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1、58,1,Tasks for todays lesson,Check Exs.8Part Two Major Translation Techniques Chapter 9 增补词语(Amplification),58,2,Chapter 9,Chapter 9 增补词语(Amplification),58,3,Chapter 9 增补词语,增补词语就是在翻译时按意义(或修辞)和句法的需要增加一些词语来更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。增补词语也是翻译中最为常用的一种变通手段。增补词语是为了让译文更加明确,文字更加通达。增补词语大致可以分为两种情况:一是增补原文句法上的省略成分;二是根据原文语

2、境的意思、逻辑关系以及译文语言的行文习惯,在表达时增加原文字面上没有、但意思上包含的词语。本章具体介绍并详细例证翻译过程中增补词语这一基本技巧的实际应用。,58,4,9.1 根据内容增补词语,一个词有多种意义,除了所指意义和概念意义之外,还有潜在意义、搭配意义、主题意义等。如a violin merchant(琴商)的潜在意义是a violin-selling merchant,而violin prodigy(琴童)的潜在意义却是a violin-playing prodigy。翻译时,要根据需要补充这些意思。不论中译英还是英译中,都要根据原文词语本身包含的意义增加一些词语;也可能要增加一些说

3、明语境的词语,或是增补隐含在上下文中的词语;有时感叹句的翻译也要视上下文的意思增添适当的词语。,58,5,9.1.1 译文中增加原文词语暗含的意思,英语和汉语的词语意义存在许多差异,这两种语言的表达习惯也存在很多相异之处。英译汉时,适当增加原文词语暗含的意思,是司空见惯的事。,58,6, 翻译抽象名词时要适当增词,在翻译由动词或形容词派生来的英语抽象名词时,通常要根据语境意义在其后面增添适当的名词,从而使译文符合译语的表达习惯。例如:to develop 发展development 发展水平(状况)to persuade 说服persuasion 说服工作to prepare 准

4、备preparation 准备工作Poor 贫穷的poverty 贫困状态Emergent 紧急的emergency 紧急情况Tense 紧张的tension 紧张局势,58,7, 翻译抽象名词时要适当增词,1 They are sanguine about building up a near peace.他们对建立一种准和平局面非常乐观。2 After all preparations were made,the planes flew across the U.S.to San Francisco.一切准备工作就绪之后,飞机便飞越美国,直达旧金山。3 In the summ

5、er of 1969,the Administration publicly urged an easing of tensions with China.1969年夏天,政府公开主张缓和同中国的紧张关系。,58,8, 翻译抽象名词时要适当增词,4 Profanity was tacitly given up.亵渎神灵的粗话全都心照不宣地放弃了。5 These fighters are able to cope with various emergencies.这些战士们能对付各种各样的紧急情况。,58,9, 在形容词前后加上它所说明的名词,在翻译英语形容词时,为了

6、使译文清晰流畅,有时需要在形容词前后增加所说明的名词。6 She was small and slight in person,pale,sandy-haired.她身材瘦小,脸色苍白,头发是淡黄色的。7 These early cars were slow,clumsy,and inefficient.这些早期生产的汽车速度缓慢,操作笨拙,而且效率很低。,58,10, 在形容词前后加上它所说明的名词,8 The invention of the electronic word processor was as great an information revolution as

7、 the invention of the printing press.电子文字处理器的发明是一场信息革命,它的重大意义可以与印刷机的发明相媲美。值得注意的是,一些由形容词派生而来的名词和副词也要增补适当的词语。如:9 Amelia took the news very palely and calmly.埃米丽亚获悉这个消息的时候,脸色苍白,神情镇静。,58,11, 具体名词表抽象概念时要增加适当的名词,10 He felt the patriot rise within his breast.他感到爱国热情在胸中激荡。11 He allowed the father to

