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1、Unit 3Tomorrows world,复合句(六)名词性从句(2)经典背诵 1.It makes no difference where we shall go for the holiday.2.It has not been decided yet who will take his place.3.I cant imagine how he did it.4.They couldnt understand why I refused it.5.It all depends on how we solve the problem.6.We are worrying about whe

2、ther she has arrived safely.,7.The problem is where we should stay.8.My question how I shall get in touch with him has not been answered.9.Whether he can take part in the race depends on how well he recovers.10.When and where the experiment will be done is being discussed.,趁热打铁 1.我们最后一次开心地玩是我们去参观水上公

3、园的时候。_2.我决心完成他交给我的任务。_3.你能告诉我下届世界青奥会在何时何地举行吗?_4.奥巴马总是在想怎样对美军从伊拉克撤军向国民发表演讲。_,【答案】1.The last time we had great fun was when we were visiting the Water Park.2.Im determined to complete what he leaves me.3.Can you tell me when and where the next Youth Olympics will be held?4.Obama always thinks of how h

4、e will address the American people about the retreat from Iraq.,【名师点注】1.连接代词或连接副词引导主语从句时,常用it作形式主语。2.能接连接代词或连接副词引导宾语从句的动词很多,常见的有:see,tell,ask answer,know,decide,find out,imagine,suggest,doubt,wonder,show,discuss,understand,advise 等,并且介词后面也可用连接代词或连接副词引导宾语从句。,.重点词汇1_n.人物2_vt.监控;监视3_prep.除以外;包括 adv.此外4



7、pular16.inexperienced;experienced17.safely;safe;safety18.central;centre19.able;enable20.deliver;delivery,.短语回顾1give_ 发出(气味、热等)2put_ 提出(观点、议案等)3pass_ 传递4impress sb._.给某人留下印象5rescue sb._.营救某人脱离(困境、危险等)6be set_ 以为背景7deliver._sb.把交给某人,8set_ 创办;建立9be accused_ 被控告犯有罪10close_关闭;使停业11_ 最后但同样重要的12end _ failu

8、re以失败告终13keep_touch with 与保持联系14come_ 发现;(偶然)遇见15tell A_B 把A和B区分开来,1out2.forward3.on4.with5.from6.in7.to8.up9.of10.down11.last but not least12.in13.in14.across15.from,.佳句回顾1_the top of the mountain,a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be experienced.一到达山顶,人们将会感受到快乐和满足。2In my opinio

9、n,_.在我看来,是我们该买新电脑的时候了。,3Although he was criticized by the music industry from the beginning,_Fannings dream finally began to _.尽管从开始范宁就受到音乐界人士的批评,但是一直到2001年他的梦想才开始逐渐消失。4If the PC I was using _ a good keyboard,I_ so many mistakes.如果我当时使用的电脑有好的键盘,我就不会犯那么多的错误了。5Viewers will be surprised at _.观众会惊讶地发现感觉

10、是多么真实。,1Upon reaching 2.it is about time we had new computers3.it was in 2001 that;fade4.had had;would not have made5.how real it feels,1deliver vt.传递;发表讲话;接生;解救 deliver sth.(to sb.)投递/传送某物(给某人)deliver a speech 发表演说be delivered of a childgive birth to a child 生孩子deliver sb.from sth.解救某人,【经典例句】Specia

11、l food and drink chemicals are_delivered_into the viewers mouth via a straw sensor.(P42)通过一根传感器吸管还可以将特殊的食品和饮料的化学物品输送到观众的嘴里。He delivered an important report at the meeting.他在会上作了重要报告。Only education can deliver people from fear and superstition.只有教育才能使人们摆脱恐惧和迷信。,【即时应用】(1)If your order is ready,it will

12、 be_to you tomorrow.AdeliveredBannouncedCexchanged Ddeclared【解析】句意:如果您的订货准备好了,明天就给您送货。deliver递送;announce宣布;exchange交换,兑换;declare宣布,宣告。【答案】A,2impress vt.给留下深刻印象;使钦佩;使铭记,【经典例句】I think viewers will be_impressed_by a film that allows them to be a character in the film.(P45)我认为观众会对能使他们能进入电影中角色的电影印象深刻。Jac

13、k impressed all his companions with his sincerity.(Jacks sincerity impressed_ all his companions.)杰克的真诚给他所有的同事留下了深刻印象。All the visitors were deeply_impressed_with/by the beauty of the West Lake.西湖的美景给所有游客都留下了深刻印象。,【即时应用】单项选择(2)The new teacher made a strong _ on all of us by his humour speech.Aidea Be

