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1、Myers PSYCHOLOGY,Chapter 4 Developing Through the Life Span,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Developmental Psychology a branch of psychology that studies physical,cognitive and social change throughout the life span,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Life is sexually transmitted,Prenatal Devel

2、opment and the Newborn,Zygotethe fertilized eggenters a 2 week period of rapid cell divisiondevelops into an embryoEmbryothe developing human organism from 2 weeks through 2nd monthFetusthe developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,40 days

3、45 days 2 months 4 months,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Teratogensagents,such as chemicals and viruses,that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and cause harm Fetal Alcohol Syndrome(FAS)physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by a pregnant womans heavy dr

4、inkingsymptoms include misproportioned head,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Rooting Reflextendency to open mouth,and search for nipple when touched on the cheekPreferenceshuman voices and facesfacelike images-smell and sound of mother preferred,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Habituationde

5、creasing responsiveness with repeated stimulation,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Having habituated to the old stimulus,newborns preferred gazing at a new one,Infancy and Childhood:Physical Development,Maturationbiological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behaviorrelatively uninf

6、luenced by experience,Infancy and Childhood:Physical Development,Babies only 3 months old can learn that kicking moves a mobile-and can retain that learning for a month(Rovee-Collier,1989,1997).,Infancy and Childhood:Cognitive Development,Schemaa concept or framework that organizes and interprets in

7、formationAssimilationinterpreting ones new experience in terms of ones existing schemas,Infancy and Childhood:Cognitive Development,Accommodationadapting ones current understandings(schemas)to incorporate new informationCognitionAll the mental activities associated with thinking,knowing,remembering,

8、and communicating,Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development,Infancy and Childhood:Cognitive Development,Object Permanencethe awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived,Infancy and Childhood:Cognitive Development,Baby MathematicsShown a numerically impossible outcome,infants stare

9、longer(Wynn,1992),Infancy and Childhood:Cognitive Development,Conservationthe principle that properties such as mass,volume,and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects,Infancy and Childhood:Cognitive Development,Egocentrismthe inability of the preoperational child to take anot

10、hers point of viewTheory of Mindpeoples ideas about their own and others mental states-about their feelings,perceptions,and thoughts and the behavior these might predictAutisma disorder that appears in childhoodMarked by deficient communication,social interaction and understanding of others states o

11、f mind,Social Development,Stranger Anxietyfear of strangers that infants commonly displaybeginning by about 8 months of ageAttachmentan emotional tie with another personshown in young children by their seeking closeness to the caregiver and displaying distress on separation,Social Development,Harlow

12、s Surrogate Mother ExperimentsMonkeys preferred contact with the comfortable cloth mother,even while feeding from the nourishing wire mother,Social Development,Critical Periodan optimal period shortly after birth when an organisms exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produces proper developmen

13、tImprintingthe process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period very early in life,Social Development,Monkeys raised by artificial mothers were terror-stricken when placed in strange situations without their surrogate mothers.,Social Development,Groups of infants left by th

14、eir mothers in a unfamiliar room(from Kagan,1976).,Social Development,Basic Trust(Erik Erikson)a sense that the world is predictable and trustworthysaid to be formed during infancy by appropriate experiences with responsive caregiversSelf-Concepta sense of ones identity and personal worth,Social Dev

15、elopment:Child-Rearing Practices,Authoritarian parents impose rules and expect obedience“Dont interrupt.”“Why?Because I said so.”Permissivesubmit to childrens desires,make few demands,use little punishmentAuthoritativeboth demanding and responsiveset rules,but explain reasons and encourage open disc

16、ussion,Social Development:Child-Rearing Practices,Adolescence,Adolescencethe transition period from childhood to adulthoodextending from puberty to independencePubertythe period of sexual maturationwhen a person becomes capable of reproduction,Adolescence,Primary Sex Characteristicsbody structures t

