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1、常用句式变化10类,p154,原因、好处、坏处、态度、措施、变化、比较、看法、有利有弊、随着,ES 论证,1.原因 1.原因,1.A well-known example of this is that2.There are abundant reasons to support that 3.The reason for this is not far to seek,that is,4.We have good ground to believe that 5.Among the most convincing reasons given by people for my opinion,

2、one should be mentioned is that,6.The case I mentioned above largely results from the fact that7.A number of factors could account for my opinion,and the most significant one is that,有三个原因导致了人们生活的改变1.人们的生活标准提高了.2.人们的工资提高了,使得大家可以买想买的东西.,There are 3 reasons contributing to the changes that have taken

3、place in our life.,导致(有利)lead to/result in/give rise toowing to/because of as a result of for sake of for reason of,First,peoples living standard has been greatly improved.Second,most people are well paid so as to afford whatever they want.,2.好处 2.好处,1.be conducive to 2.be instrumental in 3.be of se

4、rvice to4.sb performs ones service by,1.书籍是人类最好的朋友。是最宁静永恒的伴侣,是最善解人意和最具智慧的顾问,是最有耐心的良师。它帮助我们更好的认识世界使我们增长见识,开阔眼界,Books are mankinds best friends,the quietest and most constant of companions,the most accessible and wisest of counselors,and the most patient of teachers.They can provide us with a better u

5、nderstanding of the world.Second,books are instrumental in opening our minds and enlarging our views.,have a better understanding/appreciation of have a new perspective ongain an insight into,更好的了解,Prophets perform their service by inspiring ordinary people with their ardent yearning.,2.预言家们的作用在于用他们

6、所憧憬的东西去激励普通人。,Prophets perform their service by inspiring ordinary people withardent yearning.,预言家们的作用在于用他们所憧憬的东西去激励普通人。,Prophets perform their service by inspiring ordinary people withardent yearning.,预言家们的作用在于激励有憧憬的普通人,Going to college is conducive to students,for the reason that we should be expo

7、sed to various thoughts.,3.上大学对于学生很有帮助,因 为我们需要接触各种思想。,3.坏处 3.坏处,If analyzing carefully,we will find that is not always good,have,bring,produce,adverseundesirabledisastrousbadnegativecorruptingdetrimental,effects,influences,impact,The booming economy has a profound influence on our life.,经济发展对我们的生活产生

8、了重大影响。,The booming economy has a profound influence on peoples life.,经济发展对我们的生活产生了重大影响。,=有好处/有坏处,产生影响?,好处,have,bring,exert,influentialdesirabledramaticprofoundadvantageousweightyindispensable,effects,influences,impact,Budgeting money at a young age is conducive to children,since it can bridge the ga

9、p between the rich and the poor.,从小就掌控钱对于孩子很有好处,它可以缩小孩子之间的贫富差距。,bridge/narrow/fill the gap/gulf between A and B,缩小差距,差别,4.态度 4.态度,1.It is important/necessary/difficult/convenient/possible for us to do 2.We think it to do 3.It plays an important role in 4.It plays an increasingly important role in ou

10、r life,cannot fail to never fail to never without nothing is more important than no one can avoid without it we could not,双否句型,6,否定句式表肯定态度never fail to 猫很吸引人Cats never fail to fascinate human beings,否定句式表肯定态度2.never+without 一见到她,我就想起我妈妈I never saw her without thinking of my mother,否定句式表肯定态度3.cannot

11、fail to 即使对于艺术毫无兴趣的人,也无法不去欣赏现代雕塑的美。Even people who take no interest in art cannot fail to enjoy the beauty of modern sculptures.,否定句式表肯定态度4.nothing is more important than对于一个国家而言,就重要的就是养活人民For a country,nothing is more important than feeding its people,否定句式表肯定态度5.no one can avoid每个人都会被广告影响No one can

12、 avoid being influenced by advertisements,否定句式表肯定态度6.without it we could not生存需要空气Without air we could not make a living,强调句式表肯定态度it is that电脑会被每个家庭广泛使用It is computers that will be widely used by every family,校服正在被广泛使用着。不久,每个学校都会有校服。Uniforms are being widely used.In no time,uniforms will be found in

13、 every school.,使用率广泛sth will be found in sw不久,电脑会被每个家庭广泛使用In no time,it is computers that will be found in every family,Students should be given sufficient/adequate opportunities to come into contact with the society.,1.学生需要有足够的机会去接触社会。,Only through this way can students be a better pilot of their l

