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1、Unit 4 Global warming,学校英语论坛针对目前城市交通拥堵、污染严重的问题进行了“治堵方案大家谈”的讨论。以下是讨论的概要。,治堵方案大家谈,少开私家车;多人共乘一辆小车,政府完善公共交通以方便市民,修建绿道(green lanes)鼓励骑车,好处:省钱、省时、节能、环保,请根据以上概要写一篇短文,包括以下内容:1.存在的问题。2.解决的方案3.方案的好处。,基础写作(1)Nowadays,more and more families have their own cars,which causes the problem of traffic jams in cities

2、as well as air pollution.(2)Here are some solutions on how to deal with these problems.(3)First,we should reduce the use of private cars and increase the practice of car-pooling,where one car is shared by several workmates or friends.(4)Second,the government could improve the public transport system

3、 in order to make it more convenient for people.(5)Third,the government should also encourage cycling by building more green lanes,which will help save money,time and energy as well as improve the environment.,怎么写好一篇解决问题型的基础写作呢?1.背景 With the development of society,more and more2.问题 which causes prob

4、lems3.解决办法 Here are some suggestions on how to solve,first,second,third.,写作练习 全球气候变暖是目前人类面临的最大环境问题。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文,为“节能减排”献计献策。背景:随着经济的发展,更多的温室气体被排放,后果:全球变暖,海平面上升。措施:1.多使用清洁能源,少用煤、油;2在可能的情况下以步行代车;3 4写作要求:1.短文必须包括表格中的所有内容要点,可适当发挥,措施中3、4点由考生自由发挥;2词数:100左右。,With the development of economy,more and mor

5、e greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air,which causes the greatest global warming and the rise of sea level.So we must take effective measures to save our planet.Firstly,we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil.Secondly,we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of drivi

6、ng a car if possible.Thirdly,we should plant more trees,because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen.More importantly,we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.,一.单词拼写1Rain and snow are _(现象)of the weather.2Q_ of money have been spent in bringing up his children.3The a_ temperature of G

7、uangzhou in winter is comparatively high.4Does the common man _(反对)the ideas of political union between European countries?5The witness s_ that she had never seen Mr.Smith.,phenomena,uantities,oppose,verage,tated,6Due to c_ beyond our control the lecture was cancelled.7There is a _(普遍的)dissatisfacti

8、on among the students with the food on campus.8Several cars are available within this price r_.9The price of fruits remains _(稳定的)10There is a growing _(趋势)for people to work at home instead of in offices.,ircumstances,widespread,steady,ange,tendency,二、词语派生 用所给词的适当形式填空。1 Prices are rising _(steady)2

9、.He is old enough to be _of his parents so he wants _ from them.(dependence)3.The president made a _(state)of his aims.4.Do you believe in the _(exist)of ghosts?5.The _(pollute)river should be dealt with by the government.,steadily,independent independence,statement,existence,polluted,6.How did you

10、deal with the _(disagree)between colleagues(同事)7.The use of energy in Tims country is low _(compare to)the use of energy in the USA.8.Mother asked little Tom to _(renewable)the water in the goldfish bowl.9.This machine has an _(electricity)fault.10.The significant earthquake broken out last night ca

11、used a _(catastrophe)failure.,disagreement,compared to,Renew,electrical,catastrophic,三、词组互译1 _ 逐步建立;增加 2_ 依赖;依靠 3_ 发生;造成 4 _ 等等 5 _大量的 6_ 有关系;有影响 7 _ 只要 8 _ 在A和B 之间变化,range from A to B,build up,depend on,come about,and so on,quantities of,make a difference,as long as,9_继续10 _ 把比作;11 _ 导致 12 _ 大体上;基本

12、上13 _按平均数计算14 _忍受;容忍15_ 一瞥,glance at,keep on,compare to,result in,on the whole,on average,put up with,四 词组运用词组填空 从上面的短语中选择恰当的短语填空。1.Were _ him finishing her job by Friday.3.Tell me how the accident _4._ books were on the desk.5.The accident _ ten deaths.,resulted in,depending on,came about,Quantitie

13、s of,6.You need to _ your strength.7.Dont _ asking so many questions.8.He _ the envelope and recognized his uncles handwriting.9.You can go to play _ you stay in the back yard.10.We cant _ his endless complaint.,put up with,build up,keep on,glanced at,as long as,11.付款多少取决与你居住的地方。The amount you pay _

14、 where you live.12.与40年前相比,卫生保健水平得到了极大提高。_,standards in health care have improved greatly.13.这种情况本不应该发生。This situation _.14.警方发现了大量违禁药品。Police found _ of illegal drugs.15.谈判结果削减了导弹数量。The talks _ reducing the number of missiles.,resulted in,depends on,Compared with 40 years ago,should never have come

