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1、人教版,语法 代词,人教版,语法要点1掌握人称代词、物主代词和不定代词的用法。2掌握指示代词和反身代词的人称和数的变化。,要点一:人称代词,me,us,you,you,they,my friend=Tom=Mary=my mother=Mary and lily=he and I=his sister=,he/she,he,she,she,they,we,she,人教版,2.用法人称代词的主格在句子中作主语或表语,宾格作动词或介词的宾语,也可作表语使用。如:We all like him.(we作主语,him作宾语)Who is it?Its I/me.(it作主语,I或me作表语),提醒(1

2、)当句中三种人称单数并列时一般顺序是you,he and I(即二、三、一);复数并列时顺序是we,you and they。You,he and I are all invited to the party this evening.,it作无人称代词的主语,表时间、天气、距离、温度、环境和情况。It was noisy when I got to the room.What time is it?Its nine oclock.(时间)Whats the weather like today?Its sunny.(天气)Its two kilometers from your school

3、 to the post office.(距离),人教版,(2)代词it可代替动词不定式作为句中的形式主语或形式宾语,也可用于某些固定句式中。如:对我而言,按时完成作业有困难。_hard for me _ the homework on time.我们认为晚饭后散步很有益。We think it helpful _ a walk after supper.他花了三天时间读完了那本书。_him three days to finish reading the book.,Its,to finish,to take,It took,人教版,要点二:物主代词,mine,yours,his,its,人

4、教版,2.用法形容词性物主代词不能单独使用,用于名词前作定语,相当于形容词的作用。名词性物主代词单独使用,相当于名词的作用。如;This is his computer.This computer is his.这是他的电脑。,人教版,要点三:反身代词,1反身代词表示“某人自己”。详见下表:,myself,yourselves,itself,人教版,2.用法(1)反身代词在句子中用作宾语和表语(不能单独用作主语),和句子中的主语相呼应,表示主语动作的承受者或表现的特征是自己本身。如:The girl is too young to look after _.这个女孩太小,不能照顾自己。(作宾语

5、)(2)反身代词作主语或宾语的同位语,起强调主语或宾语的作用。如:I myself can do this work well.我自己能做好这项工作。(作主语的同位语)You can ask the teacher herself.你可以问问老师本人。(作宾语的同位语),herself,人教版,3固定搭配leave one by oneself 把某人单独留下随便吃/喝_by oneself 单独地过得快乐;玩得开心_learn by oneselfteach oneself 自学伤害某人自己_come to oneself 苏醒say to oneself 心里想make oneself a

6、t home 别拘束,help oneself to,enjoy oneself,hurt oneself,一、用人称代词代替下列各词或划线部分:1.Mrs.Li 2.her uncle 3.Miss Liu 4.my family 5.my cousin and I 6.our pencils 7.its tail 8.his grandmother 9.your T-shirt 10.Bob 11.their pears 12.the park 13.Jenny 14.the animals 15.my mother and father 16.The car is red.17.Thes

7、e books are on the desk18.My mother and I are at home.19.Mr.Smith is a kind man.20.Her aunt is a model.(模特),二用括号中代词的适当形式填空1.Her sister is helping _(we).2.John and I are in the same school.(we)go to school together.3.Everyone likes_(she),do(you)?4.Her sister is helping _(we).5._(me)have many friends.

8、Some of(they)are good at English.6.Jim is English._(I)like playing with _(he)7.I love _(they)very much.8.Miss Li often looks after_(she)9.They are waiting for_(they).10.Do you like Li Ming?No,_(I)dont like _.(he)11.Danny gives the book to _.(you),us,We,her,us,I,them,I,him,them,herself,them,I,him,you

9、,1.Is _ a boy or girl?A.she B.he C.one D.it 2.They asked_ to do the work.A.you,he and I B.you,him and me C.I,you and he D.me,you and him 3.Someone is knocking at the door,but who can _ be?A.one B.he C.she D.it 4._ a heavy rain last night.A.There had B.We had C.It was D.There is 5._ is 200 kilometres

10、 from here to the natural park.We have to go there by car.A.There B.It C.This D.The place 6.The bear was shot in_ head.?A.the B.its C.a D.this,8.Our room is big,but_ is bigger than_.A.their;our B.their;ours C.theirs;ours D.theirs;our.9.Have you read the newspaper today?Yes,there is in it.A.something

11、 interesting B.interesting something C.anything interesting D.interesting any thing10.Sorry I have forgot _ telephone number.A.yours B.him C.you D.his 11.We _ at the party last Sunday.A.enjoyed myself B.enjoyed ourselves C.enjoy myself D.enjoyed ourself 12.You are twelve now._ must look after_.A.You

12、;yourself B.Your;yourself C.You;your D.Youre;yourself,60 Tom is stronger than _ in his class.,A.any students B.other student,C.any other student D.any other students,.,13.“Make_ at home.he said to his friends.A.yourself B.yourselves C.you D.yours 14.Let Tony do it by_.He is no longer a kid A.him B.h

13、is C.himself D.he 15.This blue suit looks better than the green _.A./B.one C.suits D.ones 16.Tom,Please pass _ the newspaper.I want to read it.A.you B.me C.him D.her 17.The English novel is quite easy for you.There are _ new words in it.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few 18.-You want _ sandwich?-Yes,

14、I usually eat a lot when Im hungry.A.other B.another C.others D.the other,人教版,要点四:指示代词,指示代词是表示指示概念的代词,可以在句子中作主语、表语、宾语和定语。指示代词有:,人教版,要点五:不定代词,1定义不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词。多数可以作主语、宾语、表语或定语。常见的不定代词有:some,any,no,none,one,all,every,each,other,another,either,neither,both,many,much,(a)few,(a)little,a lot of