8、be overruled by the judge,and declared his own son guilty.他让法官的职责战胜父子的私情,判决他儿子有罪。上述例句10 和例句11 均包含借代辞格(metonymy)。例句10 中的the patriot 指代爱国激情或爱国热情,例句11中的the father和the judge 分别指代父子情感和法官职责。,58,12, 有些动词用作名词,应根据语境补上适当的宾语,12 After his return,Triptolemus built a magnificent temple to Ceres in Eleusis,

9、and established the worship of the goddess,under the name of the Eleusinian mysteries,which,in the splendor and solemnity of their observance,surpassed all other religious celebrations among the Greeks.特里普拖勒墨斯回到家乡之后,为刻瑞斯在埃莱夫西斯修建了一座宏伟的庙宇,并确立了对女神的崇拜,即埃莱夫西斯神秘祭典。在希腊人中间,纪念刻瑞斯的祭典活动在气派和庄严方面都超过了其他一切宗教庆祝活动。,

10、58,13, 有些动词用作名词,应根据语境补上适当的宾语,13 A domestic robot which can be left indoors to clean carpets could bring to a close nearly a century of manual vacuum cleaning.一种可以清洁居室地毯的家用机器人,有可能结束将近一个世纪以来人们自己动手用真空吸尘器清洁居室的历史。,58,14, 增补某些固定词组的隐含语义成分,14 air alarm空袭警报(不是空中警报)15 electricity cut电能供应减少(不是电能减

11、少)16 solid engine固体燃料发动机(不是固体发动机)17 logical computer逻辑程序计算机(不是逻辑计算机),58,15, 增加原文暗含的动词,根据原文的具体语境和译文的习惯表达,有时必须在英语的名词前后增加必要的动词。18 In the evening,after the banquets,the concerts,and the table tennis exhibitions,he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu.晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后公报

12、。19 They had been through it all at his side the bruising battles,the humiliation of the defeat.他们始终站在他的一边,经历过残酷的厮杀,忍受过辛酸的失败,58,16, 增加原文暗含的动词,20 A recent wave of high-tech renovation in agriculture promises to make the green revolution of the 1960s look like a backyard vegetable garden.最近掀起的农

13、业高科技革新浪潮有可能使得60年代的绿色革命看上去犹如后院的植物园一样,一点也不引人瞩目。,58,17, 增加原文暗含的动词,21 In some years,April bursts upon our Virginia hills in one prodigious leap and all the stage is filled at once,whole choruses of tulips,arabesques of forsythia,cadenzas of flowering plum.有几年的四月猛然一跃,突然来到了弗吉尼亚的山坡上转眼到处生机勃勃。郁金香盛开宛如张

14、嘴欢唱的合唱队,连翘构成了阿拉伯式图案,洋李花儿灿烂,争奇斗妍,独具特色。Arabesques:-阿拉伯式图饰,蔓藤花纹Forsythia:-sai-连翘属植物Cadenzas:-乐 装饰乐段,华彩乐段,58,18, 增加原文暗含的动词,22 There were no speeches,no foreign diplomats,no“ordinary Chinese”with paper flags and bouquets of flowers.没有人发表演说,没有外国外交官到场,也没有“普通中国人”挥舞纸旗、花束的场景。,58,19, 增加原文暗含的词语,翻译

15、时必须考虑词语的语境意义和潜在含义,同时考虑译文的表达习惯,在一些词语的前后增加适当的词语。否则,译文会欠忠实,欠通顺。23 It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it,of not being conscious of health until we are ill.事情往往是这样,失却之物,方知珍惜;生了病才知道健康之可贵。,58,20, 增加原文暗含的词语,24 But the misfortunes of their children still weig

16、hed upon their minds;and one day Cadmus exclaimed,“If a serpents life is so dear to the gods,I would I were myself a serpent.”但儿孙们的厄运始终使他们郁郁寡欢。有一天卡德摩斯哀呼道:“既然众神对一条蛇的生命如此看重,我倒不如就是一条蛇吧。”25 Fine writer though he was,nobody believed that Winston Churchill received the 1953 Nobel Prize for literature for

