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1、CET阅读之精读,文章体裁,1、以说明和议论为主 2、关注重点说明文:定义、概念、重要数据、细节议论文:作者观点,支持什么,反对什么,文章类型,A、现象解释型B、问题解决方案型C、结论解释型,句子结构,1)多重复合句(it)2)多重并列句(and、not only.but also)3)经典被动句(it is believed that)4)倒装句(hardly,rarely,seldom,never)5)双重否定=肯定6)比较结构 morethan,题目类型,细节题推理题词汇题态度题主旨题,题型比例分布,细节题,特点:题干、选项信息较多较具体题目中有明显关键词大写字母数字时间,细节题常考点,

2、1、列举、举例和比喻处(as,for example,for instance,first,second,third)2、引用人物论断处3、特殊标点符号处(破折号,括号,冒号,引号),做题步骤,1、定位。专有名词,包括人名和带“”的词数字、时间形容词和副词比较或因果语言现象2、查找线索仔细阅读包含关键词的句子,在本句、上下句寻找线索。3、比较将包含线索的句子与选项进行比较,对线索句进行同义替换的为正确答案。关键词替换正话反说语言简化,细节题原则,1、按照顺序寻找答案由于细节题的排列顺序,一般对应原文的叙述顺序,所以一般按顺序寻找答案。2、细节题常规现象原文连续提3-4项叫列举,常与except

3、题型相对应问某一段没有提到什么,其他段落的内容通常成为正确答案。,It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned,in 1853,for information on this matter.In the 1840s,Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which soundings(测深)were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and P

4、acific Oceans.Later,some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Geography of the Sea.23.The aim of voyages Maury encouraged in the 1840s was _.A)to make some sound experiments in the oceansB)to collect samples of sea plants and animalsC)to estimate the length of cable

5、 that was to be madeD)to measure the depths of two oceans,Al Gore calls global warming an inconvenient truth,as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution.But the real truth is that we dont know enough to relieve global warming,and-without major technological breakthroughs-we cant

6、 do much about it.58.According to the authors understanding,what is AL Gores view on global warming?A)It is a reality both people and politicians are unaware of.B)It is a phenomenon that causes us many inconveniences.C)It is a problem that can be solved once it is recognized.D)It is area we actually

7、 have little knowledge about.,推理题,特点:1、题目中“imply”“include”“infer”,信息少 需要以关键词定位,从上下句找答案2、题目与自然段相对应,答案就在当段。3、题目中出现“conclude”为第一题时,通常对应文章主题;为2、3、4题时,基本上针对文章中间段落;为最后一道题时,优先对应文章最后部分,有时也针对文章主题。,推理题常考点,1、篇首、篇尾、段首、段尾处2、因果关系处3、语义转折处,For most people the sea was remote,and with the exception of early intercont

8、inental travelers or others who earned a living from the sea,there was little reason to ask many questions about it,let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface.The first time that the question What is at the bottom of the oceans?had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the layin

9、g of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed.The engineers had to know the depth profile(起伏形状)of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured.21.The passage implies that the telegraph cable was built mainly _.A)for oceanographic studiesB)for military purposesC)

10、for business considerationsD)for investigating the depths of the oceans,As our tests became more complex.Sums up Spilich,non-smokers performed better than smokers by wider and wider margins,He predicts,smokers might perform adequately at many jobs-until they got complicated.A smoking airline pilot c

11、ould fly adequately if no problems arose,but if something went wrong,smoking might damage his mental capacity.“25.We can infer from the last paragraph that _.A)smokers should not expect to become airline pilotsB)smoking in emergency cases causes mental illnessC)no airline pilots smoke during flights

12、D)smokers may prove unequal to handling emergency cases,词汇题,一、一个简单单词或词组二、一个教难单词或词组三、一个句子,简单单词、词组的考法,多义词的特殊意义一词偏意文中的特殊意思,If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teachers interest,clearly a bright child will be likely to play safe.He will tend to write only words within his spelling range,choo

