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1、Value Stream Mapping,Value Steam Mapping,The Value Stream-a definition,“All of the steps required to bring a product orservice from raw state through to the customer”,Total Value Stream,Supplier,Process C,Process B,Process A,Customer,Internal Plant,2,Value Steam Mapping,What is Value Stream Mapping?

2、,Value Stream Mapping is a powerful technique that allowsus to create a“BIG PICTURE”visual representation of:,All the steps in the process,working back from customer demand to raw material,The flow of both material and information and the effect they have on each other,The distinction between value-

3、added and non-value-added activity(WASTE),The effect all of the above have on meeting the customers requirements,3,Value Steam Mapping,The 8 Wastes,Scrap/Rework,Over-production,Inventory,Motion,Processing,Transportation,Under-utilized People Waiting(manpower,material,machine),4,Value Steam Mapping,#

4、1 Scrap/Rework,Definition:,Any product that does not meet specifications and therefore either needs to be reworked or scrapped,Goal:,100%First Time Through Quality,5,Value Steam Mapping,#2 Over-production(Under),Definition:,Producing more than is necessary,often causing WIP(Work In Process);working

5、on parts ahead of schedule while delinquent parts wait,Goal:,Produce to Target Cycle Time then eventually produce all operations to Takt Time in the Future State,6,Value Steam Mapping,#3 Inventory,Definition:material or parts that are stored for future use orshipment,Before,After,If you had only 30

6、seconds to find the unit.which storage system would you choose?,7,Value Steam Mapping,#4 Motion,Definition:,Excessive motion beyond what is needed to get the job done,Goal:,Same as Definition,?,sitting,searching,turningaround,walking,climbing,choosing,bending lying downover,8,Value Steam Mapping,#5

7、Processing(Over&Under),Definition:,Extra and/or unnecessary operations,Standardization of operations not thorough enough,Processing a part above specifications,Goal:,Process parts that consistently meet the minimum customer requirements 100%of the time,9,Value Steam Mapping,#6 Transportation,Definit

8、ion:,Moving parts to unnecessary distances from one operation to another,Goal:,Put operations in order;minimize or eliminate the travel distance between them,10,Value Steam Mapping,#7 Waiting,Definition:,a person or part(s)sitting idle while waiting for material,a supervisor,the next operation,etc.,

9、Goal:,Eliminate the unplanned interruptions that occur due to inefficiencies,Develop continuous flow wherever possible,Convert waiting to value-added work,11,Value Steam Mapping,#8 Under-utilized People,Definition:,Skills untapped,Ideas not implemented and improvements not realized,Goal:,Tap into th

10、e energies and unused improvement ideas from the workforce,12,Value Steam Mapping,Exercise Worksheet,MANUFACTURING WASTES IDENTIFICATION SHEET,Dept:_,Transportation,Under-utilizedPeople,Scrap/Rework,Over(Under)Production,Processing,5S-Sort,Straighten,Sweep,Standardize&Self Discipline,Inventory,NO.,W

11、ASTE IDENTIFIED,John McLauchlin,Revision Date:4/25/2000,Waiting,Motion,13,Value Steam Mapping,Value Stream Analysis Process,Value Stream Mapping,1.0Select Champion and Initial Product Family,2.0 Gather,Map,andAnalyze SelectedValue Stream Data,3.0Design Future State,4.0Implementation Planning and Exe

12、cution,1.Understand business goals and customer objectives,2.Select champion and value stream leaders based on proven criteria for success,3.Define product families based on common processes and equipment,14,Value Steam Mapping,Leadership and Champions,Observations,LeanAerospace Initiative,A common

13、factor in all observed successful lean implementations is one or more empowered Champions.,Champions are usually high-level leaders who take on a pro-active role shaping and supporting the lean initiatives,and ensuring that system barriers are identified and addressed.,To start your lean journey,you

14、 need a leader or set of leaders to:,Develop a strategic direction,Agree to and communicate the strategic direction,Make available the needed resources,Provide continued,visible support,Without the support of a champion,you should not attempt to implement lean practices and principles-it is a recipe

15、 for disaster,15,Value Steam Mapping,Small Group Activity,Identify who in your organization will fill these critical roles to support lean implementation,Executive Champion,Implementation Leader,Operations Manager,Technical Support,Other Key Roles?,Briefly describe the role each person will have in

16、supporting lean,What can you do to get these people to successfully support your efforts,Executive Champion Implementation Leader Operational Mgr,16,Value Steam Mapping,Define Product Families,Analyze Product-Volume Chart to separate high runners from low runners,Analyze Product-Process Matrix to id

