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1、Introduction to Language and Linguistics,-A Course Description and Assessment,Lan Chun,School of English and International StudiesBFSU,1.Background of the Course,An obligatory course for Year 3 English majors since late 1980s.Began to teach this course in 2005.Questionnaires and interviews at the be

2、ginning and end of every term.,2.Description of the Course,2.1 ObjectivesArouse students interest in language and linguistics.Dispel a number of myths about the nature of language.Discuss various aspects of language from both a historical and current point of view.,2.2 Topics Covered,Topic 1:Facts a

3、nd fantasies about languageTopic 2:The physical aspects of language Topic 3:The words of languageTopic 4:The meanings of languageTopic 5:The sentence patterns of language,Topic 6:Language in societyTopic 7:Doings things with languageTopic 8:Child language acquisitionTopic 9:A cognitive reading of cl

4、assical Chinese poems,2.3 Supplementary Reading,Poole,Stuart C.,2000.An Introduction to Linguistics.Beijing:FLTRP.Radford,Andrew,et al.,2000.Linguistics:An Introduction.Beijing:FLTRP.Yaguello,Marina,1998.Language Through the Looking Glass.Oxford:Oxford University Press.Yule,George.2000.The Study of

5、Language.Beijing:FLTRP.,2.4 Assessment,Term paper 70%Classroom contribution 15%Classroom attendance 15%,3.At the Beginning of the Course:Questionnaire 1,Time:10:10 a.m.Date:5th March,2006Sent out:48Returned:47,Question 1 What do you think linguistics is about?,1)Linguistics has something to do with

6、the sounds,vocabulary,grammar,meaning and historical development of language.Example 1 语言学对语言有从微观到宏观的研究,从词源、词语构成、发音等基本元素,到语言的美感、逻辑性以及文化背景,逐步培养我们批判性思维与分析能力。),2)Linguistics has something to do with finding out the essence of language and the similarities and differences across languages.Example 2 与各语言

7、的学习不同,语言学并不要求学生掌握并会运用某种语言,而是将语言作为一个整体来研究其在历史上的起源、演变和发展。Example 3 语言学顾名思义一定与语言有关。从广义上来讲,语言学包括语言的历史演变,语言与文化的关系,方言以及语言的地理特征,不同语言、不同语系之间的关系等等。所以语言学不单单是一门研究语言本身的学问,而是一个范围极其广泛的人文学科。,3)Linguistics has something to do with investigating the uses of language.Example 4 语言学应该是研究语言在生活中的作用,分析各种语言现象,在不同环境中语言的不同用法

8、,等等。,Question 2 Do you think it is necessary to offer this course to English major students?Why?,1)Linguistics is one of the foundational courses for language students.(15)Example 5 有必要,是理论基础之一,但为何放到大三才开?Example 6 有必要。有人曾说过:“一个人应该用一切有用的知识武装自己的头脑。”语言学作为一门学科,必定有其实用的价值。并且语言学同社会学、历史学、地理学、美学等人文学科息息相关,英语专

9、业本科开设这样一门课,能够扩展学生的知识面,对一个人的综合素质的提高大有帮助。Example 7 因为我们毕业拿的是“英语语言文学”学位,当然要学“语言学”。,2)Linguistic knowledge will help me learn English and other foreign languages better.(15)Example 8 1)更好地理解语言,甚至可能帮助记忆单词。2)更好地准备考试,如专八考试最后三道选择题。,3)Linguistic knowledge will help me with translation,literature,and perhaps

10、postgraduate entrance examination.(8),Question 3 What do you expect from this course?,Question 4 What requirements have you got for the teacher?,About the teacherBe enthusiastic,amiable and humorous.Dont be too harsh on the students.(9)Dont be too lenient.(1)Be responsible.(2),About the way of lectu

11、ringBe systematic.Encourage in-class discussions.Illustrate abstract theories with lively examples.Be good at using PPT and multi media.Dont go too fast or too slow.,Dont get too difficult or too easy.Add historical and cultural background.Offer immediate feedback.Provide students with autonomous le

