1、I“三步解题”路线:,第一步:速读原文做路标 第二步:明确题型找考点 第三步:重叠原文定答案,第一步:速读原文做路标,先速读文章,注意读首段、各段首句和全文末句,把握全文大意;同时扫描标志词、圈划标志词附近的关键实词,将考点一网打尽。速读时还可以利用“有所不为、避难就易、简化信息”三条投机取巧的方法:有所不为 四级阅读每篇文章后面只有五个题目,它们只涉及原文部分内容而不会覆盖整篇文章。言外之意,对考试而言,原文中的很多信息是无效的。,事实上,四级阅读经常出现一段或两段轮空不考的情况,尤其是当一篇文章段落比较多的时候更是如此。要做到有所为有所不为,就要求考生先看,题干,对考什么做到心中有数,然后
2、有效地阅读 文。61By“challenges explanation”(Line 2,para1)the author means that_.62.The third paragraph is mainly about_.上面两个题目中,61题方向已经给出;62题问第三段主要内容,即考该段的主题,所以这个题目的方向为阅读第三段的首末句。,51.The experiment conducted by the researcher was meant to_.,52.The number of refereeing errors in the experimental matches was_
3、 53.The findings of the experiment show that_ 从三个题目的题干出发,便可知道原文中会涉及实验,于是可以作如下分析:51题问研究人员进行实验的目的,那就应该在实验过程之前找答案;52题问在实验过程中裁判犯错的次数是多少;53题问实验的发现表明什么说明是在实验的过程之后找答案;,53题可以通过在原文中找总结性的句子较快找到相应的答案。,当然,有选择地阅读原文,可能会导致对原 文整体理解的欠缺。但是,在考试中,若考生没 有能力把整篇文章看懂或不能在规定的时间内做 完题目,也只能退而求其次了。避难就易 在阅读文章时,考生会不可避免地 遇到一些生僻的单词或一
4、些比较难理解的句子。这时,考生可以采取跳过不看的措施:若较难懂 的信息不涉及后面的题目,那就没有必要在这些 地方浪费时间了。,We set up a taste test that challenges people who identified themselves as either Coca-cola or Pepsi,fans:Find your brand in a blind tasting.这里的a blind tasting的确切含义是“品尝没有标明品牌的饮料的活动”,像这样较难理解又不涉及题目的信息大可跳过不看,我们的目的是做对题目,而不是欣赏文章。简化信息 四级阅读中,有时
5、候会出现一些在本文中有特定含义的词组.如2009年6月考题第一篇文章中出现了“primary nurse”(责任护士),考生虽然对每个单词都认识,但整个词组的意思就不,好把握了。而且在后面的题目中也出现了这个词组,这时考生可以把 primary nurse 简化成PN,后面的题目照样可以做出来.这就省去了理解 primary nurse 的时间。,第二步:明确题型找考点 速读完文章看考题时,首先要分清考题的题型。分清题型后即可根据不同的题型寻找答案;对于主旨题和宏观性的推理题,直接根据速读后的印象选择答案,不要再回读文章,以免浪费时间并产生犹豫。第一印象往往是正确的,再回读后就容易受细节的影响
7、文去找了,考试是讲究时间的,这时在对文章大意把握的基础上,用我们的两大救命绝招,直接猜答案吧。,II 五大考点路标,任何事物都有一定的规律性,四级阅读也不例外,它体现了一些最基本的命题规则。这里总结的5大考点路标就是最典型的5个出题规则,其重要性依次降低。如果同学们能利用这些考点为做题时的“路标”,就可望迅速找到正确答案。有些同学做题很快,根本原因之一就在于他对考点非常敏感,见到“路标”就能预见到考题,甚至未见考题已知答案。说读完文章后就能预测出后边会考哪些题是有点言过其实,但对深谙出题套路的人来说,一篇文章速读过之后,多数考题尽在预料之中确实是可能的。,A、主题句是最重要的考点标志文章主旨就
8、来自于主题句。主题句表达中心思想,其他句子均围绕其展开说明或议论。,主题句通常以判断句的形式出现,在文章中的位置为:1.许多文章开门见山,一开始就摆出要说明的主要对象或要论述的主要观点。接下去的句子和段落都说明或论述它。这样文章的结构就属于“一般到具体”,主题也就在首段首句。例如:2009年6月四级真题Passage 3的第一和第二句,“The appeal of advertising to buying motives can have both negative and positive effects.consumers may be convinced to buy a produc
9、t of poor quality or high price because of advertisement.”,就开章见义,说明“广告对购买欲的诱惑兼具正负两方面的效果,顾客可能听信广告而购买质次或价高的产品。”这就是通篇的主题句,它的特点是具有高度的概括性,并且使用了一种判断性的语气和句式。这段passage的第一个问题就是:31Advertising can persuade the consumer to buy worthless products by_.,A)maintaining a balance between quality and price B)convincin
10、g him of their low priceC)appealing to his buying motivesD)stressing their high quality,如果同学们读文章时已经在主题句处做了路标,那这儿就可以很容易地判断出C)为正确答案:广告通过刺激人的购买欲而使人买了没用的产品。当文章首句为概括性很强的陈述句,对某一现象或观点进行了总结性的归纳,或者是一个判断句,若它后面的句子不再含有首句论述对象以外的事物,不存在如however,but,yet,on the contrary,in fact等含有转折倾向的词语,即作者行,文既不偏离此句的内涵,又不反对此句的观点,则这
11、句话为文章的主题句。,2.首段末句或二段首句也是主题句常出现的地方。特别是当文章首句后出现了转折性的陈述时,但所涉及的主体事物没有发生改变,那么文章的主题句往往是转折词后出现的与首句观点相对立的结论。这种形式的主题句之前通常有表示总结的提示词,如:in conclusion,to conclude,in summary,to sum up,in short,in brief,in a nutshell;或表示推断的提示词:therefore,thus,as a result,accordingly;或表示转折的提示词,but,however等。,转折之后就出现主题句这一情况较多,这种谋篇套路可
12、以用“去旧取新、标新立异”八个字概括。,文章中诸如“every parent,“a popular Belief.“frequently assumed.universally accepted”等词句提示作者可能在下文提出一个与之不同的观点标新立异,假若如此,那么作者“标新立异”之处的观点 就是主题大意。对于某一现象,过去已有解释,作者提出新的解释,新解释就是主题大意。这体现了上述的“去旧取新”原则。,Like many of my generation,I have a weakness for hero worship.At some point,however,we all begin
13、 to question our heroes and our need for them.,This leads us to ask:What is a hero?Despite immense differences in cultures,heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.其中第一段是提出问题,到第二段的第一句话说明了主题。再看这段passage的第一个问题:11 Although heroes may come from
