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1、,整体梗概,第一节:托福(TOEFL iBT)雅思(IELTS)美国高考:赛达(SAT)ACT(American College Test),第二节:记忆方法(背单词)材料:GRE词汇精选(红宝书),-宇宙超级无敌可爱的分界线-,-还是宇宙超级无敌可爱的分界线-,休息一下,托福(TOEFL iBT),The TOEFL iBT Test-Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based Test In fact,more institutions accept TOEFL test scores than any other test s

2、cores in the world more than 6,000 colleges,universities and licensing agencies in 110 countries,to be exact.And,with more than 4,000 test centers worldwide,taking the test is convenient and easy.Nearly 8000 words.王玉梅5000、俞敏洪托福词频,托福(TOEFL iBT),考试内容,托福(TOEFL iBT),雅思(IELTS),IELTSInternational English

3、Language Testing SystemIELTS is available in two formats Academic and General Training7000-8000 words,雅思(IELTS),雅思(IELTS),All candidates must complete four Modules-Listening,Reading,Writing and Speaking to obtain an IELTS Test Report Form.Candidates are tested in Listening,Reading,Writing and Speaki

4、ng.All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking Modules.There is a choice between Academic and General Training in the Reading and Writing Modules.Total Test Time2 hours 45 minutesThe first three modules-Listening,Reading and Writing-must be completed in one day.The Speaking Module may be tak

5、en,at the discretion of the test centre,in the period seven days before or after the other Modules.The tests are designed to cover the full range of ability from non-user to expert user.,雅思托福分数换算表,赛达(SATScholastic Aptitude Test),SAT Reasoning TestThe SAT Reasoning Test is a measure of the critical t

6、hinking skills youll need for academic success in college.The SAT assesses how well you analyze and solve problemsskills you learned in school that youll need in college.The SAT is typically taken by high school juniors and seniors.Each section of the SAT is scored on a scale of 200800,with two writ

7、ing subscores for multiple-choice and the essay.It is administered seven times a year in the U.S.,SAT Subject TestSubject Tests(formerly SAT II:Subject Tests)are designed to measure your knowledge and skills in particular subject areas,as well as your ability to apply that knowledge.,赛达(SATScholasti

8、c Aptitude Test),赛达(SATScholastic Aptitude Test),Example:Hoping to-the dispute,negotiators proposed a compromise that they felt would be-to both labor and management.A)enforce.useful B)end.divisive C)overcome.unattractive D)extend.satisfactory E)resolve.Acceptable,Correct answer:(E)ExplanationOne wa

9、y to answer a sentence completion question with two words missing is to focus first on just one of the two blanks.If one of the words in an answer choice is logically wrong,then you can eliminate the entire choice from consideration.Look at the first blank in the example above.Would it make sense to

10、 say that negotiators who have proposed a compromise were hoping to enforce or extend the dispute?No,so neither(A)nor(D)can be the correct answer.Now you can focus on the second blank.Would the negotiators have proposed a compromise that they believed would be divisive or unattractive to both labor

11、and management?No,so(B)and(C)can be eliminated,and only choice(E)remains.,赛达(SATScholastic Aptitude Test),词汇要求:13,000备考时间:推荐半年准备推荐书籍:GRE词汇精选(红宝书)俞敏洪NEW SAT词汇必备王文山、王海涛词以累记张红岩,赛达(SATScholastic Aptitude Test),赛达(SATScholastic Aptitude Test),A special lottery is to be held to select the student who will

12、 live in the only deluxe room in a dormitory.There are 100 seniors,150 juniors,and 200 sophomores who applied.Each seniors name is placed in the lottery 3 times;each juniors name,2 times;and each sophomores name,1 time.What is the probability that a seniors name will be chosen?,Correct Answer:DExpla

13、nation:To determine the probability that a seniors name will be chosen,you must determine the total number of seniors names that are in the lottery and divide this number by the total number of names in the lottery.Since each seniors name is placed in the lottery 3 times,there are 3 100=300 seniors

14、names.Likewise,there are 2 150=300 juniors names and 1 200=200 sophomores names in the lottery.The probability that a seniors name will be chosen is.,赛达(SATScholastic Aptitude Test),赛达(SATScholastic Aptitude Test),Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment

15、below.Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of success and achievement,they must forget the past,repress it,and relinquish it.But others have just the opposite view.They see old memories as a chance to reckon with the past and integrate past and present.Adapted from Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot

16、,Ive Known Rivers:Lives of Loss and Liberation Assignment:Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present?Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from you

17、r reading,studies,experience,or observations.,ScoringThe essay is scored by experienced and trained high school and college teachers.Each essay is scored by two people who wont know each others score.They wont know the students identity or school either.Each reader gives the essay a score from 1 to

18、6(6 is the highest score)based on the SAT essay Scoring Guide.,SCORE OF 6 An essay in this category demonstrates clear and consistent mastery,although it may have a few minor errors.A typical essayeffectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critica

