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1、The Future of Money,About TheTransitioner.org,R&D organization on Collective Intelligence2 MAIN GOALS:Create global wisdom driven organizationsCreate the next free currencies systems,WE WILL NOT TALK ABOUT.,Observe this picture,What is a currency?,A tool to:Measure Store Exchange,An information syst

2、em,CONVENTIONAL MONEY,The conventional monetary system,Like an ecosystem with a monetary mass so it can perform its own exchange.,Ecosystem,PARETO EFFECT,PARETO EFFECT CREATES SCARCITY,It desertifies there,Privatization and monopoly of money,Banks are supposed to provide the missing monetary mass wh

3、ere its missing,but.,Ecosystem,Private moneyInterestPareto effectIntrinsic instability,MONETARY WEALTH CONCENTRATION,Wealthiest 1%of families owns 34.3%of the nations net worthThe top 10%of families owns over 71%The bottom 40%of the population owns way less than 1%.,Consequences of a scarce currency

4、,Harsh competition,warScarcity paradigmMasculine world ProprietarizationConcentration of powerOpacity,secrecySelfishness,Sao Paulo,Caracas,Original,Different forms of collective intelligence,Pyramidal,Global,Today,Time,A scarce currency is.,A powerfulinvisible architecturefrom which a societal struc

5、ture unfolds.,Observe this picture again,Every form here has been shaped by scarce money:Traffic to get to work for the salaryCars(an object of desire&power)Fossile energy paradigm Junk advertizing Street survival jobs and sales Junk electric wiring Straight streets and wild urbanism Low cost infras

6、tructure investments etc.,WEALTH,Wealth,money,free currencies,WealthFree time,friendship,health,shelter,education,food,family,ethics,car,art,travel,land,reputation,clothing,nature,hobby,etc.,Conventional moneyTool to trade tradable wealth in the context of scarcity.,Free currenciesTool to acknowledg

7、e,measure or trade wealth in whatever form.,THE COMING FREE CURRENCIES,Generic technology Open source(free)Commons Citizen sovereignty Sufficient By millions Multi-device,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Mutual Credit,0,0,0,+200,0,0,0,-200,Circulating currency:200,Mutual Credit,0,-70,0,+200,0,+70,0,-200,Circulating

8、currency:270,+430,Mutual Credit,+430,-70,0,-230,0,+70,0,-200,Circulating currency:500,+150,+300,+80,Mutual Credit,+280,-70,-220,-230,+150,+70,+300,-280,Circulating currency:800,Mutual credit,THETRANSITIONER FLOWPLACE,DEMANDS Graphic design Software for marketplace Conference in Bombai Organization w

9、ork Fund raising Technological watch European R&D projects Seminar organization Organizing online campus Movie on collective intelligence,OFFERS Accounting Massage NVC training Used car Project management Graphic design Tai Chi training Rooms in a hotel Air miles A place to stay in NY,DEMANDS Englis

10、h training Accounting Installation of solar panels Child care Internet site design Car pooling Travel exchange India/France Place for a wedding Air miles Looking for a land to buy in Provence,COMMONS,ONE-TO-ONE,INTENTIONS,OFFERS Translation English/Spanish Financial investment Seminar in Japan Confe

11、rence money in Montreal Project management Online graphic design Car in Denver area Retreat center in Costa Rica Air miles Contact in Beijin,ACTION DATA SHEET,BOMBAI CONFERENCE,PROJECT DESCRIPTIONOrganize a conference in Bombai next Oct 2009.Theme:collective intelligence and future of moneyTarget au

12、dience:decision makers in the pyramidal collective world,students,institutionals.,PARTICIPANTSProject initiator:John DoeReviewed by:Project leader:Project participants:,Due date:1st April 2009,PARENT PROJECTS Conference organization Relationships with IndiaRELATED PROJECTS Seminar in India,WEALTHAck

13、nowledgeable0-5 0-5Measurable 0-100%0-100%TradableUS$2,000.00WEs 8,000.00,A profile in the flowplace,Fernanda Ibarra,Expert in collective intelligence,social media and online communities,Member since 7 July 2008,My highest intention is service to the human emergence movement through becoming an inte

14、grated being(body,mind,emotions and spirit)and the doing in the realms of collective intelligence,wisdom and consciousness(CIWC).I am a Global Collective Intelligence pioneer,passionate about creating new forms and catalizing social transformation projects.,WEALTHAcknowledgeable148/120 254/194Measur

15、able 96,7%98,4%TradableUS$800.00 Euros 450.43 Mex 4,231.00WEs 16,803.00Mutual credit-410.00Credit line 10,000,CURRENT PROJECTS Community building Social media strategy Mexico representationMore.,MILLIONS OF CURRENCIES,Each organization,each network will use multiple internal currencies(acknowledgeab

16、le,mesurable,tradable)Each person will use multiple currencies.Ex:local,regional,network,corporate Cell phones,Internet,new devices Sufficient,free,KEY QUESTIONS,Why future organizations and social networks cannot succeed with conventional money anymore?How these new currency systems will be an inno

17、vative response to current worldwide challenges?How can we prepare ourselves?What actions can we take now?How can todays organizations-companies,banks,governments-use these new currencies now for their own development,efficiency and competitiveness?What are the new markets and business opportunities

18、?,HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE?,By proposing your own wealth on TheTransitioner marketplace Expertise Time Relationships Conventional money Assets,THANKS TO.,Michael LintonLets systemsOpen money,Bernard LietaerAuthor of The Future of Money,Thomas GrecoAuthor of“Money”and other inspiringbooks,Eric Harris-Br

19、aunBrother in every aspect of life,inspirer,pioneer,visionary,Fernanda IbarraMy beloved partner,co-creating the future together,Arthur BrockVisionary,pioneer,inspirer,Edgar CahnInventor of Time Banking,And so many others!,Research and developmentorganizationTheTransitioner.organd soon.FutureOfMoney.orgFutoroDelDinero.org,Jean-Franois NoubelFernanda IbarrateamTheTransitioner.org,THANK YOU!,


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