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1、2014备战中考英语(单项选择),精心选择中考真题和各省市模拟题,1-5 CABBB,()1.The second Sunday of May is _ Mothers Day.Its _ special day for children to show their love for their mothers.A a,the B the,a C 不填,a D 不填,the()2.Congratulations!Among the best pictures in the competition,I found _.When did you draw it?-During the trip t

2、o the Yellow Mountain _ May.A yours,in B yours,on C you,in D you,on()3.Not only his parents but also his grandfather _ to a lot of places of interest in our country since they came here.A has gone B has been C have gone D have been()4.Do you want to buy the red pen or the yellow one?-Ill take _ of t

3、hem.The red one is for me and the yellow one is for my brother.A either B both C neither D all()5.How beautiful your school is!-Yeah,it _ to be one of the most beautiful schools in our city.A thinks B is thought C isnt thought D doesnt think,6-10 DBACD,()6._ isnt easy _ Meng Pejie to take good care

4、of her adoptive mother(继母)who has been ill for many years.A It,of B Thats,of C That,for D It,for()7.Tom,do you know when your uncle _?If he _,please call me.-No problem.A will come,will arrive B will come,arrivesC comes,arrives D comes,will arrive()8.Keep off the drugs(毒品),_ you and your family will

5、 be in great danger.A or B and C but D so()9.What do you think of our football match?-Wonderful!Our football team has never played _.A worse B worst C better D best()10.What _ it is to go camping in _ weather!A a great fun,so fine B a great fun,such a fineC great fun,so fine a D great fun,such fine,

6、11-15 BCBDC,()11.Look!It _ be Mrs.Smith.-It _ be her.She has just gone to Shanghai.A can,mustnt B must,cant C must,mustnt D cant must()12.Bob,can you tell _ in the future.-Sorry,I cant.A how the environment will be like B how will the environment be likeC what the environment will be like D what wil

7、l the environment be like()13.YangJia,a blind professor _ calls on(号召)the disabled“Nothing about us is without us.”has devoted most of her life _ English.A whose,to teaching B who,to teachingC that,for teaching D which,to teach()14.Shirley _ a book about China last year,but I dont know if she has fi

8、nished it.A has written B wrote C had written D was writing()15.Sorry,I havent told Dick to post the letter for you.-_.Ill post it myself tomorrow.A All right B Not at all C Never mind D Thats good,16-20 DDABD,()16.Could you tell me something about the boy who helped you just now?Sorry,I know nothin

9、g about him,we are _.A.friends B.neighbors C.classmates D.strangers()17.I find most girls do better in language learning than boys.In most cases it is so.Perhaps they are _ in language.A.creative B.better C.helpful D.talented()18.How can I improve my reading?I think the most important is to _ a good

10、 habit of reading.A.develop B.show C.make D.take()19.Do you know _,Mike?Sure.On May1,2010A.when was World Expo Shanghai heldB.when World Expo Shanghai was heldC.how often was World Expo Shanghai heldD.how often World Expo Shanghai was held()20.The cake looks _.Yes.And it tastes even _A.well,good.B.g

11、ood,worse.C.better,best.D.nice,better.,15 DDDDB,)1.-._woman in_ red dress is _ very popular teacher in our school.A.A,a,a,B.The,the,the,C.A,the,a,D.The,a,a,()2.Who called your sister just now?-I dont know,but it was a girls_.A.sound B.number C.answer D.voice()3.、How is the plan going on?-Ive no idea

12、._ of us knew about it because it was kept as a secret.A.Each B.Any C.No one D.None()4.I hear some students will go on a picnic this weekend.-_ them will be Jim.I hope you will be one _ them.A.Between,among B.Among,among C.Of,of D.Among,of()5.Shall we go hiking this Sunday?-Sorry,I _.Ill have to tak

13、e a piano lesson.A.may not B.cant C.neednt D.mustnt,610 DBBDD,()6.Everyone likes Nick because he always talks to others _.A.friendly B.luckily C.lovely D.politely()7.I dont like eating bread,but I will eat it _ I have anything else to have.A.if B.unless C.except D.besides()8.Dont _ our hopes.Things

14、will go well soon.-Sorry,I wont.We should learn to be brave when were in difficulties.A.cheer up B.give up C.give away D.give out()9.We should respect teachers because they _ us with knowledge.A.offer B.afford C.support D.provide()10.I will never forget the town_ I spent my childhood.A.that B.which

15、C.when D.where,1115 ACDCD,()11.Are you going to see the film tomorrow?-I have no idea.If you dont,_.A.nor shall I B.nor do I C.me,too D.so wont I()12.-Whom would you like to be your assistant,Jack or David?_If I had to choose,I wish David would be _ choice of them both good B.better C.the better D.t