19、l thinking,using clearly appropriate examples,reasons,and other evidence to support its position is well organized and clearly focused,demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas exhibits skillful use of language,using a varied,accurate,and apt vocabulary demonstrates meaningful va

20、riety in sentence structure is free of most errors in grammar,usage,and mechanics,赛达(SATScholastic Aptitude Test),Correct Answer:DExplanation:The error in this sentence occurs at(D).When a comparison is introduced by the adverb more,as in more effectively,the second part of the comparison must be in

21、troduced by the conjunction than rather than and not.The other options contain no errors.In(A),the plural verb have discovered agrees with the plural subject students.In(B),the plural pronoun they correctly refers to the plural noun students.In(C),the preposition through appropriately expresses the

22、means by which issues are addressed.The sentence may be corrected as follows:The students have discovered that they can address issues more effectively through letter-writing campaigns than through public demonstrations.,ACTAmerican College Test,The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas:Engli

23、sh,mathematics,reading,and science.The Writing Test,which is optional,measures skill in planning and writing a short essay.,词汇Vocabulary,词汇Vocabulary,俞敏洪老师托福词汇讲座,中国新东方学校董事长,词汇Vocabulary,词汇Vocabulary,词汇Vocabulary,记忆法:词根词缀记忆法;联想记忆法;发音记忆法;比较记忆法。,背单词要求:1.精确记忆及模糊记忆;2.记忆重复原则;3.一定要每次都大量地背;4.坚持,坚持,再坚持做人,不能怂

24、。,重复原则,孔子曰:“豫则立,不豫则废”,意思是凡事如果不做好计划,必将失败。老祖宗的话今天已经成为了工商管理界的金科玉律。能否成功地使用笔者的背单词的方法的关键,就在于能否作出周密的计划,并且坚决的执行下去。,abandon 放弃,重复原则,遗忘记忆曲线,1 第一个记忆周期:5分钟 2 第二个记忆周期:30分钟 3 第三个记忆周期:12小时 4 第四个记忆周期:1天 5 第五个记忆周期:2天 6 第六个记忆周期:4天 7 第七个记忆周期:7天 8 第八个记忆周期:15天,1、词根、词缀记忆法 这是最基本也最有效的记忆方法,必须要掌握。举GRE中最臭名昭著的一个单词为例:arterioscl


26、用拖拉机agronomy农艺学,农学agronomic农艺学的,农事的agrology土壤学agrobiology农业生物学,agr 农业,词根词缀记忆法,anniversary周年纪念日annual每年的annals纪年表,年鉴,年报annalist纪年表编者,编年史作者annuity年金,年金享受权;年金保险annuitant领受养老金者superannuation年老退休,退休金perennial终年的;多年生长的semiannual(每)半年的,一年两次的biannual一年二次的biennial二年生植物,二年一次的事triennial每三年一次的centennial百年纪念annu

27、ally一年一次,每年centenarian百岁或逾百岁以上的人bicentennial二百年的,每二百年的millennia一千年,千年纪念,ann 年,词根词缀记忆法,circusn.马戏;马戏团circlen.圆;圈;环encirclevt.环绕semicirclen.半圆,半圆形体circulara.圆的;循环的circulatevt.使循环 vi.循环circulation循环;(货币等)流通circulative循环性的,促进循环的,具有流通性的circulatory循环的circlet小圈,小的环,饰环circuit电路,回路circuitous迂回的,绕圈子的circuity迂

28、曲,迂回,迂阔encirclement环绕,围绕,包围circumference圆周,周长,圆周线circumstance条件;境遇circumlocution迂回累赘的陈述circumscribe限制,Cir、cyc圈,Circumspect adj.慎重的,仔细的Circumvent v.智胜,回避,绕行cycle vi.骑自行车,循环cyclical adj.循环的,周期性的unicycle n.单轮脚踏车cyclone n.旋风,飓风bicycle n.自行车bicyclist n.骑脚踏车者tricycle n.三轮车Encyclopedia n.百科全书Encyclopedic 广

29、博的,知识渊博的cycloid 摆线,轮转线Cyclometer 记转器计程器,圆弧测定器Tetracycline n.抗生素的一种Cyclorama n.圆形幻画,大风景画幕autocycle n.摩托车recycle vt.(使)再循环cyclotron n.回旋加速器,(省略号),联想记忆法,2、联想记忆法 什么是托福TOEFLTOuch English For Love,联想记忆法,abridge 缩短 aboveboard 光明正大 accost 搭话 fetid恶臭 adamant固执 adage 格言 alphabetical 字母表顺序 aplomb 镇静 arsenal 军械

30、库 aspen白杨 belittle 轻视 brag 吹嘘 castigate 惩治 charisma 领袖气质 collapse 坍塌 consent同意 flinch 畏缩 obtuse愚钝的 phlegmatic冷淡的 prudence谨慎的,quench慈禧太后queen的一只眼睛因为疾病瞎了(主要是指对新政的无知),成了quen(e看作一只眼睛),脾气变得残暴,对当时充满维新热情中国人(Chinese)进行“压制”、“抑制”(quench)。flairfly in the air天资,才能 camouflagecome,oh,u are a flag过来,哦,原来你是旗子伪装 cof