17、the quality of his books,but for his political prowess.虽然温斯顿邱吉尔是个写作能手,但是没有任何人认为,他荣获1953年诺贝尔文学奖是因为他的著作质量优异,他获此殊荣是因为他在政治上英勇无畏。,58,21, 增加原文暗含的词语,26 What an idea!多么绝妙的主意!(什么狗屁主意!)27 What a sight!多美(难看)的景色啊!28 What a day!多好(糟糕)的天气啊!以上各句的译文在一些重要词语的前后增加了原文未明说但蕴涵的词语,恰到好处,完全必要,堪称传神之笔。最后三句为感叹句,其名词前没有具体

18、的形容词修饰,必须根据上下文增加合适的形容词,否则,译文就不忠不顺,不知所云,莫名其妙了。,58,22, 在译文中增加原文暗含的副词,通过分析语境,透彻理解原文中隐含的逻辑意义,这是非常必要的。有时,必须在译文中增加合适的副词或状语,才能把原文包含的逻辑意义表达出来,使译文忠实准确。29 Yet,despite Pittheuss warnings and his mothers entreaties,he would not visit Athens by the safe sea route,but insisted on traveling overland;impelle

19、d by a desire to emulate the feats of his cousin Heracles,whom he greatly admired.然而他不听庇透斯的警告和母亲的哀求,决意不取较为安全的水路去雅典。他坚持要走陆路旅行,因为他十分崇拜他的表兄郝拉刻勒斯,渴望在建立丰功伟绩方面跟他竞赛。Emulate:模仿;竞争,58,23, 在译文中增加原文暗含的副词,30 According to Einsteins general theory,the presence of a massive body like the Sun distorts the ge

20、ometry of space and time.根据爱因斯坦的“广义相对论”,像太阳那样的巨大天体的存在势必使时空结构变形。31(近十几年来我国科技进步不小,)希望在新的世纪,进步更快。I hope still greater progress can be made in the new century.,58,24, 在译文中增加原文暗含的副词,32 我读的书并不多,就是一条,相信毛主席讲的实事求是。过去我们打仗靠这个;现在搞建设、搞改革也靠这个。I have not read too many books,but there is one thing I believe

21、in:Chairman Maos principle of seeking truth from facts.That is the principle we relied on when we were fighting wars,and we continue to rely on it while we are carrying on our socialist construction and making reforms.,58,25, 增加使译文符合逻辑的词语,为了使译文清楚易懂,忠于原文,有时必须增加使译文符合逻辑的词语。33 Paleontologists say

22、 that a dinosaur specimen found in Madagascar provides important clues to how the continents broke up and drifted apart 70 million years ago.古生物学家说,在马达加斯加发现的恐龙化石标本为研究7000万年前各大洲怎样断裂、漂流提供了重要线索。,58,26,9.1.2 译文中增加说明文化背景的词语,中文和英文都有各自的文化背景,事件也有其本身的历史和政治背景,有时不是简单的直译就可以说清楚、道明白的,需要添加说明背景的词语,方能让译文清楚易懂。,58,27,

23、 中文典故、习语等蕴含深刻的文化意义,翻译时必须增添必要的信息,37 世上先有伯乐,然后有千里马,千里马常有而伯乐不常有。Only when the world has a Pailo,who knows about horses,can there be fine steeds(can fine steeds be found out).There are always fine steeds that can cover a thousand li a day,but we cannot frequently find a Pailo.38 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。Three

24、cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhu Geliang,the mastermind.,58,28, 罕见的人名、地名或其他专有名词以及文化负荷重的词语要加以解释,41 Le Monde,the BBC,the New York Times,the entire Arab press,all quote Heikal regularly at length.世界报、英国广播公司、纽约时报和整个阿拉伯报界,都经常大段引用海卡尔的话。42 The death of the Princess of Wales unleashed outp

25、ourings of newly-coined honorifics,for instance“a present-day Cinderella whose clock struck midnight all too soon.”威尔士王妃戴安娜之死,导致有关她的新敬语如潮水一般涌现出来,比如有人说她是“当今灰姑娘,只是午夜的钟声过早地敲响”。,58,29, 略缩词的翻译要增加解释性文字,一些有关政策、法规的缩略词语、政治性缩略词语和专门机构缩略词语在翻译时需要译出其完整的形式或增加解释性文字。44 OPEC has had to accept what it was told

