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1、5月雅思考试预测,社会生活类教育类科技类政府类,,雅思议论文,李威廉老师下载绝杀雅思写作和阅读宝典和最新8分范文集,雅思图表作文,饼图表格地图流程,自我介绍:李润生李威廉老师南京大学与美国霍普金斯大学硕士雅思阅读写作7分速成专家;作者:绝杀雅思写作宝典 绝杀雅思阅读宝典 2014最新雅思高分范文留学与职业规划咨询师;性格匹配以及Face Reader 高手;,励志一下:,如果有一天我因为下载盗版影视剧被抓起来也没什么冤枉的,我唯一的要求是请不要把我和下载韩剧的关在一起。我下载的都是美剧和英剧。请用这个句型造句:“如果有一天我是因为考雅思作弊被抓起来的。我也无话可说,我唯一的请求是:不要把我和抄

2、阅读和听力的同学关在一起。我抄的可是写作哦。”,来和威廉老师一起励志一下:,在这个雅思报名都很费劲的时代,我们没有理由不充分准备好再去参加雅思考试;在这个雅思考官对于没有和考官进行真实沟通,即对背模板零容忍的前提下,没有理由不真正提高语言能力和思维能力,就去送死;也许一次报名费只是吃一次大餐的费用,但考5次的报名费足以去泰国和人妖亲密接触一下了。,新浪微博:李威廉老师 下载讲座PPT 和绝杀雅思-写作宝典;绝杀雅思-阅读宝典;”十大必背段落结构“加QQ群:”246218826”:加公共微信:DFIELTS 推送每期作文预测与范文 微信:Dianfengyasi及时互动,最精准和科学的提分方案

3、从4.5到5.5,从5.5到6.5,从6.5 到7.5,#写作5分到6.5的提分不可回避的三步曲#,写作是完全可以短时间提高的,主要是方法不对导致6分以内。首先,要纠正20组语法错误;再翻译5篇全文最新考题中文,理清思路,规范结构,理解英文思维(这一步至关重要)。这一步至关重要!接着背十篇作文素材,80个地道词伙。最后原创5篇,名师修改。,审图训练,先总后分先一般后特殊,新浪微博:李威廉IELTS,新浪微博:李威廉IELTS,(第二段)先总后分的原则:首段的写法,5 分的思维:The number of total production of electricity was 100 units

4、 in Australia in the year 1980 and was 170 units in the year 2000.Whereas,the figure of units of electricity by fuel source was 90 units in the year 1980 and that was 180 units in the year 2000.,6分的思维:The total production of electricity in Australia increased from 100 to 170 units respectively in th

5、e years 1980 and 2000;While,the total production of electricity rose from 90 units to 180 units in France respectively in the years 1980 and 2000.,7分的思维:The total production of electricity in Australia was on a 70-percent rise(from 100 units to 170 units)in Australia while that experienced a doublin

6、g process from 90 units to 180 units during the same period in France.,8分的思维:The charts compare the sources of electricity in Australia and France in the years 1980 and 2000.Between these years electricity production almost doubled,rising from 100 units to 170 units in Australia,and from 90 to 180 u

7、nits in France.,第三段)先一般后特殊(本处写 2段),In 1980 Australia used coal as the main electrical source(50 units)and the remainder was produced from natural gas,hydro power(each producing 20 units)and oil(which produced only 10 units).However,by 2000,coal had become the fuel for more than 75 percent of electri

8、city produced and only hydro continued to be another significant source supplying approximately 20 percent.,第四段)写特殊的那段,7分的思维:In contrast,France used coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in 1980,which was matched by natural gas.The remaining 40 units were produced largely from oil and nu

9、clear power,with hydro contributing only 5 units.But by 2000 nuclear power,which was not used at all in Australia,had developed into the main source,producing almost 75%of electricity,at 126 units,while coal and oil together produced only 50 units.Other sources were no longer significant.,(第五段)完美的结尾

10、段Overall,it is clear that by 2000 these two countries relied on different principle fuel sources:Australia relied on coal and France on nuclear power.,新浪微博:李威廉IELTS,线图中的6分,7分,8的准确限定,In spite of the strong fluctuations in the previous ten years of beef consumption,averaging at 200 grams per person pe