17、entify similar processing steps and common equipment,Analyze Routings to identify common sequences focusing on:,Operations that can potentially be dedicated to the product family,Operations that are neither monuments nor batch cycles,Downstream processes most visible to the customer,17,Value Steam M

18、apping,Analyze Product-Volume Chart to separatehigh runners from low runners,Product Volume Chart,4500,4000,3500,Annual Volume,3000,2500,2000,1500,1000,500,0,2206,2150,2170,2158,2108,2142,2124,2102,2172,2212,2222,2202,2204,Part Number,18,Value Steam Mapping,Analyze Product-process Matrix to Identify

19、 SimilarProcessing Steps and Common Equipment,Vol.,400,360,450,450,760,620,750,322,58,300,268,4000,PNs,2124,2102,2108,2142,2150,2158,2170,2172,2204,2212,2222,2206,4070,Rough,H.T.,Turn,Deburr,Insp,Black,MPI,Ship,Mark,Mill,Saw,Drill,Coppr,Grind,Weld,Plasma,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,8338,

20、X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,8338,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,8338,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,3978,3138,1800,5200,0,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,8280,3712,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,4326,X,4000,58,4280,8338,19,Value Steam Mapping,Analyze Routings to Identify Common

21、Sequences,Types of Machines,Rough,1,2,3,4,4,5,6,Insp,Black,MPI,Grind,Weld,Coppr,Plasma,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,ASSM,FPI,Coat,Lap,Polish,Paint,Nickel,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,Batch or Out Sourced,Non-monument,H.T.,Turn,Mill,Drill,Deburr,Mark,Product Family“A”,2124,2102,2108,2142,2150,2158,2172,2170,2204,2212,2


23、,15,7,20,7,15,7,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,“C”,“B”,50%of Total Volume,20,Value Steam Mapping,Value Stream Analysis Process,Value Stream Mapping,1.0Select Champion and Initial Product Family,2.0 Gather,Map,andAnalyze SelectedValue Stream Data,3.0Design Future State,4.0Implementation Planning and Execution

24、,1.Gather customer information,2.Walk the process-sketch process boxes.,3.Fill in process data boxes and inventory levels(by product).,4.Document how goods are delivered to the customer.,5.Gather information on suppliers.,6.Add information flows.,7.Sketch how material moves between processes.,8.Draw

25、 production lead time/value-added timeline.,21,Value Steam Mapping,Material Flow Icons,Assembly,XYZCorporation,Process Box,Supplier/Customer,C/T=45 sec.C/O=30 min.,3 Shifts.2%Scrap,I,300 pieces 1 day,Inventory,Supermarket,Buffer orSafety Stock,Data Box,Mon+Wed,Shipment,Push,Physical Pull,Finished Go

26、ods to Customer,FIFO,First-In-First-Out,Operator,22,Value Steam Mapping,Information Flow Icons,WeeklySchedule,ManualInformation Flow,ElectronicInformation Flow,Schedule,OXOX,LoadLeveling Box,Sequenced-Pull Ball,Uptime,Changeover,Withdrawal Kanban,Production Kanban,SignalKanban,Kanban Post,KaizenLigh

27、tning Burst,23,Value Steam Mapping,Mapping Tips,Use a pencil and draw on 11”x 17”paper or larger,Draw top of process boxes just below the middle of the page,Leave enough room between process boxes to show inventory,Decide whether to count all parts or just a sample part,Draw only one to three main s

28、uppliers/supplied items,Production lead time is calculated by dividing inventory quantity bydaily customer requirement.,Put a Title and date on map and include Customer Requirements,Make every effort to collect good data,Use alternate methods for collecting data when time is a constraint,Compare aga

29、inst recent historical data as a sanity check,24,Current State Value Stream Map,Supplier,Customer,Customer requirement 500 blades per week,2,1,1,11,22,21,Current State Value Stream Map,Supplier,Customer,Customer requirement 500 blades per week,Daily,Daily,I,2,I,1,I,1,I,11,I,22,I,21,I,600,108,156,208

30、,174,72,184,Current State Value Stream Map,2 year Forecast,Supplier,90 day order,Weekly order,90 Day production plan,2 year Forecast,MRP Function,90 day order,Weekly order,Customer,Daily,Weekly Schedule,Daily Meeting,Daily,Customer requirement 500 blades per week,Daily,Daily,I,2,I,1,I,1,I,11,I,22,I,

31、21,I,600,108,156,208,174,72,184,Current State Value Stream Map,2 year Forecast,Supplier,90 day order,Weekly order,90 Day production plan,2 year Forecast,MRP Function,90 day order,Weekly order,Customer,Daily,Weekly Schedule,Daily Meeting,Daily,Customer requirement 500 blades per week,Daily,Daily,I,2,

