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1、,Idioms,一.成语(phrase),龙凤呈祥prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix in an extremely good fortune龙飞凤舞like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing/lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy/an elegant handwriting/exquisite calligraphy/flourish ones pen quickly and dexterously/swift movement of c

2、alligraphy龙马精神 the energy like a dragon and a horse/energetic/full of vigor龙争虎斗 a fierce struggle between two evenly-matched opponents 龙心凤肝 dragons heart and phoenixs liver/rare dishes龙腾虎跃:dragons rising and tigers leaping-a scene of bustling activity,画龙点睛adding eyeballs to the picture of a dragon t

3、o bring it to life,which is to put the finishing touches to something乘龙快婿 son-in-law with a promising future or endowed with talents and good looks.生龙活虎a lively dragon and an active tiger/full of life and energy攀龙附凤fawn upon the influential people/social climbers鱼龙混杂fish and dragons jumbled together

4、/various kinds of people mixed up.群龙无首a host of dragons without a head/a group without a leader来龙去脉the beginning and subsequent development of/cause and effect,老态龙钟be old and shaky;doddering old age;old appearance with bent back and unsteady steps虎穴龙潭a hazardous spot虎踞龙盘a strategic fortress as if gu

5、arded by a tiger and a dragon龙头蛇尾:a dragons head and a snakes tail/A good beginning with a terrible end.,叶公好龙professed love of what one really fears望子成龙hold high hopes for ones child藏龙卧虎 crouching tiger,hidden dragonundiscovered talent车水马龙heavy traffic on the street/be crowded with people and vehicl

6、es/incessant(endless)stream of horses and carriages,龙雏凤种:The offspring of the monarch.龙多乃旱:In the myth of China,dragons were responsible for the rain,The situation of many people leads to nothing./The Dragon s liver and the Phoenix s marrow 龙肝凤髓:very rare valuable dishes龙鬼蛇神:weired and strange 龙胡之痛:

7、Huang Empire riding the dragon by its beard flied into the sky,and never back.The pain of the death of relatives龙荒蛮甸:remote and border areas龙驹凤雏:the handsome and smart youth龙眉凤目:the appearance of the noble are special龙门点额:the failure of official career龙盘凤逸:There aare no chances for the people who ha

8、ve talents to use.龙驭上宾:the euphemism of the death of emperor龙去鼎湖:the emperor died.龙战鱼骇:The pierce battle龙威燕颔:the dignified appearance龙骧豹变:imposing and changeable in calligraphy,龙兴凤举:the rise of King龙血玄黄:war is pierce and blood forming a river flows.龙言凤语:the relaxed and melodious music龙阳泣鱼:the situat

9、ion of losing preference.白龙鱼服:someone hides his identy in case that brings hiself into troubles.匣里龙吟:capable people to have a chance to use their ability.禅世雕龙:Good articles passing from one generation to the nextgeneration.龙潜凤采:the talents of gentlemen are not shown.凤毛龙甲:the features of phoenix,the

10、scale and shell of dragon.Very precious stuff.凤箫龙管:the melody made by Sheng and Xiao.凤子龙孙:the offspring of the noblemen.虎变龙蒸:achieve success by catching the chance of the current situation.,流水游龙:the horses and carriages streaming along the street.神龙失埶:lose power.事火咒龙:ridiculous events.土龙刍狗:the drago

11、n made of mud,the dog made of straw.be unworthy of the name.一龙一蛇:invisible or visible changing with the situation.一龙一猪:one is very caple,while the other is extremely incompetent.鱼龙变化:the very fundamental change of things.鱼质龙文:the substance of fise,he appearance of dragon.An inferior thing with an im

12、pressive appearance.云起龙襄:the rise of great heros during the changing time of current situation掷杖成龙:coming home祖龙之虐:祖龙:First Emperor of Qin.He burns books and bury alove Confucian scholars.黄龙痛饮:defeat enemy totally and celebrate victory happily,二.歇后语(Two-Part Allegorical Sayings),鲤鱼跃龙门 carp over the

