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1、The Chinese womens volleyball team 中国女排,女排精神,我们的骄傲!,Chinese womens volleyball team is an excellent team with a glorious history,has realized the outstanding champion five times in the history.Although in a period absence of the gold medal,but reclaimed the womens volleyball World Cup champion in 200

2、3,and stood on the champion podium again in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games,is well-deserved of the strength of prince,and the pride of the big three ball sports.,中国国家女子排球队(简称中国女排)隶属于中国排球协会,是中国各体育团队中成绩突出的体育团队之一。曾在1981年和1985年世界杯、1982年和1986年世锦赛、1984年洛杉矶奥运会上夺得冠军,成为世界上第一个“五连冠”,并又在2003年世界杯,2004年奥运会,2015年世界

3、杯,2016年奥运会四度夺冠,共九度成为世界冠军(包括世界杯、世锦赛和奥运会三大赛)。中国女排是中国三大球中唯一一个拿到冠军奖杯的队伍。,女排精神,女排精神是中国女排的历史遗产,是20世纪80年代中国女排夺得五连冠之后的经验总结。女排精神的基本内涵可概括为:无私奉献精神;团结协作精神;艰苦创业精神;自强不息精神。女排精神很好地诠释了“为国争光、无私奉献、科学求实、遵纪遵法、团结友好、坚强拼搏”的中华体育精神。当代女排精神也可概括为顽强拼搏,永不言弃。,The history of the team 赛队历史,50年代成立60-70年代初露头角80年代腾飞90年代下滑千禧年代中兴低谷重生 十年磨

4、一剑,The Chinese volleyball association was formally established in 1953,Mr Zhang served as the president,and became an international(FIVB)membership in 1954.,50年代成立 1953年,中国排球协会正式成立,张之槐先生出任主席,更在1954年成为国际排联(FIVB)的正式会员。,The new Chinese womens volleyball team was formally established in 1976,Yuan wei mi

5、n became the head coach of the Chinese womens volleyball team.Then Chinese womens volleyball team finally created a breakthrough in the Asian womens volleyball championship in 1979,they defeated Asia former world champion Japanese womens volleyball as the score 3-1 in the finals,dominating Asia for

6、the first time.,60-70年代初露头角 1976年,新的中国女排国家队正式成立,袁伟民成为了中国女排的主教练。中国女排终于在1979年的亚洲女排锦标赛中有所突破,她们在决赛以盘数3:1击败当时的亚洲和前世界冠军日本女排,首次称霸亚洲。,Unusual five successive championships in the history1.Womens volleyball World Cup in 1981 In the third session of World Cup of womens volleyball,Chinese womens volleyball tea

7、m,defending the host country for Japan with seven successive wins,became the first world champion in Chinas three big ball movement.2.World Womens Volleyball Championship in 1982 win the world womens volleyball championship for the first time.3.Los Angeles Olympic games winner in 1984 Although the C

8、hinese womens volleyball team was defeated by the enemy team USA in the the group stage,then became braver after more fight,in the end,the Chinese womens volleyball team defeated the host of the United States in finals,took their revenge on their enemy,and won an Olympic gold medal for the first tim

9、e.4.Womens volleyball World Cup winner in 19855.World Womens Volleyball Championship in 1986,80年代腾飞 历史罕见的五连冠1981年 女排世界杯冠军 在第3届女排世界杯中,中国女排以七战全胜姿态,压倒卫冕的主办国日本,获得冠军,成为中国在三大球运动队伍中的首个世界冠军。1982年 女排世锦赛冠军 首次获得世界女排锦标赛冠军。1984年 洛杉矶奥运会冠军 虽然中国女排在分组赛被宿敌美国队击败,其后却越战越勇,最终,中国女排在决赛以直落三局轻取主办国美国,报却分组赛一败之仇,并首次获得奥运金牌。1985年

10、 女排世界杯冠军1986年 女排世锦赛冠军,After Chinese womens volleyball team won the 10th world womens volleyball championship in 1986,lacking of excellent piayers is becoming more serious.a generation of early name such as lang ping and Liang Yan successively retired.During this time,four times of three womens volle

11、yball world championship team,Chinese womens volleyball team just stood in the second place.,90年代下滑中国女排自1986年夺得第10届世界女排锦标赛冠军后,开始青黄不接,早一辈的名将如郎平和梁艳等早已相继退役。1990-98年期间的四次三大女排世界冠军赛事中只是屈居亚军。,90年代的郎平,郎平,世界女子排球界“三大主攻手”之一,是中国女排获得五连冠的核心人物。在退役后,于1995年被选为中国女排主教练,开始了她在中国女排4年多的执教生涯。在此期间,她率领中国逐步走出低谷。,Under the lea

12、dership of coach Hu Jin in 2000,the Chinese womens volleyball team went no further than the eight at the Sydney Olympic Games,after the defeat,Chinese Volleyball Association appointed Chen zhonghe as the new coach of Chinese womens volleyball team,a former training mate for more than ten years.In 20

13、01,Chen zhonghe,suffering from a large pressure,is determined to reuse the new player,not only phase out the last generation of womens volleyball star,but promoted more potential newcomers,such as liu ya nan,feng kun,zhou suhong,Yang Hao,and so on.As a result,under the leadership of the coach Chen z

