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1、Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,Content,Pronunciation and listening skills,Conversations,Passage,Listening and speaking,Pronunciation and listening skills,Listen to some words and put them into corresponding columns according to their stress patterns.,Pronunciation and

2、 listening skills,Listen to some words and put them into corresponding columns accordingto their stress patterns.,boyfriend,polite,hospital,important,dangerous,airport,along,piano,homework,umbrella,beautiful,guitar,tomorrow,yesterday,mountain,boyfriend,airport,homework,polite,along,hospital,dangerou

3、s,beautiful,important,piano,umbrella,Tips,Distinguishing stress patterns音节是读音的基本单位。在英语中,一个元音可以构成一个音节,一个或几个辅音音素与元音结合也可以构成一个音节。根据所含的音节,单词可分为单音节词、双音节词和多音节词。英语单词的重读规律:1 双音节词1)重读一般放在第一音节上 e.g.apple,carry,problem,Pronunciation and listening skills,2)有 a-,be-,de-,re-,res-,in-,im-,en-,em-,es-,con-,com-,dis-

4、,mis-,pre-,per-,pro-,trans-等前缀的词,重音一般放在第二个音节上。如:about,believe,decide,receive,respect,inform,impress,enjoy,employ,escape,confer,compare,discuss,mistake,prepare,permit,produce,translate。3)有 re-,in-,con-,pre-,de-,im-,pro-,ob-等前缀的词,其重音与词义和词类有关,一般名词的重音在第一个音节上,动词的重音在第二个音节上。如:record(n.)record(v.),insult(n.

5、)insult(v.),conduct(n.)conduct(v.),present(n.)present(v.),desert(n.)desert(v.),import(n.)import(v.),produce(n.)produce(v.),object(n.)object(v.)。,Distinguishing confusing pronunciations,多音节词1)1)重音一般放在倒数第三个音节上。如:difficult,communist,family,economy,opportunity,democracy,possibility。2)有一些双音节词,加了前缀或后缀所构成的

6、多音节词,重音一般放在原来词根的重读音节上。如:unfriendly,dangerous,officer,usually。3)多音节复合名词的重音通常放在第一个音节。如:basketball,goalkeeper,interview,newspaper,sunglasses。4)词尾有-tion,-sion 或-ian 的多音节词,其重音一般放在-tion,-sion 或-ian 前面的一个音节上。如:application,direction,decision,Italian,musician。,Distinguishing confusing pronunciations,Conversa

7、tions,Conversation 1,Conversation 2,Functional language,Exercises,Exercises,Functional language,1.Listen to a conversation and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.,Conversation 1 Asking about reasons&giving reasons,1.What is Georges attitude toward the exam?,A.Happy.B.Worried.C

8、.Not interested.,2.What will Ann do to help George?,A.Practice with George.B.Help George in the exam.C.Share with George some listening materials.,George thinks he may fail the exam because of his poor speaking ability.,2.Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F

9、).,F,F,T,Ann thinks that the reason why George is not good at listening is his lack of patience.,Ann believes if George practices a lot,he will pass the exam.,Conversation 1-Asking about reasons&giving reasons,Scripts,Conversation 1-Asking about reasons&giving reasons,3.Role-play a conversation in p

10、airs according to one of the following situations.You may refer to the Functional Language.,(Sample),(Sample),Conversation 1-Asking about reasons&giving reasons,3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations.You may refer to the Functional Language.,(Reference),Conv

11、ersation 1-Asking about reasons&giving reasons,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 1,Conversation 1-Asking about reasons&giving reasons,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 2,Conversation 1-Asking about reasons&giving reasons,Role play,Conversation 1-Asking about reasons&giving reasons,Functi

12、onal Language,Conversation 1-Asking about reasons&giving reasons,1.Listen to a conversation and decide whether Ann likes(L)or dislikes(D)the following songs.,“Sweetheart”,L,L,D,“Cold Wind”,“Your Lips”,Conversation 2 Giving reasons,2.Listen again.Match the names of the songs with the reasons why Ann

