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1、Unit 2The universal language,常用格言警句(二)经典背诵 1.Never leave that until tomorrow,which you can do today.今日事今日毕。2.No man is rich enough to buy back his past.再富有的人也买不回自己的过去。3.Time is life,time is money.时间就是生命,时间就是金钱。4.Nothing down,nothing up.不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?5.All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先

2、难而后易。,6.He that can have patience can have what he will.唯坚韧者始能遂其志。7.If winter comes,can spring be far behind?冬天来了,春天还会远吗?8.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.有一颗意志坚强的心,无事不成。9.To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.读书不思考,犹如吃饭不消化。10.The important thing in life is to have a g

3、reat aim,and the determination to attain it.人生之要事在于确立伟大的目标与实现这个目标的决心。,趁热打铁 1.失败是成功之母。_2.骄傲必败。_3.实践出真知。_4.自信是成功的第一秘诀。_【答案】1.Failure is the mother of success.2.Pride goes before a fall.3.Practice makes perfect.4.Selftrust is the first secret of success.,【名师点注】第4句中使用两个对称的短语表达一个完整的句子意义;第6句中that从句是定语从句;第

4、9句To read without reflecting是不定式短语作主语;第10句to have a great aim,and the determination to attain it是不定式短语作表语。,.重点词汇1_ vt.由主演;使成为明星2_ vt.为(戏剧、角色)选派演员3_ adj.烦恼的;恼人的4_ vt.上演;表演5_ vt.判刑;谴责6_ n(总称)人员;员工7_ n&vi.衰落;衰败;下降8_ n倾向;趋势;潮流,9_ vt.征招入伍;起草n.草稿10_ n吸引力11_ adj.精神的;心理的12_ n感情;喜爱;爱慕13_ adj.流利的;流畅的14_ adj.普

5、遍的;公认的;宇宙的_ n宇宙;天地万物15_ n结婚;婚姻_ vt.&vi.结婚_ adj.已婚的,16_ vt.恐吓;使感到恐怖_ adj.恐怖的_ n惊恐;恐惧_ n恐怖主义_ n恐怖分子17_ vi.&vt.导演;指挥;指导_ n导演_ n方向18_ n特别待遇;特权_ adj.有特权的19_ n失业_ vt.雇佣_ n雇主_ n雇员_ n职业20_ n歧视;辨别;区别_ vt.歧视;辨别,1star2.cast3.disturbing4.stage5condemn6.personnel7.decline8.trend9.draft10.appeal11.mental12.affect

6、ion13.fluent14.universal;universe15.marriage;marry;married16.terrify;terrified;terror;terrorism;terrorist17.direct;director;direction18.privilege;privileged19.unemployment;employ;employer;employee;employment20.discrimination;discriminate,.短语回顾1split_分成(小组);把分成;(朋友)断绝关系2_被装饰/装修3_the first time首先;第一次4

7、fall in love_sb.爱上某人(重动作)5express her love_.表达她对的爱6be _醉心于7_sunrise到日出为止;在日出之前8be _渴望学习,9be involved _卷入中;热衷于be involved _和有密切联系10be condemned _death 被判死刑11leave_删掉;漏掉;把放在外面12_迫切希望做某事13try out_参加14participate_参加15be_征召入伍,16take a brief look_快速的看一下17be_扎根于之中18_发财,1up2.be decorated3.for4.with5.for6dru

8、nk with7.by8.desperate to learn9.in;with10.to11.out12.desire to do sth.13.for14.in15drafted into16.at17.anchored in18.make a fortune,.佳句回顾1Thssa _ the Church later.特萨后来被这个教会接纳为教友。2_,higher and higher,until it was a small dot in the sky.那只小鸟向天上飞去,越来越高,最终成了一个小点。3In the past ten years,great changes hav

9、e taken place in my hometown,_.过去的十年里,我的家乡发生了很大的变化,呈现出新的面貌。,4The prisoner who robbed the bank _.那个银行抢劫犯被判处死刑。5_ believe art must be anchored in life.几乎所有的人都认为,艺术必须扎根于生活。,1was received into2.Up flew the bird3.making it take on a new look4.was condemned to death5.Almost all the people,1direct vt.给指路;指

