1、Animals,C 7,英汉动物词语的比喻和联想文化意义比较,同一动物词表达同一内涵,as black as a crow 与乌鸦一般黑 as cowardly as a rat 胆小如鼠as sly as a fox 像狐狸一样狡猾 foxya wolf in sheeps clothing 披着羊皮的狼 sex wolfducks egg 鸭蛋(零分),pig 愚蠢、笨拙、脏乱、好吃懒做,汉语:猪朋狗友 泥猪疥狗 人怕出名猪怕壮,英语:He had been a pig about money.他对钱贪得无厌make a pig of oneself 吃得过多buy a pig in a
2、poke 乱买东西,盲目跟从,snake 汉语:蛇 一种爬行动物,体形柔软易弯曲,在行走时,蜿蜒曲折前行 蛇行 snake its way through 表示“阴险”、“毒辣”、“狡诈”。That snake in the grass reported me to the boss.那个口蜜腹剑的家伙到老板那里告了我一状,ass/donkey 汉语:笨驴指人“愚、笨”黔驴技穷,呆若木驴英语:anass=afoolishperson make an ass of sb 糊弄某人Send a donkey to Paris,hell return no wiser than he goes.,I
3、 have been like the frog living at the bottom of the well who thought the world was a little round pool of water,imagining that our girls here were unmatched;but now,without searching for a field,here on this very spot I see others who surpass them.,可知我“井底之蛙”,成日家只说现在的这几个人是有一无二的;谁知不必远寻,就是本地风光,一个赛似一个。
4、曹雪芹:红楼梦,同一动物词表达不同文化内涵,chicken,汉语:形容“小与平凡”:宁为鸡头,无为牛后 有志向的人及时奋发:闻鸡起舞 古人常用鸡来守夜报时:雄鸡一唱天下白 常用于占卜、驱邪、祭祀等 特殊语境下带贬义英语:胆小鬼,懦夫:He is not a chicken!He just doesnt want to offend anyone!他不是胆小鬼,他只是不想得罪任何人。,cock(公鸡)因其打鸣不时吵到人,所以被称a cock and bull story(无稽之谈):He told us some cock-and-bull story about having lost all
5、 his money.他鬼话连篇,告诉我们他把钱都丢了。但毕竟报时“有功”,因此是cock of the walk(领头人),可以live like fighting cocks(吃得好),未免cock-a-hoop(得意洋洋的)cock-crow 黎明,Dog 狗,英语:dog=mans best friendEverydoghashisday人人皆有得意日agaydog 快活的人、好玩的人 top dog 有优势的人或团体see dog 老练的水手 a lucky dog 幸运的人love me,love my dog 爱屋及乌,爱吾及犬 但dog也有形象不佳之时。如:dogeatdog(
6、注意eat为原形),意指“人们自相残害”;adoginthemanger喻“占着茅坑不拉屎的人”,汉语:多含贬义。狗咬狗 走狗 狗仗人势 狐朋狗友 狗嘴吐不出象牙,magpie 喜鹊在中国文化中喜鹊是“喜庆”的象征:鹊桥相会 七夕节(中国情人节)Magpie Festival 英语:No wonder my phone bills are so high.When my daughter talks to her friends she chatters like a magpie for hours.难怪我的电话帐单的费用会这么高,我女儿一给她的朋友打电话就要无休止地讲上几个小时。This
7、young man is really a magpie.这个年轻人真是饶舌。,owl汉语:猫头鹰被认为是一种不吉祥的鸟。夜猫子进屋英语:在希腊和罗马神话中,它常栖息于智慧女神雅典娜的身旁,因而owl是智慧的象征as wise as an owlowlish 聪明的、严肃的,Dragon汉语:龙帝王、权力、富贵的象征龙凤呈祥卧虎藏龙望子成龙龙的传人英语象征魔鬼、邪恶、悍妇 The woman in charge of the accounts department is an absolute dragon.,bull/cow汉语:牛 象征勤劳、善良的劳动人民英语:a bull in a ch
8、ina shop 鲁莽闯祸的人like a bull at a gate 狂怒凶悍John Bull 约翰牛(英国人的绰号)calf 牛犊 When she returned from abroad,the family put on a party they really killed the fatted calf for her.她从国外回来时,家里开了个聚会,实际上他们是设宴为她接风。cow 母牛 比喻肥胖丑陋的人buffalo 水牛 to buffalo sb.哄骗某人,不同动物词语,相同文化内涵意义,吹牛鸡皮疙瘩 热锅上的蚂蚁狐假虎威过着牛马般的生活 骑虎难下杀鸡儆猴 猴年马月牛饮
9、吹牛害群之马,talk horsegoose bumpsa cat on hot bricksan ass in a lions skin lead a dogs lifehave/hold a wolf by the earsbeat the dog before the liondonkeys yearsdrink like a fishtalk horse black sheep,cast/throw pearl before swine 对牛弹琴 birds of the same feather 一丘之貉When the calf is stolen,the farmer mends
10、 the stall.亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。牛不喝水强按头。You can pull a horse to a river,but you can not make him drink.亚洲四小龙 Four tigers,tiger v.s lion 老虎在汉民族中被认为是百兽之王,是勇猛、威武的象征:龙腾虎跃、生龙活虎、虎头虎脑 也有其凶暴的一面,使人望而生畏:谈虎色变、骑虎难下、养虎为患、为虎作伥、虎口余生英语:狮子是百兽之王regal as a lion 狮子般庄严as majestic as a lion 像狮子一样雄伟拦路虎a lion in the 虎穴 the lions den狐
11、假虎威the ass in the ions skin母老虎lioness,噤若寒蝉 as mute as fish骄傲的大公鸡 as proud as a peacock兔子不吃窝边草 The fox preys further from his hole.鸳鸯 Mandarin Duck鸳梦重温 Rebecca,在英汉两种语言中没有相关文化内涵,At last,one of the companys most skillful“trouble-shooters”was sent to interview this stormy petrel.最后,电话公司派出一位最富经验、技巧的调解员,去
12、拜访这位不讲理的客人。,a horse of another color 那完全是另一回事I hate those persons who like to make others cats paws.我讨厌那些利用别人的人。The stork visited the Howard Johnstons yesterday.Howard Johnstons家昨天添了个孩子。Like cow,like calf.有其母必有其女。,Cat英语:常用来比喻心地恶毒、爱说别人坏话的女人;And I suppose she will tell all the people,the old cat.我猜想她会
13、告说所有的人,这位温顺的老太太。X我猜想她会告说所有的人,这个长舌的老太婆!He is one of the literary fat cats.他是文学界的显赫人物。black cat 不吉利的征兆as sick as a cat 病得厉害,尤其指恶心想吐as weak as a cat 形容身体非常虚弱cat in the pan 叛徒,A cat has nine lives 九命猫A cat may look at a king 地位再低微的人也有自己的权利let the cat out of the bag 露出马脚The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.掩耳盗铃 It rains cats and dogs 大雨倾盆 希腊文的catadupe,意为“瀑布”,