15、,lots of以及some,any,no和every与thing,body或one构成的复合不定代词。,人教版,人教版,如:He has _ friends,but he has _ good friends.他有一些朋友,但是他几乎没有好朋友。Theres still _ meat at home,but theres _ bread.家里还有点肉,但是几乎没面包了。(2)some,any二者均表示“一些”,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。some一般用于肯定句,any一般用于疑问句、否定句和条件状语从句。在疑问句中,表示说话人希望得到肯定回答或表示请求、建议时,用some。如:

16、Would you like _?来点儿茶吗?Will you please get _ for me?请你帮我弄点儿水好吗?,a few,few,a little,little,some tea,some water,人教版,(3)both,all,neither,either,any,none,如:My parents are _ teachers.我父母都是老师。There are some trees on _ side of the road.马路两边都有树。I like _ these two coats.两件大衣我都不喜欢。,both,either,neither of,人教版,

17、(4)many,much,a lot of 三者都表示“许多”。其中many 和much 常用于否定句和疑问句中;肯定句中常用a lot of。many修饰可数名词复数;much修饰不可数名词;a lot of(lots of)既可以修饰可数名词复数,又可以修饰不可数名词。(5)each,every两者都表示“每个”“各个”,前者强调每个人或事物的个别情况,即强调个体;后者有“全体”的意思,即强调整体。如:_ them has a dictionary.他们每人有一本词典。_ minute is important to us.对我们来说每分钟都很重要。,Each of,Every,人教版,(

18、6)another,(the)other,(the)othersother泛指“另外的”,不能单独使用,后接名词。others等于“other复数名词”,泛指“别的人或物”;the other(单数可数名词)指“两者中的另一个”,常用于“onethe other”结构。the others等于“the other复数名词”,表示“其余所有的人或物”。another 泛指“三者或三者以上中的另一个”。如:Do you have any other ideas?你有别的想法吗?I have two brothers._ is a doctor,_ is a teacher.我有两个兄弟。一个是医生

19、,另一个是教师。,One,the other,人教版,He is always ready to help _.他总是乐意帮助别人。Five of them are in the classroom.What about _?他们中有五个人在教室里。其余的人呢?Dont lose heart.Have _ try.别灰心,再试一次。,others,the others,another,人教版,(7)复合不定代词 以some和any开头的复合不定代词用法和some,any的用法一样。(some和any的用法见上文)修饰复合不定代词的形容词要放在其后。如:Is there _ in todays

20、newspaper?今天的报纸有什么重要新闻吗?复合不定代词作主语视为单数。如:Nobody _ his name.没有人知道他的名字。,anything important,knows,人教版,要点六:疑问代词,疑问代词主要有who(谁),whom(谁),which(哪一个/哪一些),what(什么)和whose(谁的),用来构成特殊疑问句,放在句子开头。如:_ do you want to know?你想要知道什么?_ shirt is this?这是谁的衬衫?Tea and coffee,_ do you prefer?,What,Whose,which,Exercises:1-_ is

21、 your e-mail address(邮件地址)?-Its.A.Who B.How C.What D.Which 2 _ does your brother do?-He is a bus driver.A.Where B.Why C.What D.How 3.-_ can I do for you?-I would like a cup of tea.A.What B.How C.Which D.Who 4.-_coat is more beautiful than yours?-Lilys.A.Which B.Whose C.Who D.What,7.You may come to m

22、y house _ this week_ next week.A.neither;or B.from to C.either or D.either;nor 8.I dont think we can do it all_.A.by ourselves B.by myself C.by ourself D.by yourselves 9.I dont want this shirt.Please show me_ A.others B.the others C.another D.the other 10.I cant repair the model ship_.Can you help_?

23、A.me;me B.myself,myself C.myself,me D.me,myself 11.Does your brother often wash clothes_?A.he B.himself C.herself D.him,5.-_ is the matter?-I have a headache(头疼).A.Who B.What C.How D.Which 6-_are you going to do this evening,Sally?-Im going to do my homework.A.Where B.what C.how D.when,12.We study C

24、hinese,English,maths and some _ subjects.A.the other B.one C.other D.another 13.I have two sisters._ of them are doctors.A.Both B.All C.Either D.Neither 14.The book on the shelf is_.She _ wrote_ name on its cover.A.hers,herself,her B.Her;hers;herself C.hers;her;hers D.Her;herself;herself 15.“Dont wo

25、rry.Theres_ much wrong with you.”said the doctor.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.very,16.These shoes are too small.You may buy some_ shoes.A.another B.other C.the others D.others 17.I asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner,but_ of them came.A.all B.both C.none D.neither18._ Li Pings b

26、rother.A.Her B.His C.Hes D.Shes,19.I found _impossible for _to work out the maths problem.A.it;him B.it;he C.that;him D.that;he 20.I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full.A.it B.that C.these D.them 21.Although he s wealthy,he spends _ on clothes.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few,22.The doct

27、ors and nurses are doing their best to fight SARS.They think more of others than _.A.they B.them C.themselves D.theirs 23.-Which do you prefer,a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk?-_,thanks.Id like a cup of tea.A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.None 24.-Oh!I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.-Never mind.You can have _.A.us B.ours C.you D.yours 25.-Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?-_ is OK.Im free today and tomorrow.A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.None 26.-How are you going to improve _ this term?-Work harder than last term.A.ourselves B.myself C.himself D.yourself,


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