13、likes or dislikes them.,Conversation 2 Giving reasons,“Sweetheart”,“Cold Wind”,“Your Lips”,slow rhythm,the singers marvelous voice,reason not given,Scripts,Conversation 2 Giving reasons,Scripts,Conversation 2 Giving reasons,3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to the following situation.You

14、 may refer to the Functional Language.,(Sample),Conversation 2 Giving reasons,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation,Conversation 2 Giving reasons,Functional Language,Conversation 2 Giving reasons,1.Listen to a passage and choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences.,Passage,1.T

15、he speaker was _.,A sitting on the beachB swimming in the seaC building a sandcastle,A,Passage,2.The children were _.,A watching the seaB building a sandcastleC running after each other,3.The main idea of the passage is to _.,A teach children how to build sandcastlesB tell children the way of protec

16、ting their sandcastlesC tell people how to face frustration(挫折),B,C,1.Listen to a passage and choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences.,2.Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,Passage,The speaker was sitting on the beach and talking t

17、o two children.,F,T,F,A big wave destroyed the childrens work.,The children were so sad that they began crying.,4.The children sat down and began to work again.,T,F,5.The speaker felt sad for the children.,I was sitting on the beach on a hot summers day,watching two children,a boy and a girl,playing

18、 with the sand.They were working hard at building a sandcastle.When they finished,a big wave came along and knocked it down.I thought the children would cry after all their hard work had turned to nothing.But they surprised me.Hand in hand,they got up and ran away from the waters edge,then sat down

19、to build another one.They really taught me a lesson.If things go wrong,we shouldnt sit around and feel sorry for ourselves.With the help from our friends,we can always start again.,Scripts,Passage,3.Work in pairs and retell the story by asking and answering the following questions.,Passage,(Sample),

20、Sample,Passage,Passage A,Passage B,Campus romance,Three films that influenced me,Reading,Campus romance,Lead-in,Text study,Exercises,Passage A,Passage A Campus romance,Lead-in,Extended reading,Background information,Video appreciation,Pre-reading questions,Passage A Campus romance,Lead-in,-Video app

21、reciation,Homeless to Harvard:The Liz Murray Story,Passage A Campus romance,Lead-in,-Extended reading,Romantic Poems1Love me little,love me long!2If you were a teardropIn my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sunShould cease to shine its light,Just one smile from youWould

22、 make my whole world bright.,Romantic Poems1爱,岂在朝朝暮暮!2如果你是我眼里的一滴泪,为了不失去你,我将永不哭泣。如果金色的太阳停止了它耀眼的光芒,你的一个微笑将把我的世界照亮。,Passage A Campus romance,Love QuotesOne word frees us of all the weight and pain of life:That word is love.(Sophocles)The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger

23、for bread.(Mother Teresa)The only thing we never get enough of is love;and the only thing we never give enough of is love.(Henry Miller)True love is not the number of kisses,or how often you get them,true love is the feeling that still lingers long after the kiss is over.(Unknown),Lead-in,-Extended

24、reading,Passage A Campus romance,Love QuotesLove is a noble act of self-giving.The more you love,the more you lose a part of you.Yet you do not become less of who you are.In fact,you end up being complete.Love can never be taught for it is to be learned;love can never be bought for it is to be given

25、;love can never be kept for it is to be free;love can never be old for it lives to last a lifetime.I would rather have eyes that cannot see,ears that cannot hear,lips that cannot speak,than a heart that cannot love.(Robert Tizon)The magic words for a great relationship are“I love you just the way yo

26、u are”.(Jonathan Lockwood Huie),Lead-in,-Extended reading,D.H.Lawrence(18851930)was an English novelist,poet and short story writer.As one of the most influential and controversial literary figures of the 20th century,he was dissatisfied with the Western industrial civilization,and advocated the pri

