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1、PEP小学英语读写教学实施建议,湖北省教育科学研究院 周诗杰,读写的重要性,读写是英语学习的重要组成部分,也是语言使用的 重要方面。,读写是学生学习英语的重要途径。,通过阅读和写作,学生可以获得有效的语言输入,提高语言 输出能力;通过阅读和写作,学生可以进一步巩固与扩展语音、词汇和 语法知识,促进综合语言运用能力的发展。,读写结合是行之有效的语言教学方法之一,读写结合符合阅读的心理过程 阅读的两个心理“回合”,读写结合符合学生的心理特点 模仿性 表现欲 易遗忘,课标对小学英语读写教学的要求,课标读写的解读,1.小学英语阅读教学内容丰富阅读准备:看图识词、认读词句、卡片式阅读;阅读理解:对话阅读

2、、配图小故事、文学类作品(诗歌、韵律等)、功能性文本(电子邮件、书信、海报)流利阅读:朗读、技巧式阅读,2.小学英语阅读教学有明显的阶段差异一级要求重点在于培养学生的解码能力;二级要求重点在于阅读理解,即“读懂”。Bixto brum sammpo et meyo gamma.意义阅读特别强调真实的阅读。,课标读写的解读,3.小学英语阅读教学还包括教给学生一定的阅读技巧和策略帮助理解文本:具备一定的文本结构知识,并能根据不同的文本结构运用不同的阅读策略(skim,scan)等来建构意义;会按照意群进行阅读,并形成习惯;能根据提示推测意义(整体意义或段落意义)能找出文章的主题、理解故事情节、预测

3、故事情节的发展和可能的结局等;能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义。,课标读写的解读,写包括强调准确性的写(accuracy-based)和强调交际性的写(creative writing)。新课标要求写一开始就要从表达意义开始,避免过多地机械抄写的现象:Why do I ask my children to write this?Who are they writing for?How can I create a writing task that is similar in real life situation?How can I arouse m

4、y pupils interest in writing?What kind of strategies are involved in this piece of writing?小学英语写的出口要求并不是独立写作。(guided writing),PEP读写总体安排,PEP教材文本分析步骤(王笃勤,2012),分析文本的语言分析文本的信息分析文本的结构与逻辑分析教材中的活动设计分析文本所在的学段,分析文本语言,football clubjoin Goal!share,Shall we?Do you want?Lets,分析文本的信息,这是由四份广告组成的海报。海报的信息包括:什么样的俱乐部

5、?时间?地点?活动内容?联系方式?其他等。,分析文本的结构和逻辑(Graphic organizer),Something I Want to ChangeI am always late for school.I want to change this.What do I need to do?First,I will not watch TV at night to get up early.Second,I will set my alarm to go to school on time.I will not be late for school tomorrow.I will do

6、my best!,Title,Intro,Body,Ending,Toms Problem,Being late for school,Solutions,will notwill not watch TVat night(to get up early),will,My Problem,Solutions,will not,will,(A Postcard to Dad)How are you?Im in Sydney now.Its great!Its hot and sunny here.The water is warm.I can swim outside.Is it cool an

7、d windy in Beijing?Can you fly your kite?,Title,Intro,Body,Ending,A Postcard to Dad,Say HiPlace:Im in Feelings:Its,Interesting things hereWeather:Its Activity:I can,How/things there,分析教材中的活动设计,阅读前活动:导入话题Hobbies,激活图式。,分析教材中的活动设计,阅读中活动:主旨大意理解;细节信息提取;主要信息的书写。,阅读后活动:在框架的支撑下,创造新的广告海报;语言聚焦:语法关注。,在分析教材的基础上

8、,细化读写目标,Low,High,目标示例,能够识别、区分四则海报的具体信息;能够提取四则海报里的关键信息;能够分析海报的篇章结构;能够模仿教材的海报根据实际合作创作新的海报;能判别英语海报制作的好坏。,小学英语读写教学的操作(The Scaffolding Literacy teaching sequence),PreparingforReading,Fluent Reading,Language Analysis,Scaffolded Writing,P,W,P,阅读前,目的:激发学生的学习动机,提供阅读的理由;使学生在尽可能短的时间内了解所要阅读材料有关的信息及背景知识;引出话题;为进一

9、步阅读扫清语言障碍。,阅读前,常见活动:1.小组讨论引出话题。A.教师提供一些背景知识;B.Brainstorming.让他们说出所知道的所有材料与信息C.预测内容,激发兴趣,培养能力。2.小组学习新词。A.教师引出,学生学习。B.注意选词,影响学生阅读理解的词。,读前活动设计的核心就是教师帮助学生和即将要读的文本之间建立联系,读文章不是为了学几个语言点,更不是为了回答老师或课本提出的几个问题,而是读者有想从文章中了解的内容。,The biggest house in the world is Biltmore House in Ashville,North Carolina,USA,belo