14、ffectCopinion Dimpression【答案】D,翻译句子(3)他的话深深地印在她的脑海里。_【答案】His words were deeply impressed on her mind.,3accuse vt.指控;控告;谴责(1)accuse sb.of(doing)sth.charge sb.with sth.控告/指责某人做了某事(2)accuse sb.as 控告/指责某人为(3)accuse sb.for sth.为某事指责某人,【经典例句】He was_accused_of piracy and sued by the music industry.(P51)他因盗

15、版而受到音乐界的指控。The police accused him of stealing.警察控告他犯有盗窃罪。He was_accused_as a murderer.他被指控为杀人犯。,accuse/chargeaccuse往往指当面指控,但未必诉诸于有关当局,指控对方的事可能是重大事件,也可能是小事。常与of搭配。charge可用于因小过错而受责备,如违反规则;也可以用于法律上正式的控告,对严重的错误或罪行加以控诉、谴责,并向当局正式提出控告。常与介词with连用。,【即时应用】完成句子(4)Are you accusing me _ cheating?你是在指责我欺骗吗?(5)The

16、 report accused the government _ shirking its responsibilities.报告指责政府推卸责任。(6)The police charged him _ murder.警方指控他犯了谋杀罪。【答案】(4)of(5)of(6)with,单项选择(7)The man was sentenced to three years in prison for _of having stolen a lot of bikes.Aaccusing Bhaving accusedCbeing accused Dbeing charged【解析】accuse sb

17、.of doing sth.控告某人做了某事,主语man是被指控的,应用被动形式;charge当“指控”讲时,常和with连用。【答案】C,4employ vt.雇佣;使用,【经典例句】When N was set up in 1999,the company was very smallonly Fannings family and friends were_employed.(P51)当Napster 网站1999年成立时,网站规模很小只雇佣了范宁家人和朋友。For the past three years he has been_employed_as a firefighter.三年

18、来他一直受雇当消防员。The police had to employ_force_to break up the crowd.警方为了驱散群众,不得不使用武力。,【即时应用】根据汉语提示完成下面小片段A big company has just(8)_(雇佣了吉姆)To be(9)_(好员工),he(10)_(花费了他所有的业余时间来了解)new things about the company and applying to the new environment.Soon he is promoted by his(11)_(雇主)【答案】(8)employed Jim(9)a good

19、 employee(10)employs all his spare in learning about(11)employer,5sign n.记号;符号;标识;标志;手势;迹象;征兆v签名;签署;做手势;发信号,【经典例句】Fans had asked him to sign his name for them.粉丝们请求他为他们签名。The policeman signed the driver to_stop.那警察做手势让那司机停下来。The sign by the road says“No Parking”路边的牌子上写着“禁止停车”All visitors must sign i

20、n on arrival.来客均须签到。,【即时应用】(12)Many people like white color as it is a_of purity.Asymbol BsignCexample Dsignal【解析】symbol象征;sign符号;example 例子;signal 信号。句意:许多人都喜欢白色,因为白色是纯洁的象征。【答案】A,6force vt.强迫;迫使n.力量;暴力,【经典例句】After this,with the_help_of_force from a black hole,they are able to guide the lost spacesh

21、ip safely back to the Earth.(P58)然后,在黑洞力量的帮助下,他们把迷失方向的飞船安全带到地球。Poor health forced_him to give up his work.身体差迫使他放弃了工作。The American army conquered the area by_force.美国军队靠武力占领了这一地区。,energy/force/power/strengthenergy意为“力,力量,精力”,用于物理学时,意为“能”;指人时,指人的精力。force意为“武力,势力”,指运用或发挥出来的力量,着重“力”产生的效果,即人或物克服阻力,按要求的方

22、向运动,达到一定目的。,power意为“力量,能力,权力”,含义广泛,可指内存的或外来的,具体的或抽象的力,可引申为“势力,政权”。strength意为“力量,体力”,指人或物内部存在的力量,除指人身体的力气外,还可指感情、意志、记忆、判断等能力。,【对接高考】(13)(2010江西高考)The government plans to bring in new laws _ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.Aforced BforcingCto be forced Dhaving f

23、orced【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:政府计划制定新法律来促使父母对他们孩子的教育多负责。law与force之间为主动关系,故应用现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰new laws。【答案】B,【即时应用】用energy/force/power/strength填空(14)The boy gathered all his _ to stand up.(15)Children usually have too much_so that they do not feel tired.(16)I shall do everything in my_ to help you.(17)The _ of th

24、e explosion pulled down all the buildings nearby.【答案】(14)strength(15)energy(16)power(17)force,1put forward 提出(观点,议案等)【经典例句】An argument has been put_forward that some viewers will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.(P43)提出一个争论说有些观众会因VR是不真实的而失望。The proposals she_put_forward in this rep