27、nciple of saving the decaying civilization through a rearrangement of personal relationships,especially a rearrangement of the relationship between women and men.His major works include Sons and Lovers,The Rainbow,Women in Love,and Lady Chatterleys Lover.,Passage A Campus romance,Lead-in,-Background

28、 information,Lawrence of Arabia refers to T.E.Lawrence,a British archaeological scholar,military strategist,and author best known for his legendary war activities in the Middle East during World War I and for his autobiographical account of those activities in Seven Pillars of Wisdom.,Passage A Camp

29、us romance,Lead-in,-Background information,Women in Love(恋爱中的女人)continues the story in Lawrences earlier novel The Rainbow,and follows the relationships between two sisters and two men in a mining town in post World War I in England.The two couples take very different directions exploring the nature

30、 of commitment and love.,Passage A Campus romance,Lead-in,-Background infromation,Sons and Lovers(儿子与情人)tells the story of Paul Morel,a young man and budding(崭露头角的)artist.The complicated relations of Paul with his mother and his two sweethearts together with their psychological activities are depict

31、ed in great detail.It is often regarded as Lawrences finest achievement.,Passage A Campus romance,Lead-in,-Background infromation,Lady Chatterleys Lover(查泰莱夫人的情人)is another novel by D.H.Lawrence,first published in 1928.The first edition was printed privately in Florence,Italy.The novel concerns a yo

32、ung married upper-class woman,Lady Chatterley,and a working class man,Mellors,and was once considered a dirty book for its explicit descriptions of the physical relationship between a man and a woman.,Passage A Campus romance,Lead-in,-Background study of the text,Whats your attitude toward campus ro

33、mance?What kind of campus romance do you want to have?Why?Do you have a definite goal in the university?Do you believe“true love”in the university?,Passage A Campus romance,Pre-reading questions,Passage A Campus romance,Text study,Organization of the text,Language points,Text reading,Passage A,Campu

34、s romance,1.When I was a junior in college,I took a course on D.H.Lawrence.I know this sounds stupid,but I at first thought it was about Lawrence of Arabia,the great British desert fighter.Id seen the movie,and I wanted to be him.2.I went to a used bookstore to get the required novels.I was surprise

35、d by the titles:Women in Love,Sons and Lovers,and Lady Chatterleys Lover.This was a side of Lawrence of Arabia I didnt know about.The clerk explained.Bad news.But I had registered for the course and I needed the credits.Hopelessly,I went home to read.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A,Campus romance,Like a lo

36、t of college students,I bought used books hoping someone would have already underlined the important stuff.And the books I bought were thoroughly underlined.When I started to read,I was blown away.This was hot stuff!All the books had the same female name in the front.This girl really knew how to und

37、erlinenot only the juicy parts,but the beautiful passages about love.I looked her up in the phone book and she was listed.I figured that Id call her,hoping for anything from a date to copies of the papers she might have written about Lawrence.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A,Campus romance,5.I called her,in

38、troduced myself,and told her what I wanted.She was not a college student,but a retired professor of English literature.These books were copies shed sold when she moved to a smaller apartment.She laughed and said shed be glad to have a date with me.6.We liked each other right away.She lived alone,and

39、 her eyes were failing.She suggested that if Id drive her to the supermarket once a week,shed tutor me in Lawrence.,_,_,_,_,Passage A,Campus romance,7.During that semester,she woke me up to love,sexuality,and women.A long time later,I told her that if shed been 20 instead of 70,Id have asked her to

40、marry me.She said shed have accepted.8.Shes dead now.I still have her books,her wisdom,and her love.I got an A in the course too.,_,_,Passage A Campus romance,Organization of the text,Structure,Part I(Para._),Part II(Para._),Part III(Para._),1-2,3-7,8,Introduction:I took a coursedifference between D

41、.H.Lawrence and Lawrence of Arabia.,The authors surprise:The contact between the“girl”and I.,Conclusion:The authors understanding and gains.,Passage A Campus romance,When I was a junior in college,I took a course on D.H.Lawrence.,在我上大三时,我选修了一门关于D.H.劳伦斯的课。,on,“on”意为“关于”。介词“on”和“about”都可以表示“关于”之意,在用法上

