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1、1,自由联想,2,Group 1insist 坚决主张 assist 帮助resist 抵抗,对抗consist 组成,一致,存在,persist 坚持到底exist 存在,3,EX1.Fill in the blanks with a proper word 1.I still _ my viewpoint.2.Good glasses will _ you to read.3.They were powerless to _.4.A team will _of three players.5.I will _ until I succeed.,4,I still insist on my

2、viewpoint.我仍坚持我的观点。2.Good glasses will assist you to read.好的眼镜能有助于你阅读。3.They were powerless to resist.他们无力反抗。4.A team will consist of three players.每队由3名运动员组成。5.I will persist until I succeed.坚持不懈,直到成功。,5,Group 2receive 接受(阿姨)deceive 欺骗(弟弟)perceive 察觉,发觉(每人),6,EX2.Fill in the blanks with a proper wo

3、rd1.Have you _ my e-mail?2.You are free to leave me,but dont _me.With an open heart,you will _ people differently.,7,1.Have you received my e-mail?您收到我的邮件了吗?2.You are free to leave me,but dont deceive me.你可以自由的离开我,但不要欺骗我。With an open heart,you will perceive people differently.开放内心,你对人们的感受将会不同。,8,Gro

4、up 3“de”系列(de:离开,向下)1.deceive 欺骗 2.decent 正派的;体面的3.delight 快乐4.deserve 应受,值得5.design 设计 6.despair 绝望 7.depart 离开,9,EX.3 1.He did not _ such fortune.2.This dress is of the latest _.3.A person is most disappointed when he is in _.4.When will the plane_?5.He dreamed of living in _ conditions.6.He takes

5、 great _ in painting.7.Days that depart never return.,10,1.He did not deserve such fortune.他不配得到这种好运气。2.This dress is of the latest design.这件衣服是最新设计3.A person is most disappointed when he is in despair.一个人在绝望时最失望4.When will the plane depart?飞机何时飞走5.He dreamed of living in decent conditions.他梦想着过体面的生

6、活。6.He takes great delight in painting.他爱好绘画。7.Days that depart never return.时光一去不复返。,11,Group 4“哥哥”系列1.grace 优雅 2.graceful 优雅的 3.ghost 鬼,灵魂;鬼魂4.glow 发光5.glue 胶水,12,1.The cats eyes _in the darkness.2.She dances with a lot of _.3.He was shaking with fright as if he had seen a _.4.He _ a stamp onto th

7、e envelope.5.She runs up the stairs with a light _step.,13,Ex.41.The cats eyes glowed in the darkness.猫的眼睛在黑暗中发亮。2.She dances with a lot of grace.她跳舞跳得很优美。3.He was shaking with fright as if he had seen a ghost.他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了鬼一样。4.He glued a stamp onto the envelope.他把邮票贴在信封上。5.She runs up the stairs w

8、ith a light graceful step.她以轻快优雅的步子奔上楼去。,14,Group 5“tal”头系列1.fatal 致命的;命运的2.vital 生死攸关的,至关重要的3.total 总的 vi.合计,总共4.digital 数字的,计数的5.mental 智力的;精神的6.fundamental 基础的,基本的,15,EX.5 1.Air is _ to all creatures.2.We should pay more attention to our _ health.3.Most of the computers we are using are _ compute

9、rs.4.Add this numbers together and give me the _.5.Hard work is _ to success.6.Your argument has a _ flaw.,16,1.Air is vital to all creatures.空气对所有的生物都极为重要。2.We should pay more attention to our mental health.我们应该更注重心理健康。3.Most of the computers we are using are digital computers.我们正在使用的计算机大多数是数字计算机4.

10、Add this numbers together and give me the total.把这些数字加起来,告诉我总数。5.Hard work is fundamental to success.苦干是成功的基础.6.Your argument has a fatal flaw.你的论点有一个致命的错误。,17,Group 6 谐音联想系列talent 人才ambition 雄心,志向disaster 灾难 confidence 信心curse 诅咒vigor 精力Vigorous 精力充沛的,朝气蓬勃的,18,Ex.61.She_ him for ruining her life.2.