14、 different cultures,they.,A)generally possess certain inspiring characteristicsB)probably share some weaknesses of ordinary peopleC)are often influenced by previous generations D)all unknowingly attract a large number of fans,考的实际是文章的主题,只要在读到第二段时我们予以了足够的重视,现在就应该有点印象,可以找出A)或B)可能为正解,至于究竟是A)还是B),我们如果完全
15、理解了题目和第二段(主题句)的含义,自然可以找出A)为正解来。但如果对句意不甚了解,这时可以通过对照第二段与A)、B)两个选择项,发现B)是简单重复原文中的关键词,而A)是换了几个同义词,根据我们将要学到的答案标志(同义替换为正解,照抄原文不是解),我们也可以判断出B)为干扰项,而A)为正解。,Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality,but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool.I
16、n high school I wanted to be an electrical engineer and,of course,any sensible student with my aims would have chosen a college with a large engineering department,famous reputation and lots of good labs and research equipment.But that s not what I did.,But that s not what I did.其最后一句,话锋一转,态度来一个180度
17、大转弯:“但我没这么做!”这才是作者的真实意图。,这种主题段最后一句的强烈转折,引出主题句,尤其需要引起重视,不要只读第一段的前半段就匆忙臆想出文章的主旨,作者经常会在第一段末或第二段首来个大转折,出题人也就会利用这种地方给考生下陷阱。3.主题句到末段出现的情况相对比较少,中文写作中常会出现这种论述或说明方法,当文章首句出现了转折性的陈述,而且观点和论述的主体事物均发生了改变,一般来说,这种情况的主题句在文章结尾出现的概率比较多。,但西文的常见情况是文章开门见山提出主题句,中间加以论述,文末复述首段的主题。,Taste is such a subjective matter that we d
18、ont usually conduct preference tests for food.The most you can say about anyones preference is that it s one person s opinion.But because the two big cola(可乐饮料)companies-Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola aremarketed so aggressively,we ve wondered how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalt
19、y.We set up a taste test that challenged people who identified themselves as either Coca-Cola or Pepsi fans:Find your brand in a blind tasting.While both,groups did better than chance would predict,nearly half the participants in each group made the wrong choice two or more times.,Two people got all
20、 four samples wrong.Overall,half the participants did about as well on the last round of tasting as on the first,so fatigue,or taste burnout,was not a factor.Our preference test results suggest that only a few Pepsi participants and Coke fans may really be able to tell their favorite brand by taste
21、and price.,A)show that taste preference is highly subjective B)argue that taste testing is an important marketing strategy C)emphasize that taste and price are closely related to each other D)recommend that blind tasting be introduced in the quality control of colas,通览全文可知本文的主题句在首段和末段都有:文章首段首句指出口味极具
22、主观性,而且就任何个人的爱好而言,充其量也只能说是他个人的意见;文章末句指出少数百事可乐和可口可乐的饮用者能根据口昧和价格真正认出自己喜欢的品牌,由文章,The author purpose in writing this passage is to.,首尾两处的这两个同义主题句可以推知本文的写作目的为A),B)、C)和D)在文中均找不到依据,因此为错误答案。,4.一些特殊的标点符号,常常会与篇章结构句群有联系,常会成为引出主题句的路标。这里面我们要注意的是:破折号、括号和冒号。这三种符号都表示解释。Why does cream go bad faster than butter?Some r
23、esearchers think they have the answer,and it comes down to the structure of the food,not its chemical composition-a finding that could help rid some processed foods of chemical preservatives.,其中破折号表示对前文的解释,实际就是引出了全文的中心思想,成为考点,与Q36对应。,36.The significance of Brocklehurst s research is that A)it sugges
24、ted a way to keep some foods fresh without preservatives B)it discovered tiny globules in both cream and butter C)it revealed the secret of how bacteria multiply in cream and butter D)it found that cream and butter share the same chemical composition,破折号后内容的句意是“一项可以帮助某些加工食 品摆脱防腐剂的新发现。”这与答案选项中A)的,句意:
26、们归纳性的一句话即,为此文章的主题句,切不可随意变换主体事物以迎合文章,尤其是文章末尾略有概括性的语句。所以,同学们在读文章时,不要苛求一定要找到主题句,了解了文章大意即可。在例证较多的短文中,应始终清楚举出每个例子的目的都是说明文章的主题,并非改变文章的主题含义;而每个例子都不具备代表全文主旨的能力,因此不能成为全文中心。在主题句不明显的文章中,,只有将每次例证后得出的结论按同等重要的原则加以合并,才能得到比较符合全文中心的结论。总之,绝不能以偏概全。,B 转折 转折是出题最常用的考点,有时一篇文章后面的三个至四个题目与原文含转折的句子有关,大家在阅读原文时一定要注意转折这个路标。转折一般指
27、由however,but,yet,in fact等词引导的短语或句子,这些词前面往往是铺垫、介绍等信息,后面常常是语义的重点,是作者真正感兴趣的焦点信息,也就成了重要的命题点。所以转折词后面的信息非常重要,往往就是答案所在。,English is still the international language of business.But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language.,A second language isnt generally required to get a job
28、 in business,but having language skills gives a Candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.最后一句句意是:第二语言并不是在商业领域找工作的必要条件,但是在其他条件相同的情况下竞争者的语言技能则是他获胜的优势。对应Q24:24.According to the passage,what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?,A)C
29、onnections with businesses overseas.B)Ability to speak the clients language.,C)Technical know-how.D)Business experience.这道是用来拉开差距的难题,但如果我们在看到那个BUT路标时引起警觉,并圈划了language skill(索引词)、candidate,edge,qualifications等关键词,看到Q24就会有迹可寻,并确定B)“说外语的能力”为正解。The fitness movement had began in the late 1960s and early
30、1970s centered around aerobic exercise(有氧操).,Millions of individuals became engaged in a variety of activities,and literally thousands of health spas developed around the country to capitalize(获利),on this emerging interest in fitness,particularly aerobic dancing for females.A number of fitness spas
31、existed prior to this aerobic fitnessmovement,even national chain with spas in most major cities.However,their focus was not on aerobics,but rather on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular mass,strength,and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts.,These fitness spas did not see
32、m to benefit financially from the aerobic fitness movement to better health,since medical opinion suggested that weight-training programs offered few,if any,health benefits.In recent years,however,weight training has again become increasingly popular for males and for females.Many current programs f
33、ocus not only on developing muscular strength and endurance but onaerobic fitness as well.,Historically,most physical-fitness tests have usually included measures of muscular strength and endurance,not for health-related reasons,but primarily,because such fitness components have been related to perf
34、ormance in athletics.However,in recent years,evidence has shown that training programs designed primarily to improve muscular strength and endurance might also offer some health benefits as well.The American College of Sports Medicine now recommends that weight training be part of a total fitness pr
35、ogram for healthy Americans.Increased participation in such training is one of the specific physical activity and fitness objectives of Healthy,People 2000:National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives.,37.Early fitness spas(健身疗养胜地)were intended mainly for A)the promotion of aerobic ex
36、ercise B)endurance and muscular development C)the improvement of womens figures D)better performance in aerobic dancing,39.People were given physical fitness tests in order to find out一 A)how well they could do in athletics,B)what their health condition was likeC)what kind of fitness center was suit
37、able for them D)whether they were fit for aerobic exercise40.Recent studies have suggested that weight training A)has become an essential part of peoples life B)may well affect the health of the trainees C)will attract more people in the days to come D)contributes to health improvement as well,这三道题的