25、ort are of great significance.她在这篇报告中提出的建议具有重大意义。,put out 扑灭put aside 搁置一旁;储存put away 放好;收起来;积蓄put back 放回put up 举起;张贴;供给住宿put up with忍受put off 推迟put an end to 结束;终止,put forward/come up with/come upput forward vt.提出(观点、议案等),可用于被动语态。come up with vt.赶上,想出,提出(答案、计划等),不用被动语态。come up vi.(问题等)被提出,无被动语态。,【

26、即时应用】(18)Dont be so discouraged.If you_such feelings,you will do better next time.Acarry onBget backCbreak down Dput away(19)As the project_at the meeting,it drew our attention.Acomes up Bwas came upCcame up Dhad been come up【答案】(18)D(19)C,2give out vt.发出(气味,热等);分发【经典例句】(1)To add to the virtual worl

27、d of RealCine,smells are given_out through small openings in the headsets.(P42)为了增添Realcine的虚拟现实的效果,通过耳机孔发出一些气味。(2)The teacher gave_out the examination papers.老师发了考卷。,give away 泄漏give in(to sb.)(对某人)让步/屈服give off 放出;散发出(液体、气味、热量、能量、光、声音)give up 放弃;戒掉;停止;结束;将某物交给某人give over移交give oneself to 专心于;迷恋于(t

28、o是介词)give way to 给让路;屈服;被征服,give out/run out(of)/use upgive out 作“用完”讲时,相当于run out,此时为不及物动词短语,无被动形式;run out of sth.与use sth.up 为及物动词短语。According to this speed of mining,the coal on the earth will give out/run out/be run out of/be used up in hundreds of years.依据这种开采速度,几百年后地球上的煤将消耗殆尽。,【对接高考】(20)The ne

29、ws of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _on the radio yesterday.Aturned out Bfound outCgiven out Dcarried out【解析】考查动词短语辨析。give out 发布,分发,散发;turn out 结果是;find out 弄清楚;carry out开展,执行。根据句意应选C。【答案】C,【即时应用】用give相关短语的适当形式填空(21)Students were_leaflets(传单)to everyone on the street.(22)The docto

30、rs had _ her _but she made a remarkable recovery.(23)Dont_ to the public when we will start.(24)No problem lasts forever.Storms always_the sun.【答案】(21)giving out(22)given;up(23)give away(24)give way to,3set up 创办;建立;创立;开办;建起;竖起【经典例句】Is it true that they have set_up another hospital?他们又开办了另一家医院是真的吗?T

31、he army has set_up roadblocks around the city.军队已在城市四周设置了路障。,set off 出发;动身;使爆炸;引起;激起set out 出发;开始set out to do sth.开始做某事set about sth./doing sth.开始(某)工作/着手做某事set down 写下;记下;放下set aside 留出;节省;搁置;不理会set free 释放set sail 起航,【对接高考】(25)After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane_her job as a d

32、octor in the countryside.Aset out Btook overCtook up Dset up【解析】考查动词短语辨析。take up 开始(做),从事,与句意相符,set out开始,动身;take over接管,接替;set up建立,创立。根据句意选C。【答案】C,【即时应用】完成句子(26)Have you _ some money for your childs education?你有没有为孩子的教育留出一些钱呢?(27)She _ all these events in her diary.她把所有这些事情都写在日记里。(28)Edison _ a la

33、b of his own by the age of 14.爱迪生14岁时就建立了自己的实验室。【答案】(26)set aside(27)set down(28)had set up,4come across 偶然遇到;理解【经典例句】During their journey,the professor and his nephew come_across the Central Sea,a big underground ocean.(P58)在他们的旅途中,教授和他的侄子遇到了中心海,一个地下大海。She came_across some old photographs in a draw

34、er.她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。,come upon 遇见;(恐惧)袭击run across 遇到;跑过run into 撞上;撞见meet with 体验到;遭遇;会见,【即时应用】完成句子(29)He spoke for 2 hours but his meaning _.(没真正表达清楚)(30)I_(遇到)an old friend of mine in the street.(31)His car_(撞上)a post.(32)He _(遭遇)a traffic accident.【答案】(29)didnt really come across(30)came across/up

35、on(31)ran into(32)met with,5in ones opinion 依某人看来;根据某人观点【经典例句】In_my_opinion,it is about time we had new computers.依我看来,我们该买新电脑了。In_my_opinion,we should take some immediate steps to stop the pollution from the chemical factory.依我看来,我们应当立即采取措施来阻止化工厂排放污染物。,【即时应用】翻译句子(33)依我看来,你错了。(in ones opinion)_(34)依

36、我看来,菲尔是发疯了。(in ones view)_【答案】(33)In my opinion,youre wrong.(34)In my view,Phils gone crazy.,1What developments in science and technology would you like to_see_happen in the future?随后你想看到将来在科学和技术方面什么样的情况发生?【句式分析】本句的主语为you,谓语是would like to see,宾语为what development,happen 为省略to的动词不定式做宾语补足语。接不带to的动词不定式作