17、hat make sexual reproduction possibleovaries-femaletestes-maleexternal genitaliaSecondary Sex Characteristicsnonreproductive sexual characteristicsfemale-breast and hipsmale-voice quality and body hairMenarche(meh-NAR-key)first menstrual period,Adolescence,In the 1890s the average interval between a

18、 womans menarche and marriage was about 7 years;now it is over 12 years,Adolescence,Throughout childhood,boys and girls are similar in height.At puberty,girls surge ahead briefly,but then boys overtake them at about age 14.,Body Changes at Puberty,Kohlbergs Moral Ladder,As moral development progress

19、es,the focus of concern moves from the self to the wider social world.,Morality of abstractprinciples:to affirmagreed-upon rights andpersonal ethical principles,Morality of law andsocial rules:to gainapproval or avoiddisapproval,Morality of self-interest:to avoid punishmentor gain concrete rewards,P

20、ostconventionallevel,Conventional level,Preconventional level,Eriksons Stages of Psychosocial Development,Eriksons Stages of Psychosocial Development,Adolescence:Social Development,Identityones sense of selfthe adolescents task is to solidify a sense of self by testing and integrating various rolesI

21、ntimacythe ability to form close,loving relationshipsa primary developmental task in late adolescence and early adulthood,Adolescence:Social Development,The changing parent-child relationship,Adulthood:Physical Development,Menopausethe time of natural cessation of menstruationalso refers to the biol

22、ogical changes a woman experiences as her ability to reproduce declinesAlzheimers Diseasea progressive and irreversible brain disordercharacterized by a gradual deterioration of memory,reasoning,language,and finally,physical functioning,Adulthood:Physical Development,The Aging Senses,10,30,50,70,90,

23、0,0.25,0.50,0.75,1.00,Age in years,Adulthood:Physical Development,The Aging Senses,10,30,50,70,90,50,70,90,Age in years,Adulthood:Physical Development,The Aging Senses,10,30,50,70,90,50,70,90,Age in years,Adulthood:Physical Development,Slowing reactions contribute to increased accident risks among t

24、hose 75 and older.,12,10,8,6,4,2,0,16,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75 andover,Fatal accident rate,Age,Adulthood:Physical Development,Incidence of Dementia by Age,Adulthood:Cognitive Development,Recalling new names introduced once,twice,or three times is easier for younger adults than for older o

25、nes(Crook&West,1990).,18,40,50,60,70,Age group,Percentof namesrecalled,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Adulthood:Cognitive Development,In a study by Schonfield&Robertson(1966),the ability to recall new information declined during early and middle adulthood,but the ability to recognize new informati

26、on did not.,NumberOf wordsremembered,20,30,40,50,60,70,0,4,8,12,16,20,24,Age in years,Adulthood:Cognitive Development,Cross-Sectional Studya study in which people of different ages are compared with one anotherLongitudinal Studya study in which the same people are restudied and retested over a long

27、period,25,32,39,46,53,60,74,67,81,35,40,45,50,55,60,Age in years,Reasoningabilityscore,Cross-sectional method,Longitudinal method,Adulthood-Cognitive Development,Verbal intelligence scores hold steady with age,while nonverbal intelligence scores decline(adapted from Kaufman&others,1989).,20,35,55,70

28、,25,45,65,75,80,85,90,95,100,105,Intelligence(IQ)score,Age group,Adulthood:Cognitive Development,Crystallized Intelligenceones accumulated knowledge and verbal skillstends to increase with ageFluid Intelligenceones ability to reason speedily and abstractlytends to decrease during late adulthood,Adul

29、thood:Social Development,Early-forties midlife crisis?,Adulthood:Social Changes,Social Clockthe culturally preferred timing of social eventsmarriageparenthoodretirement,Adulthood:Social Changes,Multinational surveys show that age differences in life satisfaction are trivial(Inglehart,1990).,0,20,40,60,80,15,25,35,45,55,65+,Percentage“satisfied”with lifeas a whole,Age group,Adulthood:Social Changes,


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