13、goal can be transformed into a dragon 二月二龙抬头 Dragon Headsraising Day赛龙舟dragon-boat racing耍龙灯 dragon lantern dancing,龙生九子,各有所长the nine sons of the dragon,each has its strong point神龙见首不见尾 be secretive in ones movement and trace 大水冲了龙王庙conflicts arise between people on ones own side强龙不压地头蛇 a powerful d

14、ragon cannot crush a snake in its old haunts,龙肝凤髓The Dragon s liver and the Phoenix s marrow降龙伏虎Overcoming powerful foes 生龙活虎Bursting with energy 与其跟龙一块儿上床,宁可坐着熬一整夜。Better to sit up all night than go to bed with a dragon.千万不要去招惹龙,无论你是什么Dont go to provoke dragon,no matter what you are.龙游浅滩遭虾戏,虎落平阳被犬欺

15、Even a shrimp can tease a dragon in shallow water,even a dog can provoke a tiger in down and out;Tiger is humiliated by dog in plain while the dragon is humiliated by shrimp in shallow foreshore.鲤鱼跳龙门Succeed in the civil service examination in old times,三.总结(summary),在翻译动物习语时,翻译者要一方面考虑到动物的形象,另一方面要考虑

16、到两种文化。,(一)在英汉文化中含有相似的意义,相同的动物的习语直译因为生活经历,生活方式以及地理环境的相同,世界上生活的人们对一些动物习语有相同的联想意义。有些动物习语在另一种文化中甚至可以找到相应的动物习语。例如:“kill two birdswith one stone”(一石二鸟);“donkeysyears”(驴年马月);“fish in the troubled water”(浑水摸鱼);对牛弹琴(playing the flute to a water buffalo);热锅上的蚂蚁(asfrantic as an ant on a hot pan);嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗(marr

17、y scock and follow the cock,marry a dog and follow the dog)等等。(二)在英汉文化中含有相似的意义,但采用不同的动物的习语,套译,改变动物的形象习语中的形象通常决定了习语的内涵,因为文化的不同,英语和汉语有时会采取不同的动物形象来表达相似的意义。比如:“get goose pimples”(鸡皮疙瘩),“kill the goose thatlays the golden eggs”(杀鸡取卵),“cast pearls before swine”(对牛弹琴),“like a cat on the hot bricks”(热锅上的蚂蚁)

18、,“blacksheep”(害群之马),“horse of a different color”(风马牛不相及),“love me love my dog”(爱屋及乌),“birds of a feather”(一丘之貉),“neither fish nor fowl”(非驴非马),“lock the stabledoor after the horse has bolted”(亡羊补牢),等等。还有一些例子比如:狐假虎威(like a donkey in a lionshide);一丘之貉(all writers birds of a feather),(三)英汉文化中由于动物的联想意义不同

19、,采用不同的动物的习语意译,放弃动物形象英汉两种文化必然有差别,所以,在有些情况下动物习语不能用原来的动物形象来翻译。这属于文化的缺省。所以这种情况通常用来,在具体的语境中意译。例如:鸦雀无声(be hushed and still);虎视眈眈(be jealous);守株待兔(standing by with folded arms and waiting for gains without pains);金蟾脱壳(avoid suspicion by throwing them off the secret.)。(四)文化缺省和补偿翻译在中英两种文化中有些动物习语是来源于散文和诗歌,以及历史事件,传统习俗和文化,所以在目标语言中找不到相对应的形象。以下是些例子:“万马齐喑”,“老马识途”,“螳臂当车”,“青梅竹马”,“劳燕分飞”,“杳如黄鹤”,“白驹过隙”,“老骥伏枥”,“狐假虎威”,“白衣苍狗”,“目无全牛”,“沉鱼落燕”,“羊质虎皮”,“缘木求鱼”,“车水马龙”,“对牛弹琴”,“呆若木鸡”,“龙马精神”,“黔驴之技”,“临渊羡鱼”,“塞翁失马”,“风声鹤唳”,“倚马千言”,“木牛流马”,“鲁鱼亥豕”,“独占鳌头”,“狼烟四起”,“画龙点睛”,和“龙生九子”.这些动物习语经常根据上下文来进行意译,如果直译的话,通常要加上注解。,Thankyou,


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