15、 about,a large quantities of,16.我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。_17.他们的年龄在25岁到50岁之间。_18.我不明白她怎么能容忍他没完没了的抱怨。_19.这场雨影响了比赛。_20.总得来说,我赞成这个建议。_,On the whole,Im in favor of the proposal.,We fail one student per year on average.,Their ages range from 25 to 50.,I dont know how she puts up with his endless complaint.,The rai

16、n made a difference to the game.,People around the world may feel that the climate 1 _(get)steadily warmer and warmer in recent years.Places 2 _ used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snow-free(无雪的)winters.Drought lasts 3_(long)in some dry areas.People find that 4_ air condition

17、ers they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer days.The side effects of global warming are alarming.5_warmer global climate melts the ice caps,6_(raise)sea levels.What is more,7_ disturbs weather patterns,causing droughts,severe storms,hurricanes(飓风).People suffer a lot from disasters re

18、levant to global warming.8_ stop global warming we should make immediate 9_continual efforts.We hope the situation will soon change.Global warming catches and holds our concern,10_ it affects us and will affect ourlater generations.We cannot wait any longer.Do it right now,has been getting,which,lon

19、ger,without,A,raising,it,To,and,for,.完成短语1即使2发生3导致4上升;增长;升起5继续6大量的7代表的一方 8等等,even if come about result in go up keep onquantities ofon behalf of and so on,.完成句子 1人类能说这么多不同的语言是怎么形成的?_that humans can speak so many different languages?2喝酒常引起交通事故。Drinking alcohol can often _.3这个升温过程的一些副产品就叫做“温室”气体,其中最重要

20、的是二氧化碳。Some byproducts of this process are called“greenhouse”gases,_ carbon dioxide.,How did it come about,result in traffic accidents,the most important one of which is,4毫无疑问,地球正在变暖,而地球变暖正是人类活动导致而成的,并非是一种无规律的自然现象。_and that _has caused this global warming _a random but natural phenomenon.5只要他努力工作,我不

21、介意他做不做家务。I dont mind whether he does the housework_.,rather than,There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer,it is human activity that,so long as he works hard,subscribe vi.同意;捐赠;订阅 vt.签署(文件);捐助subscribe to同意;赞成对捐款;订阅(报刊)subscriber n.订户,签署者,捐献者subscribe for 预订,订阅;捐款,捐助;认购【温馨提示】subscribe表示“捐款

22、;捐助”之意时,常与to,for连用;表示“同意,赞同”时,常与to连用。,1,第29讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】(1)你订阅什么杂志?What magazine_?(2)我在文件上签了名。I _in the document.(3)他向救济基金捐赠巨资。He _the relief fund.,do you subscribe to,subscribed my name,subscribed a large sum to,第29讲 单词点睛,(4)所有科学家都赞成这种观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料,像煤,天然气和石油,从而引起了地球温度的升高。_that the increase in

23、the earths temperature _fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy,All the scientists subscribe to the view,is due to the burning of,tendvi.趋向,易于;照顾vt.照顾;护理tend to do sth倾向于做某事tendency n.趋向,倾向(常与to/towards连用)【温馨提示】在tend to结构中,to是不定式符号,后面要用动词原形,构成不定式结构。,第29讲 单词点睛,2,第29讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】(

24、1)别人不同意她的看法时,她很容易生气。She _when others disagree with her.(2)一组医护人员被派去照料玉树地震的幸存者。A team of medical workers _Yushu Earthquake.(3)她丈夫生病期间,她无微不至地照顾他。She _during his illness.(4)如今人们网上购物有增加的趋势。Nowadays there is _to shop on the Internet.,tends to get angry,were sent to tend the survivors of,tended her husban

25、d carefully,a growing tendency for people,opposevt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量oppose doing sth反对做某事oppose sth to/against sth 使某事物与另一事物对照或对抗opposed adj.反对的;对面的be opposed to 反对opposite adj.相对的,对面的come across/meet with opposition遭到反对,第29讲 单词点睛,3,第29讲 单词点睛,【温馨提示】(1)oppose 后跟表示动作的词作宾语时,后面要用动名词形式。be opposed to结构中,to 是介

26、词,其后也要用动词的ing形式。(2)表示反对的其他表达:disagree with;object to;be against。,第29讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】1用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空(1)The President opposes _(give)military aid to that country.(2)Im strongly opposed to your _(go)abroad.,giving,going,rangen种类;范围vi.(在一定范围内)变动,变化a wide range of一系列的in/within the range of 在的范围之内out of/bey

