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1、组 织 学,主讲:陈晓蓉教 授,第一章 组织学绪论,一、定义 组织学是研究机体微细结构及其相关功能的科学。二、研究方法简介1、一般光学显微镜术2、组织化学和细胞化学术3、免疫细胞化学术4、同位素示踪术5、原位杂交术6、细胞和细胞化学定量术7、电子显微镜术8、组织培养术三、学习方法几要点,第二章 上皮组织(Epithelial Tissue)目的与要求1 掌握上皮组织的特点、分类及上皮组织的特殊结构2 了解各种上皮的形态、分布及腺上皮的功能授课提纲一、上皮组织的特点1、细胞排列密集,细胞间质很少。2、有极性。3、有基膜。4、无血管二、被覆上皮(Covering Epitheleum)的类型和结构

2、1.单层扁平上皮(Simple Squamous Epitheleum)内皮 衬贴在心、血管和淋巴管腔面的单层扁平上皮间皮 分布在胸膜、腹膜和心包膜表面的单层扁平上皮其它 肺泡、肾小囊壁层。,2、单层立方上皮(Simple Cuboidal Epithelium)分布:肾小管等处。肾小管、甲状腺滤泡,3、单层柱状上皮(Simple Columnar Epithelium)胃肠、子宫输卵管上皮,4、假复层纤毛柱状上皮(Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium)呼吸道腔面,5、复层扁平上皮(Stratified Squamous Epitheliu

3、m)角化复层扁平上皮 皮肤表面 未角化复层扁平上皮 口腔、食管等腔面,6 变移上皮(移行上皮)(Transitional Epithelium)排尿管道腔面 收缩状态:层数多 扩张状态:层数减少、细胞变扁,三、上皮组织的特殊结构(Specialized Structures of Epithelial Cell)1、游离面(Free Surface)(1)细胞衣(糖衣)(Glycocalyx):薄层绒毛状的复合糖。功能:粘着、支持、保护、物质交换、识别。(2)微绒毛(Microvilli):上皮细胞游离面伸出的细小指状突起。功能:参与细胞吸收物质的作用。(3)纤毛(Cilia):上皮细胞游离面

4、伸出的能摆动的较长突起。功能:定向摆动,可排出细菌和灰尘。,2、侧面(Lateral Surface)(1)紧密连接(闭锁小带)(Tight junction)功能:机械性连接作用、封闭细胞顶部细胞间隙,防止大分子物质进入组织内。(2)中间连接(粘着小带)(Intermediate junction)功能:粘着作用、保持细胞形状和传递细胞间收缩力。(3)桥粒(粘着斑)(Desmosome)功能:牢固的细胞连接(4)缝隙连接(通讯连接)(Gap junction)功能:交换小分子物质和离子及传递电冲动,3、基底面(Basal Surface)(1)基膜(Basement membrane)电镜下

5、(EM)分三层:透明板、致密板(基板)、网织板(网板)薄者:透明板和基板 功能:支持连接作用,引导上皮移动影响上皮分化(2)质膜内褶(Plasma membrane infolding)功能:扩大基底面表面积,有利水和电解质转运(3)半桥粒(Hemidesmosome):连接上皮和基膜,思考题1、上皮组织有哪些特点?2、上皮组织的分类依据及分类?3、内皮和间皮的概念4、上皮组织有哪些特殊结构及各种特殊结构的功能,CHAPTER 2 EPITHELIAL TISSUE OUTLINE Epithelium consists of cells that are closely applied to

6、 each other with very little intercellular substance.The cells that make up an epithelium have distinct polarity.They exhibit functionally distinct surface domains,namely,a free surface and a basal surface.,Blood vessels do not penetrate the basement membrane to enter the epithelial layers.Epithelia

7、l tissues have the follo-wing principal functions:protection,absorption,secretion,and excretion etc.Epethelium is classified according to the arrangement and shape of its cells.Epithelium which is only one cell deep is called simple;,epithelium which is more than one cell deep is called stratified.O

8、n the basis of cell shape epithelium is designated as squamous,cuboidal,or columnar,thus by joining these descriptive terms,we may describe an epithelium as simple squamous,as stratified squamous,or stratified cuboidal,etc.,Epithelia are customarily classified according to their structure and functi

9、on into two main types:covering epithelium and glandular epithelium.Covering epithelia are tissues whose cells are organized in membranous layers that cover the external surface or line the cavities of the body.In two locations,epithelium has special names,endothelium and mesothelium.,Endothelium li

