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1、Point of View,Point of View 观点-The angle/perspective from which the story is told.Narrator 叙述者/Storyteller-The character/voice that tells the story.,Point of view depends on two factors:-Physical situation of the narrator as an observer;-Speakers intellectual and emotional position.,观点-有些东西能为我所见,有些东

2、西则不能。在事件中,没有一个人能说出全貌,却都提供了别人所缺少的部分。作者的任务是找出最适合于他要述说之故事的观点。,Kinds of Point of View,1.Third-Person Point of View(narrator as non-participant)-Narrator outside the action describes the events.,Third-Person Point of View Omniscient(all-knowing)-With this point of view,an“all-knowing”narrator firmly impo

3、ses his presence between the reader and the story,and retains complete control over the narrative.,-The narrator is not a character in the story but can tell you the thoughts and actions of all characters at all times.(Pronouns:he,she,him,her,they,them,etc.),Advantage-The flexibility given by the“al

4、l-knowing”narrator can direct the readers attention and control the sources of information.,Third-Person Point of View Limited(limited to one characters thought)-With this point of view,the narrator limits his ability to penetrate the minds of characters by selecting a single character to act as the

5、 center of revelation.,Dramatic Point of View(strictly reporting)-In this point of view,the narrator disappears completely and the story is allowed to present itself dramatically through action and dialogue.,Advantage-With the disappearance of the narrator,telling is replaced by showing,and the illu

6、sion is created that the reader is a direct and immediately witness to an unfolding drama.,2.First-Person Point of View(Narrator as Participant)-In this point of view,the narrator appears in the novel as“I”or“me”and shares the limitations of third person limited.Narrator as Major Character;Narrator

7、as Minor Character.,Advantage-By assuming the identity as“I”,the narrator endears himself to the reader while he has to sacrifice the privilege of omniscience.-The narrator stands inside the story and relates first hand experience,which can create a feeling of intimacy.,Analyzing Narrator,Is he/she

8、reliable or unreliable?If the narrator is crazy,jealous,self-serving,mistaken,confused,etc.,then the reader may questions the reliability of the story he/she is telling.,2.Is the narrator a participating character,or is the narrator telling the story from an omniscient point of view?3.Is the narrato

9、r nave?The reader can see that the narrators background limits his/her ability to understand a situation.,全知全能的叙事观点-叙事者对每一件事都能了然,他能随意进入任何人物的内心深处,并直接告诉读者,某一小说人物正在想些什么。通常是以第三人称法叙事,其优点是具有高度弹性,缺点是在训练不足的作家手中,可能会使作品倾向于松散而凌乱。,有限制的叙事观点:-其叙述者所知有限,他可能是小说中的人物,以第一人称(我)的方式去叙事,也可能置身于小说之外,以第三人称叙事。,戏剧式观点-前两者或以小说外的导

10、演口吻来布局,或以剧中人的我来道出亲身经历,都是有一个操纵者或摄影者,但戏剧式观点是根本没有明显的观看者,完全借着对话、行动,让小说中的人物自己演出,是极为客观的一种叙述法。,Haircut,In Haircut Ring Lardner tells a story about an awful man,but through the eyes of Whitey,the town barber.,Whitey has an unusual point of view about Jim.Whitey sees Jim Kendell,the main character,as“comical

11、”(101)and“kind of rough,but a good fella at heart”(101).,When in reality Whitey did not see Jim for what he really was,a heartless,cheating,vindictive man.Whitey believes he telling a story about his friend Jim,who with his buddy Hod Meyers,“used to keep this town in an uproar”(101).,In fact Whitey was telling a story about some of the horrible and mischievous pranks Jim would pull on some of the towns people.Whitey seems to be an unreliable narrator.Whitey,even being more of a town gossip then a barber,cannot get the story straight on Jim Kendell.,


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