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1、Lesson 5,Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R,Background Information,U.S.S.R.:the Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsWorld War II:(1937/1939-1945)The conflict resulted from the rise of totalitarian,fascism in German,Japan and Italy,Background Information:,July 7.1937 Japan invaded Central China

2、.Sep.1938 Munich Pact,which sacrificed much of Czechoslovakia to Germany,Background Information:,Aug.1939Russia-Germany non-aggression pactSept.1,1939German invasion of Poland Sept.3,1939France and Britain declared war on Germany,officially beginning World War II,Background Information:,June 22,1940

3、France surrendered.Aug-Oct.1940The Battle of Britain(2,300 to 900)Jun 22.1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union.,I.Background Information:,Dec.7,1941 Pearl HarbourSept.1943the Allies conquered Sicily and South Italy.Italy surrendered.May 7.1945Germany surrendered unconditionally.Aug.14,1945 Japan

4、announced its surrender.,Background Information:,Adolph Hitler,(1889-1945)founder and leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party,was born an Austrian.*image 1*(希特勒当年形象一张)1920 the Nazi Party1933 Chancellor,Background Information:,1934the union of the presidency and chancellorship in Hitler

5、s person,the FhrerTHE THIRD REICH,Background Information:,1944 an assassination attempt April 29,1945married his long-time mistress,Eva BraunApril 30,1945committed suicide,Background Information:,MEIN KAMPT-My StruggleAryans SuperiorityNazi:National sozialistthe National Socialist German Workers Par

6、tyElite Corps,black guards党卫军、黑衫党,Background Information:,GESTAPO:secret state policeBLITZ:lightning war Swastika,Background Information:,CHURCHILL Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill(Nov.30,1874-Jan.24,1965)(*image 2*邱吉尔形象一张)May 1940-May 1945 first tenure as P.M.Oct.1951-Jan.1955 second tenure as

7、 P.M.,Background Information:,1953 knightedSir Winston Churchill1953 the Nobel Prize in Literature1955 refusing the title of duke,Style,masterpieces of orationhighly persuasive and convincingeloquent:forceful expressions,structure,words with abstract meaning emotional:language to arouse sympathy,hat

8、red and passion,Rhetorical devices:,ParallelismRepetition Periodic sentenceIt is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a fortune must be in want of a wife.,Rhetorical devices,Noun phrases:with great rapidity and violence Imperative sentences:let us,let usInverted senten

9、ces:News was brought to me,Structural Analysis,Part I:a piece of narrationBackground of the speechPart II.the speech properan argument or persuasionSection 1:The Nazi regime horrors upon mankindScenario on both sides of the border.To arouse emotion.,IV.Structural Analysis,Section 2:I have to declare

10、 thein determination and in resources.What we should do.Section 3:This is no timelife and power remain.Further persuasion,to convince the audience of the justification of the decision.,Detailed Study of the Text,1.Speech,address,oration,lecture,talkspeech:a public speech without regard to its qualit

11、y,degree of preparation,the quality of its speaker or audience General word,Detailed Study of the Text,address implies formality and careful preparation,and often gives emphasis to the importance of the speech.The president is scheduled to deliver three addresses on his trip.,Detailed Study of the T

12、ext,oration:formal and solemn public speech.It suggests eloquence,rhetorical style,and usu.a dignified but sometimes high-flown or long-winded appeal to the emotions of a large audience or assembly.,Detailed Study of the Text,lecture:It often implies reading.It commonly designates a carefully prepar

13、ed speech on a special topic intended to give information and instruction to a group of students.,Detailed Study of the Text,talk stresses informality.It may be used to designate either a lecture or an address when the speaker wishes to emphasize his desire to speak directly and simply to his audien

14、ce as individuals.,Detailed Study of the Text,2.conviction:a very firm and sincere beliefConviction usu.implies previous doubt or uncertainty.I speak in the full conviction that our cause is just.His political convictions are radical.,Detailed Study of the Text,3.certainty:the state of being definit

15、e or having no doubts(here in the text)clearly established factIts a certainty that this horse will win in the race.After three days,our victory became a certainty.,Detailed Study of the Text,5.lie:exist,be found,reside6.presently:before long,shortly,soon7.hasten:move fastcf:hurryHasten implies urge

16、nt quickness while Hurry carries a strong implication of confusion and agitation.,Detailed Study of the Text,10.surprise:attack suddenly and without warningThey surprised the enemy from the rear.11.ground:(of pilot or plane)to stay on the groundThe ship grounded on a hidden sandbank in the shallow w

17、ater.grounded on the airfield:lying still on the airfield,Detailed Study of the Text,14.round up:to gather together scattered animals,to collect together animals that are scatteredA cowboy/dog rounds up the cattle/sheep.,Detailed Study of the Text,15.horde:a large number or crowd,thronga horde of lo