12、arning resources.Dont brag on when time is up.(不拖堂)(1),4.At the End of the Course:Questionnaire 2,Time:11:40 a.m.Date:28th June,2006Sent out:48Returned:48,Question 1 Do you think it necessary to have this course?Why?,1)This course helps me understand the basic properties of language and gain some ba

13、sic knowledge of linguistics.(36)Example 9 学语言的人没有基本的语言学知识,就像农夫不知道如何使用耕作工具一样。Example 10 可以让我们对语言学有一个大概的认识,而不会盲目地认为语言学枯燥无味;可以增加我们对语言学的兴趣,但最好可以在低年级的时候开这门课。Example 11 该课程可以使我们对一些基本的语言问题有所了解,这些问题我们在平时都很少考虑,或者仅仅是想当然认为“天生”就是那样。通过学习,可以使我们深入其中,知其所以然。,2)This course helps with my English/Chinese learning.(6)E

14、xample 12对语言本身的了解不仅使我们更了解英语,也改变了对用得太久以至注意不到的汉语的看法。,3)This course benefits my translation practice and translation theory learning.(4)Example 13这门课像是开启了一扇大门,老师带我们去各处浏览一番,不同的人会被不同的景色吸引,即使觉得索然无味也无妨,毕竟有的人可以从这里找到自己的兴趣。另外,这个领域与翻译专业有许多紧密相连的地方,可帮助翻译理论学习。,1)At the beginning of the course,80.9%of the students

15、 felt that it is necessary to have the course,the rest 19.1%of the students did not find it necessary or had no idea at all.At the end of the course,the percentage of the students who found it necessary to have the course increased to 95.8%.,2)At the first sight,the reasons offered by the students f

16、or the necessity of the course remain more or less the same,yet a closer study of each individual account reveals that most of the students were surer in their attitude and less vague in their wording at the end of the course than at the beginning.,Question 2 What do you think you have learned from

17、the course?Please give brief explanations.,1)The course helps me understand the nature of language better.2)From the course,I got some basic ideas of linguistics.3)From the course,I got some ideas of what academic research is like.4)Following the course makes me more sensitive to language use and ot

18、her related phenomena.,Example 14 我认为自己学到一些东西,可以说不少。包括:1)语言学的基本内容,包括各个研究领域以及一些有趣的成果;2)认识到语言学是非常有意思而且值得研究的一个领域;3)意识到对中文的学习需要加强。Example 15 一、语言的发展,起源,特性;二、语言学的各个部分及学习这些方面的不同方法;三、相关的语言资料加强了自身对语言的关注;四、学术论文及参考资料阅读帮助了解学术研究的方法。,Example 16 首先,我学到了如何写论文。这是很重要的一点。其次,我了解了基本的语言学概念及理论,对其它课程的阅读和课外阅读都大有帮助。再者,我学会了分

19、析证明方法,即如何通过实验、例证等方式证明自己的理论观点。Example 17 我认为最重要的是老师将我们平时熟视无睹的语言现象重新呈现在我们面前,启发我们去揭示其奥秘,如语言的各方面、儿童语言习得、语言的社会功能等等。,Example 18 一些语言方面的基本知识,以及语言学习方面的知识,比如语法的习得。以前都是老师直接将最终的语法规则告诉我们,现在通过一步步的分解,我了解到一种语言的语法是如何逐步成形的。当然还学到了学习研究的方法。Example 19 语言是社会行为,受社会各方面因素制约;语言是人类行为,受人的主观认识影响;语言是交流行为,以信息有效传递为根本目的。,1)At the b

20、eginning of the course,93.6%hoped that they could learn something from the course,4.3%did not know if they would learn anything,and 2.1%did not want to learn anything at all.At the end of the course,the 4.3%who were unsure have been convinced that they have indeed learned something.The 2.1%remained

21、negative.,2)Most of the students felt that they have benefited from the course in an“academic”sense,not in a“practical”sense as they had expected.This is a more realistic view,and the majority of the students did not complain about not getting too many practical benefits from the course.,Question 3

