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1、-1-,Chapter 19 the conductive pathway of nervous system,Nervous system,the sensory conductive pathway the motor conductive pathwaythe chemical pathway of nervous system,-2-,The reflex path was referred to the conductive path of preceding or descending without via cerebral cortex.,Visual conductive p

2、athway and pupillary light reflexAuditory conductive pathwayConductive pathway of equilibratory sensation,Sensory(preceding)conductive pathway,consciousnonconscious,trunk、four limbs Head and facial part,Conductive pathway of proprioceptive sense,Trunk,four limbsHead and facial part,The conductive pa

3、thway of sensation of pain and warm,thick touch sensation and ressure sense,Conductive pathway of visceral sense,General visceral senceSpecial visceral sense,cortical substanceneostriatumdorsal thalamus circuit loop of cortex neostriatumcircuit of black substancepallidumcircuit loop of subthalamusco

4、rtex bridge of varoliuscerebellumcircuit of cortex,corticospinal tractcorticonuclear tract,pyramidal tract,Motor(descending)conductive pathway,Extracorticospinal tract,-3-,The middle and superior part of posterior central gyrusThe posterior part of paracentral lobule,Muscle,tendon,joint,skin,periphe

5、ral process,spinal nerve,spinal ganglia,central process,Golls columnBurdachs fibers,gracile nucleusBurdachs nucleus,bulbar lemniscus of opposite side,all parts of brainstem,ventral posterolateral nucleus of dorsal thalamus,posterior limb of internal capsule,conductive pathway of proprioceptive sense

6、,the conductive pathway of conscious proprioceptive sense of trunk and four limbs and fine touch,The sensory conductive pathway,-4-,(二)The conductive pathway of unconscious proprioceptive sense in trunk and four limbs,The proprioceptor of muscle,tendon,and joint,spinal cord,the medial part of radix

7、posterior,C8L2segment of thoracic nucleus,posterior spinocerebellar tract,inferior cerebellar peduncle,cortex of palaeocerebellum,funiculus lateralis medullae spinalis of homonymy,the lateral part of the 5th to 7th of lumbosacral enlargement,fiber of second class,anterior spinocerebellar tract of op

8、posite side and ipsolateral,superior cerebellar peduncle,cortex of palaeocerebellum,-5-,skin,peripheral process,spinal nerve,spinal ganglia,central process,spinal cord、layer,spinothalamic tractof opposite side,the middle and superior part of posterior central gyrusthe posterior part of paracentral l

9、obule,all parts of brain stem,ventral posterolateral nucleus of dorsal thalamus,posterior limb of internal capsule,spinal lemniscus,The superficial sensory pathway,The superficial sensory pathway of trunk and limbs,the inferior part of posterior central gyrus,skin and mucosa,peripheral process,trige

10、minal nerves,trigeminal ganglion,central process,spinal nucleus of trigeminal nervepontine nucleus of trigeminal nerve,trigeminal lemniscus,posteromedial nucleus of dorsal thalamusventral,posterior limb of internal capsule,(二)The superficial sensory pathway of head and face,ascends 1 to 2 segment,-6

11、-,-7-,visual conerod,bipolar neuron,nodal cell,optic nerve,chiasm opticumvisual tract,external geniculate body,optic radiation,posterior limb of internal capsule,the two sides of calcarine fissure,In the chiasm opticum,the fiber derived from retina of two eyes nasal side intersect,while the temple s

12、ide ones dont intersect.,visual pathway and pupillary light reflex pathway,visual pathway,-8-,The lesion of decussating fiber of chiasm opticum can induce the half blindness in temple side of binocular visual field;the lesion of non-decussating fiber of chiasm opticums lateral part can induce the ha

13、lf blindness in nasal side of binocular visual field;the lesion of visual tract in one side can induce homonymous hemianopsia of opposite side.,The damaging of conductive pathway in different position can induce different visual filed defect:,The injury of retina can induce visual field defect,which

