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1、Intercultural Adaptation,Definition,The term culture shock was first introduced by the anthropologist Oberg in 1954.It is a term used to describe the anxiety and feelings(of surprise,disorientation,confusion,etc.)felt when people have to operate within an entirely different cultural or social enviro

2、nment,such as a foreign country.,1.Whats Culture Shock?It means strong feelings of discomfort,fear,or anxiety,which people may have when they enter another culture.,文化冲突指某人突然身处异族文化或环境中而经受的一种不安、恐惧、焦虑的状况。,Symptoms of culture shock,excessive washing of handsexcessive concern overFear of physical contac

3、theadaches,stomach/back aches,dizziness,ulcersexcessive sleepinessdifficult to sleep well insomnia tend to feel tired,helpless desire for dependence on frustrated fear depression loneliness isolated anger,aggression,hatred,hostility withdrawal,physical,&,psychological,back,Individuals differences,pe

4、rsonality,Language ability,Emotional support,Duration of stay,attitude,back,five phases of culture shock,fairly smoothly,transportation,shopping,complain about,reject,good things about your home country,only the,is much better than another,different,completely comfortable in your home country,Tips,h

5、appy,good,curious,excellent,I.Honeymoon Phase,Find some adjectives to describe the feelings in this stage.,excited,marvelous,wonderful,comfortable,II.Rejection Phase,Can you describe the emotions in this stage?,Tips,become tired of,makes sb.feel,awfullonelyindifferentDistressedcomplain,hostileisolat

6、edunfriendlyrejectedCold,III.Regression phase,Homesickness Everything at home becomes unreasonably wonderful.,Tips,IV.Recovery/adjustment Stage,You have reached a point where you actually feel _.The things that initially made you feel _,or _ are now things that you _.Now you feel _;you have adjusted

7、 to the new culture.,good and positive,strange,uncomfortable,understand,comfortable,V.Reverse Phase,Do you know Counter-culture shock?,Group Discussion,forward,How to Deal with Cultural Shock?,Be aware of the symptomsDevelop friendshipsHave a sense of humor Ask questions about social customsTake a c

8、ourse or read a book on cross-cultural communication develop positive attitude(open-minded)Find ways to minimize the irritationImprove your language proficiency Spare time for relaxation Dont be afraid to take risks reexam your values and outlookTalk therapy talk with other Chinesego to the outside and try to look for something you are interested in;find some Chinese books/music/food to enjoy,


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