2、须遵循主谓一致的原则。,谓语的确定:基于表意的需要,一:考虑谓语表意的需要时,首先要看它能否准确传达原意,表意是否贴切。中央政府不干预香港特别行政区的事务。The Central Government has refrained from intervening in the affairs of the HKSAR.The Government has never intervened in the affairs of the HKSAR评语:两个译文以不同的动词短语作谓语。译文a中has refrained from 意为“克制自己不去干预”,而译文b中has never interve
3、ned in意为“中央政府从不去干预也不想干预香港特别行政区的事务”。,谓语的确定:基于表意的需要,2.中国经济将融入世界经济的大潮。The economy of China will merge into the tide of the world economy.The economy of China will converge with that of the world.评语:译文a与b各选择merge into 和converge with 译“融入”一词,充当谓语。前者含“消没在之中”之意,而后者含“与融合在一起”之意。,谓语的确定:基于表意的需要,3.这事到了现在,还是时时记起
4、。Even now,this remains fresh in my memory.Even now,I still often think about this.评语:就原文“还是时时记起”而言,译文a比译文b更贴近原文,表达也更加自然地道。,谓语的确定:基于表意的需要,二、此外,考虑谓语表意的需要时,还必须关照其与主语的语义关联以及主谓词语的搭配。她使我知道人间的温暖;她使我知道爱与被爱的幸福。(巴金我的第一个老师)It was to her that I owed my awareness of the fact that there is warmth in the world-tha
5、t to show love is no less happiness than to be loved.She enabled me to know the warmth of the world and the fact that we will feel no less happy to love others than to be loved.评语:两个译文表达都不错,但主谓搭配和句式选择不同。译文b选词较呆板,语言较平淡;译文a选词更出彩,情感也更真挚浓烈。,谓语的确定:基于表意的需要,2.在同新闻界谈话的时候,上海人使用越来越多的最高级形容词。When they talk to t
6、he press,the Shanghai citizens use more and more adjectives of the superlative degree.You can hear Shanghai people using more and more adjectives of the superlative degree when they talk to the press.评语:译文a仅仅陈述事实,语气比较客观;而译文b从旅游观光者的角度表述,带有一定的感情色彩。,谓语的确定:基于表意的需要,3.(现在上海人的传统形象开始了变化,)他们的言语和行动都充满了信心和自豪。T
7、heir words and actions are filled with confidence and price.They are confident and proud in their speeches and actions.评语:译文a和b谓语迥异,也是因为二者主语选择不同。紧跟原文结构的译文a,以无生命的their words and actions为主语,与谓语are filled with confidence and price组成句子时,不合英语的逻辑习惯,语义搭配不当,因而不可取。初学者受汉语母语思维习惯的影响,容易犯这类忽略表达逻辑性与语义合理性的毛病。,谓语的确定
8、:基于表意的需要,三、最后,考虑谓语的表意需要时,也须考虑其与宾语的搭配,包括连系动词与表语的搭配,以及该搭配的修辞效果。1.(颐和园)1900年遭八国联军破坏,(至1903年才得以修复)。The palace was reduced to ruins by the allied forces of the eight foreign powers.The palace suffered ravage in the hands of the allied forces of the eight foreign powers.评语:该例句两个译文以不同的谓语动词表达了相同的意义。译文a用短语be
9、 reduced to,选择了被动语态的形式。译文b用动词suffer,与宾语ravage搭配,采取了主动语态的形式。该例句说明,有时我们对谓语的处理可以有多种选择。,谓语的确定:基于表意的需要,2.她们(指“时装模特”)逐渐地镇定下来,有了自信。They gradually calmed down,restored self-confidence.Gradually,they calmed down and regained self-confidence.评语:两个译文都采用了“谓语动词+宾语”的句式结构。译文a 选词不妥,因为restore 一词意为give back,bring bac
10、k into use,与宾语self-condidence 搭配不当。而译文b的谓语regain一词,根据同一词典,意为get or win back,与该宾语搭配恰当,在此是一个合适的选择。,谓语的确定:基于表意的需要,3.我的第一个先生就是我母亲。我已经说过使我认识“爱”字的是她。(巴金我的第一个老师)Mother is my first teacher who,as I said before,awakened in me a sense of love.评语:初学者多倾向于将“使我认识爱字的”译作make/help me understand love,然而,比较此例中动词awaken
