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1、,Unit 9 When was he born?,职业名词A第一方队:1动词+er,构成的职业名称最多,意为“家人”等。如:teach(教)teacher(老师)work(工作)worker(工人)farm(耕种)farmer(农民)clean(打扫)cleaner(清洁工)write(写)writer(作家)sing(唱;唱歌)singer(歌唱家;歌手)drive(开车等)driver(司机)dance(跳舞;舞蹈)dancer(舞蹈家)play(打球等)player(队员),etc,2名词(多为自然学科)+ist,可构成“家”等。如:art(艺术;美术)artist(艺术家;画家)ch

2、emistry(化学)chemist(化学家)physics(物理)physicist(物理学家)science(科学)scientist(科学家),etc3名词+ian,构成“家员”等。如:music(音乐;乐曲)musician(音乐家)library(图书馆)librarian(图书管理员),etc.,B第二方队:名词+man 或 woman,构成“人员”等。如:police(警务)policemanpolicewoman(警察)business(生意)businessman(商人)sports(运动)sportsman(运动员)post(邮递;寄送)postman(邮递员),etc.C

3、第三方队:其它“纯天然”式职业名称。如:学生 student 售票员;列车员 conductor 战士;士兵 soldier 护士 nurse 医生 doctor 厨师 cook 售货员、店员 shop assistant,Review the months,一月 七月二月 八月三月 九月四月 十月五月 十一月 六月 十二月,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,序数词(基数词变序数词),1 first 2 second 3 third 4-fourth 5 f

4、ifth 6 sixth 7 seventh 8eighth 9ninth 10 tenth21 twenty-first 25 twenty-fifth,11 eleventh 12 twelfth 13 thirteenth 14fourteenth 15fifteenth 16sixteenth 17 seventeenth 18eighteenth 19nineteenth 20twentieth 30thirtieth,How to read the numbers?,1983 18372005199116521846,nineteen eighty-three,eighteen t

5、hirty-seven,two thousand and five,nineteen ninety-one,sixteen fifty-two,eighteen forty-six,1.Whos that?(那是谁?)用来询问对方的姓名、身份。一般不用whos she/he?对这问题回答时不用she或he,而仍用that或It.2.When was he born?(他什么时候出生的?)born是 bear的过去分词。表达“出生”时,用be born(被动)结构。eg:I was born in 1990.I was born on Oct.11th,1992.(注意:介词 in 和 on 的

6、区别),Deng Yaping,Whos that?Thats Deng Yaping.She is a great ping-pong player.When was she born?She was born in.,1973,1b,Michael Jordan,Whos that?Thats Jordan.He is a great basketball player.When was he born?He was born in.,1963,1b,Martina Hingis,Whos that?Thats Hingis.She is a great tennis player.Whe

7、n was she born?She was born in.,1973,1b,David Beckham,Whos that?Thats Beckham.He is a great soccer player.When was he born?He was born in.,1975,1b,1c1.be born with 天生具有,生来具有be born to do 天生是做/会做2c1.start to do something 开始做某事 start doing something同义词 begin,反义词stop stop to do something 停下来,做另外一件事 sto

8、p doing something 停止正在做的事情只能用start,不能用begin(1)表(机器)开动The man cant start the car.(2)表创办,创设He started a new shop last year.(3)表出发,动身We must start early.,3a 1.tooto 太.而不能.本身表示否定*第一种句子结构:两个句子的主语相同主语+be+too+adj./adv.+to do sth.他弟弟太小,不能上学。His borther is too young to go to school.*第二种结构:两个句子的主语不同,第二个句子的主语是

9、第一个句子的宾语。主语+be+too+adj/adv.+for sb+to do+其它。这箱子太重,我搬不动。The box is too heavy for me to carry.这道物理题太难,我算不出来。The physics problem is too difficult for us to work out.,*句子改写(同义句改写)(13)She is very young.She cant go to school.She is too young to go to school.(两个句子的主语相同用too.to.的第一种结构)(14)Her mother is very

10、old.She cant do housework Her mother is too old to do housework.(15)The bag is very heavy.nobody can carry it.The bag is too heavy to carry.The bag is too heavy for anybody to carry.(两个句子的主语不同,第二句的宾语是第一句的主语,又因为有nobody,所以有两种改法),(1)too+adj./adv.+to do sth=so+adj./adv.+that(从句)=not+adj./adv.=enough to