27、ond ones range 超越的范围range fromto/betweenand 从到不等,第29讲 单词点睛,4,第29讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】(1)The shirts are sold out _(在这个价位范围之内)(2)_(年龄范围)is from six to twelve years old.(3)The temperature _15 _35 _(在15度到35度之间),within this price range,The age range,ranges from,to,degrees,glancevi.看一下;扫视n.一瞥glance through匆匆看一遍,浏

28、览glance at 匆匆瞥一眼glance off 擦过;掠过at a glance(at the first glance)初(乍)一看就give/take a glance at 对匆匆一看,一瞥,第29讲 单词点睛,5,第29讲 单词点睛,【易混辨析】glare,glance,stare(1)glare 指怒视;(2)glance 指很快地看某人或某物一眼;(3)stare指由于生气、好奇、害怕或吃惊而睁大眼睛注视某人或某物。,第29讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】(1)她第一次见到他就爱上了他。She fell in love with him_.(2)他瞥了一眼那个信封,认出是他叔叔的笔

29、迹。He _ the envelope and recognized his uncles handwriting.(3)也许你愿意看看我们的商品目录。Perhaps youd like _our product catalogue.,at the first glance,glanced at,to glance through,come about发生;(船、风等)改变方向How does it come about that?是怎样发生的?come along一起来,进展come out 出来,长出;出版;结果是come to oneself 苏醒,醒悟come up with 赶上,提

30、出come across 偶遇;穿越;被理解,第29讲 短语存储,1,第29讲 短语存储,【温馨提示】come about,happen,take place和break out这四个表示“发生”的词语,不可用于被动语态。【活学活用】(1)How _(发生)that she married a poor man like him?(2)We _(碰见)an old man lying in the road.,did it come about,came across,result in导致,引起,结果是result from由产生;起因于lead to 导致as a result 结果,因此

31、as a/the result of 作为的结果without result 无效地,毫无结果地【易混辨析】result in,result from(1)result in 意为“导致,结果是”,指引起某种结果,即:主语是因,宾语是果。(2)result from意为“起因于”,指某种结果是由于某种原因而产生的,即:主语是果,宾语是因。,第29讲 短语存储,2,第29讲 短语存储,【活学活用】(1)There is no doubt that your success has _(是你辛勤劳动的结果)(2)Stress and tiredness often _(导致精神不集中)(3)He

32、didnt work hard,_(结果),he failed his exam.(4)The accident _(造成了他的死亡),resulted from your hard work,result in a lack of concentration,as a result,resulted in his death,put up with忍受,容忍put up举起put sb up 向某人提供食宿come up with 赶上;提出put up(at)(在某处)获得食宿安排,暂住keep up with 与保持一致;不落后catch up with 赶上;追上【易混辨析】bear,

33、stand,tolerate,put up with都有“忍受,忍耐”之意。,第29讲 短语存储,3,第29讲 短语存储,(1)bear强调忍受者的坚韧。如:The sorrow was almost more than she could bear.她几乎忍受不了那种悲伤。(2)stand意为“忍受,顶住”,多用于口语,常用于否定句中,若用于肯定句,则意为“不屈不挠,经受得起”。如:I cant stand hot weather.我受不了热天。(3)tolerate意为“容忍”,语气较前两个词弱。如:I dont know how you tolerate that noise!我不知道你

34、怎么能忍受那样的噪音!,第29讲 短语存储,(4)put up with与tolerate意义相近,有“不计较,将就”之意,多用于口语。如:Its hard for people to put up with that kind of treatment.人们很难忍受那种待遇。【活学活用】(1)噪音快到我们无法忍受的地步。Noise is coming to the point_.(2)我们可以安排你们所有人过夜。We can _the night.(3)他们在一家小旅馆住了一两夜。They _a couple of nights.,where we cant put up with it,p

35、ut all of you up for,put up at a small hotel for,It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using itif not,turn it off!【句型解读】as/so long as引导条件状语从句,相当于on condition that,provided that或if(只要,如果)。如:You can go out,as/so long as you promise to be back before 11 oclock.你可以出去,只要你答应在11点以

36、前回来。,第29讲 句型透视,【相关拓展】(1)as long as还有“与一样长”之意。(2)引导条件状语从句的连词还有:providing(that),only if等。,第29讲 句型透视,【活学活用】(1)_(只要你不出卖我),Ill do whatever you ask me to(do).(2)_(只要你开车小心),you will be very safe.(3)This line _(那条线的四倍长),第29讲 句型透视,As long as you dont betray me,As long as you drive carefully,is four times as long as that one,


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