14、ife.,2.学生需要有足够的机会去接触社会。只有这样,学生才能更好的驾驭生活。,Every one should give full play to his own ability.,3.每个人都要充分发挥自己的潜能。,develop ones ability/potential to the fullgive full play to ones ability,发挥潜能,Students should go to university,since professors there are rich/abundant in knowledge and experience.,4.学生应该上大

15、学,因为大学老师知识和经验都很丰富。,5.措施 5.措施,1.do ones utmost in doing2.exert ones greatest power to,Setting off fireworks is forbidden in big cities once the government takes security and noise into account.,一些大城市的政府出于安全和噪音的考虑禁止燃放烟花爆竹。,take sth into account/considerationgive much thought to,考虑,6.变化 6.变化,A great ch

16、ange will certainly be produced2.be altering with,Our society is altering with the development of economy.Thus,we should project our confidence.,经济发展引起了社会的重大变化。所以,我们要充分自信,表现出自信心,project confidence feeling for,project,have a burning desire/a great passion for,经济发展引起了社会的重大变化。所以,我们要充分自信,充满激情。,7.比较 7.比较

17、,1.be partial towards/to 2.be in favor of 3.be biased in someones favor4.be based on favoritism,be increasingly+adj.be on the risethe growing number of,1.越来越多的人,a growing number of peoplean increasingly growing number of peoplethe number of people is on the rise,1.越来越多的人,sth can help usexperience/kn

18、owledge,2.促进人们交流经验知识,share,be a source of happiness/satisfaction/pride/,3.带来无穷的幸福、满足、荣誉感,8.看法 8.看法,take,adopt,have,assume,variousdifferentdiverseassorteddisparatedissimilar,attitudes,opinions,views,1.人们对于失败的看法多种多样。有些人认为失败是成功之母,每一次失败都会促进下次的成功。,People adopt dissimilar attitudes towards failure.Some at

19、tribute success to failure,and they believe that every failure they experience translates into a greater chance of success at their renewed endeavor.,attribute to/owe to,把 归咎于/归功于,Travelling makes much sense to our health.,2.旅行对我们的健康很有意义。,Travelling makes little sense to our health.,旅行对我们的健康没有意义。,To

20、o many students are obsessed/preoccupied with fame and fortune.,3.太多的学生过渡迷恋名利和钱财,9.利弊 9.利弊,1.has both cons and pros2.every stick has two ends3.has down sides as well as benefits4.sth carries both benefits and harms5.every advantage has its disadvantage,As is well-known,setting off fireworks carries

21、both benefits and harms.Thus,we should set a limit on it.,1.众所周知,燃放烟花爆竹有利有弊,所以我们应该对其有所限制。,A habit shapes a persons thinking and attitude.,2.习惯影响一个人思想和态度的形成。,For students,what really matters/counts is applying the knowledge to actual use.,3.对于学生来说,真正重要的是知识运用于实践。,10.随着 10.随着,1.With the rapid developme

22、nt of 2.With the current social and technological development3.With the enhancement of social development level4.As the society continues to develop,5.In tandem with,With the quickening pace/rhythm/tempo of modern life,peoples pressure is becoming severe,including life and work.,随着生活节奏的加快,人们的工作和生活压力

23、都越来越大。,时间作主语感觉作主语,非灵主语,The past 50 years witnessed great changes in China.,1.过去的五十年,中国发生 了巨大变化,The touch on a thick volume gives one inexpressible pleasure.,2.手握厚重一卷书,难尽心中万千喜,sentence correction,1.First of all,attending university is an irreplaceable experience to us all.By studying in the college,w

24、e can capture new skills which help us deal with a great number of matters in our daily life.,which,which,prep+which,2.The last but not least,attending college will widen our social connection.Admittedly,there are a great many of brilliant people around us,who bear excellent thoughts and ideas.Thus

25、we can make friends with them and learn from their merits and strong suits,+解释,why?,3.So,in a very real sense,it would be wise to state that the adolescence,manhood,or even the stage of old age is also enough equal to the childhood.is also“is”“also”指代?or?肯定句中表否定enough equal?,3.So,in a very real sens

26、e,it would be wise to state that the adolescence,manhood,or even the stage of old age is also enough equal to the childhood.Therefore,in a very real sense,it would be wise to state that the adolescence,manhood and even the old age are all equal to the childhood.,4.A teenager spends his massive amoun

27、t of time at school,and master knowledge ranged from basic,like mathematics and literature,to specialized,such as management and economics.Without this knowledge,one is not able to adapt the unprecedented speed of the development of the society.Therefore,years of teenage are as vital as that of youn

28、gster,论证够不够?,4.A teenager spends his massive amount of time at school,and master knowledge ranged from basic,like mathematics and literature,to specialized,such as management and economics.Without this knowledge,one is not able to adapt the unprecedented speed of the development of the society.There