18、custsWhen a contemptuous term is desired,it is preferred to crowd and throng,esp,when implying rude,rough or savage character.,Detailed Study of the Text,16.consult:to go to a person,a book for advice,information or opinionThe Prime Minister consulted his Cabinet on a variety of questions.Have you c

19、onsulted the doctor about your illness?to consult a dictionary,Detailed Study of the Text,17.issue:the point at which an unsettled matter is ready for a decisionmajor issues of principlethe act of publishing or officially giving out or making availableHave you seen the latest issue of the magazine?,

20、Detailed Study of the Text,be at issue:of importanceThat is not the point at issue.v:to produce,to provide officiallyto issue an order/a statementto issue a set of stamps,Detailed Study of the Text,18.count on:depend on,expect,take into accountIf there is anything I can do,count on me.I think we can

21、 count on Mr White to support us.19.enlist:win the support of,get the help or sympathyCan I enlist your help in collecting the money for victims of the tsunami?,Detailed Study of the Text,20.sympathy:feeling of support,pity and tenderness21.go all out:to spare no effort,to make ones utmost effortWe

22、will go all out to support the development of the west.,Detailed Study of the Text,22.be true of:be the same case,be suitable toWhat he says of women is true of men.People in cities have larger houses now,and the same is true of the living condition in the countryside.,Detailed Study of the Text,24.

23、revert to:to go back to a former subject,talk about againThe pressure made him revert to his old habit of smoking.Shall we revert to our previous topic?25.arch:principal,chief arch-angel,bishop,criminal,enemy,rebel,rival,etc.,Detailed Study of the Text,26.not bowing down in the House of Rimmon:Q:You

24、 are not doing sth.against your own beliefs,are you?A:No,not at all.,Detailed Study of the Text,Rimmon:a deity worshipped by Syrians of Damascus.Syrian Captain Naaman had leprosy.His Israeli servant told Elisha,a prophet God.Elisha told Naaman to wash in the Jordan River 7 times and thus he was cure

25、d.,Detailed Study of the Text,Naaman therefore had faith in God and convert to Christianity.But being a Syrian,he had to follow his King to worship in the House of Rimmon.Elisha granted him permission to do so.,Detailed Study of the Text,bow down in the house of Rimmon:you do sth.outwardly with ment

26、al reservation,Detailed Study of the Text,27.thereby:by that means,by doing or saying thatOur body can sweat,thereby losing heat by evaporation.A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business,and thereby increase its market power.,Detailed Study of the Text,cf:therefore:a

27、s a result;for that reason,soI have never been to Africa and therefore I dont know much about it.I think;therefore I am.(我思故我在)It rained;therefore the game was called off.,Detailed Study of the Text,28.Devil-Satan,most powerful evil spirit,the source of evil in the world.29.reference:a piece of writ

28、ten information about sb.s character,ability,esp.when he is looking for employment,Detailed Study of the Text,cf:A testimonial is kinder than a reference because it is shown to the person it describes while a reference is truer because it is not shown to him.A recommendation is a letter or statement

29、 that speaks in favour or praise of sb.esp,when he is looking for a job.,Detailed Study of the Text,31.to the effect:with the information that,meaning thatHe had a telegram to the effect that his mother is dead.A rumour was in the air to the effect that the firm was in financial difficulties.,Detail

30、ed Study of the Text,ment:remark expressing an opinion,judgement(written or spoken)33.regime:a type or form of government,often derog.a corrupt regimeHe was tortured under the Saddam regime.Under the old regime women could not vote.,Detailed Study of the Text,34.feature:quality,characteristic,sth.th

31、at set apart one thing/person from othersMonopoly is the key feature of imperialism.The dominant feature on his face is the brandy nose.,Detailed Study of the Text,35.devoid of:(fml)lacking in,complete without,empty ofHe is complete devoid of human feelings.The word“vacuum”refers to space entirely d

32、evoid of matter.36.theme:(Here in the text)basic good value,virtue,ideal,unifying idea,Detailed Study of the Text,37.appetite:a strong desire to conquer38.racial domination:the state of having controlling power over the other races by the Aryan nationAryans superiorityracial equality/discriminationr

33、acism/racist,Detailed Study of the Text,dominate:have controlling influence or power over,have the most important place or position She completely dominates the family and makes all the decisions.The dominant political party of the country is socialist.,Detailed Study of the Text,39.excel:surpass,be

34、 superior to,outdo,exceed He excels in music and art/courage/at football.40.wickedness:badness,evil41.efficient:working well,quick and without waste42.ferocious:fierce,cruel,and violent,Detailed Study of the Text,The Nazi regime is extremely cruel.It has invaded other countries in the most savage wa