11、 的选择及其与宾语a sense of love的搭配,就会发现翻译功力的距离,动词精彩,必然文笔生动,表现力强。,谓语的确定:基于构句的需要,选择谓语时考虑构句的需要,指译文必须遵循“主谓一致”的原则。一年年,燕子来了去了 一年年,阶前草绿了黄了Year after year the swallows come and go;Year after year the grass before the terrace grows green,yellows.评语:汉语原文中作主语的“燕子”和“(阶前)草”不带性、数的标记,处于述语位置的“来了去了”和“绿了黄了”也不受时态和性、数的限制。英译文中
12、两个主语,一个the swallows为复数,另一个the grass不可数,用作单数。随后的谓语分别为come and go,和第三人称单数加s 的grows(green),yellows,与各自的主语一致,符合英语习惯。,谓语的确定:基于构句的需要,2.农业搞好了,农民能自给,五亿人口就稳定了。a.if agriculture is in good shape and the peasants self-supporting,then the 500 million people will feel secure.b.If agriculture is in good shape and
13、the peasants are self-supporting,then the 500 million people will feel secure.评语:两种译文句式完全相同:原文第一、二小句并列在条件状语从句中,第二小句译作了主句。英语中有一个表达习惯,排比结构的语言单位中,一般都省略其词语相同的部分。,谓语的确定:基于构句的需要,3.关于如何改进市民的居住条件问题市政府给予了充分重视。Full attention has been paid by the municipal government to the improvement of the housing condition
14、s of the urban inhabitants.The municipal government has paid full attention to the improvement of the housing conditions of the urban inhabitants.评语:由于英语是主语显著语言,作主语的词语往往代表句中最重要的信息,因此,相比之下,译文b语气较平淡,译文a语气较强,所以它更贴近原文。值得注意的是,有些学生将pay attention to 短语用于被动语态时,常常会错误地构句为:The housing conditions of the urban i
15、nhabitants has been paid full attention to by the municipal government.此类错误应该避免。,谓语的确定:课堂练习,下列译文谓语的处理不够妥当,请加以改进。自从他出国之后,我从未听到过他的消息。()Ive never heard from him since he went abroad.()Ive never heard about him since he went abroad.,谓语的确定:课堂练习,2.这座旅馆能接待300多个旅客。()This hotel can contain over three hundred
16、 passengers.()This hotel can accomodate over three hundred passengers.3.这只船容易颠覆,因为它造型不合理。()This boat is easy to overturn because its shape is unreasonable.()This boat is apt to overturn because it is unreasonbly shaped.,谓语的确定:课堂练习,4.人们来到莫干山,目的可都不一样。()People come to Mogan Mountain not with the same p
17、urpose.()People do not come to Mogan Mountain with one and the same purpose.,谓语的确定:课后作业,脍炙人口的传统京剧白蛇传讲的是源自明朝的故事。意大利著名旅行家马克波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,它使人觉得自己是在天堂”。这架飞机该有多大的重量啊!它载着解放区人民的心,载着全中国人民的希望,载着我们国家的命运。英雄造时势,时势造英雄。一踏进门槛,屋子里的混乱景象使我吃了一惊。土地和谷物是人们赖以生存的根本。祭社稷便是表示人们对土地和谷物的敬重。嵩山有好吃“天下第一名刹”的少林寺。他的报告里
18、所提到的东西经不起推敲。,谓语的确定:课后作业答案,The White Snake,one of the most popular traditional Beijing operas,is based on a story handed down from the Ming Dynasty(1369-1644).The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as“the most fascinating city in the wor
19、ld,where one feels as if he was in paradise”.What a heavy load this aeroplane bore!It carried the hearts of the people of the liberated areas,the hopes of the entire Chinese people,and the destiny of our country.,谓语的确定:课后作业答案,4.Heroes create the times,the times produce their heroes.5.Crossing the th
20、reshold,I was taken aback by the mess in the house.6.The earth and the cereals sustain the life of human beings and hence ceremonies were held to pay respect for them.7.Mount Songshan boasts of Shaolin Temple reputed as“Number One Temple under Heaven”.8.What he said in his report couldnt stand close scrutiny.,