14、 is related to the position and scope of injury;The optic nerve injury of ones side can induce absolute blindness of this eye;,-9-,The route of pupillary light reflex:,accessory nucleus of oculomotor nerve of two sides,ciliary ganglion,retinaoptic nervechiasm opticumthe visual tract of two sidesbrac

15、hium of superior colliculuspretectal area,oculomotor nerve,postganglionic fibre,pupil sphincter musclethe contraction of two pupils,direct light reflexindirect light reflex,The pupillary light reflex pathway,-10-,The pupillary light reflex representation of injury in different position,-11-,The audi

16、tory pathway,organ of Cortibipolar cell(exchange neuron)cochlear nerveventral cochlear nucleusdorsal and cochlear nucleus(exchange neuron)trapezoid body of pons overlaps to the opposite side lateral lemniscusthe dorsi-lateral part of tegmentum of midbraininferior colliculus(exchange neuron)brachium

17、of inferior colliculusmedial geniculate body(exchange neuron)acoustic radiationposterior limb of internal capsuletransverse temporal gyri of auditory field in cerebral cortex,The auditory impulsion is conducing of two sides.If one side path above lateral lemniscus is damaged,the obvious symptom woul

18、dnt happen.But if the cochlear nerve,internal ear or middle ear is damaged,auditory handicap will be induced.,-12-,Upper motor neuronsLower motor neuronsfinal common path,anterior horn of spinal cord motor neuron,somatic motor area of cerebral cortexpyramidal cell,corticonuclear tract,corticospinal

19、tract,pyramidal tract,cranial nerve motor nucleus,pyramidal system,Motor pathways,pyramidal tract The giant pyramidal cell of paracentral lobules anterior part and precentral gyrus and the pyramidal cells of other type as well as the axon of pyramidal cell which lie at the frontal lobe and apical lo

20、be constitute pyramidal tract.,-13-,trunk muscle,limbs muscle,the middle and superior part of anterior central gyrusthe anterior part of paracentral lobule,pyramidal cell,posterior limb of internal capsule,midbrain,pons,lateral corticospinal tract,anterior corticospinal tract,anterior horn motor neu

21、ron,spinal nerve,corticospinal tract,medulla oblongata,-14-,pyramidal cell(inferior part of anterior central gyrus),corticonuclear tract,nucleus of oculomotor nervenucleus of trochlear nervenucleus of abducent nervemotor nucleus of trigeminal nervethe superior part of nucleus of facial nervenucleus

22、ambiguusaccessory nucleus,extraocular musclesmasseter musclefacial muscles(frontal muscle、orbicularis muscle)laryngeal musclesternocleidomastoidtrapezius,knee of internal capsule,corticonuclear tract,-15-,the inferior half of facial nucleus cheek muscle、orbicularis orisnucleus of hypoglossal nerve l

23、ingual muscle,only recept the corticonuclear tract fiber of opposite side,supranuclear paralysis of facial nerveinfranuclear paralysis of facial nerve supranuclear paralysis of hypoglossal nerveinfranuclear paralysis of hypoglossal nerve,-16-,The principal injury representation of upper motor neuron

24、s and lower motor neurons,-17-,It is referred to the influence outside of pyramidal system and all the conductive pathways controlling body movement.Its structure is very complex,which includes cerebral cortex,striate body,dorsal thalamus,red nucleus,substantia nigra,vestibular nucleus,cerebellum an

25、d so on.The main functions of the extrapyramidal system in man are to regulate the tonicity of the muscles,coordinate the muscular activities,maintain the normal body posture and produce habitual and rhythmic movements.,extrapyramidal system,-18-,cortexneostriatumdorsal thalamuscortex neostriatumsubstantia nigra corticopontocerebellarcortex globus pallidussubthalamus,The extrapyramidal system concludes the following four circuits:,


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