22、Which topic/topics has/have impressed you most?Why?,Question 4 Which topic/topics has/have bored you most?Why?,Question 5 What did you like about the teacher and her teaching?Why?,例证结合理论,生动有趣(21,43.4%)讲解深入浅出,思路清晰(18,37.5%)组织课堂讨论,师生互动(13,27.1%)英语口语流利,音质优美(11,22.9%)态度亲和幽默,气质优雅(10,20.8%)PPT准备细致,有助教学(8,

23、16.7%),授课内容丰富,旁征博引(7,14.6%)讲解难易适中,节奏适中(4,8.3%)治学态度严谨,学生受益(4,8.3%)课前总结回顾,有利复习(2,4.2%)课件提前下发,有利预习(1,2.1%)与学生有共同语言(1,2.1%)中文功底扎实(1,2.1%)No likes.(1,2.1%),Question 6 What didnt you like about the teacher and her teaching?Why?,No dislikes.(22,45.8%)与学生交流偏少(6,12.5%)主观因素太强(3,6.3%)冷笑话(2,4.2%)声音偏小(2,4.2%)略显严

24、肃(2,4.2%)理论部分比较枯燥(2,4.2%),点人回答问题(2,4.2%)有时拘泥于课件,不够活跃(2,4.2%)没有课堂成果验收,助长学生惰性(2,4.2%)例子涵盖的面偏窄(1,2.1%)散漫,效率低(1,2.1%)有时讲解笼统(1,2.1%)主题性不够强(1,2.1%)回答提问不够亲切(1,2.1%)声音太优雅(1,2.1%)穿插中文偏多(1,2.1%),Question 7 What suggestions have you got for this course?,多开一学期,或增加课时(7,14.6%)内容再深入一些、丰富一些(7,14.6%)授课方式再多样一些(6,12.5

25、%)加强师生互动(5,10.4%)增加对实际语言现象的分析(4,4.2%)增加Handouts内容(3,6,3%)增加汉语语言学内容(2,4.2%)在开课前的假期推荐阅读书目(1,2.1%),增加对术语的解释(1,2.1%)介绍语言学的新发展(1,2.1%)避免与其它课程的重复(1,2.1%)增加对英语、汉语以外的语言的分析(1,2.1%)让课堂再紧张一点(1,2.1%)改为选修课(1,2.1%)No suggestions.(13,27.1%),Question 8 Do you accept term paper as the assessment for the course?Why o

26、r why not?,Example 20接受。以较为灵活的方式考察学生对知识的掌握情况。但我认为可能不会百分之百地真实反映学生上课听讲的情况。对于某些平时认真听讲、但不太擅长写论文的同学来说可能会不公平。Example 21接受。能考查自主学习研究能力,但可能局限于一点,无法反映整学期的学习状况,而且对现阶段的我们来说,写学术论文尚需更多指导。Example 22接受,但是以现在的课时数及知识内容很难写出高质量的论文。建议可以将论文放到假期,让我们有时间大量阅读相关书本,做调查研究,写出好的论文。,1)Apart from writing up a term paper,there coul

27、d also be an open exam to test how much the students have learned from the course;2)academic writing supervision is highly necessary as they have almost done no academic writing up till now;3)topics could be given earlier.,Example 23目前不适合,因为知识体系尚未成熟,不能熟练运用。Example 24本身的水平及一个学期的短暂学习根本不可能做出像样的论文,无非东抄西

28、抄,毫无意义。,5.Conclusions,1)Students interest in linguistics can be actively aroused if the lecturer knows what they want and plan their teaching accordingly;2)students find the lectures most benefiting when the lecturer tries to involve them by organizing workshops,in-class discussions and group presen

29、tations;,3)taking into account the really scanty linguistic knowledge students bring with them into the classroom,it is advisable that the lecturer should not bombard them with one abstract term after another,but concentrate more on topics that can be easily associated with the students daily life,such as language from a users perspective,language in society,language and gender.,更多资源http:/,


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