42、,“about”多用于口语中,表示的内容较为普通,一般用于提及的有关生活杂事、小事及人和物,含有随便谈论的意味;“on”常用于较正式场合,着重指内容的严肃性、学术性及深度。一般指学术专著。在搭配上,“about”适用于和“teach,learn,tell,read,hear,find out”等动词及“story”等名词连用;“on”常跟“lecture,report”等名词连用。,(Line 1,Para.1),Passage A Campus romance,When I was a junior in college,I took a course on D.H.Lawrence.,今天

43、下午我们将会听一场关于非洲历史的讲座。,Were going to listen to a lecture on African history this afternoon.,(Line 1,Para.1),老师将会给我们讲述爱迪生的故事。,The teacher will tell us a story about Edison.,Passage A Campus romance,I know this sounds stupid,but I at first thought it was about Lawrence of Arabia,the great British desert

44、fighter.,sound:感官动词,在此句中作系动词,后跟形容词,意为“听起来”,用法相同的感官动词还有 look,smell,taste,feel。,(Line 2,Para.1),我知道这听上去有点儿傻,但是我一开始以为这门课是关于“阿拉伯的劳伦斯”就是那个伟大的英国沙漠勇士的。,她看起来很紧张。,She looked nervous.,Passage A Campus romance,I know this sounds stupid,but I at first thought it was about Lawrence of Arabia,the great British de

45、sert fighter.,这花闻起来很香。,The flower smells sweet.,这道菜味道鲜美。,The dish tastes delicious.,她的皮肤摸起来又凉又粗糙。,Her skin felt cold and rough.,(Line 2,Para.1),Passage A Campus romance,I know this sounds stupid,but I at first thought it was about Lawrence of Arabia,the great British desert fighter.,desert fighter 意

46、为“沙漠战士”。desert 是名词,用作定语修饰 fighter。,名词作定语修饰名词的例子还有很多,如:,安全带 恐怖电影 时区,seat belt horror film time zone,(Line 2,Para.1),Passage A Campus romance,Id seen the movie,and I wanted to be him.,我看过有关他的电影,并且幻想着能成为他那样的人。,她发现她把箱子落在了火车上。,She found she had left her case on the train.,(Line 4,Para.1),had seen 为过去完成时,

47、表示在过去某时前某事情已经发生(过去的过去),由“had+done”构成。,Passage A Campus romance,I went to a used bookstore to get the required novels.,我到一个旧书店去买这门课程要求阅读的小说。,used 和 required 为过去分词,在句中用作前置定语。,一位受尊敬的客人,an honored guest,单个的过去分词作定语,通常放在被修饰的名词之前,表示被动和完成意义。,(Line 1,Para.2),一位退休的教师,a retired teacher,Passage A Campus romance

48、,Like a lot of college students,I bought used books hoping someone would have already underlined the important stuff.,我跟大多数大学生一样,买旧书时就指望着书中的重点已经被人标出。,(Line 1,Para.3),hoping 是现在分词作状语。,他白天从不出去,害怕警察会抓到他。,He never went out in daylight,fearing that the police would catch him.,Passage A Campus romance,Lik

49、e a lot of college students,I bought used books hoping someone would have already underlined the important stuff.,(Line 1,Para.3),would have done 是过去将来完成时,表示在过去看将来某时之前已发生的事。,她希望在她回来之前他们把一切都准备好了。,She hoped that they would have got everything ready before she got back.,Passage A Campus romance,I figur

50、ed that Id call her,hoping for anything from a date to copies of the papers she might have written about Lawrence.,(Line 5,Para.4),might have done 表示说话人对过去情况的猜测。和 may have done 相比,might 所表示的可能性更小,语气较委婉。,伊娃可能已经回家了。,Eva might have gone home.,我想了很久,觉得应该给她打电话,说不定能和她约会或是获得几份她论述劳伦斯作品的文章副本。,Passage A Campu


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