37、宾语补足语的动词有:see,watch,hear,make,let等。,(1)作宾语补足语的不定式,表示的动作在谓语所表示情况之前发生,就需要用完成形式。He was known to have worked for the International Olympic Committee.人们知道他曾经为国际奥委会工作过。,(2)作宾语补足语的不定式,表示一个正在进行的动作时需用进行形式。We believe him to be living in Mexico.我们相信他正住在墨西哥。(3)不定式的被动形式作宾语补足语。He didnt want her son to be taken aw

38、ay.他不想让她的儿子被带走。,【即时应用】完成句子(35)_(使他们非常害怕的是),they found themselves caught in the heaviest snowfall they had ever had.【答案】To their great fear,2Scared_and_cold,the Time Traveller starts back towards the present.又惊又冷,时光旅游者踏上了回到现在的旅程。【句式分析】本句中的scared and cold 是形容词短语作状语,表示句子主语所处的状态。,形容词或形容词短语作状语时,说明主语的状态、性

39、质等,可以表示伴随状况、原因、结果等。The thief hid himself in the corner,afraid of being caught.小偷躲在角落里,害怕被抓到。(表伴随状况)Thirsty and eager to have a rest,he went into a teahouse.由于口渴,而且想要休息一下,他走进了一家茶馆。(表原因)He returned from the war,safe and sound.他安然无恙地从战场上回来了。(表结果),【对接高考】(36)(2009浙江高考)_and short of breath,Andy and Ruby w

40、ere the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.ATo be tired BTiredCTiring DBeing tired【解析】本句中的“Tired and short of breath”为形容词短语作状语,补充说明主语所处的状态,又如:Tired and hungry,I arrived at home last night.。【答案】B,【即时应用】完成句子(37)After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,_.结束了国外的旅行,理查德琼斯回到家,非常疲备。(38)Bec

41、ause he was lost,he spent two days in the forest,_.因为迷路了,他在森林中度过了两天,又饿又害怕。【答案】(37)tired/exhausted(38)hungry and afraid,.单词拼写1An honest student will not c_in an exam.2The West Lake left us a deep i_.3One more e_and you may succeed.4Zhao Benshan has played a variety of r_ in TV plays.5In my o_,playing

42、 computer games does more harm than the good to teenagers.6I was touched _(超出)words at his great deed.,7You can _(收益)by my mistakes and avoid them yourself.8They didnt bring the meeting to an _(结束)until midnight.9With the _(发展)of mobile phones,people can make use of them many more ways.10The company

43、 has made many _(改进)to home computers.【答案】1.cheat2.impression3.effort4.roles5.opinion6.beyond7.profit8.end9.development10.improvements,.选词填空send in;bring in;pass on;in reality;give out;put forward;set up;close down;come across;be responsible for1.The tourism industry_a large amount of profit so far.

44、2The doctor_immediately and the patient was saved.3Another new building_in the village school last year.4Because of the financial tsunami,a lot of factories_already.,5Will you _the message_to Professor White?6The flowers in the garden_a nice smell.7It is not necessary to turn to the dictionary each

45、time you _ a new word.8Its hard to say that which side _ the accident.9The meeting was over with no new plan_.10She appears careless,but_,she is a careful and thoughtful girl.,【答案】1.has brought in 2.was sent in 3.was set up4.have been closed down5.pass;on6.give e across8.is/was responsible for9.put

46、forward10.in reality,.用所给词的适当形式填空1The Summer Palace left a deep_(impress)on the foreign tourists.2His _(tire)from overwork resulted in a serious illness.3This pass_(enable)me to travel halfprice on trains.4Be quiet I have an _(announce)to make.5Many _(employ)are eager for higher prizes.6The robber w

47、as _(accuse)of robbing a bank.,7He learned a highlevel _(program)language in the university.8He was too_(experience)for the job.He worked here for only a week.9At the museum,visitors are requested not to touch the _(exhibit)10Her _(popular)with teenagers is just surprising.【答案】1.impressions2.tiredne

48、ss3.enables4.announcement5.employees6.accused7.programming8.inexperienced9.exhibits10.popularity,.完成句子1A proposal has been put forward_(政府应削减国防开支)2In my opinion,it is time _(我们改变它)3Im deeply impressed by the professor and his achievements _(你所讲的)4The taxi driver _(被指控)the murder by the police.5The fact is known to us all that Yoga is of _(很有益)to human health.,【答案】1.that the government should cut back/down the spending on the defence2.we had it changed 3.that you have told 4.was accused of5.great benefit,


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