11、r week,its trend followed a rather even trend of decline,hitting a trough at only 100 grams per person per week.,请用这个句型造句:The whole process begins in the _,followed by _,next comes,while it finally end up with _.请各位造句:我昨天上午先去了西湖逛了一圈,然后中午去了千岛湖吃了大鱼头,晚上去了浙江大学找我们的初恋约会,最后夜里去了电影院。请跟贴翻译。,Yesterday,the whol

12、e day began with a walking around the Xihu in the morning,followed by a wonderful dish of fish in Qian Daohu.Next came a sweet and hopeful dating with my first love in the evening while it finally ended up with a movie in the cinema.,2014.04.24 大作文,There are many television advertisements aimed at c

13、hildren.What effects of these on children?Should TV advertisements be controlled?,今天0424的考题不会跑题的吧?因为今天考的是分析解决的report 类型的题目。除非你非要写“广告的优点和缺点”的话。这个题目的关键点在于“effects 的”“s”,也就是说至少要写2个或者2个以上的后果。,中文商家以及广告营销专家们更专业于客户的心理研究和客户的针对性,这一点本无可厚非,但是过多的针对小孩的广告涉及到了更多的道德评判.,The businessman and marketing experts can make

14、 joint efforts to be more professional in analyzing the customers psychology and make the advertisements more pointed,which is originally beyond reproach.However,when the advertisements aimed at kids,it suddenly involves much morality conflicts.,商业广告的道德感在下降,虽然商业广告的技术一 直在提升,会对儿童的心理甚至儿童与父母之间的关系产生影响。一方

15、面,儿童的判断能力不够理性甚至完全没有形成,当带有诱惑性的图片和广告短片出现在孩子的视线中的时候,孩子们很容易被游说。但是孩子本身并没有收入,没有消费能力,他们必须通过向家长来要钱来满足自己的购买欲望。当孩子的购买欲望被充分的放大之后,孩子不劳而获的心理被进一步放大。,Undoubtedly,the morality of commercial advertisements is eroding sharply,although the artistic design and making technique of advertisements are progressively updati

16、ng.these children-orientated advertisements have exerted unexpected effects on children and family bonds.On one hand,the evaluation and rationality of children are not fully mature to deal with alluring advertisements featuring the extremely seductive lines and gorgeous pictures.,When these advertis

17、ements in the forms of video and leaflet showed up in front of children,they are likely to be lobbied.However,in the fact,the kids have no income at all and no consumption power,therefore they have to ask for their parents to satisfy their demands.As the consuming desire of kids is greatly swelling,

18、their psychological deforms as reaping without sowing are seriously expanding.,而在另一方面,如果家长没有满足甚至是及时满足儿童的购买欲望,孩子与家长的关系会受到影响,而儿童在成长过程本应该养成的勤俭节约的态度被毁灭殆尽。这一点也给学校和家庭教育对于孩子的教育制造了难题。,On the other hand,once their deformed attitudes towards the shopping fail to be met or even immediately satisfied,the family

19、 bonds between the parents and kids are negatively affected.The valuable minds of combating extravagance and waste would be ruined completely.It even set obstacles for schooling and parenting education on kids.,2014年 4月12日作文真题以及8范文,大作文:some people say the purpose of education is to prepare individua

20、ls to be useful adults for society.Others say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions.Do you agree or disagree?,首段体现批判性思维 高分的节奏,我的观点是教育的短期目标是实现学生技能和思维能力的提升,从而实现个人梦想;而终极是必然是为了服务于社会,甚至人本身存在的意义就是在于服务社会。教育只是一种手段,而人更多的是通过实现个人目标而对社会有意。,首段体现细化思维和批判性思维,My personal answer to the purpose of

21、education is that students and teaching staff should hold critical attitudes.It means that education involves the contemporary and ultimate goals.The ultimate goals of education is the service of society.However,whether or not achieving it should take the accomplishment of personal goals as the prer

22、equisite.,第一段主题段 充分展开个人目标,学生在接受教育的时候,首先想的是要通过学校的技能训练,能获得谋生的手段,包括生存的必须的物质条件。当然,个人目标还包括对于个人在某些专业领域的提升,从而有机会从事这个行业。最后,在通过教育手段所获得的社会地位,从而获得社会的尊重和认可。,先充分展开一方面,On one hand,students are expecting to acquire the survival skills with the aid of schooling training in the professional skills and thinking abili