11、do sth(注:not 后的形容词是too 后面形容词的反义词)例如:Tom is too young to go to school.Tom 年龄太小而不能上学。=Tom is so young that he cant go to school.=Tom is not old enough to go to school.(2)too前面有never,but,only,not时表肯定.Never too old to learn.活到老学到老.(3)too后有表情感的形容词:glad,pleased,sad,表肯定He is too sad to hear the bad news.听到

12、那个消息,他太伤心了。,1)enough用作副同,充当形容词或副词修饰语,但必须后置。He walks slowly enough.他走得够慢的了。This article is difficult enough to write.这篇文章够难写得了.2)用作名词,表示“足够(的数目或数量),没有复数形式,但根据情况可表示复数意义。Enough has been said of this problem.有关这个问题,已经谈得够多了。Enough were present to constitute a quorum.出席的人数够法定人数。3)enough用作形容词作定语时,可修饰可数名词或不

13、可数名词,可放在被修饰的名词前或后。There are enough seats(seats enough)for them all.有足够的座位让他们都坐下。I have enough time(time enough)to finish the work.我有足够的时间来完成这项工作,2.play for 为.效力3.句中的called 是call的过去分词,在句中作定语,表被动,意思是 被称为,被叫做,等于 nameda girl named/called Lily 叫莉莉的女孩Section B1b 1.,love vt.爱,热爱loving adj.慈爱的(通常指长辈对晚辈)love

14、ly adj.可爱的(通常指儿童或年轻的女性),(A)spend on sth 在某物(事)上花费(时间,金钱)eg:Maria spent five yuan on the book 玛丽亚花了五元钱在这本书上。/玛丽亚买这本书花了五元。I often spend a lot of time on my homework every night 我经常每天晚上花两个小时做家庭作业。(B)spend(in)doing sth 花(时间或金钱)干某事 I often spend a lot of time(in)doing my homework Maria spent five yuan(in

15、)buying the book,2.spend花费,消耗,用尽,度过,消磨,注意,spend的主语必须是人,在第四单元中我们学过“It takes sb some time/money to do”也可表示“做某事花某人多少时间/金钱”,但take的主语应是物,而不能是人。eg:It takes me a lot of time to do my homework It took Maria five yuan to buy the book2b 1.see sb do sth(省略了to)看到某人做了某事see sb doing看到某人正在做类似的还有watch,hear,Li Yundi

16、,a well-known Chinese _,always loved music.He was _ in 1982 in Chongqing._ he was a small boy,he _ hum songs and difficult _ of music.He began _ learn the accordion _ the age _ four,and he _ to learn the piano when he _ seven._ October 2000,Li Yundi _ part _ the 14th Chopin International Piano Compe

17、tition _ Poland.He won _ prize in his group.He was _ the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year _ of the competition _ win this prize.,pianist,born,When,could,pieces,to,at,of,started,was,In,took,in,in,first,also,history,to,Skimming,What kind of reading is 3a?A.love story B.science fiction C.biography

18、D.thriller What is the correct order of events(事件顺序)in 3a?October 2000 when he was seven when he was a small boy 1982 at the age of four A.-B.-C.-,In-depth Reading-Find the expressions in 3a,Lets find these expressions in 3a.,hum songs and difficult pieces of music,learn the accordion,at the age of

19、4,in October 2000,take part in,pieces,play the accordionplay basketball,when he was 4,In 2000In October 2000On October 1st,2000,+competition,activity,In-depth Reading-Find the events according to the time,he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music.,When he was a small boy,.,he was born in Chon

20、gqing,began to learn the accordion,he started to learn the piano,he took part in the 14th CIPC.,3a 1.well-known=famous be well-known for因而出名 be well-known as作为而出名Chongqing is well-known _ hotpot(火锅).Lu Xun is well-known _ a writer.,for,as,2.at the age of 在岁时 when sb.was(years old)begin=start doing/t

21、o do sth.开始做(begin-began)Tom started to swim when he was four.=Tom started to swim _ _ _ _ four.=Tom _ _ when he was four.,at the age of,began/started swimming,start/begin to do和start/begin doing一般情况下,两者可以互换但在下列三种情况下,只能用start to do sth.(1)当主语是物而不是人时。如:The ice started/began to melt.冰开始融化(2)当start/beg

22、in用于进行时态时。如:She is starting/beginning to cook the dinner.她开始做饭(3)当start/begin后面的非谓语动词指心理状态或精神活动(即表示想法、意见等的词,如think,realize,wonder,understand等)时。如:She started/began to wonder who had done it.她开始想是谁做了这件事。,3.take part in 参加(活动、比赛、会议等)某项活动 join加入(组织、俱乐部、团体等)join sb 加入某人 go in for 指参加应试(主要指参加技能或智力测试)They