10、引;指导;导演;指挥adj.笔直的;径直的;直截了当的;直率的,【经典例句】The production combined the very best of Western and Chinese talents in music,staging and directing.(P19)该作品是中西方音乐天才,演员和导演联合完成的最佳之作。The policeman directed the crowd to move forward.警察指挥人群向前挪动。Shes always very direct and open in her manner,so I know exactly what

11、shes thinking.她的举止行为既直率又开诚布公,所以我能准确了解到她在想什么。,【即时应用】完成句子(1)He was asked _(指挥这项工程)(2)Who do you know _(将导演)the film?(3)Could you _(告诉我去车站的路吗)?(4)Our school is _(在的管理之下)a good principle.【答案】(1)to direct the project(2)will direct(3)direct me to the bus stop(4)under the direction of,2appeal n请求;呼吁;上诉;吸引力

12、 vi.诉请;要求;吸引,【经典例句】They continue to have almost universal appeal today,even though they broke up in 1970.(P31)他们(披头士)虽然于1970年解散了,但现在仍然拥有广泛的吸引力。They decided to make_an_appeal_to the court for this.为此他们决定向法院提出上诉。,Bright colours appeal_to small children.小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。The police appealed_to the crowd not to

13、 panic.警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌。,【即时应用】完成句子(5)His _(恳求原谅)got no answer.(6)Films of that sort have_(失去了吸引力)me.(7)Does the idea of working abroad_(对你有吸引力)?(8)She has been convicted of theft,but her lawyer says she will_(再次上诉)【答案】(5)appeal for forgiveness(6)lost their appeal to(7)appeal to you(8)lodge/make/enter an

14、other appeal,3desire v&n.愿望;渴望;欲望;渴求;希望得到,【经典例句】It had always been one of my strongest desires to have a part in Turandot.(P25)在图兰朵中扮演角色一直是我最大的愿望。His mother desires_that he(should)come at once.他母亲希望他立即来。She had a strong_desire_to return home.她渴望回家。,【温馨提示】desire后跟宾语从句、同位语从句或表语从句时,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气,即“should

15、动词原形”形式,should可以省略。,【即时应用】完成句子(9)We all _(渴望幸福和健康)(10)She felt _(强烈回家的欲望),(11)It is desirable that _(他出席)the conference.(12)He got the book he _(渴望的)(13)The workers _better working conditions(渴望/要求)【答案】(9)desire happiness and health(10)a strong desire to go home(11)he should attend(12)desired(13)des

16、ire,4decline vi.&n.衰败;衰落;下降,【经典例句】From the early 1930s to the early 1950s,traditional jazz went_into_a_bit_of_a_decline,and.(P30)从20世纪30年代到50年代初,传统的爵士音乐有点走向衰败Do you think standards of morality have declined in recent years?你是否觉得近几年来道德标准下降了?The birth rate is on_the_decline.出生率在下降。,【即时应用】翻译句子(14)他的健康状

17、况迅速恶化。_(15)我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们婉言谢绝了。_【答案】(14)His health was declining rapidly.(15)I offered to give them a lift but they declined.,5promote vt.晋升;促进;鼓励;促销,【经典例句】His assistant was promoted over his head.他的助手获得提升,地位超过了他。The football team was_promoted_to the first division.该足球队已晋升为甲级队。The organisation works

18、to_promote friendship between nations.该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊。,【即时应用】(16)Some people like drinking coffee,for it has_ effects.ApromotingBstimulatingCenhancing Dencouraging【解析】本题考查词义辨析。A项意为“促进的,发扬的;”B项意为“刺激的,有刺激性的”;C项意为“提高的,增强的”;D项意为“鼓舞人心的”。根据句意“一些人喜欢喝咖啡,因为它有刺激作用”,可知B项正确。【答案】B,6breath n呼吸;气息,【经典例句】I was out_o

19、f_breath after running.跑步之后我上气不接下气。Take_a_deep_breath,_and you may feel better.深吸一口气,你就能感觉好一点。There is not a_breath_of_wind today.今天没有一丝微风。,【即时应用】翻译句子(17)跑到车站后,我们坐下来喘口气。_(18)省点口舌吧,老板今天决不会给你放假的。_【答案】(17)After running to the bus stop,we sat down to catch our breath.(18)Save your breath,the boss will n