26、from the start but chose not to believe:that nonOPEC co-operation would not be forthcoming.现在,石油输出国组织(欧佩克)不得不接受人们一开始就告诉它的这样一个事实,即非欧佩克产油国是不会合作的。但欧佩克原先不愿相信这个事实。,58,30,9.1.3 通过联想或想像增加词语,在透彻理解语境的基础上,通过联想或想像在译文中增加适当的具体生动的词语或表达法,可使译文形象活泼,令人难以忘怀。但切忌滥用。47 Now,I had to become a miser with words and stretch e

27、very sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar.我决定对词语要像守财奴那样不轻易放过;也要像穷人过日子那样,把每个句子当作身边最后一块钱,尽量拖延,慢慢花掉。,58,31,9.2 根据形式增加词语,9.2 根据形式增加词语,58,32,9.2.1 根据两种语言的习惯表达形式,在译文中适当增加词语,英语和汉语在形式上有很大差异,如英文有各种时态,而中文则靠标志性词语来表达;英文有冠词,有复数形式,而中文却没有;中文喜欢用量词而英文却很少;中文有许多概括词、范畴词,而英文却很少。在翻译的过程中,根据两种语言的习惯表达形式,需要适当增加词

28、语。,58,33, 增加不及物动词后面的宾语,51 Miss Havisham sent her out to attract and torment and do mischief,with the malicious assurance that she was beyond the reach of all admirers.郝薇香小姐把她放出去招蜂引蝶,去折磨男人,去糟害男人,其恶毒用心就是让追求她的男人对她永远可望不可及。52 She committed the crime of loving wrongly.她犯了罪过,爱错了人。53 He rode with her

29、 whenever she was free.她一有空,他就陪她骑马兜风。,58,34, 增加表示复数的词语,55 They carried on the work in spite of the difficulties.尽管困难重重,他们还是把工作进行下去了。58 中方或合营者的一方担任董事长的,由他方担任副董事长。If the Chinese side or the foreign side assumes the office of the chairman,the other side shall assume the office(s)of the vice-chai

30、rman(vice-chairmen).,58,35, 增加合适的量词,英文中也有量词,但主要用于不可数名词,比起汉语少得多。英译汉时往往要增加量词。59 two languages 两种语言an elephant tusk一根象牙three eggs三个鸡蛋five students五名学生60 There was the red sun,on the low level of the shore,in a purple haze,fast deepening into black;and there was the solitary flat marsh;and above

31、which here and there a melancholy gull.只见一轮红日低低地压在河岸上,四周是一片紫色的暮霭,愈来愈浓,很快就成了黑色;岸上是一块荒凉萧索的沼泽,沼泽上偶尔有一只孤苦凄凉的水鸟。,58,36, 增加合适的量词,61“May I borrow your record player tonight?”a man asked his neighbor.“今晚我可以借用一下你的录音机吗?”一个男人问他的邻居。62 The two boys had a fight.两个男孩子打了一架。,58,37, 增加适当的介词,中英文均有介词,但汉语中

32、表示时间的词语之前很少用介词,中译英时要增补介词。63 我们早上八点上班。We go to work at 8 oclock in the morning.64 我七月五号会回来。I will come back on July 5.65 十号清晨这里发生了一起火灾。On the early morning of the 10th there was a big fire.,58,38, 增加必要的代词,英文中各种代词使用频繁,必不可少;汉语代词则较少使用。中译英时往往要增加代词。67 即使在危机时刻也要保持冷静。We should keep calm even when we

33、are in danger.68 今晚在院子里乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在这满月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。This evening as I was sitting in the yard to enjoy the cool,it struck me how different the lotus pool I pass every day must look under a full moon.,58,39, 增加恰当的概括词,英语和汉语都有概括词。有时,要根据句子表达的意思,增加适当的概括词。74 Japan is giving its university labs