14、honghe,the Chinese womens volleyball team won the World Cup in Japan,this is the first world champion they won over more than a decade.,千禧年代的中兴 2000年在教练胡进带领下的,中国女排在悉尼奥运会在八强止步,中国女排兵败后,中国排协便委任在中国女排队中曾担任十多年陪练员的陈忠和先生担任主教练。2001年,陈忠和承受巨大压力,决心重用新人,除了逐步淘汰上一代女排名将,更提拔了不少潜质新人如刘亚男、冯坤、周苏红、杨昊等,结果,中国女排在陈忠和教练领导下,在日

15、本夺得世界大冠军杯,这是中国女排十多年来夺得的世界级正式大赛冠军。,2003 is Chinas womens volleyball harvest year,they won World Female Volleyball Great Prix Competition,Asian womens volleyball world grand and so on.In the critical ninth session of World Cup,Chinese womens volleyball team won the championship with eleven wins,creati

16、ng significant achievements as well as 17 years ago.Womens volleyball boom reappeared as the eightys at home,and womens volleyball team spirit was mentioned again.,2003年世界杯2003年是中国女排丰收的一年,接连夺得世界女排大奖赛、亚洲女排锦标赛等几个国际赛事冠军。而在更关键的第9届世界杯中,中国女排以十一战全胜的姿态勇夺冠军,又创十七年之前的辉煌。国内又重现八十年代的女排热潮,女排精神一词又再度被提起。,In fact,the

17、 state of Chinese womens volleyball team is not quite as good as in 2003,shortly after the competition with the United States womens volleyball team for the plate score 1-1,the leading player zhao ruirui leave the field for herright foot wound from the competition,which makes the road to the gold ca

18、st a shadow.But the Chinese womens volleyball team became braver after more fight in the following game,finally won the Olympic womens volleyball championship,this is the first time of regainning Olympic gold after 20 years.,2004年雅典奥运会事实上,中国女排赛前的状态并没有在2003年时那样大熟大勇,首战对美国队战成盘数1-1后不久,主力队员赵蕊蕊便因右脚伤退出比赛,更

19、令中国女排夺冠之路蒙上阴影。不过中国女排在其后比赛中却越战越勇,最后夺取了奥运女排冠军,这是时隔20年重夺奥运金牌。,Beijing Olympic Games in 2008,with the return of the Olympic hero and the mature of new players,though the Chinese womens volleyball team have the power for the gold,but had less obvious advantages compared with four years ago.Chinese womens

20、 volleyball team just received the third place in Beijing Olympic Games.,2008年北京奥运会,随着奥运功臣的回归和新秀的逐渐成熟,中国女排虽然具备了夺金的实力,但已和四年前相比优势已不甚明显。中国女排只获得北京奥运会的季军。,After the Athens Olympic Games ended,due to the veterans retiring,and zhao ruirui and other athletes injury problems,at that time,womens volleyball te

21、ams strength declined a lot.When veterans droped down in succession,then the appearance of wang yimei gave us a glimmer of hope,her strong attack is known as the second lang ping.Chinese womens volleyball team depended on her alone,finally won the fifth place in the world championship,then causing a

22、 heated controversy,its time for the Chinese womens volleyball team to update.,低谷(2009年至2012年)在雅典奥运会结束之后,由于老将相继退役,加上赵蕊蕊等运动员受伤病的困扰,一时间,女排的实力下降了不少。在老将纷纷状态低迷的时候,这时涌现出来的新秀王一梅又让人看到了一丝希望,她的强力进攻被誉为“郎平第二”。中国女排几乎凭借着她一人之力,最终在世锦赛上仅获得第五名,一时间纷争四起,认为中国女排应该换血的时候到了。,After Beijing Olympic Games,Chinese womens volley

23、ball team came cross the lack of star players and the change of head coach.During that time team had been defeated by Thailand and other Asia teams,so having changed head coach four times,at the end,lang ping was chosn as new head coach again in 2013.重生 北京奥运会以后,中国女排又再一次面临主力匮乏及教练更换的问题,期间居然输给了泰国等实力弱小亚

24、洲队伍,也因此四次换帅,最后又在2013年再次选择郎平作为主教练。在郎平的带来下,中国女排赢得了了里约奥运会女排决赛的胜利,这是中国女排时隔12年再次获得奥运冠军,也是她们第三次获得奥运会金牌。,2016年8月17日,在2016年里约奥运会女排1/4决赛中,中国女排3-2力克卫冕冠军巴西队,时隔八年再进4强。(五局比分为15-25、25-23、25-22、22-25、15-13),惜败的巴西女排无缘奥运3连冠,中国女排时隔8年后再度打入奥运半决赛。8月19日,在里约奥运会女排半决赛中,中国女排3-1战胜荷兰女排,报了小组赛不敌对手的一箭之仇,时隔12年再进奥运会决赛。(27:25,23:25,29:27,25:23)2016年8月21日,里约奥运会女排决赛,中国女排在先失一局的情况下连扳三局,以3-1逆转战胜塞尔维亚女排,这是中国女排时隔12年再次获得奥运冠军,也是她们第三次获得奥运会金牌。,总得来说:中国女排一代代传承的实战经验以及立足实践的创新行为;可贵的团队合作精神,以及拼搏进取的女排精神,必将使中国女排越来越强大!愿中国女排越走越好!,Thank you!,


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