11、He is famous not only for his_ but(also)for his kindness.4.Im _ and cheerful.5.What is your career _?6.I have full _ in you.7.They had led the country into economic _.,19,1.She cursed him for ruining her life.她诅咒他,说他毁了她的一生2.He is famous not only for his talent but(also)for his kindness.他不仅以才能出名,而且是出

12、名的好心3.Im vigorous and cheerful.我精力充沛性格开朗4.What is your career ambition?你的职业志向是什么?5.I have full confidence in you.我对你充满信心6.They had led the country into economic disaster.他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。,20,Group 7:词形联想系列1.candidate 候选人2.isolate 孤立3.ignore 忽视,不理睬4.flaw 缺陷5.delicate 纤细的,娇气的,微妙的6.depress 使沮丧;按下,21,EX.71

13、.The rainy days always _ me.2.If you_ your diet,trouble will follow.3.The defeated _ demanded a recount.4.Jealousy is a big_ in his character.5.We decided to _ the patients.6.Her _health needs great care.,22,1.The rainy days always depress me.雨天总是使我沮丧。2.If you ignore your diet,trouble will follow.如果

14、你忽视自己的饮食,必然会遇到麻烦3.The defeated candidate demanded a recount.落选的候选人要求重新计算选票。4.Jealousy is a big flaw in his character.嫉妒是他品格中的一个大缺点。5.We decided to isolate the patients.我们决定隔离病人。6.Her delicate health needs great care.她娇弱的身体需要小心照料,23,Group 8:词形+谐音自由联想1.potential 潜在的2.intelligent 聪明的,智能的3.significant 意

15、义重大的4.demonstrate 示范,演示,证明,示威 5.deliberate 故意的6.fortunate 幸运的,24,EX.81.This is a _ finding.2.Please _ how to operate the computer.3.Education develops _ abilities.4.You are _to have such a reasonable father.5.Someone as _ as you should go far.6.He told us a _ lie.,25,1.This is a significant finding.

16、这一发现意义重大。2.Please demonstrate how to operate the computer.请演示一下如何使用这台计算机。3.Education develops potential abilities.教育能开发人的潜能。4.You are fortunate to have such a reasonable father.你有这样一位通情达理的父亲,真是幸运。5.Someone as intelligent as you should go far.像你这样聪明的人一定很有作为。6.He told us a deliberate lie.他存心说谎,26,Grou

17、p 9:“re”系列1.retire 退休2.recently 最近3.regulate 管理,控制;调整4.relief 缓解5.remain 依然存在,状态保持 6.reliable 可靠的,可信赖的7.reserve 保留,预订,27,EX.91.Words fly,writings _.2.Learn to _ your own moods.3.Some people cant wait to _.4.The news comes from a_ source.5.It was a great_ to find that my family was all safe.6.Prices

18、tend to go up_.7.Id like to _ a room.,28,1.Words fly,writings remain.言语飞逝,著作长存。2.Learn to regulate your own moods.学会调理你的情绪。3.Some people cant wait to retire.有些人迫不及待想退休。4.The news comes from a reliable source.这消息来自可靠的来源。5.It was a great relief to find that my family was all safe.看到家人安然无恙,我感到极大的欣慰。Pri

19、ces tend to go up recently.最近,物价有上涨的趋势.7.Id like to reserve a room.我想预订一间房间,29,Group 10:“s”系列 1.scold 责骂 2.scan 扫描3.scream 尖叫4.scare 吓人5.scatter vt.使消散,分散 6.swear 发誓7.sweep 打扫,30,EX.101.The child was_ by his mother.2.Does this _ the dogs away?3.Dont s_ your strength.4.advise you have a brain _.5.Her

20、 country songs _the world.6.The girl let out a _ of fear.7.I _ Im not telling a lie.,31,1.The child was scolded by his mother.这个孩子受到母亲的责骂。2.Does this scare the dogs away?这样能把狗吓跑吗?3.Dont scatter your strength.不要分散精力。4.advise you have a brain scan.我建议你做个脑部扫描检查。5.Her country songs sweep the world.她的乡村歌曲风靡了全世界。6.The girl let out a scream of fear.女孩发出恐惧的叫声。7.I swear Im not telling a lie.我发誓,我没有撒谎。,


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