16、he best()13.Anyone called me when I was out?-Yes.A man did and he called _ John.A.me B.myself C.him D.himself()14.Sorry,mom!I am late.The traffic is terrible today.-What a pity!Jenny _ here to see you,she should be on her way home now.A.is B.was C.had been D.will be()15.Do you know _?-Ive got no new

17、s.Maybe next year?A.where Liu Xiang can train himself better B.if Liu Xiang has got much betterC.how Liu Xiang will take part in big games D.when Liu Xiang will return to the game field,16-20 ABDBA,()16.Look!Mike is talking to the English teacher.It _ be Mike.He has gone to Japan.A.cant B.may C.must

18、ntD.neednt()17.Wait for me at the bus stop _ I come back,will you?Thats no problem.A.if B.until C.though D.when()18._ an apple milk shake,youll need an egg,an apple and some milk.A.Make B.Making C.Made D.To make()19._,Mandy.Everything will get better soon.A.Put up B.Cheer up C.Clean up D.Turn up()20

19、.He didnt win the race at last,did he?_,though he tried to run as fast as he could.A.No,he didnt B.Yes,he did C.No,he did D.Yes,he didnt,1-5 ABBDA,1.-Excuse me,I want to have my bike fixed,but I cant find a repair shop.-I know _ nearby.Come on,Ill show you.A.oneB.itC.someD.that2.-Where is Mum now?-I

20、m not sure.She _ be in the kitchen.A.shallB.mayC.needD.must3.-Is the woman _ walked past just now your teacher?-Yes.She teaches _ English.A.that,ourB.who,usC.who,ourD.which,us4.-The classroom isnt _.Will you please turn on the lights?-Sure.A.enough brightB.brightly enoughC.enough brightlyD.bright en

21、ough5._ weather it is!Lets go out for a picnic.A.What good B.What bad C.How goodD.How bad,6-10 CCBDA,6.Basketball is a kind of _ sport.You cant win the match by yourself.A.popularB.exciting来源:Zxxk.ComC.teamD.enjoyable7.-Ann goes to climb Mount Gu every day.-Oh?But she _ hate climbing mountains.A.use

22、s to B.use to C.used to D.is used to8.-I feel tired and sleepy.-Why not stop _?A.relaxingB.to relaxC.restingD.to work9.-Do you know who designed the CD-ROM Around the World in Eight Hours?-Yes.It _ by Nancy Jackson.A.has designedB.designedC.designsD.was designed 10.-Im leaving home this afternoon.-R

23、eally?Why so _?A.soonB.fastC.quicklyD.early,11-15 ACDBA,11.She _ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A.looked upB.looked forC.picked putD.picked up12._ you have a map,you will get lost easily in the big city.A.IfB.WhenC.UnlessD.Where13.-Will you please show me how to

24、do the role-play exercise?-Sure.Now let me show you _ first.A.which to doB.how to doC.when to doD.what to do14.-Is the boys house ten miles away from the school?-Yes.Nobody in her class lives _.A.farB.fartherC.farthestD.the furthest15.-Im sorry for stepping on your foot.-_.A.Thats all rightB.No,its

25、my mistake C.You didnt hurt me at all D.Yes,dont worry about it,16-20 CCABA,()16.Look!Shes skiing so fast!Hard to _ her legs were once broken.A.know B.realize C.imagine D.find()17.Friends are those_ make you smile,always open their hearts to you.A.which B.what C.who D.whom()18.I used to love this fi

26、lm when I was young,but I_ it that way any more.A.dont feel B.didnt feel C.havent felt D.hadnt felt()19.May we leave the classroom now?No,you _.You _ to leave until the bell rings.A.mustnt,are allowed B.cant,arent supposedC.dont have to,are supposedD.neednt,arent allowed()20.Would you mind putting o

27、ut your cigarette?_,I forget its NoSmoking Day.A.Not at all B.It doesnt matter C.Yes,please D.Just a little,1-5.BCCDD,1.May I use your math book?_is left at home.来源:Zxxk.ComSure,here you are.A.myB.mineC.yoursD.hers2.His father is a good_,so he can make delicious food.A.reporterB.writerC.cookD.nurse3

28、.I wonder why Sally is _in class now,she used to be a very active girl.A.honestB.friendlyC.quietD.clever4.Which of the two singers do you prefer?_.I dont like their styles.A.Either B.All C.Both D.Neither5.Its raining so_.Maybe our plane will be put off.A.slowlyB.stronglyC.hardlyD.heavily,610.CBCAD,6

29、.People can see some fish _out of the lake when it is hot in summer.A.jumpedB.to jump C.jumpingD.are jumping7.What do you think of ipad2?Its really good,but I cant _it.A.standB.affordC.spendD.refuse8.Many people dont agree to keep dogs_ pets in the neighborhood because they are too noisy.A.forB.onC.