39、体健康同样有好处。重点也是在后半句话。,C 强烈表达 强烈表达包括具有强调意味的字词,还包括强调句式。这儿我们谈的强调并不是语法意义上的强调,而是含有强调意味的表达,比如must,all,only,anyone,always,never等意义绝对的词;first,most beautiful等最高级表达;表达惟一性的词如only,solely,unique,merely等;还有一些主观色彩浓重的名词、动词、形容词如:key,important,essential等。,句式中除了典型的强调句如:it is.that-二外,还需要注意一些倒装句,或含有主语从句的句子。强调的地方成为考点的原因是:它
40、们都有一个共同,特点:概念绝对,答案唯一,无论是命题还是答题,不会产生歧义和疑问,因此容易命题,答案不会模棱两可。Another common episode of absent-mindedness:walking into a room and wondering why youre there.Most likely,you were thinking about something else.“Everyone does this from time to time,”says Zelinski.The best thing to do is to return to where yo
41、u were before entering the room,and youll be likely to remember.,其中Most likely,这个Most是标志词,注意其前后的、尤其是后面的句子you were thinking about something else”,这儿会是考点.,29.What do we learn from the last paragraph?A)If we focus our attention on one thing,we might forget another.B)Memory depends to a certain extent o
42、n the environment.C)Repetition helps improve our memory.D)If we keep forgetting things,wed better return to where we were.题干中已经说明是在最后一段,所以我们就看最后一段本身。而最后一段中最有可能出考点的就是most这个路标词,所以我们就可以相信“因为想别的,事而忘了现在要做什么”应该是答案的原文重叠点,这样,答案A)“专注于一件事时就可能忘了别的”自然就成为我们的选择,而A)也恰恰就是正解。,It is estimated that up to 100,000 peopl
43、e watch or take part in fox hunting.But over the last couple of decades the number of people opposed to fox hunting,because they think it is brutal(残酷的),has risen sharply.Nowadays it is rare for a hunt to pass of without some kind of confrontation(冲突)between hunters and hunt saboteurs(阻拦者)Sometimes
44、these incidents lead to violence,but mostly saboteurs interfere with the hunt by misleading riders and disturbing the trail of the foxs smell,which the dogs follow.,28.Fox hunting opponents often interfere in the game A)by resorting to violence,B)by confusing the fox hunters C)by taking legal action
45、 D)by demonstrating on the scene 请注意最后一句话,一个but(转折),再加上一个mostly(强调),两个不同的考点标志,揭示出其后的半句话很重要,我们读到时,就应该把interfere,misleading,disturbing这些关键词圈划起来,这样在做到Q28时,就能回溯到原文中的这个位置,并通过这几个关键词与题目中的关键词confuse的比较而确定B)为正确答案。,D 因果与条件关系,原因常成为考点,它的主要出现方式如下:I.段落(含首段)第一句如果表达一种因果关系,通常为考点:II 文章中细节性的因果关系通常由一些表示因果关系的词汇手段表达:(1)表
46、示因果关系的名词:basis(根据),result,consequence,reason;(2)表示因果关系的动词词:result in(结果),result from由于,由),follow from(。结果),baseon(以。为基础),be due to(由于);,(3)表示因果关系的连词或介词:because,since for,as,therefore,so,thus,why,with;(4)表示因果关系的副词:as a result,consequently,除了上述原文有因果关系提示词的显性原因考点之外,隐性原因(两个句子之间为因果关系,但无有关提示词)也是常见考点。不管是显性原
47、因考点,还是隐性原因考点,原文相关句出现的格式都是先说原因,后说结果,而在题干中通常给出结果,就其原因提问。如上所述,因果关系题的答案有时可依据因果关系提示词圈划或定位找,但更多的时候答案中并无因果关系提示词,但仍表达因果关系。有鉴于此,考生平时有必要注意训练自己的因果关系推理。不过,因果关系题的答案以题干中,关键词在原文中的前后句或同一段落内为主。条件句也是一个常见的考点。,如2008年6月passage 2第三段最后一句是:“Women have slightly better memories than men,possibly because they pay more attenti
48、on to their environment,and memory relies on just that.”这里面because一词提示了是因果关系,提醒我们要注意。对应Q27;27.One possible reason why women have better memories than men is that A)they have a wider range of interests B)they are more reliant on the environment C)they have an unusual power of focusing their attention
49、 D)they are more interested in whats happening,around them 此题为细节事实题,女性比男性记忆力更好的原因是什么?第三段最后一句because之后:“很可能是因为他们对周围环境更加注意。”就是答案D.Chevrons(人字形的标识),scientists say,not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower.The result
50、 is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.其中的result是表因果的路标词,我们应标志其后,的关键词a longer lasting,对应Q2828.The advantage of chevrons over straight,horizontal bars is that the former,A)can keep drivers awake B)can cut road accidents in halfC)will have a longer effect o