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1、By:李弘扬,沈柯倩,卢琪,马文娟,The Return of Odysseus,Odysseus(or Ulysses),attempting to travel home,underwent a series of trials,tribulations and setbacks that stretched his journey to ten years time.These are detailed in Homers epic poem the Odyssey.,A Brief Introduction of Odysseus,个人简介奥德修斯(Odysseus)希腊神话说中的人物


3、,合家团圆。奥德修斯的事迹在荷马史诗中有详细描述。荷马史诗之后的传说对奥德修斯的经历又有补充,但多突出他性格的负面特点,把他描绘成一个虚伪、狡诈、胆小的人。,木马计,奥德修斯与巨人,奥德修斯与塞壬,The Returns from Troy are the stories of how the Greek leaders returned after their victory in the Trojan War.Many Achaean heroes did not return to their homes,but died or founded colonies outside the

4、Greek mainland.The most famous returns are those of Odysseus,whose wanderings are narrated in the Odyssey.,(last part of the return)Athena disguises Odysseus as a wandering beggar so he can see how things stand in his household.After dinner,he tells the farm laborers a fictitious tale of himself:He

5、was born in Crete,had led a party of Cretans to fight alongside other Greeks in the Trojan War,and had then spent seven years at the court of the king of Egypt;finally he had been shipwrecked in Thesprotia and crossed from there to Ithaca.,When the disguised Odysseus returns,Penelope announces in he

6、r long interview with the disguised hero that whoever can string Odysseuss rigid bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axe shafts may have her hand.Odysseus identity is discovered by the housekeeper,Eurycleia,as she is washing his feet and discovers an old scar Odysseus received during a boar hunt.O

7、dysseus swears her to secrecy,threatening to kill her if she tells anyone.,Return to Ithaca,装作乞丐入宫,When the contest of the bow begins,none of the suitors is able to string the bow,but Odysseus does,and wins the contest.Having done so,he proceeds to slaughter the suitorsbeginning with Antinous whom h

8、e finds drinking from Odysseus cupwith help from Telemachus,Athena and two servants,Eumaeus the swineherd and Philoetius the cowherd.Odysseus tells the serving women who slept with the suitors to clean up the mess of corpses and then has those women hanged in terror.He tells Telemachus that he will

9、replenish his stocks by raiding nearby islands.Odysseus has now revealed himself in all his glory(with a little makeover by Athena);,yet Penelope cannot believe that her husband has really returnedshe fears that it is perhaps some god in disguise,as in the story of Alcmeneand tests him by ordering h

10、er servant Euryclea to move the bed in their wedding-chamber.Odysseus protests that this cannot be done since he made the bed himself and knows that one of its legs is a living olive tree.Penelope finally accepts that he truly is her husband,a moment that highlights their homophrosn(like-mindedness).,The next day Odysseus and Telemachus visit the country farm of his old father Laertes.The citizens of Ithaca follow Odysseus on the road,planning to avenge the killing of the Suitors,their sons.The goddess Athena intervenes and persuades both sides to make peace.,奥德修斯的妻子,Thank you!,


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