32、I,1,I,1,I,11,I,22,I,21,I,600,108,156,208,174,72,184,VA Ratio,=0.8%,Exercise:ABC Forging(Sample data),Customer Demand,Product Mix,VolumeA,VolumeB,VolumeC,VolumeD,VolumeE,=5 Discs,=500/yr,=500/yr,=500/yr,=150/yr,=100/yr,Delivery,Scorecard,Quality,Concessions,=0 ppm,=15,000 cppm(dimensional),=75%,Respo

33、nse Time=70 days,Transportation,Distance to Customer=200 mi,Distance HT/Insp=150 mi,Response Time=5 day,Production Process,Op,Saw,*HT,C/T,=15 m,=9h,4h,C/O,20m,1.5 h,Inv.,35,119,14,98,49,21,Misc.,20%time,2 h(Heat),8 h(Cool),5%rework,Scheduling,Two 8-hr shifts,30 min break per shift,5 workdays/week,50

34、 weeks/year,Customer provides 2-year forecast,60-day flexible schedule,weekly pull signal,Aero provides sub-tiers w/2 yr forecast and 8-week firm schedule,Aero using MRP to schedule each work center,supervisors expedite daily,Batch size of 40 pieces through process,average lead time of 10 weeks,Forg

35、e=07 m,*Insp=03 m,Mach=3 h,Insp,=1.5 h,Pack=5 m,*Outsourced Operations,Value Steam Mapping,Process Information Sheet,Supplier:,Part Name:,T im e from T im e e la s p s e dfin is h in g la s tAva ila b le or from fin is h in g on e g ood p a rt of on e a s s ig n e d n u m b e r p a rt to fin is h in

36、 gp rod u c tion ru n toof m in u te s for th e n e xt p a rt(with firs t g ood p a rt of e a c h op e ra tion in aDe s c rip tion of th e p roc e s s b e in g p e rform e dn o s e tu p)n e xt ru n24 h ou r p e riod,Part No:,Ave.n u m b e r ofp a rts ru n b e forem ovin g a ll p a rtsto n e xt op e

37、ra tion,Annual Volume:,Rou tin gO p e ra tion Nu m b e r,Ve n d or n a m e(ou ts ou rc e dop e ra tion s on ly),City a n d s ta te wh e reou ts ou rc e d op e ra tion is p e rform e d,T ra ve l d is ta n c e to ou ts id e ve n d ors,Me a n s ofc on ve ye n c e,Ave ra g e tim e ap a rt s p e n d s a

38、te a c h op e ra tion,Operation,Description,Cycle TimeChange(min)Over(min),AvailableMinutes per Day,Batch Size,Vendor,Location,Distancefrom Plant Method of(miles)Transport,Lead Time(days),30,Value Steam Mapping,Value Stream Analysis Process,Value Stream Mapping,1.0 Select Championand Initial Product

39、 Family,2.0 Gather,Map,andAnalyze SelectedValue Stream Data,3.0Design Future State,4.0Implementation Planning and Execution,Customer Delivery Strategy,Supporting Improvements,1.What process improvements need to be addressed immediately?,Material Flow,2.Where can you implement flow?,3.Where should yo

40、u reduce batch size to improve responsiveness?,4.Should you build to customer order or finished goods?,5.What single point will you schedule to customer requirements?,Information Flow,6.How will you schedule or pull material from upstream?,7.How will you level production to the pacemaker operation?,

41、31,Exercise:ABC Forging(Sample Data)Brainstorm Future State,2-yr forecast,Sub-Tier,8-WeekOrder to Deliver,VolumeMixDeliveryQualityResponse,2-yr forecast,60-DaySchedule,=1750/yr5/5/5/1.5/1=75%=15k cppm=5 days,Production Control,SAP,Rolls-Royce,ReleaseMaterial,Daily Priority Lists,ReleaseWeekly,200 mi

42、Weekly,4 weeks,20%,5%Rework,2 weeks,Saw,C/T=15 mC/O=20 mBatch=40,Forge,C/T=7 mC/O=1.5 hHeat=2 h,150 mi,HeatTreat,C/T=9 hCool=8 h,Insp,C/T=3 m,150 mi,Mach ine,C/T=3 hC/O=2 h,Insp,C/T=1.5 h,Pack,C/T=5 m,0:15,5 Days,2:10,17 Days,17:00,2 Days,0:03,14 Days,3:00,7 Days,2:00,3 Days,0:05,Cycle Time=24 hrsTransport=6 hrsIdle=48 days,


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