30、asD.with9.Drivers _drive after drinking.Its dangerous.A.mustntB.needntC.wouldntD.couldnt10.Would you please _the posters _?They are not allowed to be here.A.putoffB.takeoffC.putonD.takedown,11-15.ABCBB,11.Is the lady a person _is easy to get along with?A.whoB.which C.whomD.what12.Were you at home wh

31、en the teacher visited your home?Yes,I_ my homework.A.will doB.was doingC.has doneD.had done13.The trees _with snow,its very lucky to enjoy this beauty spot.A.coveredB.was coveredC.is coveredD.covers14.I dont know if Mr.Li _in Beijing this evening.If he _,please call me.OK.A.arrives;will arriveB.wil

32、l arrive;arrives C.arrives;arrivesD.will arrive;will arrive15.Your dream will come true _you give it up half way.A.ifB.unless C.although D.because,1620.BBBDA,16.People live longer and stay_ today than they did 50 years ago.A.healthB.healthierC.healthiestD.the healthiest17.The teachers encourage thei

33、r students to _the problems by themselves,and in this way students can enjoy success.A.give upB.work out C.look throughD.think of18.I wonder _like to be in the future.I dont know,but I believe its wonderful.A.what is itB.what it isC.whether it isD.whether is it19.Alice,you look nice with short hair.

34、_.A.I dont think soB.Dont mention itC.Its not goodD.Thank you very much20.Can you help me repair the shoes?_.Come and get them in half an hour.A.No problemB.Im sorry I cantC.Not at allD.Its a pleasure,15 DBACD,1.Joe has _ unusual girl,who is studying in _ university in U.S.A.A.an;the B.a;a C./;the D

35、.an;a 2.Mr.White is going to marry a girl he _ in Paris last year.A.meets B.met C.has met D.would meet3.Look at the photo below,_ means that this way is for a person to run away from danger.4.-Do you know the cost of buying a house in Shanghai is much higher than _ in Tibet?-Of course,I know.Its imp

36、ossible for me to buy_ there.A.that;it B.one;that C.that;one D.it;one5._ of the apple _ bad and he has to throw it away.A.two third;went B.an half;went C.two thirds;go D.two thirds;goes,610 CCBCA,6.Professor Virginia _to give a lecture in our school hall yesterday.A.invites B.will be invited C.was i

37、nvited D.is invited7.-Have you heard of Steven Jobs,the co-founder and CEO of Apple?-Yes,but its a pity that he has _ for a half year.A.died B.been dying C.been dead D.death 8.My son will go to New York for study.I am wondering _ he _ miss me or not.A.if;will B.whether;will C.if;should D.whether;sho

38、uld9.-Why didnt you enjoy the concert?-It was _ concert I had ever listened to.A.more wonderful B.less wonderful C.the least wonderful D.the most wonderful10.-Wow!You look slimmer than before!How did you lose weight?-I did not _ do some exercise and even eat more meat before,but now I have got _ doi

39、ng more exercise and eat less meat.A.use to;used to B.used to;use to C.used to;used to D.use to;use to,1115 ABCAC,11.-There _ a wonderful football match between Class Four and Class Three during outdoor activity this afternoon.Would you like to watch?-Sure,Id love to.A.are B.will be C.will have D.ha

40、s12.-Look!The girl dancing in the gym _ be Joe.She is the girl who loves dancing too much,you know.-No,it _ be her.Joe has gone to Shanghai.A.must;mustnt B.must;cant C.cant;mustnt D.cant;cant 13.-The sweater looks nice _ you?Is it made _ wool?-Yes,its made _ Inner Mongolia.A.to,of;in B.on,from;at C.

41、on,of;in D.for,from;at 14.-Daddy,I failed English exam this time,I am not interested in it any more.-_!You will be successful one day as long as you work hard at it.A.Never give up B.Cheers C.What a surprise D.Well done15.-Excuse me,I am looking for a post office.Could you tell me_?-OK.Its not far f

42、rom here;go ahead until you can find a hospital on the left,and the post office you are looking for is the opposite of the hospital.A.Where is the nearest post office B.How can I find itC.Where the nearest post office is D.How I can find it,1620.ABBAC,16.The underlined part in the word“escapes”is pr

43、onounced as _.A./s/B./z/C./is/D./iz/17._Hangzhou well see in _year 2020 will be quite _different city from what it is nowA不填;the;aBThe;the;a CThe;the;theD不填;不填;不填18.Sorry to have interrupted you.Please go on.Where was I?You you didn t like your fathers job.A.said B.were saying C.had been saying D.had said19.What bad weather!Yes.The radio says it will be even _.A.worseB.badC.badlyD.worst20.Could you tell me_?Glad to help.A.if I have been to the Great WallB.where did he study C.how I can get to the station D.whats your name,再见,


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