23、 _ 2008 Olympic Games Id like to _ a swimming club.His brother wants to _ the army(军队).He _ the Party at the age of 40 Ill _ the exam next year.,took part in,join,join,joined,go in for,4.70-year history 70年的历史 70-year是复合形容词,在句中作定语,这一类形容词由数词+名词”或“数词+名词+形容词”构成,它们通常仅用作定语,两词之间要加连字符,且名词用单数。一位8岁的男孩儿 an 8-

24、year-old boy一篇3000字的文章 a 3000-word article一座1500米长的桥 a 1500-meter-long bridge 一张二百美元的支票 a 200-dollar check一面五星红旗 a five-star-red flag,1.the well-known Chinese pianist 2.love music 3.hum songs 4.pieces of music 5.begin to learn the accordion 6.at the age of four 7.take part in 8.win the first prize 9

25、.in the 70-year history,1.著名的中国钢琴家2.热爱音乐3.哼歌4.乐曲5.开始学习手风琴6.在四岁的时候7.参加8.获得第一名9.在70年的历史上,4 Is he alive?他还在世吗?alive 意为“活着的;在世的”.alive,living,live 与 lively(1)alive 常意指界于生死之间的“尚还存活着的”,可修饰人或物,在句中作表语或后置定语,不能作前置定语。如:He was alive when he was taken to the hospital.他被送往医院时还活着。(2)living 意为“活着的;尚在人间的;健在的”,既可修饰人,

26、又可修饰物,主要作前置定语。如:Its the only living plant here.它是这儿唯一活着的植物。,(3)live 意为“(动、植物)活的;有生命的;活生生的;直播的,现场的”,作前置定语,多修饰动物。如:a live fish 一条活鱼 a live show现场直播的节目(4)lively 意为“活泼的;有生气的;生动的”,可作表语、定语,用来指人或物。如:a lively child 一个活泼的孩子用 alive,living,live 与 lively 填空。Thank goodness!He is _.Send him to the hospital quickl

27、y!As an outgoing and _ kid,everyone likes himAll _ things need the sun.There are many _ fish in the river.,alive,living,live/living,lively,self checkbecause of+n.=because+句子 两个都表原因 He didnt go to school yesterday because he was ill.We didnt go out because the weather was bad.,=He didnt go to school

28、yesterday because of his illness.,=We didnt go out because of the bad weather.,年龄表达方法(1)用基数词表达年龄,可以加上“years old”例如 three years old.(2)用 when 引导的从句 when I was three(years old)(3)at the age of+基数词 at the age of three(4)基数词+-year-old three-year-old,注意这种表达常作定语如 a three-year-old boy.,How to describe(描述)a

29、 person:,Practise,1.Smith was born _ December,1950.He works _ a farm.A.on,in B.at,in C.in,on D.on,on2._ was she born?In 1895.A.When B.Where C.While D.What time3.The sick woman is _ weak _ look after herself.A.too,to B.so,that C.very,to D.so,to4.His mother was born _ January 18,1956.A,in B,on C,at D.

30、/5.“Stop _ and listen to me,”he said to the students.A,write B,writing C,to write D,writes 6.I saw Mr Wang _ into the school library just now.A,went B,goes C,going D,go,C,A,A,B,B,D,完成句子,1.开始下雨了。It started _.2.回答这个问题对他来说太难了。The question is _ hard for him _answer.3.乔丹是世界上最好的运动员之一。Jordan is _ _ _ _ _ i

31、n the world.4.他什么时候出生?When _ he _?5.John,你应该停下来做作业。John,you should stop _ _ your homework.,raining,too,to,one,of,the,best,players,was,born,to,do,1.How old _ you when you _ ice skating?2.What can I do to _ famous?3.He _ playing soccer because of his sore back.4.The Chinese soccer team _ Asia last yea

32、r.5.John _ first prize in the speech competition.6.I watched an action movie _ Shaolin Temple.,选词用适当形式填空:be,call,win,become,stop,tour,start,were,started,become,stopped,toured,won,called,1.Li Yundi,the famous Chinese pianist,was born _ October 7th,1982.A.on B.in C.atD.for2.She is _ girl.A.a 18 years old B.an 18-years-old C.an 18-year-oldD.a 18-year-old,课堂练习与巩固,3.They both _ the sports meeting and did very well.A.take part in B.join C.took part in D.joined4.He started playing soccer when he was seven.(同义句)He _ playing soccer _ the _ of seven.,began,at,age,


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