34、a facelift,revamping curricula and encouraging research on the cutting edge of modern technology.日本正在使其大学实验室的面貌焕然一新,包括更新课程和鼓励在现代技术关键领域开展研究。75 We encourage local educational institutions to cooperate with overseas partners to produce advanced textbooks.我们鼓励本地教育机构与海外伙伴合作,共同编写高级教材。,58,40, 增加表示时态

35、的标志性词语,英语属于综合分析型语言,具有明显的形态变化。事物、行为发生的时间和状态存在的时间都是通过不同的时态来表达或体现的。汉语是一种分析型语言,事件、动作发生的时间和状态存在的时间则是通过时态助词来表现的。英语句子翻译成汉语时,其具体时态也要翻译出来,即在译文中增加必要的时态助词或标志性词语。,58,41, 增加表示时态的标志性词语,78 I didnt go to the cinema,because Id already seen the film.我没去看电影,因为以前我已经看过这部片子了。79 I had never thought Id be happy to f

36、ind myself considered unimportant.But this time I was.在此之前我从来没有想过,当我发现人们认为我无足轻重时,我会感到很高兴。但这次情况的确如此。,58,42, 增加表示时态的标志性词语,80 Women were not allowed at the Games,either as spectators or competitors.当时妇女是不准参加奥运会的,不论是作为观众还是运动员都不行。81 Once renowned for their reserve,the British have taken to wearing

37、 their hearts on their sleeve.英国人过去以矜持出名,现在变得感情外露了。(强调时间的对比),58,43, 增加合适的语气助词,汉语的语气助词很多,大致可分为三类:陈述语气词:主要有“的”、“了”、“呢”、“呐”、“啦”、“罢了”、“而已”等;疑问语气词:常用的有“吗”、“吧”、“啦”、“啊”、“么”等;祈使语气词:常用的有“吧”、“罢”、“呀”、“啊”、“啦”等。英语没有语气词。英译汉时往往要增加适当的语气助词,以便表达原文的情感意义、文化教养意义和社会身份等意义。,58,44, 增加合适的语气助词,82“Dont order me a

38、bout like that,John Durbeyfield.You know my name as well as I know yours.”“别对我这么吆五喝六的,约翰德贝菲尔。咱们谁还不认识谁呀!”83“It doesnt matter about the place,thats not the question.”“那地方嘛,没什么要紧的,那不是要谈的问题。”,58,45, 增加合适的语气助词,84“Only some six or eight thousand men,”returned Montcalm,with much apparent indifferenc

39、e.“只不过六千到八千人罢了,”蒙特卡姆显然满不在乎地说85 Lets watch TV.咱们一块儿看电视吧。,58,46,9.2.2 增加原文中被省略的成分,英语常用省略句,以免重复。省略的形式多种多样,如常见的承前省、蒙后省、比较从句中的省略、答句省略等等。汉语也用省略句,但省略的词语有限。根据英语和汉语省略现象的不同特点,英译汉时,有时需要增加被省略的成分。,58,47, 增补答句中被省略的词语,86 I went to an exhibition this morning.With whom?我今天上午去参观了一个展览。和谁去的?87 Do they produce ch

40、emical fertilizers?Not any that I know of.他们生产化肥吗?据我所知他们不生产。88 Is this your book?Yes,it is.这是你的书吗?是的,是我的。,58,48, 增补被省略的动词,91 He majors in English and I in French.他主修英语,我主修法语。92 Every man is a fool sometimes,and none at all times.每个人都可能糊涂一时,不会糊涂一世。,58,49, 增补被省略的动词,93 Histories make men

41、wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,论理使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。94 A sound must be heard,a color seen,a flavor tasted,an odor inhaled.声音必须倾听,颜色必须观看,味道必须品尝,气味必须吸闻。,58,50, 增补被省略的名词,95 We will establish