10、nes the inner surface of the heart,blood vessels,and lymphatic vessels.Mesothelium lines the serous membranes of the body,namely,the pleura,the pericardium and the peritoneum.Two special categories of epithelium are pseudostratified and transitional.Pseudostratified epithelium has the appearance of

11、being stratified.,Some of the cells do not reach the free surface;however,all rest on the basement membrane.Thus,it is actually a simple epithelium.transitional epithelium is a name applied to the epithelium lining the pelvis of the kidney,the ureters,the urinary bladder,and part of the urethra.,It

12、is a stratified epithelium that has rather specific morphologic characteristics and functionally accommodates well to distension.The free surface of epithelial cells may contain cilia,stereocilia,or microvilli according to the function of the cells.Cilia enable the cells to move mucus or other mater

13、ials along the surface.,Stereocilia are special surface modifications that are found in the ductus epididymis and the face.Stereocilia are special surface modifications that are found in the ductus epididymis and the ductus deferens.Microvilli are found on the surface of cells that engage in absorpt

14、ive activity.,There are four types of cell junctions between epithelial cells,including tight junction,intermediate junction,desmosome and gap junction.The structure consisting of at least two types of cell junction is the junctional complex.Separating the epithelium from the underlying connective t

15、issue is a basement membrane.,When the basement membrane is examined with the electron microscope,it is found to consist of a thin amorphous layer,designated the basal lamina,and a thicker layer containing delicate reticular fibers,designated the reticular lamina.The basal lamina is immediately subj

16、acent to the epithelium and the reticular lamina faces the underlying connective tissue.,According to the way the secretory products leave the cell,glands may be classified as exocrine gland or endocrine gland.Exocrine glands have a secertory portion and the gland ducts.This connection takes the for

17、m of tubular ducts lined with epithelial cells through which the glandular secretions pass to reach the surface.,Endocrine glands are ductless,and their secretions are picked up and transported to their site of action by the bloodstream.The products of endocrine gland are called hormones.,第三章 结缔组织(C

18、onnective Tissue CT)目的与要求 1、掌握结缔组织的特点和分类;掌握疏松结缔组织的结构与功能。2、了解致密结缔组织、脂肪组织和网状组织基本结构特点和功能。,一、疏松结缔组织(Loose Connective Tissue)(一)细胞(Cell):1、成纤维细胞(Fibroblast):LM:扁平、长突 起、胞质弱嗜硷性、核卵圆、着色浅、核仁明显EM:丰富粗面内质网、游离核糖体和发达 的高尔基复合体功能:产生纤维和基质纤维细胞:静止状态,2 巨噬细胞(Macrophage)(组织细胞 histocyte)LM:形态不规则、核小、着色深、胞质丰富、嗜酸性EM:表面皱褶、胞质内大量

19、溶酶体、吞饮小泡、吞噬体、残余体功能:趋化性定向运动、吞噬、分泌多种生物活性物质、调节机体免疫反应。,3、浆细胞(Plasma Cell)LM:圆或卵圆,核圆偏位,染色质呈辐射状、胞质嗜硷性EM:丰富粗面内质网、游离核糖体、发达高尔基复合体功能:合成和分泌抗体,4 肥大细胞(Mast Cell)LM:圆或卵圆、核小、胞质充满嗜硷性、异染性颗粒功能:引起过敏反应,5 脂肪细胞(Fat Cell),6 未分化的间充质细胞(Undifferentiated Mesenchymal Cell),7、白细胞(Leukocyte,White Blood Cell)(二)纤维(Fiber),(三)基质(Gr

20、ound Substance)胶状1、蛋白多糖(Proteoglycan)构成分子筛 透明质酸(长链大分子)、蛋白多糖亚单位、连接蛋白2、糖蛋白(Glycoprotin)3、组织液(Tissue fluid),二、致密结缔组织(Dense Connective Tissue)1、规则的(Regular Dense Connective Tissue),2、不规则的(Irregular Dense Connective Tissue),3、弹性组织(Elastic Tissue),三、脂肪组织(Adipose Tissue)大量群集脂肪细胞由疏松结缔组织分隔,四、网状组织(Reticular T

21、issue)1、网状细胞(reticular cells):星形有突起,核较大着色浅功能:产生基质、网状纤维2、网状纤维(reticular fiber)3、基质(ground substance),思考题1、疏松结缔组织的细胞组成2、成纤维细胞、巨噬细胞、浆细胞、肥大细胞 的形态与功能3、疏松结缔组织中有哪些纤维4、何谓分子筛,简述其结构与功能,CHAPTER3 CONNECTIVE TISSUE PROPER OUTINE Connective tissue includes a variety of tissues with different functional properties

