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1、1,能 源 概 况,Dangyu Song Ph.D.Resources&Environment Institute,Henan Polytechnic University,2,CoalPetroleumNuclear EnergyRenewable Energy,3,4,Coal,5,Coal,华能伊敏煤电公司一号露天煤矿,6,Coal,中国最大的露天矿安家岭露天矿,7,Coal,中国最大的露天矿安家岭露天矿,8,9,Coal,中国最大的露天矿安家岭露天矿,煤矿开采于1901年,西露天矿东西坑长6.6公里,南北宽度2.2公里,垂直深400米,坑里分布着100公里长的铁路网和运输公路,坑内盘

2、旋的7层盘道,就是铁路线和公路线,,10,Coal,中国最大的露天矿安家岭露天矿,11,Introduction,Coal is abundant in China.Coal reserves at the end of 1997 were estimated at 114.5 billion tons(1997 年世界能源统计评论,占世界总储量的11.1%,仅次于美国,居世界第二位。中国国土资源部最近公布探明储量为1886 亿吨。)It is relatively inexpensive,and is an excellent source of energy and byproduct r

3、aw materials.Because of these factors,domestic coal is the primary source of fuel for electric power plants in China,and will continue to be well into the future.,12,Coal Use and Availability,World consumption roughly 5.5 billion tons annually 67%shipped to electricity producers 30%shipped to indust

4、rial users Remaining 3%for commercial and residential heat Estimates of worlds recoverable reserves in 2004 were998 billion tons Enough for over 200 years at current rate of consumption Largest reserves by location:27%-United States 17%-Russia 13%-China 9%-Australia,13,14,Introduction,Coal reserves

5、in BTUs as of 2009.,15,Introduction,16,Pollution/Environmental Impact,Problematic emissions include:Sulfur(acid rain)Nitrous oxides Hazardous trace elements(Hg,As,Se,Pb,Cr,Cd)Carbon dioxide(greenhouse gas)Coal industry uses variety of techniques to comply with Clean Air Act regulations Mine low-sulf

6、ur coal Chemically cleaned in processingCoal accounts for roughly 80%of carbon dioxide emissions from US electricity generation,17,Coal Production and ConsumptionCoal supplyCoal byproducts,Coals in China,18,Coal Production and Consumption,International Energy Agency“World Energy Outlook 2010”,“China

7、 which IEA preliminary data suggests overtook the United States in 2009 to become the worlds largest energy user despite its low per capita energy use contributes 36%to the projected growth in global energy use.”2009年中国消费了22.52亿吨油当量.2035,17%22%.,19,Coal Production and Consumption,Output of coal,3.05

8、 billion tons(2009).More than 70%was combusted.,20,21,22,Coal deposits are widely distributed in the Northwest of China,but the consumption remained in the eastern part of the country.This was due to the concentration of population and industry in the East.,Coal supply,23,Petroleum,Petroleum(crude o

9、il)is a naturally occurring,flammable liquid found in rock formations in the Earth,consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights,plus other organic compounds.,24,25,26,27,28,Proven world oil reserves,2009.,29,Oil consumption per capita(darker colors represent more cons

10、umption).,30,31,32,33,34,35,Oil producing countries.,36,Oil imports by country.,37,Nuclear Power,Nuclear power is power produced from controlled nuclear reactions.Commercial plants in use to date use nuclear fission reactions.Electric utility reactors heat water to produce steam,which is then used t

11、o generate electricity.In 2007,14%of the worlds electricity came from nuclear power,despite concerns about safety and radioactive waste management.More than 150 naval vessels using nuclear propulsion have been built.,38,The Ikata Nuclear Power Plant.,39,Renewable Energy,Wind Power Water Power Solar Energy Biofuel Geothermal Energy,40,END,


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