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2、价(教学反思)、教学资源链接、文档的规范等等。,3.教学设计案例,1、文本:http:/ http:/ 2、表格:,1.教案的定义,教案就是教学的内容文本,也称课时计划,是教师根据课标、教材和学生的实际情况,为实现课堂教学目标而拟定的教学方案。,二、教案,2.教案的内容,Background information:(可略)Teaching objectivesTeaching contents/material(可略)Focal po

3、ints or Focuses(Teaching important points,Teaching difficult points)Lesson type(可略)Teaching methodsTeaching aids Teaching steps/proceduresHomeworkBlackboard DesignAfter class reflection,教案案例,1.说课的总体思路,教什么怎么教为什么这样教,三、说课稿的撰写,Teaching Material,Analysis of Students,Teaching Methods,Teaching Procedures,B

4、lackboard Design,Framework,1,2,4,5,3,2.说课的内容,说课的内容可总结为“四说二写一展示”“四说”:说教材、说教法、说学法、说教学程序;“二写”:写出本课课题及板书设计;“一展示”:展示自己设计的辅助教学课件。,the presenterBrief introduction of the teaching material the procedure of the LPP,Part 1,Lesson Plan Presentation(LPP),Example,Good morning,everyone.Im XX from XX Middle School

5、.Im very glad to share my lesson plan with you.The lesson Im going to talk about today is from Go For It,Book 8A,Unit 8 How was your school trip?Period 4,Reading for writing.Id like to explain it from these five aspects.,1、说教材简析,简要说明本说课的内容来自哪 一册书、哪一章节;,一说教材,2、说教材的地位和作用:分析教材编写意图、主要内容及特点,分析本课教学内容与学生先前

6、掌握的知识和将要学习的知识的内在联系,说明本课教学在单元知识体系中,甚至整个教学中的地位和作用。,Example The analysis of the teaching material,The topic of this lesson is Day Off.The reading material is a letter from Nick about his day off which is well organized in the sequence of time.,3、说学情分析,1)学生年龄特点分析2)学生已有知识经验分析 3)学生学习能力分析 4)学生学习风格分析,Exampl

7、e The analysis of the learning condition,Even though the topic Day off is familiar to the students in my class,still some of them cant write a well-organized passage about their day offs.With the limited vocabulary,the students may lack rich words to show their day offs.Fortunately,the reading passa

8、ge 3a offers a nice model for students to imitate.,4、说教材处理;,6、教学目标,知识目标能力目标德育目标,5、说重点、难点;,Example The learning objectives,First,language skills.By the end of the class,students will be able to read for the outline of the reading passage and write a short passage about their day offs according to the

9、 outline.This is also the learning focus of this class.Next,language knowledge.Students can use the following words and expressions.(slide),Then,affect.In this class,students will share the happiness of their classmates experiences and understand that we need to both work hard and have fun in our li

10、fe.As for culture awareness,students will understand the meaning and the function of yard sale.Finally,learning strategy.In this class,students will improve their ability of autonomous learning and cooperative learning.,The language focus,These are the language focus(slide)and these are the anticipa

11、ted difficulties.My students may find it difficult to figure out the structure and they may lack nice expressions in their writing.Therefore,lots of attention will be paid to the writing structure and nice expressions in this class.These are the possible ways to solve the difficulty.,the teaching ma

12、terial the learning condition The analysis of the learning objectives the language focuses the anticipated difficulties and possible solution,Part 2,二说教法,教法是完成教学任务,师生相互作用所采取的方式、手段和途径。,说教法要说明:1、本课教学中贯彻什么教学原则;2、采用什么教学模式,并做出必要的解释和说明。,三说学法,学法是指学生学习知识、掌握知识的方法和途径。,1、要结合课堂教学内容,说出在本课教学过程中,指导学生学习使用或学会使用什么学习法

13、;,2、要说明结合本课教学学生能够培养哪种学习能力。,说学法:,3、如何调动学生的积极性和激发学习兴趣等。,Teaching methods and teaching aids,To achieve the above objectives,I will adopt top-down model for reading and process approach for writing in this class.I will use PPT documents and OHP as my teaching aids.,the teaching&learning The statement of

14、 methods and teaching aids,Part 3,四说教学程序,教学程序是说课的主要内容。说出自己的教学思路及理论依据,课堂结构及板书等。,2、说清各个教学环节的具体活动和时间分配;,说教学程序,1、要简要说出该课的各个教学步骤的具体教学环节名称及相关教学内容、步骤、教学活动组织和安排;,3、要说明如何通过教学突出重点,突破难点,抓好关键,要尽量勾画出课堂教学的概貌。,Example Before class,I will play Kurt Nilsens song Day Off before class.This aims to attract students att

15、ention and get them ready for class.,Step 1.Warming-up,To warm up,we will talk about Kurts Day Off.Ill ask students to guess what Kurt did on his day off by brainstorming.This is going to activate students background information about different kinds of activities and review past tense of verb which