23、ties.Personal ambitions also consist of the access to their preferred working fields and the progression in the professional fields.Besides,they finally win the social respect and acknowledgement.,另一方面,通过批判性思维体现逻辑,至于教育是否应该为社会提供服务为标准,答案是多样的。而我坚定的认为,个人目标的实现和对社会有好处总体上并不矛盾。毕业生也只有通过找到好的工作,获得体面的工作,才能发挥才干,

24、比如成为一个杰出的建筑师的同时,个人获得了很好的薪水,对于社会做出了一定的贡献,设计更多的建筑物,满足居住和审美的需求。,When it comes to whether or not taking the social service to the society as the education goal,views differed greatly.However,I firmly believe that the accomplishment of personal wishes does not contradict to the willingness to the service

25、 of society.Graduates have to acquire the decent job,reasonable salary and social respect first and simultaneously contribute to the society.Take the excellent architects as an example,they design the fashionable structures for peoples living and aesthetic demand while they can acquire a decent inco

26、me as well.,结尾段,仍然可以体现强悍的逻辑,当然,也存在一些个人利益与社会利益发生的冲突的时候,有效的教育应该培养他们优先考虑社会利益的思维。比如官员的贪污行为,商人的不择手段。如果教育能够在这个点上做的很好,便是成功的教育。,下面我们来具体看几个排序在真 题中的用法:I.CollegeChasthegreatestproportionoflectureswithPHDqualificationamongallthecolleges,at60%.NextcomescollegeA,at50%,followedbycollegeB,at30%.(按照数据大小关系)II.Londonh


28、raindriversawamuchquickergrowthrateintheirannualsalarythanotherprofessions.Policeofficercomesnext,followedbythefirefighterandnurse.(按照数据的幅度大小关系),in some countries,the government encourages industries and businesses to move from large cities to rural areas.do you think the advantages outweigh the dis

29、advantages?,The looks of cities have shaped peoples behaviors on a large scale due to its ripple effect.Factories can be rarely seen in inner city blocks,and some city dwellers have said farewell to business officies in downtown areas.I definitely believe it will be a popular worldwide trend with so

30、me overt benefits,despite some minor problems.,However,more employees have become the beneficiaries of this trend.Many employees used to complain about crowed office space,acute shortage of parking lots,expensive luncheon and tedious civic landscape filled up with cement blocks.now,they can move to

31、a larger spaces,like industrial parks equipped with more personalized facilities,including regular shuttle bus service,areas for relaxation and comfortable and large meeting rooms with nicer views.all these seems to be a utopia to those who are still working in congested blocks.,4分和5分作文是如何实现的?十组语法错误

32、,第一组:1,Although the crime rate is falling in many parts of the world,but violent crimes are constantly rampant.2,Man has become master not only of the earth,but also the space.3,To rear a child alone are challenging to any parent.,4分和5分作文就是这样实现的!十组语法错误,1,The number of the population was decreased in

33、 the 1990 to 1995,the figure of population was increased in the years of 1996 and 2000,the data was then continue increase in the last 5 years.2,I earned the money is the least.3,I was come from Nanjing.,戳到你内心的“痛”十组语法错误,第二组:1,There are plenty of natural resources in china,most of that are unused.2,I

34、 cry,you cry.3,We all tried our best,however,we lost the game.4,Education has been made available to more people,however,many adults have some problems with literacy and numeracy.,戳到你内心的“痛”,第六组:It is advertising makes us buy something on a whim.There is a research shows that thewealthiercountries th

35、e more artworks they needed.There is a river cross the Beijing.,第八组语法错误 介词短语的搭配,1,Overpopulation leads to damage the economy.2,When it comes to ask the questions about the definitions of happiness.3,I still fail to pass the TOEFL despite I have paid too much.,新浪微博:李威廉老师下载讲座PPT 和绝杀雅思-写作宝典;绝杀雅思-阅读宝典;”十大必背段落结构“加QQ群:”246218826”:加公共微信:DFIELTS 推送每期作文预测与范文微信:Dianfengyasi,


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