42、a government of,by and for the people.我们将建立一个民有、民治、民享的政府。96 We can get rid of a bad style and keep the good.我们能够戒除不良作风,保持优良作风。,58,51, 增补被省略的名词,97 The symbol for hydrogen is H;for oxygen is O;for nitrogen is N.氢的符号是H;氧的符号是O;氮的符号是N。98 In 1965,just one in 20 households owned a car,but by 1970 th

43、is figure had zoomed to five in 20.1965年,每20个家庭才有一辆轿车;但是到了1970年,这个数字已经跃升到每20个家庭拥有5辆。,58,52, 增补原文比较句中被省略的部分,99 He is more concerned about others than about himself.他关心别人比关心自己还重。100 I had never seen a better film.我从来没看过比这更好的影片。101 His wife earns much more money than he.他妻子挣的钱比他挣的多得多。102 They ha

44、ve achieved more brilliant success than we.他们所取得的成就比我们所取得的更加辉煌。,58,53,9.2.3 增加适当的连词或关联词,中英文在句子的组织上也有很大差别,中文比较重意合(parataxis),而英文则比较重形合(hypotaxis)。具体说来,英语句子通常以主谓结构为主干,以谓语动词为中心,借助诸如分词、连词、介词、关系代词、关系副词之类的连接手段,将句子的其他语法成分层层搭架,呈现出由中心向外扩展的“分岔式”结构;汉语则往往通过多个动词的连用或流水句形式,按照时间的先后顺序或事理推移的方式,把事件描述清楚,将事理论述明白,呈现出线形“排

45、调式”结构。总之,英语主要使用“明示”手段,汉语主要使用“隐含”方式,来表示各自的语法意义和逻辑关系。因此,中译英时,常常需要增加必要的并列连词、从属连词、关系代词、关系副词之类的连接手段。,58,54, 增加并列连词,中文喜欢使用并列结构,包括对仗排比句式。中文的并列结构,包括对仗排比句,译成英语时,往往要补充并列连词。103 油可分为三大类:动物油、植物油、矿物油。Oils are divided into three main groups:animal,vegetable and mineral oils.104 采矿者开发了这个乡下地区,建立了村镇,为永久性居住打下了基

46、础。Miners opened up the country,established communities,and laid the foundation for settlements.,58,55, 增加表示逻辑意义的关联词,中英文句子有时暗含一些逻辑关系,翻译时往往必须增补必要的说明逻辑关系的关联词,以便让译文逻辑意义清晰。107 The setting up of a credible oversight authority has curbed police brutality.因为建立了一个可信任的监督机构,所以警察暴行受到了遏制。108 Adults go int

47、o mental decline without the right sort of emotional and mental stimulation,according to leading psychiatrists.一些一流的精神病学家认为,如果没有恰当的情感、精神刺激,成年人的智力就会走下坡路。,58,56,9.2.4 根据修辞的需要增加适当的词语,英语和汉语都大量运用修辞手段。有时,为了准确传达原文的修辞效果,必须在译文中增加恰当的词语。否则,译文或不通,或不知所云,不可能忠实于原文。111 Half the town came running.(“Half the town”is

48、a case of metonymy.It is equivalent to“half of the people in the town”.)镇子里的人们有一半都跑来了。112 But is there no Shelly in the house?(“No Shelly”is also a case of metonymy,meaning“no poem written by Shelly”.)难道这屋子里竟然没有雪莱的诗歌吗?,58,57,9.2.4 根据修辞的需要增加适当的词语,英语和汉语都大量运用修辞手段。有时,为了准确传达原文的修辞效果,必须在译文中增加恰当的词语。否则,译文或不通

49、,或不知所云,不可能忠实于原文。111 Half the town came running.(“Half the town”is a case of metonymy.It is equivalent to“half of the people in the town”.)镇子里的人们有一半都跑来了。112 But is there no Shelly in the house?(“No Shelly”is also a case of metonymy,meaning“no poem written by Shelly”.)难道这屋子里竟然没有雪莱的诗歌吗?,58,58,Homework:Exercise 9,58,59,


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