13、sing to avoid adventurous language.Thats why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.注:1.focal 关注的,名词为 focus 焦点 2.adventurous 冒险的 3.content 内容,contend 包含 4.technical ability 指的是 spelling22.The expression play safe probably mea

14、ns _A)to write carefullyB)to do as teachers sayC)to use dictionaries frequentlyD)to avoid using words one is not sure of,较难单词、词组的考法,方法一:逻辑分析法1、转折逻辑(on the contrary,but.)2、并列逻辑(and),转折逻辑,We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching.On the contrary,both their knowledge a

15、nd experience are enriched.We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把按能力分班)pupils.It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates.It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child.After all,it can be quite discouraging to be at the

16、bottom of the top grade!37.By held back(Line 1)the author means _A)made to remain in the same classesB)forced to study in the lower classesC)drawn to their studiesD)prevented from advancing.,并列逻辑,After a year or so,however,I still hadnt gotten a break and began to doubt myself.It was so hard to sell

17、 a story that barely made enough to eat.But I knew I wanted to write.I had dreamed about it for years.I wasnt going to be one of those people who die wondering;what if?I would keep putting my dream to the test-even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure.This is the Shadow land o

18、f hope,and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.60.Shadow land in the last sentence refers to _A)the wonderland one often dreams aboutB)the bright future that one is looking forward toC)the state of uncertainty before ones final goal is reachedD)a world that exists only in ones imagination,方

19、法二:代入法The fourth test required people to read a passage,then answer questions about it.Nonsmokers remembered 19 percent more of the most important information than active smokers,and deprived smokers bested those who had smoked a cigarette just before testing.Active smokers tended not only to have p

20、oorer memories but also had trouble separating important information from insignificant details.23.The word bested(Line 3,Para.5)most probably means _.A)beat B)enviedC)caught up with D)made the best of,句子意思的考法,简单句上下文找答案难句本句找答案,When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion,the conclusions to

21、be drawn are obvious.Do the constantly changing fashions of women s clothes,one wonders,reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability?Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers.Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability

22、?That is for you to decide.40.By saying the conclusions to be drawn are obvious(Para.4,Line 1-2),the writer means that _.A)womens inconstancy in their choice of clothing is often laughed atB)women are better able to put up with discomfortC)men are also exploited greatly by fashion designersD)men are

23、 more reasonable in the matter of fashion,态度题(attitude),做题方法:1.找作者直接评价语句 2.找表达感情色彩的形容词、动词、副词,attitude,convincing 有说服力的instructive 有启发性的positive 肯定的 neutral 中立的 negative 否定的objective 客观的 subjective 主观的approving 同意的 critical 批评的authoritative 权威的 questioning 质疑的 influential 有影响的,Besides,it is rather un

24、real to grade people just according to their intellectual(智力)ability.This is only one aspect of their total personality.We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full,not just their academic ability.We also value personal qualities and social skills,and we find that mixed-ab

25、ility teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.注:value v.重视 contribute to 有贡献,有助于36.In the passage the authors attitude towards mixed-ability teaching is _A)critical B)questioningC)approving D)objective,主旨题,题目特征:“main idea”“title”“purpose”“what is the passage about”关注点:1、全文首段、末段2、第一段转折(

26、but however)主旨题小原则:有细节的肯定是错的(人名、地、名大写字母等表示细节的词),The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster,the only solution is new technology.Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it.The trouble

27、 with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when its really engineering one.The inconvenient truth is that if we dont solve the engineering problem,were helpless.61.What is the message the author intends to convey?A)Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical o

28、ne.B)The ultimate solution to global warming lies in new technology.C)The debate over global warming will lead to technological breakthroughs.D)People have to give up certain material comforts to stop global warming.,What is the writers purpose in writing this article?A.To justify the study of Boston University Medical Centre.B.To stress the importance of maintaining proper weight.C.To support the statement made by York Onnen.D.To show the most effective way to loss weight.,


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