35、y.The invasions are so effective that they surpass all other kind of human cruelty.The Nazi regime is very effective in cruel suppression of and savage attack on other countries,in this respect it is worse than any other known form of evil.,Detailed Study of the Text,42.consistent:constant,faithful,

36、continually keeping to the same principlesWhen you make a sentence,the subject and the verb should be consistent.He reaffirmed the governments consistent policy of opposing racial discrimination.,Detailed Study of the Text,43.opponent:one who is on the opposite side in a contest or in a conflict44.u

37、nfold:(lit.)to become clear,more fully knownHe gradually unfolded her plan to them.As the investigation goes on,the intrigue behind the dirty deal slowly unfold.,Detailed Study of the Text,47.folly:(fml)foolishness,unwise actThe old man smiled sadly as he remembered the follies of his youth.50.immem

38、orial:going beck beyond the reach of memory51.champion:person who fights for,supports strongly,or defends a principle,a movement,person,etc.,Detailed Study of the Text,52.means of existence:(Here)food and clothing to keep people alive,things for people to survive53.wring(wrung):to press hard on,sque

39、eze,to twist,to get by forceto wring water from the wet clothesHis sad story wrung our hearts.,Detailed Study of the Text,54.hardly:(rare)with effort or difficulty,with force,in a severe manner55.primordial:fundamental and primitive,basicprimordial joys:pleasures shared commonly by all human beings,

40、Detailed Study of the Text,57.hideous:ugly,morally offensive,very wickeda hideous crime/criminal58.clank:metallic sound made by the swords and sabres(军刀)The prisoners ankle chains clanked.clicking:the sound of spurs(马剌)and the metal piece underneath the soles,Detailed Study of the Text,59.dandy:a pe

41、rson who gives too much attention to dresscf:playboy:a person who devotes his life in pursuit of pleasuredandified:dressed like a dandyHere:German officers in uniforms with shoulder boards,insignias(勋章)and decorations,Detailed Study of the Text,60.crafty:cleverly deceitful,cunning,foxy craft:skill i

42、n deceiving people for a bad purposea man full of craft,Detailed Study of the Text,61.fresh from:recently arrived,returnedThey are mostly young people fresh from school.62.cow:to bring under control by violence or threatsThe gang of pickpockets were cowed by the sight of a cop.The smaller boys were

43、cowed by the class bully.,Detailed Study of the Text,63.tie down:A person who ties you down restricts your freedom.(here)to enslave64.dull:stupid,not cleverA dull speech/city/person65.docile:easily taught or led,obedient,easy to manage66.brutish:brutal,beast-like,Detailed Study of the Text,67.Hun:(d

44、erog.offensive)German soldier68.plod:to continue to walk slowly along a road,with difficulty and great effort69.swarm:a large group(of insects moving in a mass),throng,Detailed Study of the Text,71.smart:feel painful in one part of the bodyThe place where he had cut his knee was smarting.He was stil

45、l smarting under/over her unkind words.72.prey:victim,a person or animal killed or hunted,Detailed Study of the Text,74.villain:a mean person who is completely given to crime,evil,a thoroughly wicked man75.cataract:large steep waterfall,overwhelming downpourcataract of horrors:unparalleled miseries,

46、Detailed Study of the Text,76.dominion:a self-governing nation of the British Commonwealththe Dominion of Canada77.in due course:in due time,at the suitable/proper timeI will answer all your questions in due course.After they were engaged,the wedding followed in due course.,Detailed Study of the Tex

47、t,concur:1)agree,express agreementShe has expressed her opposition to the plan,and I fully concur with her in this matter.2)(of events,etc)happen together;coincideEverything concurred to produce the desired result.,Detailed Study of the Text,78.irrevocable:that cannot be changed once started The dec

48、ision to close the business is irrevocable.revoke:(fml)withdraw or cancelto revoke orders,promisesHis driving license was revoked after the crash.,Detailed Study of the Text,79.resolved:be firm and fixed in purposeShe was resolved to become a ballet dancer.The government is resolved upon/on the 10-y

49、ear programme.,Detailed Study of the Text,80.vestige:trace,mark or sign of sth.that once existed but has passed away or disappearedAfter the flood,not a vestige of the buildings remained.,Detailed Study of the Text,82.rid of:make free from a burden or sth.UndesirableWe wish to rid the country of cor

50、ruption.How could we rid the house of mosquitoes/rats?,Detailed Study of the Text,84.yoke:Here:power,control,crushing burden86.appeal:1)to make a strong request for help,support,etc.He appeals me for help.The government is appealing to the world to rescue its people from the disaster.,Detailed Study


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