16、 is helpful for students writing.Then Ill show students the activities Kurt did to learn some new words like:sale,yard and all day.This will get them a general idea of talking about something in the sequence of time.,Step 2.Pre-reading,Through warming-up activity above,students might know Kurt had a

17、 good day off.Then I will ask:“How was Nicks day off?”Ill show students a picture about Nicks day off before they read and talk about it.By talking about the activity,the place and the weather,students learn the words like yard sale,umbrella,raincoat,get wet,in my opinion etc.naturally.,Besides,by t

18、alking about the picture,students get some information about Nicks day off which will help them read better.Among these expressions,“yard sale”is especially new to students.In order to help students understand it,Ill show them some background information.,Step 2.Pre-reading,Step 3.While-reading,Now

19、its time to read.Students are asked to read the letter,take notes of what Nick did and give their opinions about his day off.This is the process of input by reading.,Step 4.Post-reading,After students finish reading,well first check the answers and share students opinions.Next Im going to help stude

20、nts find out the structure by talking about when Nick did the activities,why he did the activity and what happened.Then Ill ask students to retell the passage by looking at the structure.By retelling,students not only understand the passage better,but also summarize the structure of writing ones day

21、 off.Its like this,which actually consists of three parts:beginning,body and ending.,Step 4.Post-reading,However,only knowing the structure is not enough to write a nice passage.We also need to pay attention to the expressions.So Ill ask students to find out the useful expressions in this passage an

22、d then learn together.,Step 5.Preparation for writing,To practice using the structure and the new expressions,Ill create another situation,Toms day off.Students will first talk about Toms day off with their partners and then Ill show them two passages(Passage A and B).Ask them to find out the better

23、 one and tell the reason.,Step 5.Preparation for writing,Passage B is better,because there are two mistakes about verb tense in Passage A.There are no mistakes in Passage B.Besides,Passage B is written clearly in the sequence of time.After this,Ill show them Passage B and C.and again ask them to fin

24、d out the better one.It is Passage C.Because Passage C is clearly written in the sequence of time and there are some nice expressions.,Step 5.Preparation for writing,From the above examples,students will understand that both clear structure and nice expressions are important in our writing,and today

25、 we learn how to write the body part in the sequence of time.This is the writing strategy for this class.The teacher leads students to find out the strategy instead of telling them what it is.,Step 6.Writing,After doing the above work,it is time for students to write about their day offs.In this par

26、t,students are learning by writing.The writing takes about 5 minutes.,Step 7.Post Writing,5 minutes later,students will be first asked to discuss each others writing from the following two aspects:structure and expressions.This helps students to cooperate with partners and improve their writing.Afte

27、r students discussion,well share some passages with the help of the OHP.This checks how well students can do.and by reading the passages students are learning by revising their partners writing works.,Step 7.Post Writing,Strike while the iron is hot.I will ask my students to write a passage about so

28、meones day off as the homework.Finally,this is the blackboard design(slide).,The description of teaching procedures,Part 4,2、板面设计,板书设计是教师根据教学的需要,用文字、图形、线条、符号等粗略勾勒讲授提纲,直观展现教学主要内容、重点、难点,教学目标和要求的教学行为。,说板书设计,1、要说明板书内容、板书设计的整体布局及展开程序;,2、说清教师是如何按照学生的知觉和注意特征、借助于板书将知识信息结构展现给学生。,二写,1、标题,多媒体辅助英语说课,多媒体辅助英语说课是以

29、英语为语言工具,运用多媒体手段辅助的英语说课。,一展示,After class reflection,To sum up,Ill adopt student-centered principle in this class.I will try to limit teachers talking time and carry out a variety of learning activities to involve most students to participate.During the process of learning,Im a guide,an organizer and

30、a facilitator.Ill try to help my students learn effectively and efficiently.Students will be the real communicators in learning and using the language.,Part 5,The reflection of shinning points after class reflection,The content of LPP,1.Brief introduction2.The analysis of the teaching materials and

31、learners;3.The rearrangement of the teaching materials and learning activities;4.The learning/teaching objectives;5.The language focus and anticipated difficulties;6.The teaching methods and teaching aids;7.The teaching procedures8.Shinning points or after class reflection,说课稿撰写要注意的问题,1、突出理论性 注意:说道理

32、、讲方法是说课的一个显著特征,但绝不是说课的主体。成功的说课应把教学设计和教学理论有机地结合在一起,而且要略侧重于说教学设计。“说”是形式,“课”及“课理”是内容。只有做到形式与内容的辩证统一,才能达到预期的说课目的。,2、简明扼要 注意:英语说课应多选用一般性的陈述性语言,最好少用结构复杂的句子,选用口语化,能听懂的简单语言,以便听者把注意力集中在说课的内容上,教学过程的描述不要过于繁杂。,3、人称、角色 注意:说课要用第一人称;不要过多地使用课堂用语。,4、突出英语学科特点,但要量力而行 注意:原则上讲,英语说课稿最好用英语写。如用英语写,注意专业术语的表达,不要自造。,5、不拘一格 注意:只要教师能够准确把握说课的要素和要点,即说课的总体思路,都能达到说课的最终目的。,说课案例,


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