29、fore,years of teenage are as vital as that of youngster,论证够不够?,5.The stage of adult also plays an important role in ones life.The reason for this is that to be an adult means that one has more options than to be a boy.And one is able to choose a job,which he is interested in.Simultaneously,one has t

30、o take more responsibilities not only for himself,but for the entire society for he is a member of the neighborhood.,5.The stage of adult also plays an important role in ones life.The reason for this is that to be an adult means that one has more options than to be a boy.And one is able to choose a

31、job,which he is interested in.Simultaneously,one has to take more responsibilities not only for himself,but for the entire society for he is a member of the neighborhood.,6.Getting up early is good for our health.The case of physical and mental health would add great weight to this reasoning.When we

32、 get up early in the morning,we have more time to eat breakfast and take some exercise before we start the days work.On the contrary,if we get up late,we may have little time or even no time to eat breakfast that is very significant for our health.Also,if we get up late,we may feel more stressed con

33、cerning being late for work,and do things all in a hurry,but if we get up early in the morning,we can adapt ourselves to a better condition before starting the work,thus we can do the work much more effectively.,6.Getting up early is good for our health.The case of physical and mental health would a

34、dd great weight to this reasoning.When we get up early in the morning,we have more time to eat breakfast and take some exercise before we start the days work.On the contrary,if we get up late,we may have little time or even no time to eat breakfast that is very significant for our health.Also,if we

35、get up late,we may feel more stressed concerning being late for work,and do things all in a hurry,but if we get up early in the morning,we can adapt ourselves to a better condition before starting the work,thus we can do the work much more effectively.,7.There are abundant reasons to suppose that co

36、uragious people could be successful.For example,Muckrakers,journalists who expose a variety of problems in the society to the public,such as Upton Sinclair,who wrote about the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry,which eventually led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act,and Ida

37、Tarbell,who exposed a variety of methods used by Standard Oil company to achieve a monopoly.Thus,their works more or less make some sweeping changes in the society,they are the heroes.,7.There are abundant reasons to suppose that couragious people could be successful.For example,Muckrakers,journalis

38、ts who expose a variety of problems in the society to the public,such as Upton Sinclair,who wrote about the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry,which eventually led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act,and Ida Tarbell,who exposed a variety of methods used by Standard Oil compan

39、y to achieve a monopoly.Thus,their works more or less make some sweeping changes in the society,they are the heroes.,7.There are abundant reasons to suppose that couragious people could be successful.For example,Muckrakers,journalists who expose a variety of problems in the society to the public,suc

40、h as Upton Sinclair,who wrote about the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry,which eventually led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act,and Ida Tarbell,who exposed a variety of methods used by Standard Oil company to achieve a monopoly.Thus,their works more or less make some swee

41、ping changes in the society,they are the heroes.,7.There are abundant reasons to suppose that couragious people could be successful.For example,Muckrakers,journalists who expose a variety of problems in the society to the public,such as Upton Sinclair,whose acticles about the unsanitary conditions i

42、n the meatpacking industry eventually led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act,and Ida Tarbell,who exposed a variety of methods used by Standard Oil company to achieve a monopoly.Thus,their works more or less make some sweeping changes in the society,they are the heroes.,7.There are abundant

43、 reasons to suppose that couragious people could be successful.For example,Muckrakers,journalists who expose a variety of problems in the society to the public,such as Upton Sinclair,whose acticles about the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry eventually led to the passage of the Pure

44、Food and Drug Act,and Ida Tarbell,who exposed a variety of methods used by Standard Oil company to achieve a monopoly.Thus,their works more or less make some sweeping changes in the society,they are the heroes.,7.There are abundant reasons to suppose that couragious people could be successful.For ex

45、ample,Muckrakers,journalists who expose a variety of problems in the society to the public,such as Upton Sinclair,whose acticles about the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry eventually led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act,and Ida Tarbell,who exposed a variety of methods us

46、ed by Standard Oil company to achieve a monopoly.Thus,their works more or less make some sweeping changes in the society,they are the heroes.,8.It should also be emphasized that we can make a lot of friends on campus.For instance,if you are a computer major,you can meet many other computer majors on

47、 campus,you go to the same class,go to have meal together,you may develop a great friendship on campus,then one day,you may even set up a business together.When you have enhanced the social connection,you will find that it really helps in your future career.,8.It should also be emphasized that we ca

48、n make a lot of friends on campus.For instance,if you are a computer major,you can meet many other computer majors on campus,you go to the same class,go to have meal together,you may develop a great friendship on campus,then one day,you may even set up a business together.When you have enhanced the social connection,you will find that it really helps in your future career.,why?,


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