22、 but with certain common characteristics t-hat allow them to be grouped together.Se-veral types of connective tissues are responsible for providing and maintaining form in the body,and providing a matrix that connects and binds the cells and organs and gives support to the body.,So it is now probabl

23、y more appropriate to use the term supporting tissue instead of connective tissue.Connective tissues originate from the mesenchyme,an embryonic tissue formed by mesenchymal cells and an abundant extracellular substance.,Structurally,connective tissue is formed by two major classes of components:cell

24、s and an extracellular matrix that includes extracellular fibers,ground substance,and tissue fluid.According to the com-position and organization of cellular and extracellular components and to the special functions,connective tissues are classified as connective tissue proper,cartilage,bone,and blo

25、od.,The connective tissue proper can be divided into loose connective tissue and dense connective tissue according to whether the fibers are loosely woven or densely packed.In addition,a number of kinds of connective tissue proper with special properties are named so as to indicate the predominating

26、 components or identifying feature:adipose tissue,reticular tissue and mucous tissue,etc.,Loose connective tissue,also called areolar tissue,is characterized by a relatively large number of different cell types,loosely arranged thin fibers and abundance of ground substance.The primary location of lo

27、ose connective tissue is beneath those epithelia that cover the body surface and line the internal surface of the body.It is also present in association with the epithelium of glands and surrounds the smallest vessels.,The dense connective tissue can be subdivided into regular and irregular types ac

28、cording to whether the fibers have an ordered or disordered arrangement.Skin contains a relatively thick layer of dense irregular connective tissue in the dermis.Examples of dense regular connective tissue include ligaments,tendons,and aponeuroses.,Adipose tissue is a specialized form of connective

29、tissue consisting of adipocytes associated with a rich blood supply.There are two types of adipose tissue:yellow or white(or unilocular)and brown(or multilocular).Reticular tissue consists of reticular cells and reticular fibers.The types of cells found in loose connective tissue can be categorized

30、either as fixed cells or as wandering cells.,The cells that comprise the fixed cell population are relatively stable;they normally exhibit little movement and can be regarded as permanent residents of the tissue.They include fibroblasts,macrophages,mast cells,adipose cells,and undifferentiated mesen

31、chymal cells.The cells that comprise the wandering or transient population are mostly those that have migrated into the tissue from the blood in response to specific stimuli.,They include plasma cells and leukocytes.The types of cells as well as their relative numbers in loose connective tissue refl

32、ect the functional activity of the tissue.For example,the fibroblast is responsible for producing the fibers and ground substance.Other cell types,such as macrophages,plasma cells,mast cells and leukocytes are associated with the defense system of the body.,Connective tissue fibers are present in va

33、rying amounts,depending on the structural needs or function of the tissue.Fibers are produced by fibroblasts and co-mposed of proteins formed by long peptide chains.Depending on their character and composition they are referred to as colla-genous fibers,reticular fibers and elastic fibers.All three

34、types of fibers exist in loose connective tissue.,Ground substance is a highly hydrophilic complex of anionic macromole-cules that occupies the space between the cells and fibers.Ground substance con-sists largely of proteoglycans and structure glycopro-teins.The physical proper-ties of ground subst

35、ance and its ability to permit diffu-sion of oxygen and nutrients between the microvasculature and ad-jacent tissues is due to the proteoglycans.,Connective tissues usually contain blood vessels and can mediate the exchange of nutrients,metabolites and waste pro-ducts between tissues and the circula

36、to-ry system through tissue fluid.The func-tions of connective tissue also include connecting,supporting,protecting,de-fending,repairing and storing of water,etc.,第四章 软骨(cartilage)和骨(bone)目的与要求1、掌握软骨细胞的形态与功能;三种软骨的纤维组成;密质骨骨板排列方式。2、了解骨细胞的形态与功能;类骨质和骨基质的概念一、软骨的结构(Structure of Cartilage)1、软骨组织(Cartilage

37、tissue)(1)软骨细胞(Chondrocyte)LM:小、扁圆、单个圆、大、成群(同源细胞群)软骨陷窝、软骨囊(2)基质(Cartilage matrix)(3)纤维(Fibre)2、软骨膜(Perichondrium)内层含骨祖细胞,(二)软骨分类(Classification of Cartilage)(1)透明软骨(Hyaline cartilage):纤维为胶原原纤维、折光率与基质相近、光镜下不易区分,2、弹性软骨(Elastic cartilage):大量弹性纤维,3、纤维软骨(Fibrous cartilage):大量胶原纤维束,(三)软骨的生长方式(Growth of ca