20、ever give you the day off.,7trend n倾向;趋势;潮流trends to/towards.的趋势/倾向trends in.在方面的趋势/倾向follow a trend赶时髦reverse a trend扭转趋势set the trend领导时尚,【经典例句】By 1949,the start of a new musical trend known as rhythm and blues,.(P30)到1949年,一种新的音乐形式节奏和布鲁斯音乐产生了,Todays trend is towards less formal clothing.时下风尚趋向于穿着

21、随便。Do you know about the trend in the teaching of foreign language?你了解外语教学的趋势吗?,【即时应用】翻译句子(19)许多青年都在赶时髦,留长发。_(20)超女一度领导时尚。_【答案】(19)Many a young man follows the trend for long hair.(20)Super girls once set the trend.,1break up解散;分手;解体;分离;断绝关系【经典例句】North Korea decided to break_up with South Korea.朝鲜决定

22、与韩国决裂。The conference broke_up without reaching any agreement.会议没有达成任何协议就结束了。What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary break_up?如果吉姆和玛丽离婚,孩子们怎么办呢?,break in闯入;打岔break off 折断;断掉;中断break out爆发;突然发生break through突破;取得突破break away from挣脱开而逃走;脱离开;与断绝关系break down 毁掉;分解;(机器等)出故障;(车辆等)抛锚;(身体)出毛病;垮掉;(计划等

23、)失败;中断,【对接高考】(21)(2009江苏高考)Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have_.So am IThey seemed very happy together when I last saw them.Abroken up Bfinished upCdivided up Dclosed up【解析】考查动词短语。根据对话可知两人对Sue与Paul的关系破裂都很惊讶。break up(婚姻)关系破裂,符合句意。【答案】A,【即时应用】完成句子(22)He_(断绝了往来)all his old friends.(23)Her healt

24、h_(弄垮了)under the pressure of work.(24)Hearing the news,she _(哭起来)tears.(25)The 2nd World War_(爆发)in September,1939.(26)Scientists say theyre beginning to_(有所突破)in the fight against cancer.【答案】(22)broke away from(23)broke down(24)broke into(25)broke out(26)break through,2exercise control over对实施控制;支配

25、【经典例句】She even dares to try and exercise_control_over her father,the emperor of China,.(P18)她甚至胆敢试着控制他的父亲,中国皇帝,I managed to exercise_control_over my emotions.我终于控制住了自己的情绪。,have/gain/take control of/over控制;掌控;支配lose control of失去控制control oneself自我控制seize control of 夺取对的控制under the control of 在控制下out

26、of control失去控制in control在掌控中beyond control无法控制,【即时应用】完成句子(27)He always thought to_(掌控一切),but in vain.(28)You must learn to_(自控)(29)All the things are_(在控制之下)the commander.【答案】(27)exercise control over all(28)control yourself(29)under the control of,3be drunk with醉心于;沉溺于;由于而忘乎所以【经典例句】In the story,Tur

27、andot is_drunk_with power.(P18)在这个故事中,图兰朵热衷于权力,而飘飘然。All the people present are_drunk_with success.所有在场的人都陶醉于成功之中。,“潜心于/专心于”的类似表达有:be absorbed/buried/occupied/lost/engaged in(doing)sth.;be devoted/abandoned to(doing)sth.等。They all became absorbed in technical innovations.他们都一心一意地搞技术革新。He was occupied

28、 in hunting jobs.他在忙着找工作。Mrs.Brown was devoted to helping homeless children.布朗夫人把自己的全部身心都倾注在帮助无家可归的儿童的事业上。,【即时应用】(30)I just cant understand why he was_ with playing computer games.Alost BabsorbedCaddicted Ddrunk【答案】D,1.although he would like_to,he cannot break his promise.虽然他想收回承诺,但他不能食言。【句式分析】不定式作某

29、些动词的宾语时,可将其动词省略,只保留to,这些动词常见的有:want,wish,expect,like,love,try,forget,prefer,mean,be going to,be about to,be supposed to等,但省略的不定式内容含有助动词have或be的任何形式时,to后要保留have或be。否定形式的省略用not to。,I asked him to see the film,but he didnt want to.我叫他去看电影,但他不想看。You can do it if you mean to.如果你愿意,你可以这么做。,【对接高考】(31)(2009

