,Based on Data Presented Consensus Was Obtained Including:,Treatment of Presacral LNs(subaortic only)主动脉弓下骶前淋巴结的治疗7mm around iliac vessels,carving out bowel,b
2、ladder and bone髂血管周围7mm,勾画肠道、膀胱、骨骼Commence contouring at distal mon iliac vessels at L5/S1 interspace从L5/S1间隙髂总血管远端开始Stop external iliac contours at top of femoral heads(boney landmark for Ing.ligament)髂外勾画至股骨头顶端(Ing.ligament的骨性标志)Stop contours of obturator LNs at top of symphsis pubis闭孔淋巴结勾画至耻骨联合,2