38、rtilage)1、间质生长(软骨内生长)2、外加生长(软骨膜下生长)二、骨(Bone)(一)骨组织(Osseous tissue)1、骨基质(bone matrix)钙化的细胞间质 2、类骨质(osteoid)有机成分 骨板的结构:同层纤维平行、相邻层纤维垂直。,2、骨组织的细胞(Cells in osseous tissue)(1)骨细胞(Osteocyte)骨陷窝、骨小管,(2)骨祖细胞(Osteoprogenitor cell)干细胞(3)成骨细胞(Osteoblast)分泌类骨质,(4)破骨细胞(Osteoclast)溶解吸收骨质,(二)长骨(Long Bone)的结构 1、骨松质(

39、Spongy bone)针状、片状骨小梁相互连接形成的多孔隙 网架2、骨密质(Compact bone)骨板排列方式(1)环骨板:(外环骨板、内环骨板)穿通管(2)骨单位(哈佛系统)中央管、同心圆骨板(3)间骨板3、骨膜(Periosteum)骨外膜:穿通纤维、穿通管 骨内膜:骨小梁表面、骨髓腔、中央管、穿通管内表面,思考题1、骨细胞的形态及功能2、透明软骨在光镜下纤维不能区分的原因3、骨细胞包括哪几种细胞4、密质骨骨板排列方式有几种5、骨内膜分布在何处,CHAPTER4 CARTILAGE AND BONE OUTLINE Cartilage is a type of connective

40、tissue composed of cells called chondrocytes and highly specialized extracellular matrix.Chondrocytes synthesize and maintain matrix.,The main functions of cartilage are to support soft tissues and provide a sliding areas for joints,thus facilitating bone movements.The cartilage is essential for the

41、 growth of long bones both before and after birth.,Cartilage is devoid of blood vessels.The large amount of glycosaminoglycans in the matrix permits diffusion of substancesbetween blood vessels in the su-rrounding connective tissue and the chondrocytes.,The three types of cartilage are hyaline carti

42、lage,the matrix of which contains a number of collagenous fi-brils,elastic cartilage,the matrix of which contains a large number of elastic fibers,and fibrocartilage,whch contains coarse collagenous fibers.,Bone is a specialized form of connec-tive tissue that consists of cells and extra-cellular ca

43、lcified material,the bone matrix.The mineral is calcium phosphate in the form of hydroxyapatite crystals Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2.This produces an extremely hard tissue capable of providing support andprotection,and serves as a storage site for calcium and phosphate to maintain appro-priate levels throughout

44、 the body.,There are four types of cells present in bone.The osteocytes are within spaces of the bone matrix called lacunae.The osteocyte extends numerous processes into little tunnels called canaliculi.The processes of adjacent osteocytes communicate by gap junctions.,A continuous network of cannal

45、iculi and lacunae containing the cells and their pro-cesses is formed throughout the entire mass of mineralized tissue.In addition to osteo-cytes,there are three other bone cells.Osteoprogenitor cells can give rise to the osteoblasts.Osteoblasts secrete the extra-cellular matrix of bone.Osteoclasts

46、are multinucleated giant cells involved in the resorption and remodeling of bone tissue.,Compact bone and spongy bone may be found in adult bone.Compact bone in a long bone is largely composed of osteons.Perforating canals(Volkmans canals)are channels in lamellar bone through which blood vessels tra

47、vel from periosteal and endosteal surfaces to reach the osteonal canals.Besides osteons compact bones also contain outer and inner circumferential lamellae and interstitial lamellae.,Bone formation is traditionally classified as intramembranous ossification and endochondral ossification.Intramembran

48、-ous ossification is so called because it takes place within membranes of mesenchymal tissue.Most of the flat bones are formed by intramembranous ossification.It also contributes to the growth of short bones and the thickening of long bones.,The diameter of unmyelinatd fibers are usually small.In th

49、e PNS,all unmyelinat-ed fibers are enveloped within simple clefts of the Schwann cells which don not form myelin sheath.In the mesenchymal condensation layer,the starting point for ossification is called primary ossification center.The process begins when groups of mesenchymal cells differentiate in

50、to osteoblasts,proteoglycans of the matrix(osteoid).,which then secretes the collagen and Then calcification follows,resulting in the encapsulation of some osteoblasts which then become osteocyets.Endochondral ossification takes place within a cartilage model Basically,endochondral ossification cons


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