31、fin 联想到 coffee in 喝的过多过的的coffee话,哎那 coffin(棺材)就在等你了.lethargiclet 让,har就当是拟声词哈欠吧gic:让你打哈欠昏睡的 metabolism:me:我 ta:他boli:玻璃这三样变来变去新陈代谢。frustrate 灰心,挫败-fru(fruit水果)+str(strong 强,硬的)+ate(就是吃了)想吃水果,又碰到一个很硬的家伙(椰子)还吃不着,是不是很灰心丧气呀penchant喜欢,嗜好-pen(钢笔)+chant(chat聊天)frenetic狂乱的,发狂的-free+net-免费互联网.adulate奉承-add+u

32、+late,你加我的MSN加太晚了,我现在不让你通过,不加你。你就一个劲的奉承我 omit 忽略,疏忽-o 哦+mit(MIT 著名的麻省理工),你在申请完学校,忽然发现少了它,于是惊呼 哦 MIT,-又是宇宙超级无敌可爱的分界线-,。(省略号),发音记忆法,3、译音记忆法 其实大部分单词都可以用译音法记忆。另一大类是现成的商标:如robust(乐百氏)canon(佳能)。另外还有一些词现在有对应的义译,但五四前后或港台的文章能用音译,用中文音来记英语单词,有点好笑,却能记得饶有兴致,不易忘却,如ultimatum(哀的美敦书),boycott(杯葛),carnival(嘉年华),bingo(

33、宾果)bourgeois(布尔侨亚)等。,发音记忆法,abeyance 终止 alias 化名 ambush 埋伏 ancillary 辅助的 aristocracy 贵族 sanguine 面色红润 ponder 重量 assuage 缓解 austere 朴素的 auxiliary 辅助的 barb 严厉的批评 bedlam混乱 dingy 肮脏的 curse 咒骂 chaos 混乱 culinary 厨房的 custodian 管理员 consonant 和谐的 salutary 有益的 blight 枯萎 acumen敏锐 paucity 缺少 indigent贫困的 liaison

34、联络 startle 吓一跳 cuisine 烹饪 guile 诡计 exhaust 筋疲力尽 sage 贤明的,relicr阿e姨+lic立刻死剩下残骸 lenient-le 乐,ni 你,ent:仁慈的。读:列宁宽大仁慈的lampoon:i,am,poon(谐音:胖).我“嘲讽,讽刺“自己很胖 sanctuary保护之所,圣所读音:三克油!thankyou打仗的时候,有保护之所让你留下,你应该谢谢它 foe 否!你想想,你的 敌人,敌对者,危害物,是不是处处都跟唱反调?你说 是,他偏说 否!ameliorateameli美丽orate吃,一个选择:要美丽还是要吃?(吃了要变胖)这个就说明生

35、活环境已经得到了改善!salvage n.对海上遇险的船舶、船员及货物的救护 联系读音(salvage)三明治!遇难的时候,没食物吃,要是有很多 三明治 的话,那是不是对海上遇险的船舶、船员及货物的救护呢?connoisseurcon+noise+er一起发出噪音的人鉴赏家(他们总是喜欢评论)delirium发狂,精神错乱 deli,地理 gluttonousg+lu+tton割鹿头吃鹿头的人贪吃的,-就是宇宙超级无敌可爱的分界线-,o o o o o o,比较记忆法,4、比较记忆法 很多时候,孤立地记一个事物,反而不如同时记忆多个同类效果来得好。所以把意义相近的词放在一起记,可以大大提高效率


37、mond,maple,elm,elm,willow,cactus,vanilla,orchid,chrysanthemum,balsam。这种分类工作利用电子辞典来做最为方便。,比较记忆法,同义词相近词 反义词,aunt 姑姑的姑事我有一个骨骨骨骨骨(g)瘦如柴的gaunt的姑姑,仗着自己是个土财主,经常举着小旗旗旗旗旗(flag+aunt)向我们炫耀flaunt,更有甚者还经常对我们作出胜胜胜胜胜(V)的手势(V+aunt)来自夸vauntvC:ntv.,不仅如此,她还经常搬个凳凳凳凳凳子(形状像不像h),坐在村门口,神鬼出没haunt,作为她的亲戚,我感到像被人蹬蹬蹬蹬蹬(D+aunt)了八百脚,十分气馁、沮丧daunt。于是我离开了村庄,进进进进进(J)行了一次jaunt远足,短途旅游,回来后我把jaunt中的romantic的故事讲给aunt听,就成了romaunt(n.传奇故事,传奇诗),O O O O O O(省略号),recourse,resource 源头,援助,其它各种记忆方法,0 0 0 0 0 0(我还是省略号),


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