10、nging to the Vanderbilt family.It was built in 1890 at a cost of US4.1million.It has 250 rooms and stands in an estate of 48,100 hectares.The most expensive house in the world is the Hearst Ranch at San Simeon,California.It was built for the newspaper owner in 1922 39 at a cost of US30 million.It ha

11、s over 100 rooms and a garage for 25 cars.The smallest house in Great Britain is a cottage in North Wales built in the nineteenth century.It is ten feet(309cms)high and measures only six feet(182 cms)across the front.It has tiny staircase and two tiny rooms.,如何把下面的文本与学生之间建立联系?,What is this?What is i

12、t used for?,The smallest house in the world,Q:How many square meters does this house occupy?,The smallest house in the world,The biggest house in the world,Q:How many rooms does this house have?,The most expensive house in the world,Q:How much did it cost when it was built?,Reading task,Three houses

13、Read about the biggest house in the world,the most expensive house and the smallest house in Great Britain.All the numbers have been left out,but they are given below.Can you put them back to complete the text?,Here are the numbers you need:30 million;4.1 million;48,100;1922;305;250;183;100;39;25;,P

14、lanning and reportShare your solutions in your group.Checking the solutionLanguage focusEvaluation,下面的文本又能如何与学生之间建立联系?,教师用书建议,教师呈现本部分的四幅插图,提问:Do you know these things?What are they for?学生讨论后,教师带读这四个单词;请学生根据自己已有的知识,将四幅图按照使用年代的远近排序;教师引导学生看图,进行读前预测:Wu Yifan and his friends wanted to go to the Italian r

15、estaurant.How did they go there?What places did they pass by?,We use GPS to find a place in a thick forest.We dont use compass(stars)to find our way now.,Alternatives:T or F,这段教材的文本又能如何与学生之间建立联系?,Suggested tasks,Do you have an unhappy time when staying in a hotel?What made you unhappy?Make a list of

16、 three things.Compare your list with your partner.Do you have something in common?What do you often do when you have an unhappy time in a hotel?(Write a letter of complaint or make comments)Read the letter from Wu Yifan.Do you share the experience with him?,建立文本联系的活动,Discussion tasksPrediction tasks

17、 Jigsaw tasksStudent as question masterGeneral knowledge tasksCorrupted textFactual gap fillingLinguistic gap fillingRe-ordering,Starting points for tasks,阅读中,目的:理解材料;知识:辨认、识别、转述领会:转化、解释、推理判断训练阅读技能:利用图式帮助理解;快速、准确提取信息,重组信息;根据上下文理解新词、句等;按意群熟练朗读课文。,读中活动,常见活动:采用比赛阅读:看谁读得又快又认真;小组比赛找Key words;比赛猜测词义;词汇游戏:

18、画图、着色、剪贴、制作、游戏等。故事或叙事类的文章:找时间、地点、人物、活动,培养学生捕捉具体信息的能力。理解文章,概括大意:回答问题、判断正误、排列关键句、根据故事给图排序、复述文章等。重组文章信息,阅读完成图形结构图(Graphic organizer)。,阅读后,目的:拓展活动;鼓励学生将所阅读的内容与自己的经历、知识、兴趣和观点联系起来,根据框架模仿写作。常见活动:和阅读主题相关的口头拓展活动;口笔头写作准备活动;支架式写作;评价反馈。,My Best FriendLet me introduce my best friend.Her name is Sammy.She is tall

19、 and thin.She has short,straight hair.She likes to listen to music.We often listen to music together.We are very good friends.,Title,Intro,Body,Ending,Cathys Best Friend,NameSammy,Lookstall and thin,Likes,My Best Friend,Name,Looks,Likes,Answer the questions to organize your writing.Do you have a bes

20、t friend?What is his/her name?His/Her name is _.What does he/she look like?He/She is _.He/She has _.What does he/she like to do?He/She likes to _.,_ _.My friends name is_._ is_._ has_._ likes to_._.We are_.,Title,Intro,Body,Ending,总结,1.认真了解课标和教材的要求;,2.在分析文本和教材的基础上科学制定读写教学目标;,3.读写教学过程基本符合阅读教学的前中后三个过程,写是阅读后的重要活动,读写一体;,4.要特别重视阅读前的活动设计,重点解决学生为什么要读的问题,即阅读的真实目的;,5.阅读中的活动基本可以参考教材的活动设计;,6.阅读后的活动是有指导的写作,最好是在分析文本结构的基础上进行。,Questions and answers!,


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