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1、名 词(Noun),上海市金卫中学俞雪斌,名词,普通名词,专有名词,一、名词的分类,boy,class,Tom,Tom is a boy in my class.,专有名词,4.人名:Joan(琼),Alfred Nobel,Mr.Smith,1.国名、地名:Japan(日本)Africa(非洲)Paris(巴黎),3.星期:Thursday Friday Saturday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday,2.月份:January February March April May June July August September October Novemb

2、er December,专有名词,7.由普通名词组成的专有名词:the Great Wall(长城)World Wide Web(WWW)(万维网)the United States of America(美利坚合众国),5.节日名:Christmas(圣诞节)New Years Day(元旦),6.称呼:Grandpa(爷爷)Uncle(叔叔)Miss(小姐),二、名词的数,可数名词复数形式的构成,直接加s,以s,x,sh,ch结尾的加es,以o结尾,有生命的加es,以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y改成i再加es,以f,fe结尾的,把f,fe改成v再加es,二、名词的数:,photo radio

3、piano-,potato tomato hero,potatoes,tomatoes,photos,radios,pianos,以o结尾,无生命的加s,写出下列单词的复数形式,heroes,roof-chief-,roofs,chiefs,特殊情况,二、名词的数,可数名词复数形式的构成,把man改成men,oo改成ee,单复数同形,特殊情况,a girl studenttwo a boy student-five a woman doctortwo a man teacher-six,girl students,boy students,women doctors,men teachers,

4、以girl和boy与其他名词连用时,复数时girl和boy不改变形式;以man和woman与其他名词连用时,复数时两者都改。,German-human-,Germans,humans,【中考真题】Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms:1.Board games are more and more popular among _.(teenager)(2012)2.The street near my house is always crowded with cars and _.(bus)(2007)3.Th

5、ey bought some _ at the supermarket yesterday.(potato)(2008)4.Joanna received many _ when graduating from middle school.(gift)(2010),teenagers,buses,potatoes,gifts,熟记考纲中重要的不可数名词:,advice,information,furniture,weather,water,milk,traffic,homework,cream housework,knowledge,money,news,paper,有些不可数名词前面有形容词

6、修饰时,前面要加上不定冠词a或ana heavy snow/rain a rich breakfast/lunch/suppera good/great/wonderful timea great help a happy life,既可用作可数名词又可用作不可数名词,如:glass(玻璃)glasses(玻璃杯)time(时间)times(次数)paper(纸)papers(试卷,报纸,论文)exercise(锻炼)exercises(练习)room(空间)rooms(房间)experience(经验)experiences(经历)work(工作)works(作品)fish(鱼肉)fish(

7、鱼)chicken(鸡肉)chickens(小鸡),三、可数和不可数名词前表示不定数和量的限定词组:,1.共用的:some,a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a bottle of(a bag of.)2.只修饰可数名词的:a pair of,a group of,few,a few,a couple of,a large number of,many3.只修饰不可数名词的:huge amounts of,much,little,a little,三、可数名词的数量表达一条牛仔裤 a pair of jeans几个亲戚 a few relatives几台电脑 some co

8、mputers 许多记者 a lot of/lots of reporters大量的乘客 a large number of passengers,不可数名词的数量表达充足的牛奶 plenty of milk 大量的信息 huge amounts of information一点食物 a little food 一条忠告 a piece of advice许多钱 much money 许多时间 much time,【中考真题】()1.Linda,Ive bought many _.Now lets make the birthday cake.(2003)A.fresh eggsB.choco

9、late milk C.frozen food.D.rice dumplings()2.Ive read _ sports news about the F1race today.(2005)A.two B.pieces C.two piecesD.two pieces of()3.We havent got much _ for our picnic.Will you go and get some?(2007)A.apple B.tomato C.breadD.biscuit,A,D,C,【中考真题】()4._ engineers and workers are helping to re

10、build the damaged city.(2008)A.Many B.Much C.A little D.A lot()5.You can get much _ about the World Expo on the Internet.(2010)A.map B.picture C.ticket D.information()6.The old man used to raise many _ to make a living on the farm.(2011)A.duckB.horseC.birdD.sheep()7.The students didnt find much _ ab

11、out the topic on that website.(2013)A.reportB.articleC.informationD.story,A,D,D,C,名词所有格1.表示有生命名词的所有格,单数通常在词尾加s,复数加构成。如:Alices birthday,John and Bettys parents Mothers Day the teachers office,2.表示时间、距离、城市、国家和量度等无生命的名词,所有格加s;twenty minutes walk,todays newspaper,New Years Day,two hours talk,名词所有格3.表示无生

12、命的名词所有格用of 短语the front door of the City Hall a map of Chinathe windows of the classroom,4.双重所有格:of+名词性物主代词和of+名词所有格a friend of mine a relative of Kittys a cousin of my fathers a house of theirs 比较:a twenty-minute walk a five-year-old boy a two-day trip,5.不用s 和 of 表示 the key to the door the solution

13、to the problem the answer to the question the ticket for the film,【同步精炼】()1.Ben is a friend of _.my brother B)brothers C)my brothers D)me()2.This room is _,its not ours.A)Toms and Jacks B)Tom and JackC)Toms and Jack D)Tom and Jacks()3.Its only _ from my home to the school.A)ten minutes walk B)ten minutes walkC)ten minutes of walk D)ten-minute walk,C,D,B,


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