30、江苏高考)Whats the matter with Della?Well,her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party,but she still_.Ahopes to Bhopes soChopes not Dhopes for,【解析】后句句意:噢,她的父母亲不让她参加这个聚会,但是她仍旧希望能去参加这个聚会。根据but及hope的用法可知该句中省略了不定式,即but she still hopes to go to the party.不定式的省略原则是只省略不定式后面的成分。【答案】A,2Wherever_the_Beatles_w

31、ent,masses of fans would welcome them at the airport in a phenomenon that was then calledBeatlemania,as if it were some kind of mental illness.无论甲壳虫乐队到哪儿,大量的“粉丝”都会在机场欢迎他们,出现当时被称为“披头士狂热”的现象,就好像是得了某种精神病一样。,【句式分析】此处wherever意为“无论去哪里,无论在什么地方”,引导让步状语从句。(1)whenever,wherever,however,whatever,whoever,whichev

32、er,whomever可引导让步状语从句,分别相当于no matter when(无论何时),no matter where(无论何处),no matter how(无论怎样),no matter what(无论什么),no matter who(无论谁),no matter which(无论哪一个),no matter whom(无论谁)。,(2)whoever,wherever等还可引导名词性从句,但no matter who,no matter where等则不能。Wherever he goes(No matter where he goes),he always brings a n

33、otebook with him.他无论去哪里,都随身带着一个笔记本。However great the difficulties are,we must complete the task in time.不管困难有多大,我们都必须及时完成任务。Whoever told you the news,dont believe it.无论谁告诉你这个消息,别相信。,【对接高考】(33)(2010上海高考)_ you may have,you should gather your courage to face the challenge.AHowever a serious problemBWha

34、t a serious problemCHowever serious a problemDWhat serious a problem【答案】C,【即时应用】完成句子(34)_,there are crowds of people waiting to see her.这位电影明星所到之处都有成群的人等着见她。(35)I will find him _.无论他在哪儿,我都要找到他。【答案】(34)Wherever the film star goes(35)wherever he may be,.单词拼写1Music has been called the u_language.2After

35、 five years of m_,they are divorcing.3Their father never showed them much a_ or love.4As is a fact,air is a m_of gases.5The climb made him b_,but he kept on.6Italian as she is,shes_(流畅)in French.7The hotel is in a lovely_(位置)overlooking the lake.8He gave_(背诵)from Shakespeare.,9When he began his _(音乐

36、)career,King played only for black audiences.10I am filled with_(渴望)to go to college.【答案】1.universal2.marriage3.affection4.mixture5.breathless6.fluent7.location8.recitations9.musical10.desire,.选词填空be drunk with;break ones promise;apply for;make a fortune;be drafted into;break up;exercise control ove

37、r;be condemned to death;fall silent;consist of1.Some cadres_ abusing their authorities.2His grandfather_ the army when World War broke out.3The Party must_ itself,over its members and its cadres.,4At that time,a murderer who was found guilty would _.5To be honest,youll_ out of the investment.6But if

38、 you _,you will ruin your reputation and no one will trust you anymore.7Everyone_ when the boss came into the office.8A week_ seven days,two of which is the weekend.9The diploma is not the only condition_ the work.10He lost his job and his marriage_.,【答案】1.are drunk with2.was drafted into3.exercise

39、control over4.be condemned to death5.make a fortune6.break your promise7.fell silent8.consists of9.to apply for10.broke up,.完成句子1We asked her to come to our party,but she_我们邀请她参加我们的聚会,可她婉言谢绝了我们的邀请。2Legend has it that the fairy princess_ a pauper.据传说,那位仙女般的公主爱上了一个贫民。3If you could go_ in the world,whe

40、re would you go?如果世界上任何地方你想去就能去的话,你会去哪儿?,4Most teenagers_on Chinese New Year.大多数青少年在农历新年时都会发一笔财。5I will_ the job.我会向经理申请这份工作。【答案】1.declined our invitation2.fell in love with3wherever you wanted to4.make a fortune5.apply to the manager for,.句型转换1After marriage,they lived a happy life._,they led a hap

41、py life.2The trend of stock is still downwards.Stock still_ a _.3I have never seen a better film than this one.This film_ that I have ever seen.,4I have never made friends with a dishonest person.I have never made friends with a person _.5Each of them,whether young or old,takes an active part in sports.They _ sports,whatever_.【答案】1.After getting married2.has;downward trend3.is the best one4.who/that is dishonest5.are active in;their age,


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